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Tara5 03-07-2019 07:46 AM


Think about - King of Wands

The king of wands is all about creativity, spiritual, charismatic, inspiring, bold, passionate, fiery masculine energy.

Do - Ace of Swords

The Ace of swords, is a gift....Find and Act on your truth.

Challenge - The Hierophant

Breaking the rules, going against societal expectations,
speaking my truth, even though it might create some conflict - isn't easy..

I'm in a good place. :tongue:
Reclaim your creativity and be confident in your gifts :hug3:

Aglaya 07-07-2019 04:46 PM

Think- 10 of swords
Think where and how I block my own energies and growth. Also it would be good if I manage to know in what areas my dark side is ruling.
From my experience with 10 of swords: dirt becomes evident in every sense of the word, so it requires cleaning- also in every sense of the word.
Do- 6 of wands
This card seldom appears in my readings. Well, may be it won't harm if I try to talk less, or show less. The wreath is already in my hands, but some people still think that the competition is going on.
The card reminds me of the ace of swords.
Challenge- The Hermit
From experience: For some unknown reason this card causes OBEs, bright visuals, and lucid dreams. Just I'm likely to look at reality from a different angle during the week that follows.And it might contradict to other people's views. I may feel a bit outsider, but who says it is a bad thing?

Anala 11-07-2019 03:52 AM

The Spirit Animal Oracle Cards

All upside down cards tonight!

Eagle Spirit - Spirit has your back
Hawk Spirit - Let Spirit Be your guide
Squirrel Spirit - Believe in your self

All of the cards are about perspective, looking at the bigger picture, being brave.
Two of the cards actually say “Spirit has your back”

(Time to put my big girl boots on and jump right in! :biggrin: )

Aglaya 15-07-2019 03:00 AM

Think: Devil - it is really a cruel card in the Klimt's deck. I don't want to even write about it, but this devil here is representative of the human passion to keep things as they are, on every possible level. And life turns into a muddy existence.

Do: Queen of wands- just be active and... interesting.

Challenge: 2 of cups- loss of energy. 2 of cups is always a challenge for me, especially in this deck. Vampirism and codependency flourish under the rule of 2 of cups.

Tara5 15-07-2019 05:22 AM


Think about - The Tower Dramatic Change, unexpected events, a new start
Do - Two of swords- don't ignore your true feelings, don't avoid a decision, can't maintain the status quo forever.
Challenge - 2 of cups rx releasing emotional attachments.

The heart chakra is closed by the past painful experiences I've lived through.(2of swords)
I know this relationship is already over and it's time to let go ( tower)
But, don't know what to do, still trapped in a toxic relationship (2 of cups).

The Tower and 2 of cups are inimical cards, fire and water, weaken and Destruct one another - Slow healings of wounds:icon_eek:

Clover 15-07-2019 06:23 PM

Aglaya- those cards are visually amazing. I am going to have to buy them soon real soon!

I am studying the Hermatics tarot so thought Id get some practice in.

Think about: The Moon ( Pisces)
Do: The Word/Universe ( Saturn)
Challenge: Eight of pentacles ( Sun in first house/Deacon Virgo)

I feel this is related to the partial Lunar Eclipse and moon in Capricorn tomorrow ( the cards pulled count have made that more clear). But what exactly? I could have easily direct this as working with the shadow, but I am kinda passed that ( at least for now) plus I pulled a lot of aces with this reading, so getting sense of embracing a new shift/direction.. Hmm.. Ill be looking out to see what comes in.

Anala 31-07-2019 11:58 PM

Goddess Power Oracle Deck - online version
Leizi - Revelation
Green Tara - Salvation
Morrighan -Death and Magic

This is an interesting combination! I pulled the cards Sunday.

Many new things to learn and integrate.

Looking back on the cards as the week unfolds, I just have to say, hmm... pretty right on.

Anala 13-08-2019 03:53 AM

Eeeee! A Pretty New On-line Deck!
There is a new free deck on line to use. It is a lovely sync to many discussions I have been reading about crystals, energies and meditation. They are a very beautiful sky blue! :biggrin:

1) Blue Lace Agate - Peaceful Acceptance, stress-free non-attachment, freedom from unnecessary drama.

2) Carnelian - Increased confidence, dignity, poise, self-assurance

3) Sun stone - Freedom, breaking through obstacles, the power to overcome limitations, knowing you can do it.

Yes, yes, and yes! Loud and clear, I hear this.

And tomorrow a trip to the big city! Last one for a while, so we will see if I avoid temptation or buy a deck. :smile:

tealily 11-10-2019 11:28 AM

Think about: 6 of Pentacles. I know I know, work and income etc.

What you need to do: Queen of Swords reversed usually indicates emotionally clouded thinking, or irrational thinking, but in this case I just feel like the sword is very heavy and as if the figure may be having to make a heavy decision. If so, it fits with my situation - I've been unwell and unable to work for two weeks now, with minimal improvement. If this looks set to continue, my availabilities for work may need to be reviewed, and it's possible I may even need to discuss taking an indefinite period of leave/actually leave, for business planning purposes.

The challenge: 8 of Pentacles reversed. Ha! Actually leaving/quitting/wrapping up etc. I'm emotionally tied to my job, no matter how much I grumble about it, and they are also anxious to keep me on as a bunch of my clients are also emotionally attached to ME and there is always client dropoff anytime someone leaves.

I feel like next week may have some heavy conversations.

55Degrees 12-10-2019 07:34 PM

I decided to include an extra card as 'Ally' cos if we have a challenge to contend with its kind of nice to have an ally to assist us through it.

Think - Wheel of Fortune.
Where I can make positive changes in the short term.

Do - 7 of Cups.
Choose one action and implement it.

Challenge - The Sun.
Not trying to change too many aspects or I'll burn out (and give up).

Ally - Justice.
Being able to recognise the cause and effect of making a change and holding myself to account.

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