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Miss Hepburn 04-01-2016 01:53 PM

Deepsoul, Because I had severe CFS in '95...were you ever able to
order those things that cured me?
Didn't think lovetruth would mind this 1 question...but you can get
back to me in a PM if you want...
I thought if anyone has CFS now they would know I got cured! :smile:

lovetruth 09-01-2016 09:58 PM

Dear ones, rest in knowing that appearance, the play of light and dark is limited in its scope and therefore it is a play of finite props; a dream unfolding, upheld

by that which observes all. The absolute in stillness advances the wheel of life alone. Comprehension is always found at a deeper level where all contradiction

vanishes and divine purpose is revealed. The center of being is stillness; creation but the cog of unfolding images spun forth. Your true nature is stillness. It

hath no rivals or concerns. What of a dream concerns, once awakened? Dreams dissolve upon awakening, appearance comes and goes; what then is of

permanence? It is not the finite, thus it has no substance. It without senses seemingly partakes of the senses yet it is detached in calm. No matter how real

the appearance seems, remember dear ones, it is as illusive and unsubstantial as a dream. Just as the many scenes of the dream worlds are presented and

experienced, who in fact experiences? There is but one that experiences as the many, yet remains ever in stillness. Contemplate your true nature, it is

changeless, perfect, timeless, there is no other. To awaken while the dream persists, is to fully know the self as all, a knowing that dissolves all fears; how can

you be afraid of self, that changeless perfection that is all life? Distortion is reflected in the illusive dream only. To know the self as all, will wash away all conflict

all sorrows and one is freed of illusion. Mastery of life is simply mastery of the awakened state. When one steps awakened in each moment fully realized, fully

aware, life smiles unto life. Babaji

Miss Hepburn 11-01-2016 01:43 AM

It without senses seemingly partakes of the senses yet
it is detached in calm. No matter how real...


lovetruth 17-01-2016 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
It without senses seemingly partakes of the senses yet
it is detached in calm. No matter how real...


Blessings, Miss Hepburn. :hug3:

Dear ones, though the world appears to be beset with hardship, understand that these are but unravellings of what no longer serves the greater good. All

unravellings are of the heart and mind, making appearance, is but the outer reflection of heart and mind. It is you inner belief that arises in a vain effort to

idealize those things that are unworkable, without love to back them up, and these crumble under the weight of truth. If you have built on a faulty foundation,

with belief and ideas that do not honor or uphold in oneness, then these will tumble. Be fearless in these transitions, for in truth, dear ones, all the old

structures must go. The illusion of the past have no place in your present moment and dissolve into nothingness. The plans of the few are but dreams of

division and your divine nature is one of unity. Therefore let these appearances go- they are a unsubstantial as sand castles built along the shore, and crumble

as the tide of love flows in. Let your motivation be love in all that you encounter; to love is to unite, to unite is to extend,to extend is to experience with clarity

and assurance that all is divinely inspired and carried out. The stagnant protests change, but life dear ones, is movement and change is life's movement. You

will once again learn to rely on what is your inner strengths and you will know once again what is of importance, and will easily let go of what can no longer

pretend to uphold the good of all. Dear ones, you all have a purpose and place here as you transcend the lesser and embrace the greater. The greater

shines in each of you as you make more room for love in your world and for each other. As you relinquish divisions and embrace in oneness, by choosing to see

what is divine in all being; you tear away the veil of ignorance and become witness to a design no longer hidden, but revealed in perfect glory for all to realize

and share. Babaji

Deepsoul 17-01-2016 08:14 PM

Unconditional Love no doubt...:hug:As my world is being ever revealed to me ,and this hardship is felt ,and its origins at times understood there remains the one force that changes it all the one soft place to rest acceptance and love ,and yet as I write this my heart aches as I'm torn through the myriad of of a self that was constructed in naivety and survival ,and yet has survived this long so as to now realise that that self deserves my unconditional love wholeheartedly....:hug3: Thankyou Lovetruth and Babji

TheTruth 18-01-2016 11:21 AM

You are a real sweetheart Deepsoul, I always feel your heart and its emotions pouring out in your words, as I do in Babaji's :)


Originally Posted by lovetruth

Therefore let these appearances go- they are a unsubstantial as sand castles built along the shore, and crumble as the tide of love flows in.

Beautiful :)

lovetruth 28-01-2016 12:26 AM

Greetings Deepsoul, I very much agree with TheTruth you are indeed a sweetheart. Much love to both of you.

Dear ones, the superficial is only a steppingstone to lead to the authentic self. In fact, every step through your evolution of consciousness has been another

form of your unfolding. Nothing of your experience is wasted or valueless because the universe orchestrates life to fulfill a purpose that goes beyond your

present vision of what life is truly about. Harmony is simply choosing to work with all the aspects presented in a way that is balanced and with a unique

understanding that all is a part of your remembrance of what being human is really about. Let go of the small idea, for in truth, what you each aspire to is

greatness of spirit, which overcomes every obstacle and embraces every moment with a loving stance in boundless eternity. When you understand your greater

purpose, you will no longer cling to worrisome details that occupy most lives; rather, you will be able to see beyond a limiting horizon, beyond the purely

physical where every interaction involves the greater part of yourself and nothing is excluded from your interactions with the all. You are all preparing to

overcome these self imposed obstacles put in place with an idea that you are less than you are. But you have to exceed your self imposed limits by joining that

greater part of self; by realizing that it has only taken a back seat until you are ready to integrate with the whole of your being which is invincible. This is

accomplished in steps, but with willingness, one can quickly reconnect with the highest truth within. Dear ones, your presence is everywhere and has always

been so; it is never separated. Your greater self looks on in great compassion until you are ready to merge completely with the inner divine, or your higher self.

Each of you have had experiences where a piece of music, a passionate speech or a piece of art has lifted you up and inspired you; these are given as

gifts of awareness and knowing that you are all attuned to a higher frequency. This raises one beyond the mundane and reaches past the imposed walls of

limitation by touching your soul. Let your hearts be a barometer of what uplifts and what dampens the spirit then choose to uphold the greatest inspiration in

all that you do. Nothing is wasted, dear ones, you are all moving upon the stream of change and have an opportunity to expand quickly if you so choose. The

highest path always inspires and empowers, releases and rejuvenates, because that is your personal expressway to the divine gifts that have always been yours

to discover. Babaji

Miss Hepburn 28-01-2016 01:55 AM


lovetruth 03-02-2016 04:52 PM

Dear ones, all those things that belong to the ego will go with the ego. All those things that are eternal will return to the eternal. If you have forgotten your

true nature now is the time to examine those things that are eternal which live in the purified heart; These is innocence, peace and goodwill and are upheld by

that which has no enemy and knows no strife. All division is of the ego and in duality it creates chaos, for its realm is the realm of death. Your true nature

cannot ever know death, for it lives beyond the decay of matter, it exceeds all that is finite, the illusive dream. One who lives only for the material cannot ever

find peace in that pursuit because it is non existent by the choice it has made and until one turns to what is it's true nature it lives in the non existence of

illusion believing it is something other than what it is. Finite pleasures are fleeting. One only experiences true eternal pleasure when seated in the divine nature

for this is the only truth which is beyond all fear. Do you see dear ones that your divine nature is its own reward and it will never lose its luster? One eternally

expands once set upon the inner path. There is no loss nor servitude only praise for all that truly exists in and of itself. When one has understanding there can

be no fight, for who of right mind would fight the self? The false has no foundation so it corrupts all around it in an attempt to gain what it can never have, true

existence, which can only be touched from the spirit within. Its attempts are fruitless because it is entirely illusive and thus temporary. Choose wisely dear

ones, you have come into this life for a reason and it is indeed a gift. If one chooses to soar beyond the illusive one finds the heart of truth and the heart of

truth is your divine self. Babaji

Deepsoul 03-02-2016 08:57 PM

I dedicate my life to Love ,I dedicate my Heart to Love ......
Many Divine Sprinkles of Light flowing to and from you Lovetruth ,Babji Amen

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