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lovetruth 21-12-2015 05:43 PM

Dear ones, practice humility, and as you do, remember that humility is a gift of your true nature. To be humble is to remember that all are important in their

places of life's many diverse streams. The humble are the silent aware, who walk in reverence of all things and are the ones without judgement or blame. One

needs first to look at ones own life and purify every fault. Dear ones, when one searches their own soul with the intent of purifying every selfish thought and

deed one takes on a deep humility and feels compassion for their fellow beings. It is the one who refuses to clean its own house that lays blame on the outside

world of appearance. A purified heart and mind sees beyond the plays of dark and light, realizing that all of these are a product of projection; one heaped upon

the other. The resolution of the soul is the inner search and only then can the outer reflect a place of purity and peace. Do not feel powerless in this transition,

for every being that chooses self examination wields great spiritual power for change; each has truth as an ally and truth dissolves every deception in its path.

The many are misled in the distractions that pull one from the source within. This alone is the disease of civilization, forgetfulness of who animates the body,

which is none other than source. Faulty thinking leads to faulty results. Clear spiritual thinking leads to peaceful transition of division into unity. One is

conditioned by their surroundings or they are remade and unconditional when united with source in heart and mind. The sovereign within belongs to all and it

shows in its beauty and perfection of all. When one begins to see with the heart, distinction melts away, fear dissolves and peace replaces concern. Each of you

play a role in the drama of life, but your greatest roles begins when you choose to align with your true self, where the miraculous unfolds. Lest you forget your

spiritual beauty and power all must make a choice to move forward or stay stagnant. All are encoded to grow beyond limitation and faulty assumptions. Dear

ones, you are all on this earth to exceed your every limitation, to rise above the mundane and lowly thoughts of littleness. You need never accept a lowly vision

of humanity when indeed the divine is securely held in all being; for your true magnificence lies here. Babaji

Miss Hepburn 22-12-2015 12:26 AM

As usual...perfect for me.

Deepsoul 22-12-2015 01:24 AM

Oh wow, Thankyou for that beauty, truth and Love....:hug: Have a beautiful Christmas Lovetruth and Babiji xxxooo

lovetruth 22-12-2015 06:08 PM

Many blessings Miss Hepburn and Deepsoul and a beautiful peaceful Christmas to all.

lovetruth 31-12-2015 06:06 PM

Dear ones, whatever you recognize as truth then becomes your truth. If you recognize the divine in all, this becomes your truth. If you see only the outer

illusion, this then becomes your truth. What then is truth? When one recognizes the divine order of the universe and its place in love, one reaches beyond the

boundaries of human though and touches universal thought seated in the divine. Each being, takes on many truths throughout life, and in the process, refines

what it has held as "truth"; this comes as way of experience trading one illusion for another until the soul is determined to go beyond the limited truths based

on experience strictly in the outer appearances. There is another truth that is reached by listening to the inner call which cuts through all of the illusion. This is

the bright kernel of your inner divine, ever constant without deviation, ever in love and devoted to all. Here the listening is with the heart, the senses subdued

and surrendered to this greater wisdom known in silence. Passions come and go, desires change as quickly as the seasons in the ebb and flow of life. But truth

revealed from the inner vault is that enduring assurance that nothing of the earthly can compare, for this inner vault is indeed your true home and sanctuary-

the abode of everything perfect seamless and pure. The walls that seemingly surround it are self made and in turn they are dismantled as the will turns to what

is ever enduring. Will, then, becomes willingness, willingness magnetizes one and the walls begin to fall with all the illusions stripped away one by one until thy

own radiance is once again revealed within. Take the first step dear ones, and the divine reaches out to you. Let your divine will unlock then open the door of

your heart. One must choose to accept the gift or refuse it and the choice is given to all. The willful adolescence of humankind is nearly over, for it takes but

one step to cross into your ultimate roles of spiritual maturity. What will you bring with you; outdated desires and conflicts? Or will you bring with you an open

heart written with your divine script? Will you uphold generations of fear and deceit or will you carry the seed of your divine heritage so that it can be planted

and revealed in its greater purpose? Be vigilant, dear ones, this is a time of unravelling, yet also a time of rebuilding. Babaji

Deepsoul 31-12-2015 10:24 PM

I listen to my hearts needs, not its desires or wants and my true divine purpose is revealed..I pray ,Thankyou Lovetruth and Babiji...

Deepsoul 31-12-2015 11:34 PM

Its hard to explain but even if the desires are of a high order they may still not be the true path ,ahhhh

Miss Hepburn 01-01-2016 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Deepsoul
Its hard to explain but even if the desires are of a high order they may still not be the true path, ahhhh

Yes, I think I understand...my heart often wants a third piece of Triple
choc cake...that is not my True Path.
( Don't be concerned I could lose 3 pounds or not...I'm not overweight.)

BUT if my heart's desire is of a high order....say love...health...happiness...
that for me is the True Path, as you say.
Want to share more of what you mean, Deepsoul?

Deepsoul 01-01-2016 02:16 AM

Well I guess you would know more than any Miss H ,when I'm with Jesus I feel so excited, wanting to plan and do good things ,but this cfs is a twister ,still cant do much , I think I just have to somehow still find a way to serve Love but just not get so bi polar about it I dont mean too he just tells me I can do it all and I start to act accordingly but blow myself up then I cant move at all,Plus I have all this massive spiritual allegiance happening ,I can feel the holy spirit inside of me now but sometimes there seems to be a tug a war between me and God,I get so God filled and know for certain that loving him feels right but then my heart says why aren't you loving me ,and I guess its all God really ,its just a weird separation thing that seems to happen sometimes.Its like you are one with God now so all responsibility is now yours.Id like to study and Id like to help somewhere but it seems just not right now for, now I just need to keep living myself ,Lynn did a reading and said I'm developing psychically and to keep away from the mental stuff , I get so that I think I know what I want to do and my heart fills up with promise and all the signs seems aligned but then, I guess its either me that gives up cause Ive gone too bipolar or its just not meant to be what I'm meant to do, story of my life and now I just don't have the physical stamina anymore either and so I go back and lie down and be quiet and wait and see what transpires nxt ,,,love deep:hug3:

ps not that I'm clinical diagnosed with bp, but its a thing in me ,I get these awful adrenaline rushes that can make me speed all night ,just from sweeping the floor and building on being positive ,plus I sungazed too ,I just get on a run and get carried away with it ,I wouldn't take meds anyways as I believe its just all part of spirituality.so I guess ztill getting to know myself lol..

sorry for hijacking this thread lovetruth:hug3:

lovetruth 03-01-2016 09:18 PM

No apologies needed Deepsoul, just remember we are all actually perfect in every way but we tend to doubt that. Trust that inner voice. :hug2:

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