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Gemcrusader 31-08-2017 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by CrystalSong
I just watched the video and went to Vibhub.io and was interested in investing in the holoport tech only to discover this in the contribution contract "By participating in this fundraiser I agree to the terms and conditions and confirm that I am not a citizen of the USA"
Like what the heck?

Unfortunately u cant. But u can send some $ (paypall perhaps) to me and i will hold some tokens for u, but only if u trust it cause i dont want to be harrassed by messages all the time or something like that. If u want to sell them at some point i will do that for u and send u the money. I can hold them for u as long as u like. This new world is about trust. Infortunately some do play on that to hassle dollars from newbies (pump and dump)

I will only do this for one person. In case some think its a set up.

Gemcrusader 31-08-2017 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Brucely
Well in 100 years it will become mainstream, but not in our lifetime. If it were adopted tomorrow it would only work in the biggest first worlds, but it would be completly worthless anywhere else. Maybe as much as a peso. Physical money is needed until the majority of the population catches up with first worlds

the first world is in my eyes actually a third world (on human interaction). They will be the first who crumble over it. Asia loves crypto and its becoming big. Japan allready adopted bitcoin as an official payment.
So... no u look at it with the wrong eye like i did before.

CrystalSong 01-09-2017 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Gemcrusader
Unfortunately u cant. But u can send some $ (paypall perhaps) to me and i will hold some tokens for u, but only if u trust it cause i dont want to be harrassed by messages all the time or something like that. If u want to sell them at some point i will do that for u and send u the money. I can hold them for u as long as u like. This new world is about trust. Infortunately some do play on that to hassle dollars from newbies (pump and dump)

I will only do this for one person. In case some think its a set up.

What a generous and thoughtful offer Gemcrusader! I may well take you up on this. I'm heading out of state for a week and have a lot of clients and a few psychic surgery clients when I get back but should have some time in about 3 weeks to get back into serious research and decision making on this subject.
Warm regards and Blessings to you Gemcrusader :hug3:

Gemcrusader 01-09-2017 09:12 AM

Yes, tx. I think its still available then. I do wonder how the market will do for this. It looks really cool, but how much it will cost is something to consider. There is absolutely no guarantee u get profit. But...if it doesnt work out, u can most likely sell it with a little loss. But that probably wont happen since the run is on high demand and its only getting higher. So in my view there will at least gonna be some money pumped in it on the exchanges.

That said, u can set up ur own Ethereum wallet, which is all explained on youtube. Its called Myethereumwallet and u can also store tokens there that are ethereum based (don ask :p)
When u done that i send the tokens to u minus fees.

To anyone that might be interested in investing in crypto, dont fear on missing out huge jumps. Because they can just as easily come down again. But the trend is that they usually will go up again, except not in cr*p coins that are promoted by scammers (some youtubers, they get paid by the company that owns the coin).
This costed me a couple hundred and i was lucky to get out in time, cause i saw $, not realising it might also could go down... I woke up at 6 am suddenly realising this... what if... so little sleep.. my mind was tired.. i made some idiotic move i suddenly realised. That + $1000 i just invested in this cheap coin could might as well go down and i got a couple million of m.. if it only drop a little i allready lose a lot!! And it was allready happening i could see.. but i was so lucky someone bought in at my price i set up for only a $150 loss or so. Today i would v lossed more then half.

Because when u see something go up, as someone new on the scene that can drive u to greed leading to blindness and irrational decisions. Allways do enough research on the net to have faith in an investment.

Lorelyen 01-09-2017 01:39 PM

It's like all investing - needs research and a bit of understanding of the market. These cryptos are too volatile to do spread-betting. One can win but might lose a lot. They'd have to watch live graphs all day. Ordinarily I don't have time for that so I have to take a punt on what's likely to happen in general.

I won't be buying any more for now. No scare or anything, I'll watch how they go. As BTC is accepted for payment in more and more shops/places it's likely to become a dominant - which isn't to say something new will come along to throw it to the wall.

Point is, going back to original investments, little will be lost compared to losing the same volume of BTC bought now!

Snow Goose 01-09-2017 03:04 PM

I haven't read every post here, just the first and last page, I can see this idea is one of those things that brings out strong opinions in people.

Cryptocurrency definitely isnt for me, I feel that currency needs to be dependent on something like when we used to use gold standard.

I love cash, I love the power I feel while holding it, I for one am going to miss having cash, if it disappeared.

I used to run a cash only business, was such a good feeling to physically count my earnings for the day. We seem to have become scared of cash, gone are the days when you could walk into a car sales garage and negotiate a better deal when buying in cash. I used to work in banking and we had to report cash transactions of what they considered to be a large amount to a central body.

An interesting thing I have noticed in recent years is that people aren't paying into banks and are keeping cash at home more and more, I think collectively a lot of us have lost all trust in financial institutions.

Lorelyen 01-09-2017 08:22 PM

The banks and government would LOVE to outlaw cash - the banks because it's one of their biggest costs next to staff. Without either they'd be making pure profit from selling people's money minus the cost of the IT. You've been in banking so you'd appreciate that the basic idea used to be to borrow customers' money at low cost (interest rate) and lend it at a higher rate. Then the casinos came along.

The government would love to outlaw it as it would give them another sight on what people are doing (probably via GCHQ). HMRC wouldn't have to worry about cash deals avoiding tax, etc.

Fact was in the olden days people were paid cash wages. There was little debt. If you wanted something you couldn't afford it was hire purchase or a loan for which you needed a bank account which few people had and then a grilling by the branch manager. Otherwise, when your wage packet ran out, that was it. But the banks realised they could tap into this huge resource and offered "free banking" which of course it isn't and incentivised employers to join in

Both banks and governments will eventually be worried by cryptos over which they have no control. Transactions are effectively anonymous as I discover. When someone sells or buys it's impossible to find where the coins have gone. (My Trezor thingie sets a new receiving address for every trade.)

I agree with Gemcrusader that it's the next stage in financial traffic. As things stand neither banks nor govs nor tax authorities can track anything. The problems will come when authorities awaken to it. They'll probably force employers to pay in an existing fiat. Things like that.

It remains to be seen.

Snow Goose 02-09-2017 06:31 AM

Is it really untraceable? https://www.coindesk.com/how-anonymous-is-bitcoin/

I'm all for causing headaches to authorities btw, that's one reason I like cash ;-)

Lorelyen 02-09-2017 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Snow Goose
Is it really untraceable? https://www.coindesk.com/how-anonymous-is-bitcoin/

I'm all for causing headaches to authorities btw, that's one reason I like cash ;-)

Agreed about cash - that brings up how much privacy should someone be allowed? It's genuinely anonymous unless one surrenders personal data at the point of a purchase. Goods are controlled by law so why should anyone be interested in what one buys? But (sigh) the authorities and their data mining? The ordinary individual sleepwalks into danger. The platitude "I've done nothing wrong so I've nothing to worry about," is facile. Let a malign government take over and what one doesn't worry about today might be a serious worry tomorrow (as 6 million Germans found out between 1925 and 1945).

But it's true about the blockchain ledger. The article does have a point. I still believe it's difficult to trace a transaction back to a physical person. My several purchases were directed to different addresses so it would take some mining to pinpoint me as a buyer. Merchants who accept cryptos are in a different position as they have to publish an address which (so far) will relate to a site. The association would be immediate and an examination of their records would reveal a buyer's address where tangible goods are delivered unless to a dropbox.

In a way I look on it as I do the current wave of spirituality. It'll go on unhindered until it upsets the establishment whereon it will be stamped upon. My parents saw that in the 1960s with the alternative culture. It was pushed underground so what was once open and free became clouded with caution, perhaps even fear. Inevitable, as governments close in on personal freedom.

Politics and life are getting dangerous. Enough dissent and a totalitarian might take over to get things under control. I see it on the horizon. There are lots of examples in history. :(

Snow Goose 02-09-2017 08:34 AM

Agreed Lorelyn.

If the authorities want to take control over it i can imagine that all over the media we will see headlines like 'Terrorists used Bitcoin to buy arms'. We seen something similar with WhatsApp earlier this year.

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