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Tobi 03-01-2016 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Colorado

Three days later, although I was going through a very stressful time in my life, it was as if she were with me all day. I hadnt felt her around me in 10 years, but I was high as a kite, happy as could...the way she always made me feel when she was alive. I knew she was with me the whole day, because I didnt get to go to her funeral & say good bye...she came to me to spend the day. I havent been that happy in a long time.

I totally get that, Colorado. That is exactly how I feel too when visited by a loved one. I used to think "Heaven" was a myth....but Souls who bring that kind of energy with them are surely in a good place!
Blessings :hug3:

Sarian 04-01-2016 07:09 AM

Ones that I can think of at the moment:
When my father in law died I could not go to his funeral. He died 3 days after I gave birth to my daughter. I was upstairs feeding her when I heard this horrendous bang in the wall, like pipes. It echoed and traveled up the wall. My blood froze. Terribly frightening sound like nothing I've heard before ...the loudness the echoing in the walls and how it traveled, but as it got to the top and near me, I felt peace and I said Hello ____ my father in law's name and warmth and sense of peace came over. I thought perhaps he was visiting his new granddaughter and saying hello to me. Two nights later, I dreamed of him and he told me he wanted to tell me himself that he was fine. It was rather nice.

Years later my daughter came to me and said she did not sleep well because Grandma and Grandpa +++++ came to visit her. She said she was sleeping but felt her bed sink in like someone sat, so she looked and Grandma was sitting there. She said Grandpa was standing in the door smiling. They said they just came to check on her and say hi.

My mom often saw orbs come in the house and circle around the room. She insisted these were her parents as she felt such calm and peace.

My cousin said a woman was in her room, gave a description and it was her father's (my mother's) mother none of us ever met and in her wedding dress we never saw but our parents knew straightaway.

A neighbor woman I knew and tended to a lot died and the day after I went upstairs and her smell permeated the bathroom. I often told her I wanted to bath her as she had alzheimers but I could not get her upstairs. Her smell was distinctive and offensive really and no mistaking it. I said hello to her and laughed that she could now get upstairs for her bath.

When her husband died, he did not believe in anything after death, you're just dead he would say. I challenged him that when he died, to let me know I was right. The following morning after he died, I was taking a shower and I felt a slap hard on my back. I jumped and laughed but firmly told him to get out of the shower with me...Yes, I was right, he was wrong, but the shower was not the place to tell me...but yes, amusing. Later I went into the kitchen and the lights began turning on and off. I said hello to him and they stopped. I went to do the laundry and the lightbulbs shattered. Seemed every room I walked in lights went on and off or shattered. I finally said enough already. I was getting tired of changing lightbulbs. He stopped.

When my daughter's boyfriend was killed, that very same day it was about 98 degrees out and we have no a/c...my daughter cried out for me to come to her room, it was a cool as a cool rain and had the smell of rain. We basked in it. I told her it was her bf. She took great peace in it. She then found a lead or something you put on your fishing pole...the evening before he died, they had been fishing. It materialized in her room. She cried out later because a youtube video just opened up on her computer and started playing a song, one she had never heard but the lyrics were just for her. I walked around the pond that day and the fish in it all began jumping. It blew my mind.

when my mom died, I was sitting with her...I watched her leave this world; I wondered who she was looking at as she was leaving...when she left, I fixed the blankets around her and a penny just fell on her chest. There had been nothing on her as I had been changing her and helping her. She heard about 'pennies being left' so I thought it was from her. I was mowing my lawn a couple days later and I saw something sliver fall to the ground and I rode the mower to it and it was a vibrant silver feather. My mom instantly came to mind. I brought it in and placed it in a frame of her picture and it was the same color of her hair.

Two days ago my younger brother was freaking out because silverware and other things were flying off counters and shelves. I said guess mom's back and keeping an eye on you. He is totally freaked out and I think it's funny because my mom would do that to keep him in line. I asked my dad if he thought mom was here he was eating and his head was down and he calmly said "yes" without even looking up. I asked 'how?" he said "I feel her".

I could go on but these are the ones off the top of my head right now.

Serenity69 04-01-2016 09:57 AM

When I Went Back To My Home, I Felt The Quiet Presence Of My Stepmother(Grazier)

Colorado 05-01-2016 01:57 AM

Well, I have a few. Lets go to the first pleasant one

I woke up one morning to a man, in overalls, sitting at the foot of my bed. He was flouresecent & bright in color. Even his clothes were bright. He had been sitting there talking to me...and I sat there listening for a second before I realized that it was old man Dean. I mean, I knew who he was...but it took a second before I realized that he shouldnt be in my room. I rubbed my eyes & he was gone. That was weird since I only met him a few times when he came to fix the heating & cooling unit...and our drain one time the year before. He was a friend of my inlaws.

I happen to go to their house later that afternoon. I had totally forgotten about it that morning & chalked it up to a hypnagogic-hallucination.

Later that day, my grandmother in law said, did you hear about Dean? I said no, she said...he died Friday of cancer. I didnt even know he was sick. Then it hit me, did I see him that morning? He was talking to me about his wife & kids, but I dont remember the conversation. People have always come to talk to me about their problems, even complete strangers at the store, work or where ever I am.

The night my grandfather died...that was a big one. That was scarey & I will have to make another post for it.

My son was in danger one time, & I didnt know it. We were at the store, in the deli...He had ran off to the toy aisle. There was a flourist shop between the deli & the grocery shop. I let him go, thinking I would be there in a few minutes anyways. I had my toddler sitting in the cart. I was looking at something to eat for that night, and getting ready to order. When I looked up at the lady to order, the face of murdered child replaced hers.

That was freaky. I grabbed my tot and cut through the flourist shop the way my 5 yr old son went. As we went to turn towards the front of the store to go to the front aisles...my baby grabbed a bunch of cards and droppped them on the floor. I bent down to pick them up...and I looked up...and there was a man I had first seen when I pulled up into the parking lot. He had a trench coat on, very tall, hat, long hair...and he had been standing outside in the pouring down rain. We walked right passed him as we came into the store...and I thought it was weird that he was standing outside in a thunder storm..when he could have waited in the store. I assumed he was leaving. I remember looking at him as we ran passed him inside, and his eyes were completely bloodshot red.

Well, by this time...Im picking up the cards around the corner & I glance up & he is in the store. I look down to pick up the last of the cards & go to stand up. Remember, I am carrying a 2 year old, too. As I stand up, his back is to me...and he is walking past the aisle my son is in. He stops, looks around, backs up & goes into that aisle. I walk faster up to aisle to see if my son is still in the aisle...and he is. He is standing towards the middle right side of the aisle...looking at a toy.

This guy is making a B line right towards my son...and he is literally 3-4 ft as we walks up to my boy who isnt paying attention to him. All I could do was say my sons name loud so this guy knew I was right behind him. He looked startled to hear me...walked away from my son & took off.
That was a message...if I had not seen that childs face, I would have let my son look at those toys for another 5 minutes.

ElectricQuest 12-01-2016 10:07 PM

I visited a dear lady who was slowly dying of cancer. Her husband shared this ADC with me that was a source of great comfort. The lady's sister had a daughter Tami (a college student at Washington State U) who died suddenly and unexpectedly. Tami's Mom said she was comforted by several apparitional visits from Tami. But one day, Tami appeared only from the waist up and said: "I'm sorry, Mom; my progress over here makes it harder and harder for me to stay in visible touch with you. This will be my last appearance." That Christmas triggered the usual family reunion. Tami's aunt (the one with cancer) sent her husband to a 7/ 11 to buy bread and eggs. After paying for it, he was about to pocket the dollar and change he received, when he noticed in thick black print on the dollar the name "Tami" with a smiley face. He didn't know the cashier and the spelling ("Tami" instead of the more common "Tammy") struck him as significant. The family took this message dollar as one last love sign from Tami and drew great comfort from it.

ElectricQuest 12-01-2016 10:42 PM

My childhood acquaintance Gordon is now a chaplain. He shared this story with me about an elderly nursing home resident named Annie. During Gord's visit with Annie, he noticed a bottle of lilac cologne on a little table by her bed. He asked her if she would like an application and Annie smiled brightly and said, "Yes." Gord got a female attendant to apply the cologne. Annie smiled enjoying the scent, looked up and passed away. What a way to go!

At the same time, Annie's daughter and her husband were in a barn miles away. The barn smelled of livestock and cattle faces and urine, but the daughter suddenly said to her husband, "Do you smell that? It smells like lilac cologne." Her husband replied, "Yes, I smelled it too, but I didn't want to say anything because it seems so odd."

Imagine her surprise and delight when, alerted to Annie's passing, the daughter heard Gord's account of the application of the lilac cologne. No one knows who put the cologne bottle there. Odors are a common way our deceased loved ones communicate with us.

baronesslucy 13-01-2016 01:11 AM

This is a strange story. When I was in college, a woman who lived next door to me and shared a bathroom died unexpectedly. She had been taken to the hospital. I couldn't sleep having feelings of dread. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing her standing in the doorway of the bathroom in a off white gown and a crown on her head. I knew that she had passed over to the other side. She had no strong reaction and seemed neutral in her reaction to all this.

About an hour later, my roommate came into the room and told me she had something to tell me. I told her that Mary (not her real name) had died. She didn't seem surprised that I knew and told me that she had died.

A couple of days later I had a dream that she was angry with me about something but wouldn't tell me what I had done. I had never had words with this person and my interactions with her had always been positive. For the rest of the semester I had to keep the light on in order to sleep (otherwise I would dream about her or see her in the doorway of the bathroom looking at me in anger.

Colorado 13-01-2016 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by baronesslucy
This is a strange story. When I was in college, a woman who lived next door to me and shared a bathroom died unexpectedly. She had been taken to the hospital. I couldn't sleep having feelings of dread. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing her standing in the doorway of the bathroom in a off white gown and a crown on her head. I knew that she had passed over to the other side. She had no strong reaction and seemed neutral in her reaction to all this.

About an hour later, my roommate came into the room and told me she had something to tell me. I told her that Mary (not her real name) had died. She didn't seem surprised that I knew and told me that she had died.

A couple of days later I had a dream that she was angry with me about something but wouldn't tell me what I had done. I had never had words with this person and my interactions with her had always been positive. For the rest of the semester I had to keep the light on in order to sleep (otherwise I would dream about her or see her in the doorway of the bathroom looking at me in anger.

Well, you didn't leave the toilet seat up, did you??? (just kidding) Maybe she wasn't mad at you, but about something else. Maybe you are sensitive enough to see these things sometimes....where others are not. If she had no reason to be mad at you...then she most likely wasn't mad at you...but the situation. If she was mad at you...then it was something you didn't know anything about.

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