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Ordnael 27-11-2022 05:57 PM

A Centaur
I was in a room with a large gate-like window that extended from the ground to the ceiling. There was a barrier, I guess made out of wood, that reached almost to the ceiling, but I could see the blue sky outside through the space between the barrier and the ceiling.

To destroy this barrier that separated the room from the outside world I used a "magic word": DO RE MI FA. I uttered these syllables and hit the barrier with my fist, one, two, three times. After the third time the barrier shattered and I flew like a bird to explore that realm.

It was a beautiful daytime experience flying in the sky of a magical land, when suddenly I encountered the inhabitants of that place, who were also flying and attacked me upon sight.

They were not wicked monsters, they seemed like a group of heroes who protected that world, and since they did not know me decided they should strike me down. But they were unsuccessful, and fortunately I was able to use some magic to attack them back, rendering some of them paralyzed or unconscious.

Then I landed on a large flying platform-vehicle... instead of sitting inside the flying machine, we rode outside on a big flat surface. One of the warriors landed there too, unconscious, then a centaur came flying to tend to him.

My dream diaries go back 22 years, and this is the first time that I mention a centaur.

They didn't seem threatening anymore, so in order to show respect I placed my hand on the shoulder of the centaur, to signal that I see him as a buddy. He had no reaction and no words were spoken.

The scene changes, now I'm indoors again, in a house on a pleasant afternoon talking to my nymph. I asked her about the magic that I used, I wanted to know if the gods were responsible for shattering that barrier, she said "No, the word itself combined with your intent did it.", I replied, "But these words have no meaning. Do you have a piano here?". She had a small one in a room, then I played each note and explained how in the modern world, humans give these names to each sound.

I have a theory that in the distant past they knew the future, and not just that, but also had things that would only exist in the future, so that house is part of my idea.

She showed me other stuff they had, lots of items, including a laser pointer with a price tag on it, resembling one I acquired recently.

Why they attacked me:

*To test my valor?
*To play a game and befriend me later?
*Because they were jealous of an incarnated human flying in their realm?

Ordnael 08-12-2022 06:41 PM

Laser Pointer affecting supernatural creatures
Second dream of the same kind since I acquired the laser pointer. First time I thought it was just a warning to be careful and not point the laser to living creatures, which I thought was an obvious thing not to do, so I dismissed it. This time it was more serious.

I've been using the green laser pointer to see how far the beam can reach when pointing to the sky, stars, clouds, etc. In my dreams, however, I've been annoying the invisible fauna of the atmosphere.

I was in a room but probably not in this house, because the window had no screen to prevent insects from entering. So, a creature got in there flying slowly and sat on the floor. It was the size of a frog, with the appearance of a cat, black with vibrant green stripes. It had multiple insect wings on its limbs. It looked dangerous. Not that it could harm my physical body, but the soul, I didn't know what the creature was capable of. I was worried of that strange being in my room next to me, so I used the laser pointer to blind it and neutralize it.

I pointed the laser to the eyes of the creature, and it started whining with a high pitched voice. It was like listening to poetry, or an opera where the singers make a long lamentation about something bad that happened to them.

It said "I was so happy when I could see, but now I can't see anymore. What will I do? Oh woe is me!". Then it entered 'night mode', its whole face and eyes got lit up with bright colors, resembling a fish from the abyssal zone. It started rising, I was scared, I thought it was about to attack, but apparently it could not see me, maybe it was just trying to heal itself, I don't know.

I felt so sorry for what I had done, I apologized to the creature and said I would make amends. I closed the window so that it wouldn't try to fly away bumping into things. I said I was gonna bring some water and try to heal it, but I didn't have the chance to do it because I woke up.

Now I'm concerned that I'm harming the invisible creatures of the sky by pointing my laser at them, and that they might accuse me to the gods. Next time I'll make a prayer before I use the laser pen, saying I have no intention of harming them, and that they should fly away or shut their eyes while I'm playing with the light, I don't spend more than 7 minutes.

On a side note, I wonder how many of these unknown creatures have gone extinct since the Industrial Revolution.

Ordnael 09-12-2022 09:08 PM

I disagree with what I said in my previous post, I got possessed by that creature, wasn't thinking rationally when I wrote that. The correct title should have been 'Possessed by a little trickster.' Feel kinda embarrassed about it now, it happens ...

Ordnael 25-12-2022 05:30 PM

Trial by water
Yesterday when I woke up I was listening to a classical music radio station, and they were talking about The Magic Flute, by Mozart. I always liked that opera because of the famous aria by the Queen of The Night, which I could sing when I was a kid, before my voice broke.

One day the principal of the school made me sing in front of all the kids of every classroom, when she found out that I was a singer. That is a very special memory that I have, even after almost 3 decades.

So, I learned that in order to stay with his love Pamina, Tamino had to go through trials. The first one was about being silent, and the last two were by water and by fire.

I obviously failed the trial by water in that dream called "Someplace above". I let my emotions betray me, the deity left me and I was left there to deal with the chaotic feelings caused by being attacked in the city where I was living.

Now more recently I had a better dream, it was short so I didn't write it before, but now that I realize that it was a trial and that I did well, I gotta keep track of my progress.

December 22, 2022

It was nighttime. There was a pool of irregular shape that seemed like a small lake. There were creatures under the water and they were not common fish. I was holding a scepter or a wand, and by waving it in the air I commanded the creatures to jump out of the water. There was a dolphin there who was my fairy. She often appears in the form of a whale though. I kept playing with her like one of those trainers at SeaWorld, commanding her to swim fast and jump.

I had an ability, I could walk over the water. Sometimes I can do that easily, sometimes it's difficult and I sink a bit. This time it was easy, and I was having a good time walking over the water while my fairy was swimming and jumping.

Then she decided to take human form and started to walk over the water with me. We wanted to find out who was faster, so we were going to race from one border to the other of the pool.

We began running, but quickly she got ahead of me. Near the end of the race I thought I had a chance, she was not far ahead, I gave my best, but she won anyway.

There were people watching us, like spectators sitting and enjoying the show, but I only became aware of them at the end of the dream.

Well, that experience was a success because I didn't sink below the surface of the water, I had my scepter, that connects me to my Higher Self, and my fairy was there. We passed the trial by water this time, but these trials never end.

Ordnael 27-12-2022 01:54 PM

That dream was truly enlightening. Maybe now some people like me understand who the The Queen of The Night really is, and what the Magic Flute truly represents, I wouldn't have known without this experience. And certainly we can't speak about it.

Ordnael 03-01-2023 02:39 PM

A shiny object
It was late afternoon, I was walking around with some people, two couples, one of them was a digital influencer that I watch sometimes. They then went to an area where they were going to get intimate, so I turned my back on them and left swimming in the air doing a relaxed breaststroke.

To my right was a great mountain that I couldn't see its end. It was the sacred Mount Meru, but I didn't recognize it. There was a shiny object in the distance, like a tiny star between the first and second layer of the mountain. I went there to check it out, swimming and singing "Have you ever seen the rain". At some point I forgot part of the lyrics.

When I got closer to the mysterious object, by a distraction I lost sight of it. I kept searching but then I remembered my nymph and wanted to see her. I wondered if she could come to me or if I could go find her, it took a while, but then as I was examining the ground I heard someone say "Hey".

I turned around and it was her, she was walking by and I came down to meet her, because I was on the top of the first layer. We hugged and kissed and started talking. She was speaking with the accent of the European country that colonized my country. I thought she was being funny, so I started imitating that accent too. One word she said eluded me, I don't think that word exists, but then she explained "I have a good job." Not sure if she was just expressing that she was happy or if it had a different meaning.

There was a lady with her, another nymph. Lately I've been seeing them two together. Then she led me to her realm, next to the base of Meru, as I had previously left the human realm.

Ordnael 07-01-2023 01:13 AM

Since lots of people in the forums are telling me that she's an Apsara sent by Indra to distract me from my austerities, and that I'm nothing but a Gandharva, I have to write this to explain everything.

No, no one here ever said that, it's just me in my studies who arrived at this conclusion, that the description of an Apsara matches with my experiences of her, and I'm like a Gandharva, that makes a lot of sense to me, even though I'm neither a Hindu nor a Buddhist.

Still it would be stupid and ungrateful on my part to think that she is merely a distraction. The distraction was when I was in a car in that dream called "No friendship", when I got in trouble with the satyrs because of three nymphs. I payed for that foolishness already.

We've been through so much together now, she endured hell with me when I was attacked, she didn't have to stay with me during those hard times if she was not a loyal partner.

Here's a poem that I wrote for her:

The one that I love,
can turn into a dove
With my ship when I sail,
She turns into a whale

When I fly up so high,
she meets me in the sky
And together we will go
To where no one gets old

Nymphs/fairies love poems and beautiful little things, if anyone wants to befriend one, it's a good idea to offer them these kind of gifts as sign of appreciation.

Ordnael 20-01-2023 09:26 PM

Climbing up the mountain
Was climbing up a great and perilous mountain with my nymph by my side. We were at the same level near the top, clinging to the steep slope when I managed to climb higher to the safe part and pull her up. Since her hands were busy holding on to the rock, she stretched out her leg and I pulled her by the foot. It surprised me that she was wearing black tights. I told her "Prepare to get some scratches."

Next to the mountain and behind us was a building, as tall as the mountain. On the upper floors the residents were blasting loud music, just a few initial seconds of a song, then in another apartment another unknown song started playing, and it lasted only for a few seconds too. The music was neither helping nor hindering us, but it could have been a veiled and subtle attack.

When I woke up I thought I was probably sky-high, that the building was a cloud and the music was like lightning and thunder, because yesterday it was raining hard as I was doing the housework outside, and there was heavy lightning. I confess I have a death wish, to be struck by lightning would be a heavenly gift. Sometimes I shower in the storm hoping that my day will come.

My intuition says I was higher than the clouds, halfway between the earth and the stars I'd say. In this dream we were like the androgynous creatures of the myths, trying to climb Mount Olympus to challenge the gods. But I have no desire to challenge anybody, only to find a nice spot to sit with my girl, eat and drink from the tree and enjoy the view.

Ordnael 05-02-2023 10:09 PM

In dreams we communicate better. In astral projection while in real-time it is more difficult to find her, she's often invisible like ghost, so I see myself alone in the house, but if I ask her to manifest something, to give me a sign that she's around, it works.

The problem is that in real-time, out-of-body, there are other forces around, supernatural, and they can interfere, whereas in my dream I have more freedom and power to confront intruders.

So, in the first dream it was night-time, I was inside a flying bus and my Higher Self was driving it. There was no one else there, except for a cat in the back of the bus, and there were layers of his powers around him, like a multidimensional cat, there was the tiny cat in the bus, and there was the big cat in the sky...

I said to my Lord:

-It must be scarier to cross this region of the sky at night, during the day would be easier.

Then we passed in front a church of Christ, it was huge and all illuminated, but empty, no one was there. By the way, we were flying over a city, it didn't seem like we were on a plane, but an actual bus.

I understood that with Him it would be easy regardless of the hour of the day. And I also understood that the true religion is a path in ruins that few can go through.

I was crying like child for being in his presence, so I apologized for it and walked to the front of the bus, where I found my fairy.

I asked her, "Hey, where have you been?", and kissed her hand. At this point we were all holding hands, my Higher Self holding one of my hands and the fairy holding the other.

She said, "I've been captured." I asked her "What?", and she repeated, "I have been captured."

I didn't understand well if that was in the present or past and now she was free. I think I said "No matter where you are, I'll rescue you."

The dream ended but I remained in bed, and it started raining. I was communicating with her in trance through telepathy, and noticed that the storm gets angrier when I do that, they don't like to see me talking with her. I realized that it was the storm that captured her, like in the Super Mario game, when Bowser arrives bringing darkness and terror, he and his thugs kidnap Princess Peach.

I was very worried that the monsters in the storm cloud had done things to her, I was really upset, then I had another dream.

This one was closer to real-time, like an out-of-body experience. It was daytime like in the real world. I went to the front of the house and tried to fly over the front gate, but couldn't fly high, I felt ridiculous, I had to climb the wall and saw a goat or lamb in the street. The animal jumped and tried to enter my house but failed. We heard people coming from the street around the corner, a multitude, and the lamb was scared of them. After that I woke up.

Still in bed and in trance, I started entering their domain and seeing their creatures, like a hero invading the enemy's castle. Suddenly I felt I was drinking some delicious water of life.

I fell asleep and had a final dream. It was daytime and we were in a huge battle arena. There was this gladiator about 10 meters in front of me. I was ready to fight him, and declared out loud "I'm a son of the Light. I am a diamond. I will defeat you."

He was a bit fat and I'm skinny, hehe, however, I was totally confident. Someone was going to give us the green light to start battling, but I woke up before that happened.

*In English diamond resembles 'daemon', a good spirit, but in my language it sounds like 'one who loves the day', or even 'one who loves God'.

Ordnael 06-02-2023 09:35 PM

The conclusion
Glad to see that they have standards. The gladiator I was about to face in the previous dream was apparently the guy who wanted my nymph. But it seems that they have a rule: if you steal someone's girlfriend you will have to defeat him in battle, the winner takes the prize. Fair enough ...

If you were expecting to read about an epic battle of swords colliding and bloodshed, this will disappoint you. One could say I was overpowered, I'd say I was empowered enough to accomplish the task in an elegant way without getting stained.

It was a very different situation today. In real life I have 3 pets, two water turtles and one cockatiel. In this dream one of my turtles had gone into a hole between the wall and the ground. There was a deep and wide gap there, like a critical fault in the structure of the house, a perfect condition for insects to breed and infest the house. Next to the turtle and hanging upside down was a spider.

I got a water spray with a mixture in it that I use for cleaning purposes, vinegar and alcohol, and I started spraying the spider with a jet of it. It began contorting itself in agony on its web. I continued until it fell to the ground and started crawling outside the hole.

As it came closer to light I realized it was actually a big frog, it was limping on one front leg. My turtle that was next to it before also came out to light in my direction, while the frog simply went away. I felt kinda sorry about it because I like frogs more than spiders. I don't attack them when they come to my house.

From now on I'll be more careful with the storms, not to let them capture my nymph again. And thanks to anyone who read this and rooted for me.

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