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lovetruth 28-10-2012 04:10 PM

Dear ones, your frame of reference is changing daily now. Each hour brings you closer to consciously merging with your essence. This blending is occurring so that

you give up the illusion of separation and feel deeply your continuation as infinite source. Recall dear ones what you were experiencing just one year ago, then look

at your life and recognize the shifts that have taken place in your awareness in the space of 365 days. If willingness is the door to self acceptance, then peace is

the door to the eternal. Once you acknowledge your connection with the eternal realms within, you will choose what is your greater good and your attention turns

from the self to the collective healing that is the macrocosm of your own being. The dimensions merge and opportunities for stellar gains in consciousness are yours

to accept; these are your birthright, they wait only for your acceptance and courage to step forward and claim what has always been yours. If peace resides in

your heart, then you are sharing that peace, if love is coursing through your being, then you are sharing that love. It is like a switch, dear ones, you choose what

the electric charge energizes, you choose if that charge is on or off. You will know when your are generating love because it will fill the very atoms of your bodies

on all levels, and you will be uplifted. Everywhere you look, dear ones, there are clues for you to ponder and choices to be made. If you are still lingering in sorrow,

ask yourself if you are happy with this outcome, does it energize you or deplete you? It is by measuring with insight, every moment, that you come back to your

indwelling perfection, and it is by knowing what fuels the indwelling spirit. I assure you, dear ones, if you are choosing the spirit of love, you will have no doubt,

because life embraces you, and you will embrace life. Unburden yourselves in whatever manner you choose, you are all wise from the deepest recess of your

beings, and if you but choose to release those aspects that defeat, then look for the way around these images, knowing there is always another choice that cannot

defeat you, and you will find the path that leads to the all consuming fire that purges your souls. Now is the time, let the excuses based in fear fall away, you are

now at the road that splits. and the next step, as always is up to each of you. Babaji

Belle 28-10-2012 07:56 PM

Thank you. I have read the last few messages and they speak to me deeply. It is a time of merging, self-acceptance, the door to the eternal. And where I was a year ago .. unrecognizable.

lovetruth 30-10-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Belle
Thank you. I have read the last few messages and they speak to me deeply. It is a time of merging, self-acceptance, the door to the eternal. And where I was a year ago .. unrecognizable.

How Beautiful, Belle, I think we are all making great leaps in consciousness right now. many blessings to Babaji and to you, lovetruth. :hug2:

Belle 30-10-2012 07:22 PM

Indeed lovetruth, it feels escalated and huge leaps as you say are in the ether.

lovetruth 01-11-2012 03:21 PM

Dear ones, your souls are determining all of your outcomes in the coming weeks. You solidify your moments by what you accept as truth. Whatever is uppermost in

your heart will steer you toward an outcome that is molded by what you have come to accept as truth. In other words, you are now creating your reality with the

tools of your heart and mind, by the expressions you exhibit toward yourselves and each other, and by your current beliefs of who you are and idea of what you are

now moving toward. It is the power of your innermost strengths and desires of the heart that motivate you. In dreaming a new dream, you can now look at all you

have lived and choose what best serves you and the collective. Have your inner wars served any purpose but to further separate you from yourself? Has fear

propelled you toward or away from your greater gifts? Take a deep and soulful look at what you have created, then choose those things that are life giving and

discard those that negate life. You are all ready to stand up and live that inner voice that honers all. Can you continue to carry burdens if your ultimate wish is to

spiritually fly? All the past preoccupations that kept you grounded are now asking for release so that you lighten your load. In lightening your own load, you also

help to lighten the load of one another, and of the earth. You again become transparent so that your inner light can shine, the opaque was only the dream

fragments that clung to you as your chosen reality. These fragments can now be blessed and given to the wind to disperse, as all dreams disperse. If you yet

cling, dear ones it is because you fear you do not know how to fly, but to fly without burden is who you truly are. Do not despair, you will all spiritually fly at your

appointed time, but even as your brothers and sisters free themselves, you also are being freed. Enjoy the journey, dear ones, living your inner perfection is your

birthright, yet not all are ready to embrace this truth. Wherever you stand, whatever you choose, know that you ultimately are uniting back to fullness what has

temporarily appeared as separation. Babaji

Belle 01-11-2012 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Has fear propelled you toward or away from your greater gifts? Take a deep and soulful look at what you have created, then choose those things that are life giving and discard those that negate life. You are all ready to stand up and live that inner voice that honers all. Can you continue to carry burdens if your ultimate wish is to spiritually fly?

That sounds so simple on paper but I'm weary, I don't think I've ever been so full of problem so it seems. THe fear is overwhelming, the negative is prevalent. Sorry to put a dampner but I know this is a critical time and my mind power to turn things around is spent. Any clues?

lovetruth 04-11-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Belle
That sounds so simple on paper but I'm weary, I don't think I've ever been so full of problem so it seems. THe fear is overwhelming, the negative is prevalent. Sorry to put a dampner but I know this is a critical time and my mind power to turn things around is spent. Any clues?

Hello Belle,Try letting go by surrendering all those problems to your own spirit. I know when I did this everything in my life changed for the better. You are just acknowledging that the ego is very limited in what it can accomplish because it is coming from the belief that it rules. It doesn't. I am not saying it will be a breeze, but I know if you are sincere and really want to change, you will receive the help to do so. Hope this helps Belle, love and hugs. lovetruth :hug3:

It is interesting the message I received last night seems to answer your dilemma. I do not know when you posted this but it seems Babaji is responding to you. lovetruth

lovetruth 04-11-2012 03:21 PM

Dear ones, you receive whatever you give on an energetic level, therefore pour forth all those things that are aligned with the energy of freedom peace and

love. The more that a being turns into that sweet inner rhythm, that is the song of the heart, the greater your magnetic resonance, and the more

quickly you will attract to yourselves those situations and outcomes that bring joyful bliss. This will naturally occur when turned inward; the focus of your

identity shifts from a singular point of view to one of multiplicity. You become as a whirlpool, attracting greater love to yourself, thus you in turn share this

love because you are now focused on the greater aspect of being. Whether you are confined, or out in the world, your signature reaches out to the

collective as a key that signals to all, this greater awareness. This can be accepted or rejected, but its power moves consciousness in an upward spiral, so

although not all may respond, all are nonetheless uplifted which makes it easier to stay calm when interacting with your fellow beings. Do you not notice this

when you are around gentle and peaceful beings? This has a positive effect on you, and if you are open to that expanded consciousness, the effect can

be profound. It is simply awareness, then willingness, and an open nature that is required to magnetize your being toward more loving states of

consciousness. You are designed to attract the people and situations in your life that are helpful, once you have made your inner commitment toward

change. But, one cannot simply then sit on their laurels, consciousness breeds consciousness, so keeping alert to your state of mind is a part of the process

for sustained change, which means you are easily staying centered in all situations. Dear ones, you reach a state of blessedness, where you understand all

those things that come to you as lessons, which are easily assimilated, and one continues with the knowing that life is a gift of continuing self realization.

Know, dear ones, it is when you give up the fight, that is the ego, the fight to win or to always be right, that the false self begins to dissolve as your spirit

moves you toward more loving outcomes. Life truly becomes a beautiful prayer that is in fact, never ending, but rather encouraging and delightful to the

spirit. All your spirit asks, dear ones, is for you to stay conscious of who you really are, and release those things that hinder you. A life of joy is much

preferred, is it not? This then is the gift you will give yourselves as you reach deeply within, acknowledging the beauty of your being enmeshed with every

being, that is also, the life within you. Babaji

Belle 04-11-2012 04:15 PM

Thank you Babaji. Thank you lovetruth.

Indeed I had a message today about letting go, it was interesting, I'm being told to answer here - it sort of echos what Babaji is saying with a slightly different twist. Hope you don't mind lovetruth this is all so current with me

the letting go is of a paradoxical phenomenam and we are talking of the simplistical issues that the harder you try to let go, the harder you are actually clinging to that which holds you back. See the objects that need to be let go of. The people. The money. The things. Things things things. Yes. Heal them. Send them light. The worries, do not try to let go of your worries or the relationships or the perceptions that are holding you back in amidst your own egoic forms but gift them and fulfill them with the light of the source so they will be free to fly from you. Yes indeed. The wrongness that is encapsulated within your ego does not wish to be with you but desires the healings that the individual can bring forward to it and are placed with the person for that very purpose. Anxieties, worries, fears, unhappinesses, all these things are energies which are seeking a healing, they are not to be set free as they are desiring a transformation and this is the time of the mass transformation.

Xan 04-11-2012 05:26 PM

The more that a being turns into that sweet inner rhythm, that is the song of the heart, the greater your magnetic resonance...

This is a literal vibration we can feel and hear.


lovetruth 06-11-2012 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Belle
Thank you Babaji. Thank you lovetruth.

Indeed I had a message today about letting go, it was interesting, I'm being told to answer here - it sort of echos what Babaji is saying with a slightly different twist. Hope you don't mind lovetruth this is all so current with me

the letting go is of a paradoxical phenomenam and we are talking of the simplistical issues that the harder you try to let go, the harder you are actually clinging to that which holds you back. See the objects that need to be let go of. The people. The money. The things. Things things things. Yes. Heal them. Send them light. The worries, do not try to let go of your worries or the relationships or the perceptions that are holding you back in amidst your own egoic forms but gift them and fulfill them with the light of the source so they will be free to fly from you. Yes indeed. The wrongness that is encapsulated within your ego does not wish to be with you but desires the healings that the individual can bring forward to it and are placed with the person for that very purpose. Anxieties, worries, fears, unhappinesses, all these things are energies which are seeking a healing, they are not to be set free as they are desiring a transformation and this is the time of the mass transformation.

Hello Belle, there is so much beautiful information out there and we must heed whatever our hearts lead us to. Perhaps that is why there is so much available to us at this time. Bless you, I know when something is important to look at we receive several messages so it gets our attention. It sounds like you are certainly paying attention. love and hugs, lovetruth

lovetruth 06-11-2012 01:24 AM

Blessings to you too Xan, lovetruth

lovetruth 08-11-2012 02:53 PM

Dear ones, do you suffer the illusion of material security? You cannot be present in the world without seeing or experiencing loss along with abundance.

Duality presents its faces to everyone, all the manufactured illusion of outer security is a cruel lie, dear ones. It is when one is willing to accept all

circumstances as a part of the play that peace can walk with you. This does not mean that you are not compassionate for yourselves and each other, for

all the scenes of life move you toward compassion and greater understanding, but it is important to realize what you are experiencing and why. It takes

wisdom to trust, in the face of loss, but in truth there can be no loss, this being the illusion. Loss is a state of mind, one can only realize true security from

within. So many are learning this lesson now, as their lives seemingly fall apart, those are forced to dig deeper within, where true resource of inner light

dwells. Dear ones, remember, it is your own spirit that moves you toward these important lessons. When one is tired of dreaming, one wakes up and sees

in a new way, understanding from the heart and begins living from within. The world of illusion will always give and take. It is the ego that rebels, but

always it is your essence that remains in a state of calm in all the many faces of illusion. Many are facing their greatest fears so these fears can finally be

looked at, healed, and put to rest. When you face loss, does it not take courage to carry on with a new vision? When you face life with this inner courage

you overcome, because you are coming from your place of inner bearing. It is most important to see with your eyes of truth, that the structures of the

world are of the grossest illusion. You are in truth always protected and loved. it is the light within that overcomes, as the ego never can. Babaji

lovetruth 11-11-2012 05:01 PM

Dear ones you will meet with challenges you still need to heal within yourselves, but see these as your greatest opportunity to re-make your lives as a beautiful

symphony. There is no need to continually wallow in regrets, as you shift in consciousness you are letting go of those outmoded ideas and strategies that do not

work; and in doing so you then leave room to awaken your most beautiful visions of who you are. This vision goes far beyond the rules and plays you have agreed to

in strictly linear time. Now, possibility will open before you as a blank page, and all limitation will be understood as the dream vision it is. Let those old structures of

blaming the outside world, instead of taking responsibility for all of your creations, dissolve from your cellular memory, and wash these away with love. You have all

undertaken a profound responsibility in being carriers of the light, you are here to be an example of what is possible when the heart is open, and all is regarded as an

aspect of the one self. In choosing the path that leads to your highest ideal, all the old patterns are washed away, for they cannot withstand the vibration of love

and oneness, which shakes loose all limitation, all false awareness and all fear. Master your consciousness now, dear ones, determine that you will hold the highest

vibration of love in all situations, it is up to each of you to connect to your vastness. None of you lack vision, you have only forgotten that you are creators

for a time, so that you could break through all illusion by smashing those obstacles that were created in a state of fear. Although those old dream images

appeared as real, now you can see through them, they are dreams after all. You are determining your moments consciously and with grace as you each awaken to

your most beautiful inner light. Babaji

lovetruth 15-11-2012 04:32 PM

Dear ones, every moment of your existence, there is a deeper awareness that goes beyond all thought, belief and perception. It is this inner spark that has always

known who it is beyond all concept of space/time. It, is aware on every level and always has been, and dear ones, always will be. It is this inner perfection that

cannot change for it is perfect. Its will is existence and interaction with itself in infinite ways. This creative spark is the truth of you, the very core of your

being. Does this not put your lives in perspective, dear ones? You have been battling your own reflection in all its infinite forms because there has been a lack of

understanding of who you are. Can you believe you are only the reflection, when it truth it is the movement of creation expressing and unfolding disguised as

separation? This is the play of life. It must feel real so that every scene can carry a message to itself in a unique and beautiful way and free will is given so the

seeming parts unfold in infinite ways. Please remember, dear ones the things that come into your lives as blocks are there to move you beyond this limited concept

of yourself; they are set up, by you, to overcome your fears. When you encounter (difficult others) in your lives you are simply facing your mirrors, those parts of

yourself that have been denied, (unloved) and are in need of recognition and healing. When you truly understand the game, and it is time you do understand, all of

the charge and bitterness dissolves as one fully realizes that all of the parts are the one. The dreams of existence, steeped in duality, surely created movement, the

action of life. When all the seeming parts agree to play, this is life, but remember you have not changed from your original, perfect being, as creative force. Once

one becomes self conscious in the game and remembers who they truly are, all fear flees. There is no greater knowing than one is infinite and cannot ever die. The

source of creation in all its manifest beauty, is eternal, all knowing and unconditionally loving. You are all this, therefore there can be no (that), or other. Dwell on

this, dear ones, and let this truth penetrate your hearts, so that you take this understanding beyond thought. It is the heart that remembers, the heart that returns

to love and the heart that unifies. Time creates the space for you to experience yourselves, but as I have stated before this is a part of the illusion of physical

existence. Dear ones, every part of yourself is this existence in motion, can one then reject any part of the creation with this understanding? Dare to see your

magnificence and therefore the magnificence of all creation for this is the source of your being. Babaji

lovetruth 19-11-2012 05:10 PM

Dear ones, your most precious gift in life is what you give to yourselves as unconditional love; this transpires when you fully accept every part of your experience as

valid and for a reason without judgement. All will release self judgement first, before extending unconditional love toward another. Learning stems from this self

acceptance with the understanding of how valuable we are as essence. It is also in acknowledging that one is more than the physical, therefore one sees beyond the

mirror, to the depths of the soul where one cannot be in denial when seeing from within. It is why one must know the self, then one can extend that most precious

understanding to all beings. When one looks on the outside for love it is an act of trying to love the self from the outside, rather than from the inside. When one

masters this inner love and acceptance, love naturally emanates from you and you attract love back to yourself. Always remember, the world as it appears in this

dualistic form, presents all in a backward manner. One becomes a master of the game by not being a follower, but a pioneer of their own soul progression. One can

follow for only so long, the heart will always yearn to find its own way through its life experiences. This is why every path is different, each learns by their own

approaches what feels right, and none can rely entirely on an others approach. At some point each finds how to trust their own heart. Dear ones, do you not now do

this, if something does not resonate or feel right, you put it aside? This is following your own truth which is unique to each being, according to their own unique

experiences. Each follows their path in their own way. It is no wonder that the so called doctrines of truth cannot hold the masses forever, always the heart moves to

its own special tune and unique way of hearing and feeling. It is important to heed your heart, dear ones. Many clamor for your essence, so be wise and do not be

fooled by those who only live to rule and dominate. Realize the the power which resides within, is of great value and each chooses how to use that power wisely.

Trust your hearts dear ones, a wise being knows that their innate essence and wisdom is, after all, their true wealth. Babaji

Sourcerer 19-11-2012 05:48 PM

Thank you, dear Lovetruth and Babaji!!! I love you.

lovetruth 19-11-2012 06:49 PM

Bless you Sourcerer. lovetruth

Belle 19-11-2012 08:46 PM

How timely thank you, I'm working on my heart. It is the place to go, the way forwards.

lovetruth 25-11-2012 04:04 PM

:hug2: Hello Belle, I know we all have more work to do on our hearts. lovetruth

lovetruth 25-11-2012 04:27 PM

Dear ones, you are walking between two worlds; the world of the past and the world of now. Whatever has transpired in your past is your experience, it integrates

with who you are. Because all beings experience with a different perception, all possibility becomes the experience of the whole. Remember, dear ones, the body holds

the impressions of life by the perceptions, but the soul integrates all the experience without experiencing the pain and suffering that the body perceives. In this way

you are experiencing two worlds, the physical world of the senses and the earth as a being of light holding your soul in the truth of your greater existence. As you

reacquaint yourselves with the earth as a part of you own soul, you will remain in your greater purpose, expressed in a bodily form. It is the very fate of humankind to

remember its multidimensional existence in infinity, so that the prison of the body does not continually entrap the soul. It is belief of being less than your fullness, that

holds you in bondage, but once limited belief is released, the soul continues on her journey back to fullness. It is all part of the process of experiencing density and free

will, which puts you in a place of making choices. Dear ones, do not think that you are less, when indeed you hold the universe within you. Every step has been a

reminder of your greater beauty and purpose, which transcends bodily understanding. Just know dear ones, that what you are accomplishing upon the earth is much

greater then you can imagine, but a part of you is aware always of your true purpose. Remember above all that you are sovereign beings, and if you are held back by

another version of reality, it is your choice to experience further those paradigms, but nothing can hold you when you fully understand who you are, and choose

freedom on all levels. I remind you, to hold your highest vision of who you are, and what you have set out to accomplish on a universal scale, because your purpose is

so much greater then you have remembered, but this too shall soon change. Live in your hearts, dear ones, it is where you make the highest choices and are not easily

fooled. Let your heart synchronize to the earth, as you each usher in the divine energy of multidimensional awakening. Babaji

Belle 25-11-2012 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Remember above all that you are sovereign beings, and if you are held back by

another version of reality, it is your choice to experience further those paradigms, but nothing can hold you when you fully understand who you are, and choose

freedom on all levels. I remind you, to hold your highest vision of who you are, and what you have set out to accomplish on a universal scale, because your purpose is

so much greater then you have remembered, but this too shall soon change. Live in your hearts, dear ones, it is where you make the highest choices and are not easily

fooled. Let your heart synchronize to the earth, as you each usher in the divine energy of multidimensional awakening. Babaji

This part resonated so deeply. My self work at the mo is about a) knowing who I am and what I am capable of and b) expansion of the heart and allowing the heart to rule and heal.

Thank you lovetruth.

lovetruth 25-11-2012 09:35 PM

Dear Belle, so glad Babaji's message resonates with you. Surely everything is in divine order, and he is speaking to your heart. lovetruth

Dreamer_love 27-11-2012 06:01 AM

Thank you for the channelings lovetruth, god bless your soul.

Dear babaij, your messages have been gems of beauty and a great source of inspiration to me.

I aim to come to the realization of my true essence. However, sometimes the insecurities and fears of my personality shell keeps me from feeling like I am the light.

I feel as if this drags me back down and ankers me to the illusion of duality.

Is there an excercise or method that you can advise us (me) so that we can quicken our journey in becoming what we already are.

What is a pure way of living? How can we surpass our selfcreated obstacles more faster?

Thank you babaji and god bless you,

lovetruth 27-11-2012 05:14 PM

Dear Dreamer love, I will see if I can get an answer for you from Babaji. May eternal source bless you too.

Dreamer_love 27-11-2012 08:39 PM

Thank you so much Lovetruth. :hug3:

lovetruth 28-11-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Dear Dreamer love, I will see if I can get an answer for you from Babaji. May eternal source bless you too.

Dear ones, please remember that the state of duality that you have all agreed to participate in, is one of the greatest motivators for a being to turn inward. One can

only take so much of the game of pain and suffering, before it turns within. Your awareness of that is a key to overcoming its power over you. Realize that the ups

and downs are a part of the process of coming to this understanding, then living in this knowing, gives one the power to live authentically, from the heart. Yes, dear

ones, sometimes you fall, but you are then picking yourselves up once again, with greater awareness of why you became enmeshed in the drama. Did you not learn

from the experience? It is that awareness that moves you forward. If one just moves between dualities without understanding that they themselves are creating this

duality by how they act or re-act to each situation, then they are trapped in the game. Be aware, watch yourselves, it is the most important way that you can

realize why you react the way you do, then modify your behavior, not with a sense of guilt, but rather with a sense of responsibility; to yourself and each other as

fellow beings, sharing the experience of your existence with a purpose. If you are reacting to the world around you, there is a part of yourself that you are denying, not

loving, or not accepting as a part of you own experience. Reaction is always a mirror. Remember dear ones you have all played all the parts over may lives, the dark

the light and the neutral, how else can one learn? If you are still judging those experiences rather than accepting them as parts unloved or unacknowledged, you are

lying to yourself about your experience. Your falls are not failures, these are but reminders of where your weakness lies and where you need to examine more closely

what you are projecting, that creates the cause and effect in your lives. Be gentle with yourselves, you are already masters of many realities. You are now learning in

this reality of density, deception, and duality to test your mettle, to overcome on all levels. No one said it would be easy but once understood and once you give

yourselves, and each other the credit and respect you each deserve, it is not so very hard. Take time to contemplate your innate beauty that rests in your hearts.

Listen to that stillness that is unconditional love which naturally emanates from your inner being, then share that love with all you meet, by acknowledging that each

holds that love within, as your counterparts in your lives many adventures. The illusion is merely the idea that you are less, and that your ego is king. The ego serves

to move you in each situation, but it is a vessel that holds the true you so you can operate as mirrors to each other in this dualistic life, but, it is not you . It is

easy to forget this and fall back into the ego awareness and look at the world with fearful eyes. The ego will always fear what it cannot understand. It knows it is

finite, for the body does die, but your eternal spirit/soul never dies. Can you see how ego awareness only, is a trap that attempts to keep you in one fear after

another? Be wise, dear ones, wise and watchful. do not forget who you are, a universe unto yourselves, sovereign, unconditionally loving and divinely sweet. This is

who you are and the small traps of illusion will not hold you forever. Babaji

Dreamer_love 28-11-2012 06:19 PM

Namaste babaij and lovetruth.

Thank you for the inspiration. I will perservere.

Peace be with all,

lovetruth 03-12-2012 04:16 PM

Namaste to you too Dreamer love

Dear ones, remember that history is arranged by those who wish to keep you in a state of ignorance about your infinite being, thus the past is repeated over and over

again while many beings flounder through deceit and lies. Foremost, remember, you are all much grander then your history reveals. Remember dear ones, in this life you

are reliving all that history again in a compressed manner so that you can finally be done with repeating the same limited paradigm. There are stories within stories and

realms within realms; it is why it is most important to trust your own heart which holds the truth of your souls progression. You have been taught to look on the

outside for information and (a form) of truth, but you will find only clues and an array of contradicting stories that serve to trap you in the mind. Remember dear ones,

what you have learned from all authorities, are colored with agendas that have kept you in a trance of forgetfulness. Do you believe that you are just here to

forge another round of incarnation. Dear ones you have come for the purpose of breaking wide the deception in yourselves so that the Earth can be healed of the

dishonor pressed upon her for many many, many generations. You are all wise enough to know that you do not learn by following; one learns/remembers by

experience. One always has the guide of what works and what does not work. Your current lives have been crammed with these lessons of the past so you can return

to your greater essence along with the Earth as she expands to the next level or octave of her existence. You are integrating these experiences once again by

re-connecting thus remembering who you are. How do you feel when you are told to believe something that does not resonate with your heart? If you take every bit

of knowledge and test it with the heart you will find that a beautiful simplicity imbues the many levels of creation you have traveled from, these are based in love and

not deception. It is but a small faction that has interfered, and remember, this is also for a purpose. When you test through your heart how does it feel, does it uplift

or let you down? This alone removes much confusion. Search for truth, takes patience and intent, it is a path that will test you constantly so you learn to trust your

inner resource. As the old structures, based in deception fall away, many are left without a foundation, because all that they have held as truth, by belief alone,

unfolds before them in its entirety and those beliefs cannot stand up to what the heart already knows. The conclusion of an age, brings all belief forward to the

consciousness to be looked at once again, examined and taken apart so all is revealed. This is what you are living, a review of every aspect of yourselves from the

ancient past of linear time to the now. Do not be fooled, dear ones, test each image with your heart, examine each image without fear, and trust what your heart

reveals. The old traps will again try to fool you into dis-empowerment, how you respond will be your own test of how much wisdom you have chosen to remember then

implement. It is therefore a time to stay calm and balanced as you remember once again to navigate with your heart of hearts. Babaji

Belle 03-12-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Dear ones you have come for the purpose of breaking wide the deception in yourselves so that the Earth can be healed of the

dishonor pressed upon her for many many, many generations.

Thank you Babaji, thank you lovetruth,

This hits home like a hot knife through butter - the deception within ourselves truly needs to be blasted wide open so we can truly see.

There is a thread about lying but how many of us are inadvertently lying to ourseloves.

lovetruth, if Babaji can elaborate on this statement then that would be much appreciated as it is rich with meaning.

lovetruth 04-12-2012 04:07 PM

Dearest Belle, I will just let the information flow as usual, so we will see what comes. Blessings, lovetruth :hug3:

lovetruth 05-12-2012 06:17 PM

Dear ones, as you begin to understand how important your roles are in healing on all levels, you also begin to master universal intelligence, which resides in the heart.

Most beings that live on this planet have chosen to heal one aspect of the deception; to heal within their energetic body, be it judgement, fear, issues of trust, anger,

jealousy etc.; through your lives, you have dealt with each of these, and in this life it is an opportunity to fully heal each part of deception. In other words, you are

integrating these aspects of your experience without judgement, or asking why, you are simply understanding on a higher level that each of these aspects of the

shadow self, must be understood as a part of dual existence in this universal framework of light. You are bringing the sum of the parts together as individuals so that all

is healed on a universal level. Some of you have chosen to take on all of those aspect and heal them in yourselves in this one life, so that your expression can move to

the next level of experience which is universal. Remember that you live in a universe of light and the overlay of deception is an activation tool that has served its

purpose as you each awaken to your higher aspects beyond limitation. These aspects include love, wisdom, peace compassion, joy and gratitude for your choosing to

share in this universal journey. All of these aspects of your dual existence combine in the heart and are integrated as your personal experience in duality, which is also

shared with the whole of the universe, as you are playing in her field of being which she has agreed to. Just as a mother accepts her child with all its beauty and also

its faults you are all encouraged to heal together so you come back to the understanding of who you are on a larger scale. You are all growing up spiritually, you are

ready to accept yourselves as having played all the parts, the dark the light and all the shades of grey in between, you are remembering that it was necessary to

experience all aspects of this reality so you can now bring it back into balance, while also honoring your varied experiences together. It is a grand game playing out,

realizing, exposing, then freeing, on a grand scale. Do you understand the implication of this? You are healing on a cosmic scale, the overlay, which is the program that

you all came to be a part of in becoming masters of universal light. You are beautiful dear ones, beyond the scope of the mind. As one again touches their eternal

aspects and remembers, the game becomes fascinating, just like a game of chess, but in this game, ultimately, every one wins, because you are in reality both

players. It is your own game you are playing, as you come back to the realization you are and always were one with the all. Babaji

Belle 06-12-2012 11:04 AM

Thank you lovetruth, thank you Babaji.

I find this so interesting and so much to digest, a lot of the work I've been doing is around the heart centre - at least in the last month or so.

I'm sure I'm integrating so many areas that need healing not just one - it feels like the forth bridge but it's not, that is a perception.

But this feels so true, at least for me, and the fact that everyone wins is beautiful. And it is indeed fascinating (although sometimes I wish it wasn't quite so fascinating)

I'm interested about the aspect of the shadow energy - this is something I've been becoming aware of - first of all (of course) in others and then I realised I was seeing myself. I think that is all part of the "one-ness" that we are.

Cosmic scale - interesting words.

lovetruth 06-12-2012 04:04 PM

Dearest Belle, for myself, at least, I constantly remind myself that we are perfect. We are a part of the evolution of being and we participate in many realities. It has finally become fun and entertaining for me, that is a blessing. Hugs, lovetruth

lovetruth 10-12-2012 03:53 PM

Dear ones if you wish to understand the shadow, then realize it is everything that is opposite to light. It is opposition, it is fear based, it is the ego in its most

dissonant appearance, it is all fallacies, it is arrogance, jealousy, anger, hate, and vengeance.Dark, is the teacher only, for you are all of light and it is your heart,

the core of your soul that understands. The world is a mock-up, so you can live dark and light until your dawning, which is the realization that you are truly only light,

because this, your source, is where you truly live. It is time to wake up NOW, dear ones, let go of the paltry ideas that bog you down, these are trying to pull you

back into illusion, where fear lives. Do whatever feeds your soul. If you are stuck, what is it you are failing to recognize in yourself that opposes light? You must put

out your own invitation to re-unite with your greater being. You are all given hints throughout your lives, see them dear ones, these, the signposts, are yours to

notice, the source of light speaks to you every day. Return to heart, when you do, dear ones, the purity of your inner light will illuminate your way and peace will

follow. Babaji

lovetruth 13-12-2012 04:30 PM

Dear ones, now that each of you have played the spiritually blind, and have played the parts of pain and deception, it is time to rise up from that old cycle of life. All

that was lost, will be restored and brought back to fullness as you are all remembering truth and re-aligning with love and joy, your true nature, for indeed dear ones

you are rising again from the ashes of the old age by integrating your own masculine aspects again with the feminine. This is the rebirth of yourselves and your planet

from division to fullness, but you need not wait for the golden age to fully unfold, because you are doing this within, now, and by means of compression, you are

facilitating this healing in a very short span of time. Your feminine aspect which had been forgotten in yourselves and in the Earth as divine mother, had made a

creation of unbalance, where one aspect controlled on the outside creating separation, treachery and fear. It is all part of the cosmic cycles, a waveform that

descends then rises once again to balance. You have all played in these cyclic dramas for many ages so that you could heal the deficiency of an unbalanced creation,

which has played out for a very long time. Do you understand now, dear ones, why the earth has been held prisoner along with your own feminine aspects, so you

could finally see clearly what unbalance creates? The feminine had been forgotten, but her plans of re-balancing awaken again in the hearts of all. The Earth has been

neglected, pushed down and ignored, but she arises and again restores herself back to beauty, love and balance, for the ways of the (world) have been of the

masculine domain, which is a symbol of the ego out of balance. She has endured the persecutions of her arrogant child, but he has brought himself to his knees through

his blindness. Please understand this in your deepest levels dear ones it is an old story, and though your ancient texts have been rearranged to fit a deceptive agenda,

none can hold back the power of truth entirely, and this truth lives deep in your hearts, for you remember these deeper truths of your soul. The universal mother of

is returning dear ones she returns in each of you, she is the wisdom and joy that now flowers in your hearts and sings in your spirit. Babaji

Gregatha 14-12-2012 11:00 PM

This channeling speaks to me, its so beautiful.:hug3:

Love to you both,..lovetruth and Babaji. :hug2:

lovetruth 15-12-2012 04:22 PM

Love to you too Gregatha, lovetruth

lovetruth 17-12-2012 04:21 PM

Dear ones, look carefully at your world and consider what is playing out. Can you conceive that you are playing out every aspect of these dark gods, and gods of light?

Do you suppose you traveled to this reality to play out this last chapter of duality in the guise of a human? Remember, dear ones, as above, so below.

There is symbolism in everything and in everything there is symbolism. Can you put a face on evil, can you put a face on love? Could you be the embodiment of a

disease in a larger aspect of yourselves, that you are playing lead parts to heal and balance? Remember dear ones you are energy, you are electric and magnetic, for

both are necessary in creation, but are those opposite, or are they merely a necessary state of being? Can electric and magnetic merge to create something different,

instead of difference? Do these gods appear stronger than you? Herein lies the illusion, can one part be superior to the rest? These are all questions to ponder dear

ones. Who are you, can you carry the universe within and yet be less than the whole? You are soon to wake from a very long and protracted dream. Every

picture contains a hidden meaning, another part of the puzzle to ponder. When you do peer behind the curtain, dear ones, do you expect to meet anyone other than

yourself involved in a divine comedy or tragedy depending on where your heart lives? Your task now is to grow up quickly, there is little time to remain blind, your

embryonic stage is over and now you must put it all together and remember your parts, all of them. Babaji

lovetruth 23-12-2012 04:10 PM

Hello everyone, this is not a message from Babaji but this one came from Earth/ Sophia. It came in a dream where I saw Sophia unfold before me in these magnificent

colors, textures, and it was multi-dimensional, she showed me what she creates with, what is at her disposal and believe me it was unlimited, awe-inspiring. I really

cannot put it into words. She wants us each to take time each day and see her (Earth) as a light body. We are also to see every being on the earth as a light body,

then take it a step further and see our solar system and all the planets and all beings, including multi-dimensional beings as light, then take it to the Galaxy and

Universe. This has been so healing for me and literally melted my heart. She wants each of us to make contact with her, it is not so hard. This is so powerful when

you see everything as it truly is, and it creates immediate change on the planet and for each of us. Hope to have more messages from Babaji after the holidays.

Love to all of you, and have a beautiful Christmas and New year. lovetruth

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