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Alandria 03-02-2015 09:27 AM

Hello Tavviin and Kale,

I’ve read again through the whole thread, just to make sure…

“Its like any other infection, stop treating for a while and it will regain its strength, like getting sicker after not finishing all of your antibiotics, even though the symptoms went away” – antibiotics or for that matter any medicine doesn’t equal healing. It equals getting rid of the symptoms but not getting healthy. And this is actually the perfect example. You are fighting symptoms, instead of healing, what needs to be healed…

As I’ve said, in the pure spirit there is no evil, nor good. Now, I’m not “toting the nothing will harm you…”, there certainly are things that can harm you, but they are not evil spirits with an evil mind, attacking you, because they want to harm you. They are distorted energies, that can take different forms and the more energy they get (through fear, anger and people trying to fight against them) the more powerful they get. By doing harm, we increase harm. By doing bad, we increase bad. You won’t get rid of anything bad in life, by doing bad. Everything that we FIGHT against, gets stronger. That is a law of nature. Why? Because by fighting against it, we give it energy, we nurture it, even though we don’t want to.

“You say there is no evil, or good. But I completely disagree. There are too many things in this world that I've come across in this world.”
“… but he is still a "person" in my eyes. So the only option left is, unfortunately, conflict.”

But the origin of their “behavior” does not lie in the pure spirit. Although they are made of the same energy as everything that is, they are altered, changed into a way that can do harm, by one of only a few creatures able to do so: humans. Don’t ask me how, or why, because I don’t know and I don’t understand, which is one of the reasons I came here… Now, every altered-to-do-harm energy wants to get healed, it wants to be in balance, in peace in its natural vibration that is peaceful and loving. But very often it can not express this need in a way the human mind can understand.

“Sometimes other people/entities just don't want to heal, or their demands for forgiveness are to an unacceptable degree (devotion, sacrifice, etc...) and you simply can't comply because you don't want to walk that path. “
“I don't know what to say to the "heal it and it will be gone" logic, I've talked to zia, he wants me to feed him and accept him into my energy, self, and life.”

Everything is connected, no matter how far or near away you may be in a physical way. We all effect each other and everything around us, without knowing/seeing it.

“The two are linked, but distanced, so they don't have a significant effect on the other, at least not as much as they would if they got closer.”
I didn’t call “Zia” a Sign from the universe. Hale was talking fe about the Joker card, that seemed to appear everywhere he went.. That can be a sign, also as reappearing numbers, pictures, people, situations, etc. Signs are being sent to us, some of them because we asked for them (consciously or subconsciously) some because our angels/guides feel we are in need of them. They can take any shape or form, and there is no general rule in understanding them. Because they are adjusted not only to what our human body/mind can perceive, accept and process but also to our spirit/soul. Sometimes it takes a while, to understand a signs meaning, sometimes it can even take years to do so…
“Hes a bully, plain and simple. If the "signs from the universe" are going to be beings like this, then I don't think I like the universe anymore. I don't believe he is that, to be honest, as I've gotten what I've needed before by putting my will out for some sort of understanding.”

However, I don’t want to go further in explanations, because from what I’ve read, both of you are afraid/angry/trying to fight back, which is understandable under the circumstances, but won’t help, as I’ve explained above. By believing in its evil mind, you will empower it, by fighting it, you will empower it, by being afraid/angry you will empower it. Disrupted energies can only be healed.
Now, I’m not here to argue or discuss, and certainly not to convince you of something you don’t want to believe in, I’m just offering you guide. It is up to you what you believe and how you choose to handle things. As long as you stay in your “fight” mode I can’t be of any help I’m afraid. If you decide to ask for help, of the healing kind, you will be heard.

Light and Love,

PainBearer 03-02-2015 12:32 PM

Hi guys, I've read everything up until halfway through page 4 when you started getting really wordy on it.
I hope you don't mind me interrupting but Rule 1. of staying sane spiritually I've found is taking a breather. A bit of grounding, a bit of joking and a bit of poking around the "Have I gone crazy" bush just to keep one's self in check.

Kale, I understand your situation more than you could imagine.
I've seen ruins of a place before earth, been told I'm an old soul and have memories of a "her" from before the ruins. Probably sounds like I'm just saying that, but I'm actually serious. It's pretty buzzy.
But to both you and Tavviin in regards to entities latching;

anger, hate, cruelty and corruption always come from pain. Always.
So if you can find a way to understand where that pain is for the entity, then you can find a way to release it gently but firmly.
Because it will still not want to leave even if you understand it, pain causes even people to latch.
But you CANNOT let them continue to stay if they are disrespecting you or having a negative impact. You have to be firm and understanding in my opinion.

I've been struggling with something that has always brought me to the ground and separated me from people. Caused me to lash out at people I loved and cared about. I pushed away my friends and I sabotaged my relationships with women because "I wasn't worthy of them".
After being told by a tohunga (Maori shaman) that I was carrying something I tried to fight it with everything I had, but when it fought back it beat me down till I felt weak and small again.
I fought it over and over when I had the strength, but it always brought me down to size.
And then one day I was feeling lost confused and lonely, more than usual. I didn't feel angry, didn't want to cry or wish it all away.
I just sat there and stared straight ahead and wondered what it would feel like if it wasn't there.
And that's when I felt myself underneath it.
I was fine, I was strong whole and caring just like before I'd taken it on. (probably why I took it on as a child lol)
And in feeling myself I felt it outside of me. And when I saw it I wasn't angry, I couldn't be.
Because all I could feel was a small girl hugging herself to my chest.
That was when I realized that it wasn't me that was weak afraid and insecure, it was her.
So I let her know that she was hurting me, in the same simple childlike voice I would've used as a 7 year old.
That I cared, and because I cared I needed to let her go.
Because I was a big boy now, and big boys can't act like she had me acting.
At the time I didn't really know what to do, I'd never really dealt with anything like this before.
I had also picked up another entity a little while before that, one that shot into my brain and was prepared to fight for her right to nest there but was surprised when all I said was "Hey, what's your name?" she was a little shocked and told me it was "heavenwood"
So at the time of this revelation I had two inside me.
Heavenwood had just moved in so she was not very comfortable with the idea of leaving so soon. But I explained to her that (Because her pain was jealousy) if she stayed clinging to me she would never develop further. As long as she held on, she would always be an entity of jealousy.
She still wasn't really convinced, she still wanted to hold on because it was easier.
But then I asked her if she would feel okay letting poor little fiona leave by herself.
I felt an energy similar to a shrug as I turned to the moon and let them slowly seep out of me towards the wise old woman in the sky.

Anyway, that's how I dealt with my situation. And if I had to again, I wouldn't really change a thing.

Tavviin 03-02-2015 07:11 PM

Pain, your story is interesting to me. I've felt zia and kuai's bleed-over feelings, sometimes crying without warning or reason, sometimes a deep gnawing feeling at my heart. I feel fine, tears just come and won't stop, the gnawing feels like a physical pain, though I have been examined and nothing is obviously wrong with my heart. I have seen the effects of being plugged into, that they overlay their traits onto someone else's personality.

Fighting comes in many ways. The way I fight is I reject them from my being, I chain them down to something and throw them off me and shield myself as much as possible. These things tear down wards. Either I'm really bad at making wards, or they are good at eating/deconstructing different kinds of energy(probably both if you ask me).

I don't want to solve their problems for them! End of story. I have enough problems on my own plate. If they really want to heal, they need to GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE.

In hindsight I am being a little self centered on someone else's thread. I should either start my own, or discuss their problem. I don't want to dominate this space they made as that is disrespectful.

PainBearer 04-02-2015 01:07 AM

I honestly don't see the problem with two people being helped in the same thread if it can be balanced, but I understand what you mean.

Kale, I will try to word it as best and as clear as I can. Do not take offense to this, because there was absolutely NO offense meant. Only pure, caring intent.

A few things you've said have hit me, so I wanted to address them in order.

1. You keep referring to your Power. Instead of telling you from my perspective I thought it would be better to hand you a piece of wisdom from odin himself, a piece of the Hávamál.

Let no man glory in the greatness of his mind,
but rather keep watch o'er his wits.
Cautious and silent let him enter a dwelling;
to the heedful comes seldom harm,
for none can find a more faithful friend
than the wealth of mother wit.

2. from what you've said I feel you have delved too deep into this and need to come up for a breather. When reading this piece keep in mind that The High One does not sugar coat anything, his search for true wisdom meant he could not afford to. When he says "The unwise man" I urge you take it as a blow that will make you stronger and give you the knowledge to become a wiser man.

The unwise man is awake all night,
and ponders everything over;
when morning comes he is weary in mind,
and all is a burden as ever.

3. Almost a continuation of 2, Is ground yourself. Banish the spiritual for a moment and be in the physical. For well being is found in balance. While majority of the world is known to become engulfed in the physical, ignoring the spiritual. We must all remember that the same goes for us.

I hope you don't mind but I have a story I'd like to share to let you know what I mean.

I once cried and cried and cried to the stars, I wondered why I was here on this planet that was so alien.
I felt like there was a home out there somewhere and then amidst the chaos,
sorrow and pain I had a vision of powerful people much bigger than humans,
their "normal" was equal to the power we feel when we think of a powerful person who's achieved hefty feats with great recognition.
So of course I asked what happened.
Then I was inside my body on this planet, everything's shaking and I look down at the cracks forming in the ground just before the ground beneath me completely explodes and I die.
From then I started seeing more and more of the red planet and my life on it.
I saw buildings of stone with symbols carved into the walls, I saw myself with a group in a chamber focusing our mind power on something infront of us,
I felt a warm ocean,
I saw my home and my lover (Who was either ill, dissatisfied with our love because she was always lying in bed, not even moving to look at me when I returned)
Until I was so consumed by the detail I was receiving that I started mourning for my dead planet and hating this one.
This lasted a good few months until it I saw the final vision.
A vision of a meteor hitting the largest piece of the broken planet.
At first it didn't make sense, but when I opened my eyes I made a connection that this could've been what created earth.
Now I don't know if that's remotely accurate or if it was just what I needed to see to snap me out of it.
But my point is when I was in it, I looked around at the humans and thought "Why am I here with these lesser beings, being limited and bogged down by the blanket they cast over the body spirit and mind."
But the moment I was out of it I had regained my power in a sense.
Because now I could look at it and say "Either it happened, and I have the responsibility to look after the children of my race, or I just had a bout of crazy that helped me learn a thing or two and there was no harm done :D "

Basically; I'm usually a thorough thinking, double checking rationalist.
But anyone and everyone can get their head too lost if they let it.

4. In response to the comments both kale and tavvii have made about evil;
There is no such thing as evil. Evil is a powerful feeling that takes a feeling of powerlessness and flips it over to make you feel powerful.
How do I know?
I've been "Evil". And I am trying to redeem myself by shedding light on the darkness I was once in.
Evil is an illusion that tricks both the inflicter and the inflicted.
Anyone who is neither of these can look hard enough and see the reality behind the facade.
You can only be the victim if you react or let it hurt you, feed off of you.
From being in it I can promise you that if you don't let it get to you (which is hard since they're usually very good at what they do) It will not have a reason to stick around. If you cover your food, clean the house, open a window and persistently lead it to it eventually the fly will leave. Just remember to shut the window behind it :D

When I was in the darkness and the universe started giving me signs of it's existence through little signs I would lash out at it, scream at it. Wish it hate, pain, death and misery.
But it would usually give me the silent treatment until I was done, then either give me a sign of happiness, like walking through a supermarket filled with hateful thoughts then having the song "Don't worry be happy" coming on.
Or a sign of sympathy, like the time I threw my frustration out at the beach. And when I evetually fell to my knees with my head down in sorrow, a seagull that was flying around landed and cautiously walked right up to me with a look that said "You okay, mate?"

And evil can stay angry or sad in those situations, but it's pretty hard if you've got the combination of throwing punches that hit nothing but air, and then the guy you've been trying to hit says "I see your pain, man. And I'm sorry you feel this way. But I don't want this for myself, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

It may not work the first time, or even the first few times depending on how stubborn it is, but at the very least it will eventually decide that it can't feed off of you anymore.

If you're going to plant your feet and say "I refuse to help them" then you need to understand and fully comprehend the decision you are making.
If you choose to offload it with anger, you will not only be damaging and angering the entity itself but making it more potent and more desperate to cling on to the next person it finds.
Most likely a person with even more problems than you because it will want a deeper hold.

If you want you can imagine it like it's a thing stuck to your side like a suction cup.
if you hit it, stab it and pull hard enough eventually it can come off.
But think of the other way as adding some oil while applying pressure, adding slightly more oil as you make more progress.

If you're fair and understanding, but you're firm and deny it stepping over your line repeatedly it will probably try to fight you and make you feel miserable but just remember that you're powerful and the pain will pass if you persevere and it might go off to learn and become a light entity in time.
Then not only have you done yourself a service and become stronger, but you'll have done a good deed for the world at the same time.
Because darkness is energy that is stuck through fear of going forward.
if it is allowed to flow again it will learn to become light once more.

I hope some of this can help aleast, even if you just take a few words from it.

Tavviin 04-02-2015 06:14 AM

I can thoroughly relate to bullet point four, I learned that lesson the hard way, though not as hard as it could have been. Long story short, I turned back before any real harm was done.

Im essentially trying to tell z to leave, I'm not angry so much as very very fed up with his "antics". That being said, I do break him apart as much as I can. I hope he can heed a beating, as he has yet to heed my words.

Indeed it is the fool who thinks himself to be wise, and the wise man who thinks himself a fool. Best advice for anything, really.

Im not mad, I'm just done. So very done. I fit the "don't cross my line" description. At this point, I refuse to try to help them because they refuse to be helped, much less stop harming me and those I care deeply about.

That all being said, I don't really like the idea of them running amok either, I do feel like there needs to be some sort of resolution. They need either to be contained until someone can handle them, or handled asap. I don't want to just chuck my problem at someone else who doesn't know what to do. I REALLY don't want to have this happen to anyone, other people might have killed themselves going through what I've experienced, even if I didn't. Its dark, heavy stuff, and I'm sure you know that.

Thank you for your overview. It is much appreciated. If I could, I would get zia to a psychologist, but thats not exactly a good idea given the way they would treat me!

PainBearer 04-02-2015 11:23 AM

I suppose as I've always done things the hard way,
I just assumed it was the only way anyone else should do it.
But I forgot he's assaulting your girlfriend as well, which means it's not an isolated matter.
I myself have always done it alone, so I have no right to judge you for wanting it gone as soon as possible by any means possible.

But the only thing that has worked for me is persistently throwing love at it. Sometimes it will come at another angle and mess with my focus, but then I jump right back on the horse.
Personally I just can't help it, I love every little soul.

So I'm sorry my advice may not be helpful enough in your current situation.
Hopefully something I've said might be of use at some point.
I would love to take zia off your hands if I knew how.
But otherwise I'm sending you both love, light and hope.
I believe in you, you guys have got this!
(I'll still be watching the thread in case I see something to comment on)

Tavviin 06-02-2015 06:12 PM

I received an interesting suggestion from an unexpected source. Apparently a friend who I've known for a year is into lucid dreaming/astral projection. My kind of problem is news to him, he doesn't talk to others much about his experiences.

He said he "cheated": he made an avatar for himself in the astral, and made it a "god" of his own design, which he uses to project. His suggestion was that I do the same, create a servitor-body-god to fight zia on his plane. This guy isn't a megalomaniac or anything like that, he's a level headed individual. He just suggested this when I asked him for advice about my situation in regards to my relationship management. Pretty funny how this stuff just comes out when you least expect it.

Thoughts on making a god-strength servitor? It sounds crazy, but its not the craziest thing I've heard...

PainBearer 08-02-2015 03:06 AM

First create a persona outside of you that resembles you energetically, he can look however you want him to look.
But I think for this he should have one main image to add more solidarity, something you can come back to if zia tries to mess with the imagery.
Just think of it like coming up with a superhero for a comic book and acting it out.
Except you know that rule back in the playground where you can't make him overpowered with no weaknesses?
When you're creating a self-god to get rid of an entity that's intruded upon your life, that rule can suck it haha :D
I'd say have fun with the process of creation.
Maybe draw a picture or get a really good mental image of him and get familiar with it.
The more attached you are to this character, the more chances it'll work.
The more fun you have creating it, the more of an attachment you'll have.

I've done a similar thing.
I created an entire sci-fi universe,
plopped this character that strangely resembled me smack bam in the middle of it,
and faced him with exaggerated versions of my issues.

I wouldn't recommend going that far, but maybe if you made your character and had a "battlefield" laid out.
Even if it's as simple as the general idea of a desert or a rocky plateau.
Atleast that way it's your turf.
He can mess with it and distort it but the choice of scenery isn't in his hands.
Think of it like a video game, you're the host so you ultimately have the power to choose the level and your character.
I suppose you could even choose his character if you wanted to (Make him a cute little bunny or something? haha)
You can try as many different angles as you can think of.
After all, it's your brain.

Those are just my thoughts anyway.
I'm a fiction writer, and I write a good story from time to time.
But I mostly use the scenarios and images in my head to understand better or to dispel things that aren't serving me anymore.
So I don't see how the same can't apply if you're dealing with something like this, but again the choice is completely up to you.

But I think the more power you give yourself and the more fun you have with it, the more difficult it will be for him. Since he does feed off of your negative.

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