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lostsoul13 14-05-2021 08:13 PM

I go for walks everyday and roller blade and bike ride—and I have some weights lifting equipment... I’m buying a self-run- running machine so that should motivate me apart from living near the sea and going for a run lol

Challenger007 19-05-2021 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by lostsoul13
I go for walks everyday and roller blade and bike ride—and I have some weights lifting equipment... I’m buying a self-run- running machine so that should motivate me apart from living near the sea and going for a run lol

I have a friend whose ellipsoid serves as a hanger for things. I'm saying that the very presence of a simulator does not really motivate people to train.

flow.alignment 21-05-2021 03:44 PM

Standing qigong (zhan zhuang) twice a day, 25 mins per session. Also alternate between pushups and jump rope (so do pushups one day, then jump rope on the next, etc.).

Shinsoo 25-05-2021 11:43 PM

On days that I have work, I jump rope early before I leave, or do some arm/shoulder work with the resistant band
I come home and do a grueling session of p90x

On days I have off, I jump rope and/or go for a nice walk in the sunshine
I get back and do a grueling session of p90x

I use weights and resistance bands to enhance my exercise

Just Tim 25-05-2021 11:47 PM

Definitely thinking of getting back to Tai Chi, at least one day out of two.

Sir Neil 05-12-2022 10:07 AM

It depends on what shift I’m working (and my work tends to get me a lot of exercise anyway) but a typical day could be riding to and from work, and evening walk and a walk before bed. I always think that if you rest you rest, so keep yourself moving and be active. Often I will walk to somewhere rather than go by bus or car.

AngelBlue 06-12-2022 09:09 AM

.....my index finger on my right hand gets a lot of excercise typing on here LOL....
Otherwise I'm very very limited as to what I can do now through ill health.
But before that I was naturally slender and could eat what I wanted as throughout my life I had very active jobs. My work life in itself was my excercise , I never ever had a job where I sat down... Not once !!!!!

dream jo 10-12-2022 10:23 PM

Every day de-la sore sensitive 1021 muscle since 2021 in 2020 I was told to lose 506 stone I was 5 stone 6 stone but lockdown happened as scared to go out incase I got fined or go to jail for life in case I cost curve it and Kaiser cards to covid-19 so I did like in Halstead and drank too much
But 2021 I had enough I broke the rules I walked around the graveyard I've lost a stone then my mum was terminally ill appetite then NZ in April when I lost her I lost about 2 stone
But after her passing overactive and the graveyard non-stop because it clears my head and my thoughts and my chakras it does and buy now now.im lost over 6 stone in total I am no longer 16 and a half stone I'm under 10 and a half stone now I never ever want to get that big again but exercising please my brain cells am I chocolate which animal that now
My chakras

Gem 21-01-2023 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by dream jo
I'm under 10 and a half stone now I never ever want to get that big again but exercising please my brain cells

That was a fantastic story.

sunstone8 02-03-2023 12:37 AM

I walk everyday

I also bowl on a league once week

I do relaxing yoga once a week

dream jo 02-03-2023 08:38 PM

Every day I do because you've got to go now because it is you ok now it is impossible to see a doctor now

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