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7luminaries 05-07-2018 05:03 PM

Very nice Swami and thanks for sharing.
Yes, everything is important...and all the rest you said too...

Peace & blessings :hug3:

Tobi 05-07-2018 05:49 PM

Swami Chihuahuananda, I liked your post very much.

Pagandell 06-07-2018 01:03 PM

Dearest Sparrow.

I love the way you talk of seeing existence from another point of view.
And being self-less in order to be more of your self. :biggrin:

jatin_sadana 12-07-2018 11:55 AM

This thread has done double century... Hurray ...

I am not well today, possibly viral infection, I was reading about viruses and it seems science has no perfect answe for virus...

Dea Sparrow could you tell us what it is spiritually?

Sorai Rai Aorai 29-07-2018 05:20 AM

Good luck Jatin!

Sparrow, I certainly can't complain that there's nothing to read. Once I get through a thread of yours, going back to another it seems brand new. But I do sometimes wish for those exciting times when you are here exchanging posts with us. Do drop us a line.

sattvicmonkey 30-07-2018 03:15 PM

I have quite a weird idea of heaven. It isn't so much playing harps on clouds, more like a hospital.

All the staff are friendly and understand my need to be there. I'd sleep in the day and be awake at night. I'd be given drugs for medicinal purposes and they'd treat me for my mental state. It would be sleepy and dream-like.

Obviously I'd be able to see my loved ones who could visit.

It would also be a mystical place. Maybe I could find strange corridors where nobody goes and adventure through the building. I'd get me a coke from the vending machine or something.

Maybe I'd be like a guinea pig. They teach me about psychic power for research purposes, if it's a success they could use it for other beings in the future who need treatment.

There wouldn't be any smug 'normies' anywhere (lol) and teh staff are like angels, or sometimes ai.

I wish I could go there already... I'm getting weary of this world.

Tiss 10-09-2018 10:23 PM

Thinking of you dear Sparrow
Many memories, many feelings, many playful moments, many powerful messages, always for good...

I felt so blessed those days when you took my words and made me the gift of three beautiful images...

I still keep them with me, and there are anywhere in SF. I share here one of them...

Wherever you are, please know that I will be always grateful of having met you during this, my present journey on this Earth...

Tiss :hug2:

Listen to your Spirit

Pagandell 11-09-2018 03:55 PM

Sparrow dear Sparrow.
My love goes out to you.

Sparrow sweet sparrow.
I now know what to do.

Sparrow cosmic Sparrow.
What a trip you took me on.

Sparrow friend Sparrow.
My fears of life have now gone.:biggrin:

Nathaniel 16-09-2018 10:12 PM

Spirit Guide Sparrow,

My dog and best friend, Dillon and also my beautiful nana, Mary, passed away within a few months of one another in late 2016.

I love them both dearly but there's a part of me that feels as though I let them down a little towards the end.

I would like to know whether it's possible for either of them to pass on a message for me through you?

This may be quite a selfish request, and I'm fairly reluctant to ask it for a variety of reasons, but regardless, here I am.

Thank you. x

Sorai Rai Aorai 06-10-2018 08:48 PM

Dear Sparrow,

How do cause and effect operate in the Spirit World?

Love everpresent,

Tobi 07-10-2018 02:17 AM

:hug3: Sparrow you are missed and appreciated. I was wondering about you last night and hoping you are well wherever you are?
Kind thoughts from me.

jatin_sadana 19-10-2018 02:03 PM

Dear sparrow must be busy doing some great work out there ...

Nathaniel 25-10-2018 08:54 PM

On further reflection I don't feel it's necessary for any kind of message.

Thanks anyway, God bless. x

sattvicmonkey 26-10-2018 07:33 PM

Is it possible to not reincarnate?

When I die I'd love to just hang out on the other side instead of coming back.

Mayaa777 26-10-2018 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by sattvicmonkey
Is it possible to not reincarnate?

When I die I'd love to just hang out on the other side instead of coming back.

I was wondering the same thing. I feel so old, and I just want put an end to it.

Sorai Rai Aorai 28-10-2018 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by sattvicmonkey
Is it possible to not reincarnate?

When I die I'd love to just hang out on the other side instead of coming back.

Yes, coming back to Earth is a choice, and one I'm informed few souls make. There are infinite options available to a soul after passing on to the Spirit World. If you wish for more detailed explanations please check through this thread; Sparrow has explained on multiple occasions.

sattvicmonkey 28-10-2018 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Mayaa777
I was wondering the same thing. I feel so old, and I just want put an end to it.

Definitely. I'm starting to think this life is an aquired taste, one I don't really have. Perhaps that's arrogant of me to say so but there it is.

There are nice things as well but overall is it worth it? I'm not sure


Originally Posted by Sorai
Yes, coming back to Earth is a choice, and one I'm informed few souls make.

That sounds awesome. 'll definitely check out what Sparrow had to say, thanks.

Mitodin 01-11-2018 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by sattvicmonkey
Definitely. I'm starting to think this life is an aquired taste, one I don't really have. Perhaps that's arrogant of me to say so but there it is.

There are nice things as well but overall is it worth it? I'm not sure

My own recollections of our existence 'in between lives' is quite fragmented and has nothing like the coherence and clarity that Sparrow seems to have.
And what I have to say comes with the caveat that my reflections are only what I "remember" and have discovered to be true for myself (and even such truth I consider provisional). I assume, for a variety of reasons, that it is similar for others, at the very least for others who are awake enough at this point in their continuum that they even begin to have thoughts of spiritual matters. With that caveat in mind, I may be able to offer a bit of input:

There is a significant difference between the magnitude of spirit as it is 'in between' and what most people presently experience in their earthly life. A lot of it comes with the territory of being human - Popping into a body like this means being hardwired for experiencing emotions and learning lessons according to certain set ways - and trauma, and all the accumulated side-effects and trickledowns of these, seems an unavoidable side-effect of experiencing and learning about life in this human-encoded way.

When you leave this body behind, most of that trauma is left behind as well, as it is mostly lodged in the body as it is. And when looking back on earthly life from that vantagepoint, all the hardships and traumas are not nearly as burdensome as they seem to us now. Nonetheless I want to say, we don't walk into this life uninformed or unaware of the potential consequences. We don't, as far as I can tell, make the 'innocent spirit' mistake of making light of our earthly hardships. Rather to say that we're not presently seeing the full picture here, both in terms of what we learn from such a human life and also whatothers get out of it our having lived a human life. This last part is something we are often too eager to underplay or dismiss but it is a profound influence.

Yes, earthly life is an acquired taste. And you acquired it! In full knowledge of what that entails in terms of the burdens you will adopt in the process of doing so.

Why? The specifics of the choice made "back then" is somewhere between hard and damn-near impossible to know (for myself, my own guides place that squarely in "this is need-to-know territory and you don't need to know"). But certainly, it is because you have aspirations and wishes for such a life that outweigh those negatives.

My understanding is that the most important part of that choice is very much alive and unfolding in you presently - As your deepest innermost desires and aspirations for this life and the efforts these manifest to unfold themselves.

Which is to say in brief: You 'chose' to come here to work with the very same deep aspirations you presently have, maturation and full awareness of these aspirations notwithstanding. We are here for a reason. Your reason.
And your choice of training ground was made with full knowledge of its suitability for that and the hardships it might entail. And fwiw, also vetted by wise third parties
To my mind, it is much more meaningful and significant that these reasons are of our own making, than if some higher power had designated them on our behalf.

What I mean to say is that you haven't been fooled into any of it. You are here because a very profound part of you wants to be here and attempt whatever it is you are attempting to do with this life. And that is something to take heart in. If you find yourself wondering what is the point of it all, just ask yourself "well, what do I want to do with this life?" E voila, if you can make some sort of contact with those wishes as they sing to you right now, instant connection with that deeper part of yourself that arranged for you to be here to do exactly that.

There is a point of principle in what I am trying to get across here as well: The seeds of true wisdom, though perhaps carefully tendered from the 'life in between', aren't nourished or uncovered by regression to some 'former' or antecedent 'spirit state' - They are present in our bodies right here and now! And human bodies are in fact an incredibly potent and powerful mechanism for working to unlock and unleash our wisdom. You don't need to visit or recall spirit worlds to get it. What you find by just looking inside is far juicier and more potent, even if it doesn't have the same flashing colors and bright lights at first glance.

These are my reflections. Though I am uncertain of the strengths of them, I hope they may prove useful. May all that is incomplete, incorrect or inappropriate be swiftly corrected and that which is of benefit be shared with all beings!

A / Mitodin

Bluefonsy 02-11-2018 11:14 AM

Ok, so many profound serious questions have been asked. Sparrow, I just enjoyed Halloween, have to ask, is anything such as a zombie or a vampire actually possible here on earth? My guess would be that a being would have to possess a body somehow. If the answer is a solid no and that these are just Hollywood concepts then they must just be symbolic of human fears/preoccupations.

loopylucid 22-11-2018 10:00 PM

Hi Tobi, longtime not see, not been around for a while but felt compelled to head back to this old haunt and see how our lovely sparrow is doing, but no contact for a while huh? Sending you some love through the astral waves dear sparrow xxx

Convolution 26-11-2018 11:27 PM

Hi! I've registered to the forums because I wanted to post in this thread.
I've just finished reading 'The Invisible Choir' by 'Tessa Lynne', a psychotherapist.
In it, she describes being told about life, the afterlife, in addition to some other things from a patient of hers, which she names Sally. Has anyone read this?

In any case, in her version of the afterlife, she says that spirits first give her evidence of their veridical nature, then proceed to explain how things work. According to her, they go on to explain that the creator created individual personalities, which she refers to as the spirits, and those spirits then attach to a human consciousness- which is separate from their own consciousness- and influence it to achieve their goals. The human consciousness takes place in the limits of the physical brain and has a different personality from that of the spirit, and its own free will. Upon death, this human consciousness is brought into the spirit world by the spirit, and then gets absorbed by it after the life review, losing its free will.
While she does not explain it as such, the overall account makes it sound much like the relationship between cattle and men, where we may treat them well, prod them along their way and guide them to grow until they are butchered and fulfill their purpose in nourishing us. A bit terrifying, in my opinion.
She also says that the spirits have different names and they say humans could live a conscious life without the spirit, though their potential would be smaller, and their consciousness would die at death.
They say the spirits of animals are different and animals are not capable of living without their spirits.

So in her scenario, I the conscious observer, have not lived past lives. It is the spirit which has lived those past lives, and I may occasionally remember pieces and bits if said spirits chooses to release said information. My spirit has a somewhat parasitic nature, in that I have taken no part in choosing my life, but it has attached to me believing I could help it achieve its learning goals. It will influence me occasionally and sometimes create some roadblocks , accidents, etc in order to prompt said learning. In the end, I and all of my experiences will be absorbed by said spirit.
It puts the context of the universe into a whole other light- a rather unpleasant one, in my opinion, though she seems to miss that point entirely and describes her supposed experience with rose colored eyes.
I would *LOVE* to know whether anyone here is aware of this point of view, what you think of it, whether you believe to be true.

It seems to be in contrast to what SGS (I'd love your input) here describes, in that I, my consciousness, did not play any role in choosing this specific lifetime nor in living past lifetimes.

In addition, I'd like to ask about a comment made by SGS much earlier in the conversation, in regards to time in the Spirit World. From NDEs and LBL Hypnotherapy, I'd heard that the past and future do not exist and are indeed an illusion, and that this is made more evident after the transition to the spirit world, when we all feel completely anchored to the eternal moment of now. I have felt a similar feeling for many periods of my life, where I've been in much heightened states of awareness with no concerns for either the future nor the past, along with a lack of judgement, a strong presence, an inability to take anything personally. This state has stayed close by me, some times closer than others.
Those people describe the lack of a past or present, and that though time runs at a different speed on the flipside, there is still a sense of linear time, and lives are done sequentially, or there would be no learning.
SGS appears to describe a different mechanic for time in the afterlife, whereas a past and future are realities that happen simultaneously. I'm not really sure what that means, or how we could potentially verify. Could someone, including SGS perhaps, explain that in further detail so I may understand it? What of the people with direct experience from NDEs, or the ones having undergone LBL, which speak of a different way in which things work? How can I make sense of those differing opinions and discern fact from fiction?

Any help on the above is highly appreciated! Thank you!

Convolution 26-11-2018 11:27 PM

For some reason my prior message was posted twice. This has been edited down, for I was unable to locate some sort of delete option.

Convolution 27-11-2018 08:29 AM

[quote=Spirit Guide Sparrow][color="RoyalBlue"]Almost. It’s not a soul split, or a banana split, it’s a spirit split; a branch you produce from the tree that is your spirit. I suppose ‘split’ is a word open to misinterpretation here, so I will correct myself and use the term bilocate and multilocation. Meaning that which is your spirit, can have multiple instances of itself just by thinking about it. Some may try and tell you this is what a monad is, and show you some appealing hierarchical diagram with this amount of souls here, and this amount of sub-souls here, but actually within this bilocation, each and every aspect is completely aware of what the other is doing at all times and works as one being, one mind, and are whole and equal.
Perhaps not too unlike on splitting one's attention over multiple tasks?

How does one's soul self/consciousness fit into that? Do we merge ourselves into our spirit identity upon returning to the spirit world, thus losing our current free will / volition? I don't quite understand how we, as individual souls with our desires, etc fit into this spirit which also seems to have its own desires, personality, ability to do things, etc. Would love some clarity as to how you view things.


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
I am sure right now he is not only having fascinating conversations with horses and sharing their wisdom (for they are profoundly ancient and wise beings), but he is also experimenting with being an actual horse himself through form transference.

This part also do not understand. If he is a fragment of spirit, a branch if you will, then how is it him that plays with horses after his return? Does he not "merge" or return to spirit, thus becoming expanded, spirit himself, and not quite himseof anymore? Different thing altogether, that perhaps may not be as interested in horses as the fragment was? Doesn't the original identity and will get lost, or at least diluted in the ocean that is spirit?
Seems a bit disheartening and horrifying to think I exist and do things to just become part of someone else greater than I, where I may just be incorporated as a tiny aspect of some kindg, if I understand this and the consequences correctly.

I appreciate your responses.
Thank you!

Convolution 28-11-2018 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
In actual fact being psychic has nothing whatsoever to do with being spiritual, as it is more a genetic influence and attribute of biochemistry than a spiritual one.

This part confused me a little bit, and I'd love to gain better understanding. People who have NDEs return stating they now have a variety of psychic abilities and after effects exactly because of their spiritual experience, rather than from a genetic factor. That seems to contradict actual evidence we have.


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Your question denotes that each soul having a physical experience must manufacture some form of mission in order to move into this frequency. This would be inaccurate from our perspective, the Asceleottyi.

Such a suggestion not only presumes your spirit thinks and behaves like a human persona, in that it feels the need to prearrange and chart everything out, but it also presumes failure is then a possibility for the spirit when the human persona does not fulfil this so-called mission. The spirit fails in nothing. That is a Truth. For if the spirit can fail, so too can prime creator.

Human beings like to manufacture themselves a sense of mission because it raises their Self-worth and motivates them to aspire higher than where they presently are. Unfortunately, when the human persona feels they have gone astray from their mission they suffer the consequences of the duality of their own creation. It can be seen then, from one point of view, that such a belief can have both positive momentum and negative momentum.

I'd like to understand how the comment about humans not having a clear mission/purpose could fit the majority of evidence from NDEs. A lot of people who die, have a spiritual experience and return, report that they are told they have not yet completed all they set out to, have not finished their work or achieved what they needed. That they still have things to do and must return. That if they choose to leave prior to finishing those things, they will have to return at a latter point to do so. It seems contrary to those experiences, and they seem as close to evidence as we often get. Perhaps you can clarify?


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
The race of humans on Earth are a long descendant of a much, much older chain of species within this current universe and originating from a completely different universe altogether. The genetic model of the human, as well as the actual physical properties of this current physical universe are a duplicated blueprint from another universe from a much earlier time period, as you would understand time to be.

Supposing your information is correct, could you explain how most other species on the planet share so much genetic material to humans? Do you mean to say that all species have descended from that lineage, just primates in general, or only specifically humans? How can we have genetic links to some many other species, if the latter is the case, along with repeating patterns of genetic code we find in earlier species fim the planet?


sattvicmonkey 01-12-2018 05:55 PM

I recently read that in the afterlife you can basically have anything that you wish. I heard one example where the soul of a person who really wanted a certain car in his earthly life was allowed to have it in the hereafter.

There's no need for material things like homes and so on, but you can have it if you wish.

Now for a stupid question. Are there video games in the afterlife? Supposedly you can have anything you want so.

Also can you continue earthly endeavours in the afterlife, such as learning a language?

Sorai Rai Aorai 01-12-2018 07:17 PM

Definitely yes to both! Sparrow once detailed how video game fans can enact scenarios where they live out the games by inhabiting their worlds themselves. You can create whole universes! Anything you can imagine that is done through love.

I’m sure you could explore many forms of language through the akashic records, while the primary form of communication in the Spirit World is telepathy, which is translated instantaneously into a form each being can understand.

Happy flying!

sattvicmonkey 01-12-2018 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sorai
Definitely yes to both! Sparrow once detailed how video game fans can enact scenarios where they live out the games by inhabiting their worlds themselves. You can create whole universes! Anything you can imagine that is done through love.

That sounds amazing! I remember having a vision once, I was looking at myself in third person and it seemed I was holding some kind of screen, on it was a video game. There were no control pads but I was still somehow playing it just by looking at it.

An angel said, slightly impatiently but kindly, 'when you're done playing with that', beckoning me to give him attention.

Are there any good books that go into this kind of detail about the afterlife?

Sorai Rai Aorai 01-12-2018 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by sattvicmonkey
That sounds amazing! I remember having a vision once, I was looking at myself in third person and it seemed I was holding some kind of screen, on it was a video game. There were no control pads but I was still somehow playing it just by looking at it.

An angel said, slightly impatiently but kindly, 'when you're done playing with that', beckoning me to give him attention.

Are there any good books that go into this kind of detail about the afterlife?

I haven’t seen any books which are reflections of Truth like Sparrow’s writing. It seems most or all of what is out there includes this or that of the falsities he describes. Makes me wonder how those others arrived at their conclusions. If they were passed down by others, wouldn’t the authors verify through their Spirit connections? And what about where they originally came from? However, much of Sparrow’s writing is collated by Bob O’Hearn, a member here, at http://spiritguidesparrow.wordpress.com

sattvicmonkey 01-12-2018 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sorai
I haven’t seen any books which are reflections of Truth like Sparrow’s writing. It seems most or all of what is out there includes this or that of the falsities he describes. Makes me wonder how those others arrived at their conclusions. If they were passed down by others, wouldn’t the authors verify through their Spirit connections? And what about where they originally came from? However, much of Sparrow’s writing is collated by Bob O’Hearn, a member here, at http://spiritguidesparrow.wordpress.com

Thank you I will look at this.

Convolution 02-12-2018 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Sorai
Definitely yes to both! Sparrow once detailed how video game fans can enact scenarios where they live out the games by inhabiting their worlds themselves. You can create whole universes! Anything you can imagine that is done through love.

I’m sure you could explore many forms of language through the akashic records, while the primary form of communication in the Spirit World is telepathy, which is translated instantaneously into a form each being can understand.

Happy flying!

I think Sparrow explained some things I mentioned up above that are contradictory to what actual little hard/empirical evidence we seem to have on spiritual matters. I think it is important to take things with a grain of salt. Everything can serve as guidance for us to discover truth, but I imagine that whatever the truth is, there will be ways to validate or falsify it.

Sorai Rai Aorai 02-12-2018 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Convolution
I think Sparrow explained some things I mentioned up above that are contradictory to what actual little hard/empirical evidence we seem to have on spiritual matters. I think it is important to take things with a grain of salt. Everything can serve as guidance for us to discover truth, but I imagine that whatever the truth is, there will be ways to validate or falsify it.

The validation can come from communication skth yout own Spirit, ehich can be accessed by reflecting on your deepest values. As well as the wisdpm in your heart. When you connect in this way you can know things are true beyond doubt. If they are false you will also know.

Convolution 03-12-2018 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sorai
The validation can come from communication skth yout own Spirit, ehich can be accessed by reflecting on your deepest values. As well as the wisdpm in your heart. When you connect in this way you can know things are true beyond doubt. If they are false you will also know.

The difficulty I have with that approach is how wrong I have been in the past when comparing my imagination, thoughts or feelings with actual observational reality in the past. I've learned long ago that feeling a certain way doesn't make it real beyond the feeling being a real one to me. The same goes with facts. It is very easy to test whether someone can have intimate feelings that are objectively true by testing it in common but unknown scenarios in real life. I think that method of inquiry quickly falls apart when examined seriously- at least that is what I have found.

Also, many people have tried that approach and have come up with various ways of explain g the mechanics of an afterlife, most of which differs from Sparrow's ideas. So who is right about what the afterlife is truly like?

Sorai Rai Aorai 03-12-2018 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by Convolution
The difficulty I have with that approach is how wrong I have been in the past when comparing my imagination, thoughts or feelings with actual observational reality in the past. I've learned long ago that feeling a certain way doesn't make it real beyond the feeling being a real one to me. The same goes with facts. It is very easy to test whether someone can have intimate feelings that are objectively true by testing it in common but unknown scenarios in real life. I think that method of inquiry quickly falls apart when examined seriously- at least that is what I have found.

Also, many people have tried that approach and have come up with various ways of explain g the mechanics of an afterlife, most of which differs from Sparrow's ideas. So who is right about what the afterlife is truly like?

There's a difference between imagining and downloading info from and communicating one's Spirit. If you practice meditation for a while you may begin to experience that. While the imagination is intimately connected with Spirit, it is freestyle creation, while gleaning info from Spirit will yield Truth that the Spirit has to offer. I can only guess that other people investigating spirituality or creating religions in the past were correct about some things and not others for reasons such as mixing their imagination with their Spiritually gleaned info, and, sad to say, some created ideas to try to cause people to conform through fear; while others allowed their hierarchical, fear-based, or other values to influence their conception of cosmologies. Good luck in your journey of Truth.

Convolution 04-12-2018 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sorai
There's a difference between imagining and downloading info from and communicating one's Spirit. If you practice meditation for a while you may begin to experience that. While the imagination is intimately connected with Spirit, it is freestyle creation, while gleaning info from Spirit will yield Truth that the Spirit has to offer. I can only guess that other people investigating spirituality or creating religions in the past were correct about some things and not others for reasons such as mixing their imagination with their Spiritually gleaned info, and, sad to say, some created ideas to try to cause people to conform through fear; while others allowed their hierarchical, fear-based, or other values to influence their conception of cosmologies. Good luck in your journey of Truth.

I've meditated for some 20+ years now, and have always been involved in a very creative field where I get to imagine and create things from nowhere, everyday. I love it, but I can't say it has provided me with answers in these other regards. Clearly I am missing something.

In regards to Spirit Guide Sparrows' ideas and why they would conflict with many others' ideas, you believe that their personal imagination has interfered with the download of information, and so there are differences- is that it? If so, how do we sort out the truth from imagination in other's ideas? Looking within will lead to conflict with my own imagination, in this scenario.

Thank you for the wishes.

Sorai Rai Aorai 04-12-2018 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Convolution
I've meditated for some 20+ years now, and have always been involved in a very creative field where I get to imagine and create things from nowhere, everyday. I love it, but I can't say it has provided me with answers in these other regards. Clearly I am missing something.

In regards to Spirit Guide Sparrows' ideas and why they would conflict with many others' ideas, you believe that their personal imagination has interfered with the download of information, and so there are differences- is that it? If so, how do we sort out the truth from imagination in other's ideas? Looking within will lead to conflict with my own imagination, in this scenario.

Thank you for the wishes.

I see. Yet are you communicating with your Spirit? And what do you see a Spirit as being?

David mc 05-12-2018 11:42 AM

hi I'm new here I've been reading a lot of spirit guide sparrows blogs there quite incredible some of the stuff I can relate to but other stuff like aliens and talking to dragons and how stone henge was built is a bit hard to believe ,I'm on the fence about this stuff .what are you views?

inavalan 05-12-2018 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by David mc
hi I'm new here I've been reading a lot of spirit guide sparrows blogs there quite incredible some of the stuff I can relate to but other stuff like aliens and talking to dragons and how stone henge was built is a bit hard to believe ,I'm on the fence about this stuff .what are you views?

Subconsciously people see what they 'want to see', meaning that they inherently build their reality according to their beliefs. If you believe in dragons, you'll perceive dragons.

Those enlightened know they're dreaming, and can identify what is their own creation.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 06-12-2018 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by David mc
hi I'm new here I've been reading a lot of spirit guide sparrows blogs there quite incredible some of the stuff I can relate to but other stuff like aliens and talking to dragons and how stone henge was built is a bit hard to believe ,I'm on the fence about this stuff .what are you views?

...That Sparrow must be loopy in the head; surely such things cannot be true?! :confused2:

leadville 06-12-2018 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by David mc
hi I'm new here I've been reading a lot of spirit guide sparrows blogs there quite incredible some of the stuff I can relate to but other stuff like aliens and talking to dragons and how stone henge was built is a bit hard to believe ,I'm on the fence about this stuff .what are you views?

As with all guidance one should heed only what appeals to your reason.....

If something doesn't ring true then don't take it on board unless-and-until things change and begin to make sense for you.

Nobody is under any obligation to accept what anybody else tells them, be it from a guide or from anyone else. Our own point-of-view is as valuable to us individually as anyone else's until we feel it may be letting us down. :hug3:

Tobi 07-12-2018 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
...That Sparrow must be loopy in the head; surely such things cannot be true?! :confused2:

Thank you Sparrow, you made me unexpectedly laugh out loud :laughing6:

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