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2001zhaozhao 23-04-2015 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by acitak
As I see that,we are all at this forums at different levels of consciousness,it is not that someone is better than someone else, just at different levels of consciousness,a different beliefs which are forming a different perceptions of reality of individuals.

My dear friend said recently:" Law of attraction and Law of repulsion".
It is quite simple: similar beliefs attract similar beliefs, different beliefs are repulsing each other.

When you came with your Biblical fear based drama beliefs, within me automatically have raised a Law of repulsion becuse you are not at "Religion and Faiths"forums, you are at "Star Children" forum and I do not have to listen here of some fabricated Biblical stories which Controllers of this planet use for thousands of years to manipulate mass consciousness of sleeping humanity, which lead to mass somnambulism in every day life of people.

I am not here to argue with people ,just to talk with a like-minded people.

All the best

I was very science-oriented until I discover that a lot of things about spirit is strongly evident. I'd like to listen to ideas; if you can briefly describe your idea about star children in words, I might think about that in my own heart, maybe I'll find that right.

Nature Grows 23-04-2015 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by mindanalyzer
I believe that many of you have been deceived and manipulated by aliens/demons (from other dimensions or realities). These beings do exist and have a dark agenda towards us; they can be friendly [as long as you follow them and do as they say] and full of knowledge but their true aim is to entrap you and get you away from salvation. I can see how many of you echo their blasphemous teachings (ie the "I am God" statement, the Christ consciousness, the higher self, that the God of Israel has left us with 2 strands of DNA to control us like monkeys [this is very offensive], that Jesus is "only" an ascended master, etc). Think for a while, people, these are exactly the teachings of Satan. Pay attention to Genesis: "4 And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not surely die: 5 For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil".

I have been blessed by God, in the name of his son Jesus Christ, because his angels have appeared to me in my dreams and informed me that these aliens are the enemy of God, and as such they are fighting them because their goal is to lead us into perdition.

God bless you

Do you really believe that in the whole universe as massive as it is that humans are the only friendly beings to exist? There are so many people making contact everyday having good experiences also UFOs are described in the bible if you didn't notice.

LadyMay 23-04-2015 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nature Grows
also UFOs are described in the bible if you didn't notice.

Ooh where abouts?

Nature Grows 23-04-2015 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
Ooh where abouts?

Theres the story of Ezekiel were his describing what sounds like a UFO/E.T encounter.

"Now as I looked at the living beings, behold, there was one wheel on the earth beside the living beings, for each of the four of them. The appearance of the wheels and their workmanship was like sparkling beryl, and all four of them had the same form, their appearance and workmanship being as if one wheel were within another." (Ezekiel 1:16)

Im not going to put quotes for all of them an theres probably more but..

Theres the story of the prophet Elijah who gets taken up into heaven in what's described as fiery chariots of the Gods.

Theres the story of the three wise men following a moving star in the sky that they never noticed before which was brighter then all the rest.

I also believe the food known as manna that was dropped from the sky to feed moses and the Israelites was from E.Ts.

And theres The book of Enoch which was removed from the bible and in it Enoch talks about going into outer space, being taught things and seeing earth from above.

acitak 23-04-2015 09:17 PM

I do not like to speak of this subject at this forum ,but as I see it, some people really want some real truth about Bible and exstraterrestrials.

There was a woman involved in the writing of these documents known as the NEW TESTAMENT.
She was part of a group of individuals used to write the New testament of the Bible.

This was centered on the emperor known as CONSTANTINE. The family that was used at that time was a powerful family of Roman culture who have ulterior motives, and who were JEHOVAH in nature.
This was the PISO brothers, and this was a sister, part of the family, and it was her task to create a possible scenario,
she was simply a tool used by those JEHOVAH beings who wished to create a template of BELIEF that would be used in future times to map out the events known as the END TIMES.
Much that was revealed to her is actually what the JEHOVAH ORIONS wished the people of the future to believe would be the way of things at the end of time; the end of the world...They would then at the appropriate time, which are these times, come forward and start creating that which they themselves had planned in the Bible as events signifying the ending of things, the end of the world.
These are indeed the End Times,but not exactly those planned and prophesized by ORION EXSTRATERRESTRIALS.

There was a being at that old time known as Elijah who was somehow part of a process of bringing in spiritual awareness and understanding,
but there was also the PROPHET ELIJAH, in the OLD TESTAMENT.
This Prophet Elijah worked for those beings that were the gods of the time, the hidden masters,ORION JEHOVAH ANUNNAKIs and ORION REPTILIANS.

They had already started to hide themselves and construct the RELIGIONS that they would CONTROL and DOMINATE, and Elijah was one of their minions, who gave out the official party line of the EXSTRATERRESTRIALS from ORION, in control and in power at that time and to this day behind scene.
The JEHOVAH ANUNNAKIs and REPTILIANS were those extraterrestrials whom Elijah was a spokesperson for.
He was himself fooled by these extraterrestrials who presented themselves to them as GODS, and he believed they were the TRUE GODS ,
for this is what they wished him to known and BELIEVE. He was to be a voice for them that spoke to others.
In some way his deception was not intentional,for he was deceived, but at some point he began to understand the truth of the situation, and yet continued on.

He received benefits and did not wish to buck the system, so he continued to be the voice of the NEW GOD, and many believed him and he recorded in the stories of the Old Testament as being a PROPHET for God.

And in the end, STAR NATIONS exstraterrestrials are those guys who are in opposition for a thousands of years to the ORION ANUNNAKIs and REPTILIANS , ORION exstraterrestrials who control this planet for a thousands of years,
and there is nothing to be afraid of any of STAR NATIONS exstraterrestrial people.

mindanalyzer 24-04-2015 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by acitak
I do not like to speak of this subject at this forum ,but as I see it, some people really want some real truth about Bible and exstraterrestrials.

There was a woman involved in the writing of these documents known as the NEW TESTAMENT.
She was part of a group of individuals used to write the New testament of the Bible.

This was centered on the emperor known as CONSTANTINE. The family that was used at that time was a powerful family of Roman culture who have ulterior motives, and who were JEHOVAH in nature.
This was the PISO brothers, and this was a sister, part of the family, and it was her task to create a possible scenario,
she was simply a tool used by those JEHOVAH beings who wished to create a template of BELIEF that would be used in future times to map out the events known as the END TIMES.
Much that was revealed to her is actually what the JEHOVAH ORIONS wished the people of the future to believe would be the way of things at the end of time; the end of the world...They would then at the appropriate time, which are these times, come forward and start creating that which they themselves had planned in the Bible as events signifying the ending of things, the end of the world.
These are indeed the End Times,but not exactly those planned and prophesized by ORION EXSTRATERRESTRIALS.

There was a being at that old time known as Elijah who was somehow part of a process of bringing in spiritual awareness and understanding,
but there was also the PROPHET ELIJAH, in the OLD TESTAMENT.
This Prophet Elijah worked for those beings that were the gods of the time, the hidden masters,ORION JEHOVAH ANUNNAKIs and ORION REPTILIANS.

They had already started to hide themselves and construct the RELIGIONS that they would CONTROL and DOMINATE, and Elijah was one of their minions, who gave out the official party line of the EXSTRATERRESTRIALS from ORION, in control and in power at that time and to this day behind scene.
The JEHOVAH ANUNNAKIs and REPTILIANS were those extraterrestrials whom Elijah was a spokesperson for.
He was himself fooled by these extraterrestrials who presented themselves to them as GODS, and he believed they were the TRUE GODS ,
for this is what they wished him to known and BELIEVE. He was to be a voice for them that spoke to others.
In some way his deception was not intentional,for he was deceived, but at some point he began to understand the truth of the situation, and yet continued on.

He received benefits and did not wish to buck the system, so he continued to be the voice of the NEW GOD, and many believed him and he recorded in the stories of the Old Testament as being a PROPHET for God.

And in the end, STAR NATIONS exstraterrestrials are those guys who are in opposition for a thousands of years to the ORION ANUNNAKIs and REPTILIANS , ORION exstraterrestrials who control this planet for a thousands of years,
and there is nothing to be afraid of any of STAR NATIONS exstraterrestrial people.

Incredible, simple incredible :icon_eek:

Where did you get this from? Channeling? automatic writing? Were you contacted by the 'spirit' of this woman you talk about? or were you told by some friendly 'enlightened' beings?

PS: If the belief in God and the bible is such a made-up conspiracy in order to dominate and control human beings; How is it that many of the so called enlightened beings and other 'friendly' aliens are so afraid and tremble at the simple mention of Jesus Christ? Maybe you do not possess discernment of spirit and cannot sense it but some of us can do that and believe me, they do tremble when you rebuke them with authority in the name of Jesus Christ.

acitak 27-04-2015 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by 2001zhaozhao
I was very science-oriented until I discover that a lot of things about spirit is strongly evident. I'd like to listen to ideas; if you can briefly describe your idea about star children in words, I might think about that in my own heart, maybe I'll find that right.

I can tell you only for the Starbeings or Wanderers-some call Starseeds.

I know that a main purpose of them is to raise the vibrations of this planet.
Being psychic is not a strong requirement for Starbeings or Wanderers.

There are certain characteristics that are quite common among Starbeings or Wanderers. They may have some psychic abilities.
The term would be better described as "sensitive" qualities.
They are generally quite sensitive, which can be translated into psychic abilities, but it is not necessarily the psychic ability that many people would consider.

They generally feel themselves to be misfits in their world, not to fit well with most of the people they know.

They generally feel that they have some very important purpose in their lives, but may not be able to define what that purpose is, and they generally have difficulties in the early part of their lives trying to find a niche in which they feel comfortable.

birds 28-04-2015 12:03 AM

You could Google it for many websites and discussions on the topic.
I like this one in general: http://www.dimension1111.com/starseed-experiences.html

Here's another:

Those interested in this thread may enjoy the Ancient Aliens TV program sometimes shown by the History cable channel. Each half hour program deals with a different specific topic on the subject. They often air the repeats.

CrystalSong 28-04-2015 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by acitak
I do not like to speak of this subject at this forum ,but as I see it, some people really want some real truth about Bible and exstraterrestrials.

There was a woman involved in the writing of these documents known as the NEW TESTAMENT.
She was part of a group of individuals used to write the New testament of the Bible.

This was centered on the emperor known as CONSTANTINE. The family that was used at that time was a powerful family of Roman culture who have ulterior motives, and who were JEHOVAH in nature.
This was the PISO brothers, and this was a sister, part of the family, and it was her task to create a possible scenario,
she was simply a tool used by those JEHOVAH beings who wished to create a template of BELIEF that would be used in future times to map out the events known as the END TIMES.
Much that was revealed to her is actually what the JEHOVAH ORIONS wished the people of the future to believe would be the way of things at the end of time; the end of the world...They would then at the appropriate time, which are these times, come forward and start creating that which they themselves had planned in the Bible as events signifying the ending of things, the end of the world.
These are indeed the End Times,but not exactly those planned and prophesized by ORION EXSTRATERRESTRIALS.

There was a being at that old time known as Elijah who was somehow part of a process of bringing in spiritual awareness and understanding,
but there was also the PROPHET ELIJAH, in the OLD TESTAMENT.
This Prophet Elijah worked for those beings that were the gods of the time, the hidden masters,ORION JEHOVAH ANUNNAKIs and ORION REPTILIANS.

They had already started to hide themselves and construct the RELIGIONS that they would CONTROL and DOMINATE, and Elijah was one of their minions, who gave out the official party line of the EXSTRATERRESTRIALS from ORION, in control and in power at that time and to this day behind scene.
The JEHOVAH ANUNNAKIs and REPTILIANS were those extraterrestrials whom Elijah was a spokesperson for.
He was himself fooled by these extraterrestrials who presented themselves to them as GODS, and he believed they were the TRUE GODS ,
for this is what they wished him to known and BELIEVE. He was to be a voice for them that spoke to others.
In some way his deception was not intentional,for he was deceived, but at some point he began to understand the truth of the situation, and yet continued on.

He received benefits and did not wish to buck the system, so he continued to be the voice of the NEW GOD, and many believed him and he recorded in the stories of the Old Testament as being a PROPHET for God.

And in the end, STAR NATIONS exstraterrestrials are those guys who are in opposition for a thousands of years to the ORION ANUNNAKIs and REPTILIANS , ORION exstraterrestrials who control this planet for a thousands of years,
and there is nothing to be afraid of any of STAR NATIONS exstraterrestrial people.

This is very specific information, and very curious indeed. Where did you come by this information ?
Channeled, a book, a website, something else?

acitak 28-04-2015 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by CrystalSong
This is very specific information, and very curious indeed. Where did you come by this information ?
Channeled, a book, a website, something else?

Hi Crystal,
I think that it does not matter where did I come by this information ,but is this information in harmony with your soul knowledge,intuition,
and I can see that you have a great connection with your soul.

All the best

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