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Dragon Bane 22-03-2011 08:36 PM

They are refer to *** demons, that is there popular classification. They are not shadows and glowing eyes haha. They are just spirits of a similar style, parasitic in nature.

Sangress 22-03-2011 08:37 PM


They are refer to *** demons, that is there popular classification. They are not shadows and glowing eyes haha. They are just spirits of a similar style, parasitic in nature.

Good that that's been cleared up. I hate stereotypes like that, makes all us energy suckers sound more monstrous than we apparently are. *pokes out tongue*

Dragon Bane 22-03-2011 08:40 PM

Haha, it's not dissimilar to goetic demons, which aren't demons at all, it's just what they've been called for so long.

Sangress 22-03-2011 08:44 PM

There are no demons, it's just a word used for an apparently "bad" spirit and even then any "bad" spirit is only bad to some and not to others.

Unless everyone comes walking out of the bible alongside Jesus, there simply aren't any "demons." The word scares people too, so it's a little counterproductive methinks.

*ends mini-rant about stereotypes on spirits and souls*

Dragon Bane 22-03-2011 10:52 PM

I agree with you, it is just a word used to describe anything scary. Perhaps it is counter productive. I just find it clearer because people know the Goetica is a book with demonology and summoning instructions, so if I just said goetic spirits it may confuse people.

I say it for clarity not because I fall prey to the stereotype. :)

Alan 23-03-2011 08:06 AM

I concur, using the word "demon" is counter-productive both because it's absurdly inaccurate and enforces a certain feared archetype. It's much less romantic to simply call them spirits with mischievous or harmful intentions, which is why I think people insist on reinforcing this stereotype. People love romanticizing.

I have seen these "bad" spirits try and play on this stereotype by making themselves appear as a typical "demon". One looked like some sort of bad costume from a satanic metal concert. It wasn't even mildly convincing and the goat horns were just plain hilarious.

Sangress 23-03-2011 08:16 AM

I'm pretty sure the only truly dangerous spirits anywhere are the self proclaimed "Shadows/ Shadow People."

I think it'd be classed as fear mongering if I write about what they call their "trade" or "business" and how it involves practically anyone and anything they can get their fingers into.

So I guess I won't be specific?

If you get a Shadow Contract on you all you need to do is use some below the belt tactics and be extremely good at psychic attack and defense and maybe major in some psychology degrees and you might get out with your mind and soul intact, not gonna comment on the body part.

SunMist 23-03-2011 10:23 AM

so back to Bruce for a sec...
Coming late to the party, but I read with great interest the talk about Robert Bruce. In his book he claims great success in helping people with problems supposedly from negative entities. Problems that are happening in their physical lives and homes that are attributed to them. Is this considered up for debate in the spiritual community...whether he's actually fighting anything or helping these people at all? And if he isn't helping them with anything real yet the poltergeist type problems stop what has he actually succeeded in doing?:confused:

Dragon Bane 23-03-2011 03:39 PM

there are more then 'shadow people' and I don't even know what a shadow person entails...


Summerlander 23-03-2011 09:29 PM

I don't know about shadow people but I can tell you that I sometimes become a shadow person when I project into what seems to be the Here-Now (Locale I). LOL!

I've never, EVER seen a shadow person. I'll tell you what I have seen and which took me by surprise once...hooded and veiled figures. Nobody has mentioned hooded beings here yet (unless I've missed it because I'm a newbie here). They were ghostly, and, because they were seen in a dark spatiality, they glowed. So in essence they were light beings.

I've come across other people who have seen them too and the descriptions they've used tie in with mine. Either they are real sentient beings or we share certain elements in a collective unconscious zone...

Btw, I drew them:

These two females were funny...their faces resembled the queen's face on a typical deck of cards. They were also pale and a tad more ghostly than in the image.

And this is straight out of my journal:

Here's an experience I where I saw two strange candle-lit figures who flew past me and sent shivers down my spine. This was after I had separated into a replica of my house but the colours of the walls were different. Then, the detailed surroundings were inexplicably replaced by a dark void, as though someone had turned the lights off, and I could see this eerie wind (faint luminous threads). Then I saw the strange entities and I was so shocked that I even thought at the time "What did I get myself into? I am not inducing OOBEs anymore!" - of course I did not stick to this because, when I phased back to my body, I found the experience fascinating and wished I could have explored more and made more contact with the entities. Anyway, after the two candle-lit figures who seemed to be wearing veils hovered past me at a high speed, I came face to face with another entity who looked male and wore a robe with a hood. He was mysterious and at first his eyes were partially covered by the hood. Then he looked up and I saw them. They resembled two black holes and his mouth would open wide. He made a whistling noise and moved his mouth, sometimes opening it really wide. He extended his arms and his hands were almost formless. Then, this wind attracted me to him against my will. I was terrified. He waved a hand in front of my face and a black and white image materialised in front of me and all around me. I suddenly found myself in this 3d black and white reality and everything was amazingly detailed! I saw little children in a classroom environment picking up books and toys and interacting with each other. I felt like a floating consciousness over their heads and no one took any notice of me. There was an adult presence in the room, like a teacher or something but I paid more attention to the little kids. I observed them and kept thinking along the lines of "look at them go!", "so sweet and innocent" "so curious about everything". Then I thought "What is the meaning of this?" and the hooded man's head materialised in front of me. Then the rest of his body as the classroom environment faded away. He seemed to be trying to talk to me as he moved his mouth but I could only hear the whistling he made. I was still frightened of him and I found myself telepathically saying to him "I'm sorry but I'm not ready for you yet" - and with this statement I gained distance from the entity. Then I fell into darkness and woke up in awe of the experience. I then remembered that a couple of weeks prior to the experience, I had read a book about the paranormal and came across a section about spirit guides. In it, I found a ritual whereby a living person can send a message to their spirit guide/guides asking for guidance in any areas of their life, kind of like an 'intuitional' help. It involves writing a letter to them and then burning it in a bowel and the smoke is supposed to carry that message into the spirit world. I am not sure about the existence of these guides but I thought I'd give it a try. Who knows, maybe there are guides, or beings that serve a higher purpose of sending us 'subtle' messages, kind of like what happens in atoms, we could be the nucleus or the centre of attention and they could be like electrons who move 'around' us in consciousness. This is a theory that crossed my mind at the time. Could I have summoned one of my spirit guides? I remembered that in my message to them, I asked to help me to be a better parent and to handle my kids' tantrums a bit better. Or did I unconsciously summon an aspect of myself while in that state? Perhaps another me who tried to help me figure out about being a better parent? The experience itself seemed to remind me that children are still learning (so are adults) and can easily become obsessed with the world around them? If I did summon an aspect of myself, why is it that it took me by surprise and why was I so shocked and frightened to come face to face with it? Or did I indeed meet a sentient being who dwells in that metaphysical reality? Was what the entity showed me, really happening somewhere else or was it his creation to try and improve the communication between us? I can't help but be baffled. “Spirit guide” is only a term, a concept. Maybe there are no guides. Maybe it is just us teaching ourselves. Like Buddha on his quest to enlightenment. When he faced the demon Mara, he was really facing his dark side. The devil in all of us. It was a purely psychological experience within deep meditation. I probably experienced an educational moment from my psyche within the OOBE scenario. It did feel, however, like an interruption encounter where my replicated abode, which I encountered upon separation, had been deliberately erased to get my attention to something else.

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