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ketzer 24-12-2018 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by ajay00
You clearly have not studied the nondualist or ancient advaitan philosophy, and till you have done that, you will just keep on misinterpreting nonduality,and interpreting as per your theories and dogmas.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, "The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory."

There is an ancient zen saying about clearing the cup or mind of its content before studying anything. Do so and study the nondual philosophy, or else you will keep on misinterpreting it as per your conditioning and wasting your time here.

It requires an unconditioned mind to experience nonduality or advaita, and all conditioned beliefs and experiences will only serve to act as mental filters for the mind leading to misinterpretation and complication of something which is actually very simple and uncomplicated.

This advaita philosophy sounds like an interesting theory. A bit dogmatic in its requirements perhaps, but interesting nonetheless.

janielee 10-02-2019 07:08 PM

Far from dogma

Unseeking Seeker 11-02-2019 04:26 AM

The poignant pause between two breaths, heartbeats, thoughts ... made noiseless & timeless


ImthatIm 16-02-2019 04:49 PM

I stand in the center glowing.

r6r6 18-02-2019 02:23 PM

Mathmagician - Two Circles of Torus Blows Our Mind
The simple truth will set you free. The complex truth will blow your mind.

1} inside ---hi i'm{ i } on the inside ( i )

2} outside hi i'm on the outside i ( ) i

3} inside-outed{ ex gloves or socks pulled inside-out } children know this simple truth very well.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Only three cosmically absolute directions;

1} In > i <

2} around ( ) ex orbital trajectory that is always falling in or out

3} out < i >

"How did you escape?" "I simply turned the handcuffs inside-out."


Mind Blowingly Cool


Originally Posted by r6r6r
The truth exists for those who seek it. :hug3:
convex----> ( <------concave :hug2:

SPACE(>*<) i (>*<)SPACE :happy6:

0} Spirit-1 { spirit-of-intent }, metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts as a sub-trinity set:

1} Absolute truth = ex there can only exist 5 and only 5 regular/symmetical and convex polyhedra of our eternally existent, finite, occupied space Uni-V-erse.

2} Relative truth = the sky is blue :wink:

3} All else = absolute non-truths. aka false etc

ajay00 18-02-2019 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by ketzer
This advaita philosophy sounds like an interesting theory. A bit dogmatic in its requirements perhaps, but interesting nonetheless.

Advaita actually means nondual perception. It is an actual state of being, wherein one perceives holistically without labelling or categorising existence with thought.

It deals more with experiential understanding rather than intellectual understanding as thought is dualistic in nature.

Consciousness is not at war with anything. It is not opposed to anything - it is not the opposite of anything - only thought sees opposites. - Jeff Foster

r6r6 20-02-2019 06:16 PM

Universe Is Complex
Cosmic Trinity via 2D Symbolism:

1} i )( i = metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts,

---------conceptual line-of-demarcation------

2} ...)(... = macro-infinite non-occupied SPACE,

3} (>*<) i (>*<) = Uni-V-erse aka occupied SPACE

0} There is SPACE occupation as associated with 3D + Time both of which are realized{ reality } via Observed Time ^v^v or as /\/\/\/ frequencies of existence.

....0a} Xa ex height { | } ----cartesian 90 degree relatedness

....0b }Yb ex width{ girth --- }, cartesiasn 90 degree relatedness

....0c} Zc ex depth { |___ }, cartesian 90 degree relatedness

....0t} Time or as Observed Time ^v^v or as /\/\/ having six kinds of motion and spin being the initial primary{?} motion 0t-Spin
..........0t-Spin, orbit, expand-contract, torque{ twist }, inside-out, precess.

*) i (*} there is mental mind occupation -- ex a penny for your thoughts--- as informational sorting processes with terminal endings, that, may arrive at conclusions of specific and critically integrally related thoughts.

Ex consideration of a 4th spatial dimension i.e. 'd' where 'd' is the diametric{ volumetric } diagonal [/] of a 90 degree cartesian cube [ ].

V'd' is at 45 degrees to Xa, Yb and Zc

Do not confuse surface diagonal of cube with diametric { volumetric } diagonal. Surface diagonals each, only at 45 degrees to two other surface spatial dimensions whereas V'd' at is at 45 degrees to all three spatial dimensions.


Originally Posted by r6r6r
The simple truth will set you free. The complex truth will blow your mind.

1} inside ---hi i'm{ i } on the inside ( i )

2} outside hi i'm on the outside i ( ) i

3} inside-outed{ ex gloves or socks pulled inside-out } children know this simple truth very well.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Only three cosmically absolute directions;

1} In > i <

2} around ( ) ex orbital trajectory that is always falling in or out

3} out < i >

"How did you escape?" "I simply turned the handcuffs inside-out."


Mind Blowingly Cool

r6r6 02-03-2019 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by ImthatIm
I stand in the center glowing.

Somebody call the fire department! :icon_eek:

ant 04-03-2019 09:42 AM

As long as your happy,that's the main thing.

r6r6 04-03-2019 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Elabr8Aspie
As long as your happy,that's the main thing.

Who are you talking to specifically?

Each person gets to choose what degree of "happy" they want to indulge in. The is especially true in countries where freedom and freedom to choose is the norm.

Humans have rights and others need to be careful what specifics they attempt to assign to other humans, unless they have their consent.

If your talking to me, and see that Ive made an incorrect comments, then please address those comments specifically as stated.

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