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Karma_Eleon 23-02-2024 11:48 AM

About reading the future:

I don't, I tell people sometimes that the best I can do is a tendency based on decisions of the past and present.

As a simple illustration:

If as a teenager, a person wants to become a firefighter, decides to actively go in that direction, then a future path is reasonable predictable (a big stone for that person, to stay with your analogy).

But then, this person decides to also take up boxing - a pebble or just a grain of sand, right?

So during one of the fights, they suffer an injury and now they are no longer eligible to be a firefighter, and a new rock needs to be found.

As I see it, futures (individual ones at least) depend on the decisions taken at any moment.

Same with world events that are dependent on collective / political decisions:
Change a decision and a war breaks out / is avoided.

The thing we only have a very limited influence on with decisions are the ones stemming from the planet (although again, I make a difference between nature events than can be linked to man-made activities, and geological events that we can only partially predict but not influence).

All this to explain why I do not look into the future. I keep my readings to solving present issues.

Now, with my own musings about the Akashic records earlier in mind - if within the records there is no time as we know it, then the future would ALSO already be there and available, accessible information to draw on. I am not sure actually that I would WANT access to that in particular (although I have a limited timespan ahead where I sometimes seem to know anyway).

(And to throw another ripple in this pond, I think the records are One for ALL species, aliens (to us) included...)


Podshell 23-02-2024 12:35 PM

In general-using educated guesswork could work but I think you would soön be exposed as doing that ,take the weather forecasts,they have loads of computers and boffins yet still slip up-if a seer thinks a weather event is worth mentioning via a dream say they should not worry that the data is likely already there somewhere as some skeptic may mock them-do people remember the nuns who took out full page ads to anounce a comet hitting jupiter?This came to pass ,but the so called level headed folk said 'ah but science had already said a comet could hit Jupiter'implying they cheated-I say to the skeptics 'you look through all science has said,pluck something out and trumpet the prediction,you repeat it if that is how it was done' the event also happened in a way that was best for viewing from Earth,side on so you could see the comet fragments going in and the impact.

Redchic12 23-02-2024 02:52 PM

WhiteWarrior. My belief is that when Cayce, or anyone else for that matter, makes a future prediction for you it is really not “locked in” but instead, are potentialities based on the kind of path that you are on now.

However, us being the kind of humans that we are, we may decide to do something completely “off the cuff” and take another unknown path, therefore, the potential of what was coming forth may change to something else.

Just my thoughts tho.

Miss Hepburn 23-02-2024 03:12 PM

Smarter future predictors know to say something may happen within the next 50 years ...rather than pinpoint it too much. Imo.

WhiteWarrior 24-02-2024 09:47 AM

One of Cayce's first paranormal experiences was when he was a child. Quoting Wikipedia:
"As a child, Cayce reportedly saw the ghost of his deceased grandfather. He was confident that it was a ghost, because it became transparent if he "looked hard enough."[7]"

I am curious now. Has anyone of you guys ever seen someone you knew were dead?

I have, sort of. My cabin was a farm once, where my grandmother lived. Several times, long after she died, I kinda saw her walk outside, for a moment. I was awake on those times. We didn't interact and she didn't see me. If I recall correctly; this is a long time ago now. Mind you, I had seen her walk around those buildings a thousand times when she was alive, so it could be just a sudden memory. It's the closest I have to such a thing though.

Redchic12 24-02-2024 09:56 AM

Yes my niece appeared to me after she died but she wasn’t transparent.

Another time a huge man appeared before me in the corner of my bedroom and he was laughing but not transparent either.

Podshell 24-02-2024 11:54 AM

A huge nan! That would scare me.I saw my mum once who was transparent when I focused,she was still alive at the time,she was peeling potatoes in the kitchen but as I was coming in from playing I looked into the living room which was empty except for mum peeling spuds in the corner,'odd I thought,she usually does that in the kitchen' so when I went in the kitchen she was there doing the spuds,I reckon she must have bee daydreaming and projecting.

WhiteWarrior 24-02-2024 12:00 PM

I need to add one thing. Other than hearing voices of deceased family members, Wikipedia does not mention any other occasion where he SAW deceased people.

Miss Hepburn 24-02-2024 03:04 PM

Thought I would mention - say if Mr. Cayce saw 2 people at diff times with very similar health issues,
he could say to do a specific thing to one ...yet the other needed something else.

I have not seen any deceased people, WW, but then again all I need is a smell in the air when they visit me.
But, my friend Bill with many bros and sisters - would visit his dying dad with Alzhiemer's often. When he finally did pass - all came
for the Catholic Wake, a viewing, etc.

His 27 year old nephew came to town staying in a nice hotel here...
When he returned to shower for the evening big dinner with all the family,
ALL the change he left on the dresser was ''stacked"!!!
He thought, "Gee, that's weird I guess the maids do that."

After the shower, ALL the coins were smashed all over...and there was his grandfather in a flannel shirt smiling big,
snapping his fingers at him saying :
"Gotcha!" And disappeared. (No more Alzhiemer's!)

At dinner the nephew was pale, acting weird...Bill was all, "What's the matter?" He coaxed him to tell him, 'It's ok to tell me."
Where he told Bill the story...the nephew was quite shaken.

(How wonderful all sickness was gone and SO soon to be playful, happy...
AND to be able to effect matter!!!)

Karma_Eleon 24-02-2024 03:11 PM

I have seen / felt people, but nobody of my family

- there was someone at my first apartment who followed me around for a while, but when he started breaking other people's things, I told him to move on;
- one of the previous owners of this house where I am now, very protective, came to see me when I was cleaning before the move, I promised him I'd take good care of his house but that I lived here now and he could move on. Haven't felt him around since;
- there also is an unknown to me tabby cat in this house;
- my old cat hung out at the old apartment, sad because she thought she had lost us; told her we'd moved and she could go to the rainbow bridge now.

However, I accidentally saw and old man leaving in my coffee grounds the day before my dad passed away, and when my mom died, my clock at home stopped at the time she passed...

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