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Greenslade 23-03-2011 03:57 PM

Someone who was very close to me committed suicide recently. She was like a grand-daughter to me in many ways I can't begin to tell you. She spent a lot of years in a lot of pain that she could do little about except grin and bear it as best she could. Just when she was starting to get her Life back together again after having it wrecked through no fault of her own - again - she was back at square one with little Hope of it ever being anything different. Some see suicide as cowardly and selfish, but I believe that when you get to that stage it can take a brave person to carry it through.

I understand and believe in reincarnation, we had unresolved issues in a Past Life that were resolved in this one. For me, what's left is the questions, the not understanding why she did it. Perhaps there is a part of her that, in taking the decision, knew that those she left behind would understand. I accepted her choice and Honoured her Path, wished her well on her Journey. But that, for now, is the Spiritual acceptance of her choices and not the understanding. If we indeed have Free Will and it's not a myth, shouldn't that Free Will include suicide? And perhaps suicide is something she needed to experience in this Life, so was it a part of her Karmic Obligations/Soul Contract of whatever term you use?

She's gone Home, and in a way I envy her. Like Cigala, it's somewhere that a part of me wants to be. While she made the choice to go I made the choice to stay, and it has been my choice. As I write this, I get the message that she's whole again after.... millennia. The emotion is still there and I'm glad because that keeps the connection alive, but the reasons for it being there are very different.

Sometimes, suicide isn't such a bad thing after all.

BlueSky 23-03-2011 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Greenslade
Someone who was very close to me committed suicide recently. She was like a grand-daughter to me in many ways I can't begin to tell you. She spent a lot of years in a lot of pain that she could do little about except grin and bear it as best she could. Just when she was starting to get her Life back together again after having it wrecked through no fault of her own - again - she was back at square one with little Hope of it ever being anything different. Some see suicide as cowardly and selfish, but I believe that when you get to that stage it can take a brave person to carry it through.

I understand and believe in reincarnation, we had unresolved issues in a Past Life that were resolved in this one. For me, what's left is the questions, the not understanding why she did it. Perhaps there is a part of her that, in taking the decision, knew that those she left behind would understand. I accepted her choice and Honoured her Path, wished her well on her Journey. But that, for now, is the Spiritual acceptance of her choices and not the understanding. If we indeed have Free Will and it's not a myth, shouldn't that Free Will include suicide? And perhaps suicide is something she needed to experience in this Life, so was it a part of her Karmic Obligations/Soul Contract of whatever term you use?

She's gone Home, and in a way I envy her. Like Cigala, it's somewhere that a part of me wants to be. While she made the choice to go I made the choice to stay, and it has been my choice. As I write this, I get the message that she's whole again after.... millennia. The emotion is still there and I'm glad because that keeps the connection alive, but the reasons for it being there are very different.

Sometimes, suicide isn't such a bad thing after all.

Hi Greenslade,
I found your post to be moving and very much from the heart. I just wanted to thank you for it and say that it was nice to hear such a perspective form someone who has experienced what you have with your friend.
My brother took his life some 30 years ago. I don't what to make of it and still don't, maybe that is why your post touched me like it did.
Thanks for sharing..............Blessings, James

Boom 23-03-2011 04:56 PM

Hi Greenslide,
Having not been with someone close to death, I cannot begin to understand what you and the girl were going through during the troubled time.

I can understand the comfort it will bring, believing that when we die we just move on away from our bodies which were causing all the pain, onto something better and being free of the hardships that life on Earth brought us. But as a whole, society does not accept this would definately happen as it has not been scientifically proven.

If it was fullly proven, that at free will we could just suicide and then start a new life. It would create anarchy and suicide rates would be through the roof. It would heavilly devalue what it means to have a human life in the physical plane.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, there seems to be a lot of inbuilt controls into us which stop us from taking our own life. It takes some real desperation to gain the courage to override those controls. Therefore I believe there must be a reason as to why we should be alive in the physical world for as long as we possibly can.

Internal Queries 23-03-2011 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Boom
Hi Greenslide,
Having not been with someone close to death, I cannot begin to understand what you and the girl were going through during the troubled time.

I can understand the comfort it will bring, believing that when we die we just move on away from our bodies which were causing all the pain, onto something better and being free of the hardships that life on Earth brought us. But as a whole, society does not accept this would definately happen as it has not been scientifically proven.

If it was fullly proven, that at free will we could just suicide and then start a new life. It would create anarchy and suicide rates would be through the roof. It would heavilly devalue what it means to have a human life in the physical plane.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, there seems to be a lot of inbuilt controls into us which stop us from taking our own life. It takes some real desperation to gain the courage to override those controls. Therefore I believe there must be a reason as to why we should be alive in the physical world for as long as we possibly can.

exactly so. if slaves felt they could leave their misery behind with their bodies there would be no slaves left and then who would the elite exploit for labor and gratification? human life is valuable, especially when some odious work needs to be done or desire that those with power want fulfilled. the lower classes must be kept too terrified of afterlife consequences to employ their free will.

the basic individual and species (social) controls against self determined exit are called "survival instincts" but even some animals will kill themselves if their life becomes so unnatural as to be meaningless to them. some beings die in captivity.

pitchfork 23-03-2011 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Internal Queries
if someone is so so unhappy, so in pain, that they're willing to jump off into the unknown in order to escape it's selfish to expect them to remain in misery on your behalf and coerce them with guilt and threats of hell or bad karma.

if suicide weren't so taboo troubled people might not be so secretive about their feelings and plans. if those in anguish felt they could approach the topic with their loved ones without being harrangued with guilt, judged insane and labeled "selfish spoiled children" there would be more space to try to offer alternatives. and even if the anguished one couldn't be healed and convinced to stay at least those being left wouldn't be suddenly and painfully shocked and feeling they "should've known. should've done something."

You nailed it, very true.

Boom 23-03-2011 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Internal Queries
exactly so. if slaves felt they could leave their misery behind with their bodies there would be no slaves left and then who would the elite exploit for labor and gratification? human life is valuable, especially when some odious work needs to be done or desire that those with power want fulfilled. the lower classes must be kept too terrified of afterlife consequences to employ their free will.

the basic individual and species (social) controls against self determined exit are called "survival instincts" but even some animals will kill themselves if their life becomes so unnatural as to be meaningless to them. some beings die in captivity.

But youre saying that it is other humans that are bestowing this fear of dieing to each other. A very good example you put. I totally agree with you. This happens. The threats of going to hell for example.

But the restraints I'm talking about in order to preserve human life are the natural ones. Yes the survival instinct, and the fact that we don't have knowledge of what is in the afterlife, if it exists. We have a natural fear of the unknown. If we knew for 100% sure that our souls lived on and we could re-incarnate to another life then we'd feel a lot easier about taking our own life.

The other factor is how the body is very good at repairing itself. Fighting off germs and healing wounds. This gives us more chances to keep alive if we damage ourselves. That tells me that if there was a greater intention, then that intention was for us to stay alive for as long as we can.

BlueSky 23-03-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Boom
But youre saying that it is other humans that are bestowing this fear of dieing to each other. A very good example you put. I totally agree with you. This happens. The threats of going to hell for example.

But the restraints I'm talking about in order to preserve human life are the natural ones. Yes the survival instinct, and the fact that we don't have knowledge of what is in the afterlife, if it exists. We have a natural fear of the unknown. If we knew for 100% sure that our souls lived on and we could re-incarnate to another life then we'd feel a lot easier about taking our own life.

The other factor is how the body is very good at repairing itself. Fighting off germs and healing wounds. This gives us more chances to keep alive if we damage ourselves. That tells me that if there was a greater intention, then that intention was for us to stay alive for as long as we can.

If I may join in...........
In regards to the highlited words:
I think only if we make it personal this is so. I respect and embrace my individuality and also my sense of oneness but life doesn't seem all that personal to me.
Life's way is to live eternally..........not so much for 'me' to live for a long time. It might be better for the whole that I don't. The more i am in balance with life, the more chance that I may live a long time.......or not........its all good.
Blessings, James

Internal Queries 23-03-2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Boom
But youre saying that it is other humans that are bestowing this fear of dieing to each other. A very good example you put. I totally agree with you. This happens. The threats of going to hell for example.

But the restraints I'm talking about in order to preserve human life are the natural ones. Yes the survival instinct, and the fact that we don't have knowledge of what is in the afterlife, if it exists. We have a natural fear of the unknown. If we knew for 100% sure that our souls lived on and we could re-incarnate to another life then we'd feel a lot easier about taking our own life.

The other factor is how the body is very good at repairing itself. Fighting off germs and healing wounds. This gives us more chances to keep alive if we damage ourselves. That tells me that if there was a greater intention, then that intention was for us to stay alive for as long as we can.

unless some unforeseen occurrance kills my body before i do i'll feel pretty easy about my self determined exit. i'll hang out as long as my body isn't too painful and/or enfeebled. i sure won't hang onto a miserable life just because generally oblivious society wants to tell me how to live and how to die.

some wounds and diseases can not be healed so waiting for death to slowly ebb ones life away by degrees while one is suffering excruciating pain and/or turning into a helpless vegetable is pointless, IMO.

BlueSky 23-03-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Internal Queries
unless some unforeseen occurrance kills my body before i do i'll feel pretty easy about my self determined exit. i'll hang out as long as my body isn't too painful and/or enfeebled. i sure won't hang onto a miserable life just because generally oblivious society wants to tell me how to live and how to die.

some wounds and diseases can not be healed so waiting for death to slowly ebb ones life away by degrees while one is suffering excruciating pain and/or turning into a helpless vegetable is pointless, IMO.

If I may............I don't think one can really know this unless one is actually going through it.
I worked as a hospice volunteer and I have had wonderful pets that had to be put to sleep and never have I seen anyone want out. In fact in all this suffering, I seen great changes.

LadyVirgoxoxo 23-03-2011 11:51 PM

People change for the better through suffering.

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