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jvassal 11-09-2015 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Holly
My perspective isn't as simple as that clean divide between God-like spirits and “adversaries.”

God is everything, it is every soul, regardless of whether we'd call that soul "good" or "bad." So I can't say 'God wouldn't lie to me,' anymore because God does lie, every day, through the bodies of unrealised human beings. I don't feel that God is outside of me, or outside of anyone or anything else. So what normal humans, what animals, whatever angels do is all the actions and choices of God.

Even the bad stuff. We can think it's right or wrong and that's fine, that's the human perspective, but to me, it's all God, so lying is a part of God. We can use it nobly as Azrael does or destructively as people often do.

Azrael does lie. But I've never known him lie to me over anything that didn't have a worthy lesson or a message. He uses it as a teaching tool, or like surgery to fix an existing injury. He's capable, just like every other facet of God.

You should take Azrael with a grain of salt. He never claimed to be bringing you the truth. He's only ever spoken to us with a view to helping us develop and easing suffering (which he DOES do, I'm living the evidence)...he's never promised he'd use the truth to do it.

I trust him, but that's my personal, human choice.

Ok.... your tag line has him asking who is ready for enlightenment... if you can see the irony.... potentially wasting my time with a bunch of lies doesnt appeal to me, especially if its just to make me "feel" better or ease pain... i believe angels are held accountable to more of a code of ethics higher than a politician would, but i also cannot claim that as anything more than my impression...

iamgrace 11-09-2015 02:38 AM

You sound a lot like me Ravenspirit.
I totally echo your sentiments regarding the possibilities of things that could be potentially dangerous.
Quick share--> I was watching this video the other night of this guy explaining his telepathic communication technique. I thought, "cool, I have someone I'd like to send a message to tonight," so I did the technique and sent my friend the message. (No response yet, btw :-) So anyway, I thought, what if I could communicate with others. I did and got a sense of those exchanges.
Then for some reason, I thought of the recently deceased Dr. Wayne Dyer (whom I adore). I thought, it would be nice to talk to him. I got a sense of him and then a thought or a message that said, "only the living".
At that moment I realized that I had gotten caught up in the moment and had almost gone into something that I can not claim to understand. I headed the warning (whether from myself or from beyond) and discontinued any further communication with anyone who is not in physical form in this realm :-)

Holly 11-09-2015 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by jvassal
Ok.... your tag line has him asking who is ready for enlightenment... if you can see the irony.... potentially wasting my time with a bunch of lies doesnt appeal to me, especially if its just to make me "feel" better or ease pain... i believe angels are held accountable to more of a code of ethics higher than a politician would, but i also cannot claim that as anything more than my impression...

That's not really what the tag line means. It means everyone can and should try at enlightenment if they want to. And it means...don't merely TRY. Don't accept defeat. It's saying if you only try, you psychologically accept the possibility of failure or unworthiness. He's telling you not to do that, to throw yourself heart and soul into enlightenment and have faith in God and your own divinity.

It wouldn't take much of a jump to better the moral code of most politicians.

As far as I've found, angels don't have a human moral code, they're basically amoral. They have one law only. The law of Gods love. They'll do literally anything, any behaviour, regardless of how we might label that behaviour, with the single proviso that it expresses the highest form of Gods love.

Azrael's actions, moral or otherwise, are just language. If you're speaking to an Englishman you speak English. If you're speaking to someone who has an amoral tendency, you sometimes need to use that language to communicate.

You'll never catch an angel doing harm. Most people have a clear cut idea of what right and wrong look like, but you have to remember that's just the mind. Not the soul. If you judge an angel based on a human moral code, you'll be missing half the picture, and it's not the angel who will lack for it.

Azrael is not trying to bring us enlightenment. He's trying to move our minds in such a way as we naturally release...and remember we're ALREADY enlightened and always have been. To do that he uses psychology, and he works with what he's got in front of him. Even if he did want to bring us the truth, he couldn't. There is no single truth. Reality, like truth, is malleable, plastic and subjective. You have to create your own, so he'll allow you to bounce off him to do that.

It's really not as simple as lies vs truth, morality vs evil.

I bet blatant lies have improved your life in the past. Think Santa Claus.

jvassal 12-09-2015 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Holly
That's not really what the tag line means. It means everyone can and should try at enlightenment if they want to. And it means...don't merely TRY. Don't accept defeat. It's saying if you only try, you psychologically accept the possibility of failure or unworthiness. He's telling you not to do that, to throw yourself heart and soul into enlightenment and have faith in God and your own divinity.

It wouldn't take much of a jump to better the moral code of most politicians.

As far as I've found, angels don't have a human moral code, they're basically amoral. They have one law only. The law of Gods love. They'll do literally anything, any behaviour, regardless of how we might label that behaviour, with the single proviso that it expresses the highest form of Gods love.

Azrael's actions, moral or otherwise, are just language. If you're speaking to an Englishman you speak English. If you're speaking to someone who has an amoral tendency, you sometimes need to use that language to communicate.

You'll never catch an angel doing harm. Most people have a clear cut idea of what right and wrong look like, but you have to remember that's just the mind. Not the soul. If you judge an angel based on a human moral code, you'll be missing half the picture, and it's not the angel who will lack for it.

Azrael is not trying to bring us enlightenment. He's trying to move our minds in such a way as we naturally release...and remember we're ALREADY enlightened and always have been. To do that he uses psychology, and he works with what he's got in front of him. Even if he did want to bring us the truth, he couldn't. There is no single truth. Reality, like truth, is malleable, plastic and subjective. You have to create your own, so he'll allow you to bounce off him to do that.

It's really not as simple as lies vs truth, morality vs evil.

I bet blatant lies have improved your life in the past. Think Santa Claus.

Guess im not really in disagreement....

John32241 12-09-2015 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Fleur de Frost

Thought this was an interesting point to discuss in the safety of channeling and how you can confirm authenticity of who you're hearing from.


You can authentically confirm any information when your personal relationship with God/Spirit is high enough so that you to discern those things.

All those who profess to have authority over you do so much of the time in the name of God. I tend to be more concerned with physical beings trying to control my life than messages from spirit which are intended to assist me with life.


smilelaughenjoy 23-09-2015 06:49 AM

Is the message of Love or a lack of Love?

This is how I know if a message is of God:


"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." - 1 John 4:8

God is merciful and kind even to the evil and unthankful, God's love includes loving your enemies (Luke 6:35-36).

Fearmongering is not from God; God knows no fear and therefore doesn't teach it.

This is just my Faith/Belief, hopefully it helped.

bartholomew 01-10-2015 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fleur de Frost
This article, about a supposed asteroid apocalypse in September, really caught my attention.


And not for the content itself - just the fact that someone claimed God sourced him with this information.

How many times have we heard something like this? 'God' warns of an impending doomsday, spreads subsequent panic/hysteria - all for nothing to ever occur? I'm not doubting this man channeled someone. I just highly doubt it was God.

Thought this was an interesting point to discuss in the safety of channeling and how you can confirm authenticity of who you're hearing from.

You do well to doubt. It was NOT God.

God does not communicate directly with human beings. An advanced master soul is always serving as an intermediary. This is why history gives prophets.

Remember Y2K? Well some of us do. Doom and gloom predictions which turned out to be boring non-events. Every day now because of the internet it's easy to find these. I think they're entertaining. I don't believe a single one of them. They all originate from the imaginations of ordinary people just like us.

God is not a human being nor is "He/She" some sort of super human being. God has no personality. God does not want things. God has no expectations. God simply "is". What does "He/She" do? God expresses. Thats all. God exists in a plane which is so far above that in which we live that it's quite inconceivable for us to relate to it. It is best if we think of God as a "source" and leave it at that.

There are people in the world who do accurate predictions but these usually keep quiet about what they find. When they write of them they are inclined to color them as fanciful stories which entertain with underlaying talk about how we should work to improve ourselves for some future event. There are many such examples in religious scriptures from all religions.

The person who is a conscious channel knows full well his/her sources. There are no mysteries and few surprises. It is this knowing that insulates us from receiving inaccurate information. We are sure of what is going on and if we thought something was wrong we would immediately stop the session. This is the difference between a real channel and a false one.

Sorry to put it that way... There are too many pretenders in the world. Whether or not these mean well or not doesn't matter.

OctoberSky 25-05-2016 03:29 AM

Of course entities we cannot see or hear fully can disguise themselves as some god.. They just play with us because we cannot see or hear them as I said and so it builds there ego.

Shivani Devi 25-05-2016 05:51 AM

This is a very good question and even though I know the answer, I'm going to have a hard time trying to explain this one.

I guess we should start by asking what the terms 'evil entity' and 'god' personally means to us and not to anybody else out there.

According to many, what I am communicating with are 'evil entities' because according to the beliefs and customs of others, "true" angels and guides don't behave the way mine do...a "true" angel or guide wouldn't reprimand you for doing something foolish...they'd just give all love and light, so you never learn anything from the lesson whatsoever...yeah, right!

Anyway, according to others and not myself, whatever I was speaking with was 'negative'...'dangerous'...'evil' and all I could say was "says who...you?"

This was of course, after I spent a while believing them....which led to a huge 'crisis of Faith'...which turned into a huge spiritual awakening when I had enough of letting negative spiritual 'party poopers' influence my life with all of this dissuasion and general religious paranoia about all of these 'negative entities' (which I personally weren't finding all that 'negative') and all of the following; "now, here's what you should do after that...take my advice...two spiritual aspirin and call me okay?"

After years of this, years of being brainwashed by new-age idealism, I finally gave everybody the 'middle finger' and sorta went 'it's my way or the highway, pal'.

In that moment...well, I totally surrendered my heart and ego first, of course...I found God...I found Shiva...filled my whole heart and soul He did...still does...every day.

Yep, so these same people say "oh that negative spirit there is only pretending to be God to trick you" and I'm like "which butt cheek of mine do you want to kiss here, left or right?" People say it's not a 'spiritual way to talk'...I didn't even know there was a 'spiritual way to talk'...as if going all pretty rainbows, fluffy puppies and lollipops did it for me......nah.

To cut a long story short, my guide masqueraded as a demon for years, before I found out I was talking to God Himself. Did He trick me? nope. I tricked myself into believing He was a 'negative/evil entity'.

Well...I'm finally glad I got all that sorted out.

Peace and love to you.

BlackHoleSun 25-05-2016 06:56 AM

Short answer: Yes, they can.
But: Ye shall know them by their fruits...

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