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Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-05-2012 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Justin
Dear Tiss and Sparrow,

I loved these words from you both. I can't wait to "walk soul to soul within the sea of stars and swim in the sounds of the cosmos," and so many other wonderful things our imaginations will manifest when we are there. In addition to my newly (re)found soul group, I would like to reunite with old friends, family, loves and love interests from this lifetime. We from these threads and forums can all have a little reunion when our souls get there!

Wishing you all love, peace, and happiness!

Kon-nichiwa Justin,

What a wonderful thought to embrace, indeed. I shall look forward to hearing all of your stories and sharing in the wisdom you bring from them, as with all those who would call themselves friend.

It is the small sentimental tales within individual lives which touch my heart. Particularly those with interactions with other animals, and the love shared between them. Not only the domestic animals who once accompanied their side, but those of the wild who, for a brief moment, captivated their attention with their grace, character and gentle nature.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-05-2012 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Justin
Dear Sparrow,

Within the Spirit World, what is the difference between what can be experienced as one's pure spirit (or being closer to being one's spirit) compared to what can be experienced as a soul or souls?

Happy to feel the creative juices flowing to facilitate further questioning,

What can be experienced as one’s pure spirit

When you meet face to face with your own spirit, in one sense, it is as if you are looking into the eyes of God itself. Such an experience is truly so profound, for to describe your spirit is to compare it to a form of holographic personification of God. This is to say, everything you aspire God to be and represent is actually that which is your own spirit. This is why all forms of hierarchical ascensionism spoken about simply does not exist in the spirit world, for it cannot. All spirit are equal to that which you know as God. One God cannot be more ascended, better or more divine than another, for all are One.

There is only one source. That source projects its Self through many holograms of light, which you know to be your spirit. Your spirit is the sum of all things, within all times, within all dimensions, within all possibilities. However, you experience your spirit through the progression of the awareness construct of time, in order for you to experience your Self through free will. That which you know, or may not know as God wears many personas which have been given free will, through the construct of time and awareness, to create who or what it wishes to be through its own eyes. This is to say, there is no-thing your spirit cannot be or do, for your spirit is EVERYTHING, of the past, present and future. Again, you simply experience being separate from all of that because your human consciousness persona presently operates as a singular unit of consciousness. In truth, your spirit is actually having other lives in what you call your future, elsewhere in other vibratory realities. Even human beings can multitask, so why presume your own spirit cannot perform billions of similar feats simultaneously. Many of the extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings who will come to Earth are merely you from another time frequency. Another way of perceiving your spirit is to look upon it as the present you, but billions and billions of years into the future.

Just as humanity once looked upon extraterrestrials as Gods, the human persona tends to look upon their own spirit as God. This will aid you to understand why there is no judgement upon your physical passing, only that of your own reflective experiences.

What can be experienced as your pure spirit is dependant upon what aspect or to what degree you are able to access and identify with your own spirit. In a sense, that brings us to your next question, which is what can we experience as a soul. For it is, your soul is the instrument through which you experience your spirit through creative choice.

What can be experienced as soul

Your spirit, having been attracted towards the embodiment of certain potentials it imagined for its Self, helped to create those potentials through the canvas of many, many realms, realities and dimensions. In a sense, it was actually you from your own future that helped to create the cosmos you are only now, in this present form, experiencing through this human instrument.
During the attraction towards certain beautified creations of its Self, it became to form its own individual identity and persona. It created a sense of Self-awareness through which to experientially indulge its imagination of potential.
As you became attracted to certain potentials, you sought to embody and personify them within the development of consciousness. This consciousness formed the soul groups to which you are now apart and represent as your core vibration as a sentient being. Such soul groups, of which you belong, attract themselves to certain potentials of imagination and creativity and expand them, explore them and experience them to their infinity.
What can be experienced as a soul, are the qualities you have imagined for yourself, inherited through your journey within your soul group, and the desires and attractions of aspiration that motivate your free will to be anything you wish to be.

Your spirit has always been and always will be. It is the beginning and it is the end; and it is neither, for it is infinite in every direction you can conceive. Your soul is that which is the creation, which shall change and transform, and continue to transform infinitely. Yet it is also the creator, for it is the aspect of you that chooses what comes next.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-05-2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dragonfly1
Spirit Guide Sparrow,

Why is it that of all the things that Ive read over my lifetime, you're words make my heart soar, your words make my skin tingle and goosebump...you're words kindle something in me, that resonates with something?......is it home?.....I dont know, but i do feel in my heart of hearts your words are true.....am I taking your words in because what you say is what I truly desire? or because I know their truth? (your words are like a letter of love to me)..do we 'know' each other?......

We all know of one another within the deepest reaches of our hearts, for we are all One. It is just that some place barriers between them and other beings that make them feel detached and alienated from one another. My words bring people together. My words bring your mind, your heart and your spirit together. It is not so much the words I use that make you feel connected, it is how you feel about yourself having made the connection to your true Self. I simply create the environment within you which facilitates your own ability to connect with your spirit. This feeling that you get is your own spirit talking to you. :hug:


Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-05-2012 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Time
Hello SGS, hopefully you can answer my long withstanding questions:

1 - Since the only "legitamate" proof of an afterlife, is reported by people who had a NEAR death experience, how is NEAR DEATH proof of an after life?

2 - The only thing we know for certain about our death (and the death of everything in existance), is that it decomposes, and gets reused and remade (liek the allocation of energy study in Ecology). How do we know for sure, that there is an afterlife?

3 - The concept of hell, or similar situations werent really around until christianity became larger. If it always existed, then why didnt people, all over the world know of its name, and concepts?

4 - There are studies showing that the " light at the end of a tunnel" , seeing dead family friends and living through old situations, is a mental construct due to the nerve endings in your brian dying, due to lack of ocygen, stress, and what not. Can you give me a reason as to why I should totaly disregard information like this?

5 - Who says your veiw of the afterlife is the right one? There have been thousands of people who have tried to answer this question, and all get different results. All civs generally have a diferent interpretation of death, then one even a few thousand miles away. What can you say, show to me, or tell me that will make me think other wise about my own beliefs?

6 - IF we are all on one planet, and infinatly connected in some way, small or large, then why would humans have a world apart? We are from the same earth as them, made up of the same stuff, and in many ways, they are much less harmful to this planet then we are? What makes humans so special, if we cause more harm on this planet, then we do good?

7 - Where does this "after life" exist? Is it on a different plane of concsiousness, or in space somewhere? Maybe its right infront of us, and invisible?

8 - What is your feelings, on the thoughts that we may just make up the concept of an afterlife, to make the uncertain more barable?

Perhaps if you sought to ask such questions one at a time my friend, and asked them with the genuine intention of receiving my words wholeheartedly and beautifully, without the current vigorous attachment to your present critical approach I would commit my time to them. I am quite adept at perceiving who genuinely seeks my perspective and for what reasons. You have an underlining aggressive urgency to prove or disprove something behind your intent to interact with Spirit Guide Sparrow.

I am a gentle being, and sensitive to the way I am approached.


Sorai Rai Aorai 01-05-2012 04:41 PM

I look forward to accessing the Akashic records involving me and sharing all manner of such things with you! Here are a couple animal stories for now:

About a year and a half ago, my qigong had been progressing and I felt quite in touch with subtle energy (Qi, as we call it in Qigong). Thus, I felt the beginning of access to new abilities such as telepathy. One evening there were a few deer near my house, as there are many in my neighborhood. I had been experimenting with approaching animals of the wild and trying not to scare them away. This time the deer started walking straight towards, me, slowly. It felt like a friendly encounter and I started to try to telepathically say hello, and if I recall, "I like/love you." I believe I experienced a bit of mental tension in trying to relay this message, and the tension may have startled the deer, because it ran away, not too fast though. Perhaps we'll meet again someday, or perhaps we already have.

Also, our family took in a cat, Mordechai, when my brother's then-girlfriend prompted the adoption by bringing the cat over to him at home. What a surprise. I love him very much. I used to be sad often as a teenager, and I found that when I cried strongly and for a long time, at those times Mordechai would be especially attentive to me and I could tell he was sympathetic by his expression. He would let me hold him for longer than usual, which was very comforting. (I am a person who loves hugs.) Now he lives with my mom, as my parents have separated, and I often call him on the phone and meow to him. He responds by rubbing the phone and nearby walls with his head as well as by getting generally excited. I often remark to my parents that someday Mordechai and I will explore the Spirit World together.

Glad to give you something to enjoy. You give me and us so much.


P.S. As far as the subtle energy goes, I seem to have lost most of my sense of it. I had gained more when I was practicing a certain standing type of qigong for a while, but my first qigong teacher, knowing my unique medical condition, thought that just for me, it could cause prolapse of the bladder. So I don't feel energy as much as I would like. My teacher maintains that it's not important, but I want to because it helps me feel spiritually connected and it just plain feels awesome. Could I ask you for a way to increase such sensory perception? Thanks!


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Kon-nichiwa Justin,

What a wonderful thought to embrace, indeed. I shall look forward to hearing all of your stories and sharing in the wisdom you bring from them, as with all those who would call themselves friend.

It is the small sentimental tales within individual lives which touch my heart. Particularly those with interactions with other animals, and the love shared between them. Not only the domestic animals who once accompanied their side, but those of the wild who, for a brief moment, captivated their attention with their grace, character and gentle nature.


Sorai Rai Aorai 01-05-2012 04:52 PM

Once again, truly fascinating, uplifting, promising, and profound! Thank you!


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
What can be experienced as one’s pure spirit

When you meet face to face with your own spirit, in one sense, it is as if you are looking into the eyes of God itself. Such an experience is truly so profound, for to describe your spirit is to compare it to a form of holographic personification of God. This is to say, everything you aspire God to be and represent is actually that which is your own spirit. This is why all forms of hierarchical ascensionism spoken about simply does not exist in the spirit world, for it cannot. All spirit are equal to that which you know as God. One God cannot be more ascended, better or more divine than another, for all are One.

There is only one source. That source projects its Self through many holograms of light, which you know to be your spirit. Your spirit is the sum of all things, within all times, within all dimensions, within all possibilities. However, you experience your spirit through the progression of the awareness construct of time, in order for you to experience your Self through free will. That which you know, or may not know as God wears many personas which have been given free will, through the construct of time and awareness, to create who or what it wishes to be through its own eyes. This is to say, there is no-thing your spirit cannot be or do, for your spirit is EVERYTHING, of the past, present and future. Again, you simply experience being separate from all of that because your human consciousness persona presently operates as a singular unit of consciousness. In truth, your spirit is actually having other lives in what you call your future, elsewhere in other vibratory realities. Even human beings can multitask, so why presume your own spirit cannot perform billions of similar feats simultaneously. Many of the extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings who will come to Earth are merely you from another time frequency. Another way of perceiving your spirit is to look upon it as the present you, but billions and billions of years into the future.

Just as humanity once looked upon extraterrestrials as Gods, the human persona tends to look upon their own spirit as God. This will aid you to understand why there is no judgement upon your physical passing, only that of your own reflective experiences.

What can be experienced as your pure spirit is dependant upon what aspect or to what degree you are able to access and identify with your own spirit. In a sense, that brings us to your next question, which is what can we experience as a soul. For it is, your soul is the instrument through which you experience your spirit through creative choice.

What can be experienced as soul

Your spirit, having been attracted towards the embodiment of certain potentials it imagined for its Self, helped to create those potentials through the canvas of many, many realms, realities and dimensions. In a sense, it was actually you from your own future that helped to create the cosmos you are only now, in this present form, experiencing through this human instrument.
During the attraction towards certain beautified creations of its Self, it became to form its own individual identity and persona. It created a sense of Self-awareness through which to experientially indulge its imagination of potential.
As you became attracted to certain potentials, you sought to embody and personify them within the development of consciousness. This consciousness formed the soul groups to which you are now apart and represent as your core vibration as a sentient being. Such soul groups, of which you belong, attract themselves to certain potentials of imagination and creativity and expand them, explore them and experience them to their infinity.
What can be experienced as a soul, are the qualities you have imagined for yourself, inherited through your journey within your soul group, and the desires and attractions of aspiration that motivate your free will to be anything you wish to be.

Your spirit has always been and always will be. It is the beginning and it is the end; and it is neither, for it is infinite in every direction you can conceive. Your soul is that which is the creation, which shall change and transform, and continue to transform infinitely. Yet it is also the creator, for it is the aspect of you that chooses what comes next.


Sammy 01-05-2012 05:00 PM

Dear Justin,

The one thing I have found about connection to spirit, is what works for one doesnt mean it works for another. I urge you to follow your religious choice, but just dont forget how spirit will interact with you follows no guidelines. Spirit is from one end to the other, and one can connect to it from every angle. Likewise what you get back will be different depending on this chosen perspective.

If you want to connect to spirit, just simply let it help you build that path. Start with a strong foundation, something simple and not easily corruptible. Begin this with nothing, absolute nothingness. Now throw in the sense of sight, and you should see blackness. Its not just blackness in this scenario though, your perspective had always been there. Even in nothingness we will exist as our point of origin. Remember this and nothing will make you waver on your journey toward "home".

Sorai Rai Aorai 01-05-2012 06:04 PM

Interesting, thanks!



Originally Posted by Sammy
Dear Justin,

The one thing I have found about connection to spirit, is what works for one doesnt mean it works for another. I urge you to follow your religious choice, but just dont forget how spirit will interact with you follows no guidelines. Spirit is from one end to the other, and one can connect to it from every angle. Likewise what you get back will be different depending on this chosen perspective.

If you want to connect to spirit, just simply let it help you build that path. Start with a strong foundation, something simple and not easily corruptible. Begin this with nothing, absolute nothingness. Now throw in the sense of sight, and you should see blackness. Its not just blackness in this scenario though, your perspective had always been there. Even in nothingness we will exist as our point of origin. Remember this and nothing will make you waver on your journey toward "home".

Sammy 01-05-2012 06:14 PM

My pleasure! :) Good journeys friend!

Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-05-2012 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Justin
I look forward to accessing the Akashic records involving me and sharing all manner of such things with you! Here are a couple animal stories for now:

About a year and a half ago, my qigong had been progressing and I felt quite in touch with subtle energy (Qi, as we call it in Qigong). Thus, I felt the beginning of access to new abilities such as telepathy. One evening there were a few deer near my house, as there are many in my neighborhood. I had been experimenting with approaching animals of the wild and trying not to scare them away. This time the deer started walking straight towards, me, slowly. It felt like a friendly encounter and I started to try to telepathically say hello, and if I recall, "I like/love you." I believe I experienced a bit of mental tension in trying to relay this message, and the tension may have startled the deer, because it ran away, not too fast though. Perhaps we'll meet again someday, or perhaps we already have.

Also, our family took in a cat, Mordechai, when my brother's then-girlfriend prompted the adoption by bringing the cat over to him at home. What a surprise. I love him very much. I used to be sad often as a teenager, and I found that when I cried strongly and for a long time, at those times Mordechai would be especially attentive to me and I could tell he was sympathetic by his expression. He would let me hold him for longer than usual, which was very comforting. (I am a person who loves hugs.) Now he lives with my mom, as my parents have separated, and I often call him on the phone and meow to him. He responds by rubbing the phone and nearby walls with his head as well as by getting generally excited. I often remark to my parents that someday Mordechai and I will explore the Spirit World together.

Glad to give you something to enjoy. You give me and us so much.


P.S. As far as the subtle energy goes, I seem to have lost most of my sense of it. I had gained more when I was practicing a certain standing type of qigong for a while, but my first qigong teacher, knowing my unique medical condition, thought that just for me, it could cause prolapse of the bladder. So I don't feel energy as much as I would like. My teacher maintains that it's not important, but I want to because it helps me feel spiritually connected and it just plain feels awesome. Could I ask you for a way to increase such sensory perception? Thanks!

The Akashic records are a profound learning tool. They directly connect you to the spirit of the being or essence of what you are reading about. Your own is thus your bible written by you, for you, in service to you, and accounts all your beautiful stories of your journey. You will be so fascinated by its contents that you will not want to put it down, and find that days, weeks or even months, in human time, have passed by since you picked it up.

I am touched through many emotions and with admiration for the bonding you have formed with your qigong companion, and the challenging circumstances that brought you together. I am also touched by your intentions towards the deer to which you relate your story. When communicating with animals as this, it is your intention that they read, rather than the words of language. You may wish to try projecting images from your mind that represent your intention towards it, as well as expand your emotional field to resonate the energy of your intent. You will also find lowering your eye level below that of the animal will cause it to become more inquisitive to you, or at least fear you less.

Similarly I enjoyed your story of Mordechai. This is surprising since cats tend to be self-serving animals opposed to other domestic pets. I have great affection for cats myself and can identify with your bond.

I understand your sense of disappointment in losing your sensitivities of expanded perception. In one sense, since you are clearly using a physical instrument for your sensory experiences and interactivity on the Earth, you will want to interface your spirit sensitivity with that of your physical senses. That is to say, rather than alienate your physical body to achieve some notion of spiritual advancement, actually invite in your spirit through your senses. Allow your spirit to draw in close into your energy field, that it may touch the world through your sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Do not follow your learned mode of sensitivity as you have been taught from birth, for this is what limits you. This means, actually try to not just see colour, but hear it, taste it, feel it and smell it. Actually apply all senses and interlace and interchange them in ways you would not normally do. For instance, try to ‘see’ sounds, or try to smell a tree that you see half a mile away. Apply your senses in ways not taught to you. Exercising your sensitivity in this way will actually invoke and stimulate your intuitive and psychic abilities through those senses.

Another exercise I can describe to aid you is to sit and focus on one singular conscious living organic subject. Such as a flower, a fish or a spider. Something small and simple which does not have complex thought processes. Sit in a form of extreme relaxation and let go of your human persona. Let go of all of your human thoughts and shut everything out but that flower, that fish or spider. What you want to do is visualize yourself as part of the consciousness of that subject. You want to see what it sees. You want to hear what it hears, taste what it tastes, feel how it feels and smell what it can smell. You want to think yourself as flower, as fish, or as spider. You want to become that. You are that.

Practice this as I have described and soon your sensitivity, concentration and perception will evolve.

Good day to you friend.

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