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Dargor 29-06-2019 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by ketzer
True it doesn’t seem so scary at first glance. The trouble is, they don't always limit themselves to simply worshipping their imagination figures. Eventually they grow tired of wasting their precious time start trying to find ways to appease them. Those ways generally involve punishing those who don't believe and don't worship as they do. Before you know it they are laying siege to the walls of Jericho and then storming in to kill with the sword “every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys”. Or, perhaps forming themselves into armies and crusading across the land slaughtering everything in their path. Or perhaps they are hijacking planes full of people and flying them into buildings full of people.
They deny the existence of the devil within themselves and so they have no awareness or control over it when it comes to the surface and starts on a rampage of evil. When their own darkness surfaces to take over their minds, they fail to recognize it as such, and every dark thought they think begins to appear as light, and every dark impulse of their own will becomes contorted to look like the will of God. Driven by their own disowned evil within, they set out to hunt down and destroy an imagined evil enemy out there. They are driven by a need to find one and always seem to manage to do so. And so once again the world burns as they go off to battle, killing person after person, and never understanding why they can’t ever seem to win their war. It’s the “devil” they say, he is strong, but we have God on our side, we will defeat him in the end if we don’t give up.

“Look, over there, I think I see one of his demons now. It is trying to hide as something innocent. I am not fooled. I know evil when I see it. I will go and slay it in the name of the Lord. Take that demon! Praise be to God, Allah Akbar, and all that Jazz.”

Just another day in the army of the righteous. A bunch of nuts dancing or chanting around a fire, be it a bonfire or a single candle, may not seem frightening, but put it into the context of the history of the human race, and there is plenty of genuine evil there to be absolutely afraid of.

You just described religion in general. But theistic satanism is imho too small to count as an official religion but rather they are cults composed of outcast losers that have nothing better to do with their time. So I don't see any threat in them, except for their mental state.

Dargor 29-06-2019 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by ThatMan
Science can explain many things but not everything, some things go beyond science...

Science can explain a huge deal. From the creation of the universe to things such as hearing voices.

ThatMan 29-06-2019 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
Science can explain a huge deal. From the creation of the universe to things such as hearing voices.

The big bang is a theory like all the other theories that try to explain the creation, it's the same thing with religion, you need faith, without faith, they are just empty words.Same things goes with the theory of evolution, it's just a theory.The whole creation shows us that there is a Creator, but just like it's written in the Bible, without faith you can't please God, in other words, if you don't believe, then for you it does not exist.Now, if I believe and you don't, then there is no problem, I respect your belief and I hope you respect mine.

ketzer 29-06-2019 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by ThatMan
The big bang is a theory like all the other theories that try to explain the creation, it's the same thing with religion, you need faith, without faith, they are just empty words.Same things goes with the theory of evolution, it's just a theory.The whole creation shows us that there is a Creator, but just like it's written in the Bible, without faith you can't please God, in other words, if you don't believe, then for you it does not exist.Now, if I believe and you don't, then there is no problem, I respect your belief and I hope you respect mine.

I do believe that faith is as essential to human life as is food and water. Yet one can kill themselves by drinking too much water too fast, and one can sicken or even kill themselves with food in the same way.

What for you would be an appropriate use of faith, and what would be an inappropriate (or ill advised if you prefer) use of faith?

ketzer 29-06-2019 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
You just described religion in general. But theistic satanism is imho too small to count as an official religion but rather they are cults composed of outcast losers that have nothing better to do with their time. So I don't see any threat in them, except for their mental state.

Perhaps, but there are more benevolent and charitable descriptions of religion as well. I try to keep them both in mind, perspective, and balance.

While I have not heard of the self avowed satanists causing too much trouble, not all cults are created equal. I expect the more dangerous ones tend to keep their worst aspects out of the light. Some might even say you would make a good candidate for a sacrifice at the next bonfire night. Cut out your heart and pass it around? Mmmmm dark meat. LOL

Dargor 29-06-2019 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by ThatMan
The big bang is a theory like all the other theories that try to explain the creation, it's the same thing with religion, you need faith, without faith, they are just empty words.Same things goes with the theory of evolution, it's just a theory.The whole creation shows us that there is a Creator, but just like it's written in the Bible, without faith you can't please God, in other words, if you don't believe, then for you it does not exist.Now, if I believe and you don't, then there is no problem, I respect your belief and I hope you respect mine.

The big bang may be still a theory, but there's a lot of evidence and support for it such as the universe expanding, which indicates it came from a single point where it all started which must have been an explosion of some sort. The big bang theory makes more sense than some wrathful sky-wizard making everything magically appear out of nowhere. Evolution on the other hand, is not a theory but a real fact that is commonly accepted in mainstream science. We know that from fossiles and DNA research. The Earth is about four billion years old, while according to the ancient fairytale book called the bible it's only 6000 years old (which is impossible) and we know that life has existed for much longer than 6000 years, during which evolution took it's steps towards what it looks like today.

Of course you are free to believe what you want. I used to be a Christian for years, but no god ever hinted his existence to me, especially during my darkest moments where I was all alone. While he casually talks to a lot of people and giving them visions, he never bothered as much to reveal something of himself to me after all my years of endless prayers. I don't believe in a god that plays favorites with some people while treating others as irrelevant trash. If there was truly a god, things would be a lot less bleak.

ThatMan 29-06-2019 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
The big bang may be still a theory, but there's a lot of evidence and support for it such as the universe expanding, which indicates it came from a single point where it all started which must have been an explosion of some sort. The big bang theory makes more sense than some wrathful sky-wizard making everything magically appear out of nowhere. Evolution on the other hand, is not a theory but a real fact that is commonly accepted in mainstream science. We know that from fossiles and DNA research. The Earth is about four billion years old, while according to the ancient fairytale book called the bible it's only 6000 years old (which is impossible) and we know that life has existed for much longer than 6000 years, during which evolution took it's steps towards what it looks like today.

Of course you are free to believe what you want. I used to be a Christian for years, but no god ever hinted his existence to me, especially during my darkest moments where I was all alone. While he casually talks to a lot of people and giving them visions, he never bothered as much to reveal something of himself to me after all my years of endless prayers. I don't believe in a god that plays favorites with some people while treating others as irrelevant trash. If there was truly a god, things would be a lot less bleak.

I can say the very same thing about the existence of a Creator, we can debate on and on about the proof that enforces both of our beliefs.Everything you know, you know because you have been told so, my choice to stick with Jesus Christ is because of all the experiences that I had, this is not a blind faith, I can not describe in words the true nature of evil, just like I've said, the worst criminal in history is nothing in comparation with that evil.

I know what you want to say, almost 23 years of no real answer, in all these 23 years I suffered more than I can say in words, for me everything started last year exactly in this period of time, before this, I kept asking the Creator to answer me, year after year, I was addicted to porn, I had severe depression, severe anxiety, no friends, I thought about myself that I am complete failure, now I am so much better but because I am on the side of Light, I receive attacks from the evil forces and they are very powerful, in other words, they torment me, but it's ok, I will wait for the Creator to fully reveal Himself to me.These satanists, freemasons and all the other occult cults worship Lucifer because he exists, not because he does not, they consider him to be the real creator of everything.Everything I said here comes from my own first hand experience.

ThatMan 25-07-2019 04:50 PM

While praying I heard this message: "We rest in Your love."

ThatMan 25-07-2019 04:53 PM

Today, while trying to sleep, I received another message, this message is about a dream that I had a while ago, check the link below, in that dream I healed the broken legs of a child, well, today, a voice said to me: "His legs were broken in the second world war"; I was not even thinking about that dream, I just tried to sleep so my mind was quite silent... then after I heard this message, somehow, I knew instantly that it was about that child from my dream.All those people and that child had very old clothes, now, it really make sense.

It seems that now when I receive a message, my body moves on his own and I see flashes of light sometimes, it's like electricity, how to describe it, it's like I receive some high energy, then I hear a message and at the same time my body moves on his own ( my legs, my hands or even my entire body ) because of this high energy.


ThatMan 28-07-2019 07:55 AM

Last night I received another message, when this happened, I saw a flash of light, I felt like being electrocuted and my legs moved on their own, I could feel the energy going towards my legs and moving them, anyway, this is what that voice said: "I could not make sense of words".

This message came from a spirit that while being in this world did not cared that words have power and because of this, this spirit made many people to suffer.I just know these things, sometimes, when I receive a message, I also receive the story behind it.

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