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Casio 08-12-2010 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Shadowside
If it's created by the energy of the people who live in the world, the why is it crumbling? More and more people are being awakened and starting to study energy/magick and if the veil functions off of their energies shouldn't it be strengthening?
Sangress the veil has wholes in it that is a fact, It dosen't behave like water exactly, when you damage the veil, it is damaged permanetly, at one time the veil probably could fix itself but it's becoming to weak to do even that.

well then why try and make it weaker have u tried helping it repair if more people did that rather than trying to break it i think that would make the world a better place........so why not make a thread asking people to try and help it rather than go on about ideas of how to break it.

Shadowside 08-12-2010 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Casio
yer umm good luck it wont work obiously u dont understand anything about the veil and no it wont break 2012 if you think that your nothing short of a idiot.....i dont think you understand your not powerfull enough to break it and you never will be its not like some wall its like where light meets dark as i believe someone else pointed out on here she also made a good point its like trying to cut water so in more simple words enjoy wasteing your time and btw judeing people on their starS seriously get a life but hey im cancer im just a frkin crab what would i know huh??

I understand more than a lot of people about the veil, All signs point to yes, it will crumble on dec 21st 2012. I'm just doing this to get a taste of what's to come. fortunately I'm gifted with a large powerlevel so I'm pretty sure that i could possible make this work. I'm not judging anyone about there star sign I' a gemini aswell, I just pointed out that sangress has gemini characteristics, like arguing for arguing's sake like what i'm doing right now.

Shadowside 08-12-2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Casio
well then why try and make it weaker have u tried helping it repair if more people did that rather than trying to break it i think that would make the world a better place........so why not make a thread asking people to try and help it rather than go on about ideas of how to break it.

Simply put there's a possibility that if i succeeded, that the modern world would be changed forever, and believe me it needs it.

Casio 08-12-2010 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Shadowside
I understand more than a lot of people about the veil, All signs point to yes, it will crumble on dec 21st 2012. I'm just doing this to get a taste of what's to come. fortunately I'm gifted with a large powerlevel so I'm pretty sure that i could possible make this work. I'm not judging anyone about there star sign I' a gemini aswell, I just pointed out that sangress has gemini characteristics, like arguing for arguing's sake like what i'm doing right now.

a taste of whats to come?? i dont think the astral world mixing with this world can be to great the things we can do in the astral depend only on our minds limit and if that were to be the case in our world more than enough people have darker minds.

Lucuno 08-12-2010 04:45 PM

Astral mixing with this world = more disorder, there's no harmony cause there will be many wars; etc. There won't be just good entities running around but also bad ones; people will be in more danger and more deaths.

As for a big power level, you sound like something on DBZ, if you believe Spirituality is about being all powerful, then you lack the wisdom of spirit.
Oh well like the last one your just like him, he thought he was god and yea; your just like him. Spirit is about understanding, not becoming a GOD over power.
ALSO 8 years of spirit doesn't make you powerful.

ALSO 2012 = a theory; just like the Y2k, so why take it seriously?
Mankind has been talking end of the world for aeons now.
Also the world is changing, but not the way most people thinks it's changing, it's changing slowly.

Oh well I'll let this be cause I already know how this is going to end.

Casio 08-12-2010 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Lucuno
Astral mixing with this world = more disorder, there's no harmony cause there will be many wars; etc. There won't be just good entities running around but also bad ones; people will be in more danger and more deaths.

As for a big power level, you sound like something on DBZ, if you believe Spirituality is about being all powerful, then you lack the wisdom of spirit.
Oh well like the last one your just like him, he thought he was god and yea; your just like him. Spirit is about understanding, not becoming a GOD over power.
ALSO 8 years of spirit doesn't make you powerful.

ALSO 2012 = a theory; just like the Y2k, so why take it seriously?
Mankind has been talking end of the world for aeons now.
Also the world is changing, but not the way most people thinks it's changing, it's changing slowly.

Oh well I'll let this be cause I already know how this is going to end.

Agreed.......but take no offence but i believe no one knows how the world will end

Lucuno 08-12-2010 05:22 PM

No one does and it will end when no one expects it to end.
For example our world may end with a black hole eating our solar system. :D

The end is unpredictable; anyone that believes the predictions of the end shall be fooled; as they have been for aeons. No one can predict the end.

Shadowside 08-12-2010 05:22 PM

not trying to end the world, just trying to change it for the better.

radareyes 08-12-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shadowside
I can't just assume it won't work without trying now can I, but more than likely I'll fail hard just like the rest. But that's an attempt for another day, For even I need to rest. Goodnight!

That was encouragement, Shadowside, not an attempt to dissuade. My point about the universe's resiliency was in response to the many who have said things like "there's a barrier between the physical and the astral for a reason". But really, it's more a matter of your motivations for breaking the veil than it is the actual act itself. If you're in it for a spiritual "quick fix" or power trip, then you can expect severe repercussions. If, however, you're simply curious and your heart's in the right place, the universe WILL accomodate you, no matter how "reckless" your actions may seem from an outsider's perspective.

Lucuno 08-12-2010 05:29 PM

How can you change the world? Many want to change the world besides you.
And what kind of change? for harmony or for chaos? Cause atm breaking the veil is like opening pandoras box and if ya herd of that story; you should know what could happen when you do. Every action has consequences and so yea...

Edit: also rushing the world into changing will usually lead to many disasters, that's why we let it go with the flow.
It's no different when your swamped with work, if you push too hard and rush like hell, you will most likely burn out, but if you flow, you will get it done.
The same thing can happen with this world, change takes time, the world is changing, just not quickly.

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