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BehindBlueEyes 13-09-2016 07:40 PM

Thanks again:hug3: I understand what you are saying and I am trying to find the positives in everything I do, and take each day as it comes.

I think my problem is that my life has changed a lot in the last year. I left a job I had for almost ten years for something better. I left behind a lot of close friends whom I rarely see anymore. I'm finding it difficult to meet new people and to find things to do outside of work.

I am planning on doing some traveling in the near future which I am really looking forward too. :smile:

What I really want at this stage of my life, is to settle down and start a family, but without any real social life it seems further away than ever.

awareness 13-09-2016 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by BehindBlueEyes
Thanks again:hug3: I understand what you are saying and I am trying to find the positives in everything I do, and take each day as it comes.

I think my problem is that my life has changed a lot in the last year. I left a job I had for almost ten years for something better. I left behind a lot of close friends whom I rarely see anymore. I'm finding it difficult to meet new people and to find things to do outside of work.

I am planning on doing some traveling in the near future which I am really looking forward too. :smile:

What I really want at this stage of my life, is to settle down and start a family, but without any real social life it seems further away than ever.

Hello BehindBlueEyes.

We wish you the best.

awareness 18-09-2016 06:26 PM

Honor the Choices That You Have Made
(How to Create True Success)


Honor the choices that you make. If you do not feel that the choices and changes that you've made are working out well for you, then simply make new choices and changes, ones that feel better to you. It is really this simple. It is not complicated. The mind can make it seem complicated, as it often does in your dimension. This is an illusion. Creation is simple. Diversity and complexity are not what they appear to you to be. Simplicity is the true nature and way of the universe.

You could make large amounts of money, but unless you honor your own decisions, friends, and unless you honor your past as well as your present circumstance, you will not be truly successful. You would only be "successful" in denying yourself the love that you deserve to give yourself. You are living "in the past" if you do not respect your past decisions, simply because of harboring regret. Regret is a success killer. All truly successful people know this fact.

Self-disrespect is the core problem of humanity. Nothing else is. Your great awakening is hinged upon loving/respecting yourself. Love = respect = appreciation. Self-love/respect/appreciation. This is a magical formula for true success. If you remember it, this will literally save you from thousands of hours of wasteful, worrisome thinking, effectively increasing your positive productivity.

We thank you. We are complete.

bees 20-09-2016 05:45 AM

Thank you!

Dear awareness

Do you think it's possible to live a life as joyful as when you get lost in a song that moves your whole soul? :love1:

awareness 21-09-2016 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay
Thank you!

Dear awareness

Do you think it's possible to live a life as joyful as when you get lost in a song that moves your whole soul? :love1:

Hello beesliketoplay, our dear friend. :hug3:

This is in the affirmative, however in your Earth plane dimension none of you ever remain in such a blissful state for your entire physical incarnation. Before taking birth you each understand that the Earth plane is one of polarity, a world of duality-consciousness, and you therefore have a collective human agreement where it is accepted that you will never achieve total consistency of joy-consciousness, which some of you call "Christ Consciousness."

When you choose to rise above your Earthly challenges in a spirit of appreciation and joy, rather than feel discouraged and downtrodden, this is how you ascend in consciousness, this is how you raise your vibration to match your Higher Self. And whenever you do feel any degree of discouragement, if you are quick to remember that your true purpose is to extend joy, that you really came to Earth to appreciate your human experience, this action also raises your consciousness. This is self-love, or self-forgiveness, both being the same action.

When you are "lost" in a song that moves your spirit, you are "losing" your focus or awareness of separation. You are momentarily letting go of any negative attachment and attuning to Oneness, your True Nature and Divine State. You are "losing" fear and "gaining" (realizing) love, joy, a transcendent sense of wholeness. We suggest that your life experience may indeed be dominated by this kind of awareness, this type of attitude that always seeks and sees the highest and best in any moment. This type of awareness may become your dominant focus, although it takes much practice in order to build up a positive momentum that, in a sense, becomes "self-sustaining."

A powerful intention for joy eventually becomes a very strong thought-form, in other words, that may seem to have a life of its own. None of you will ever attain a state of perfect enlightenment in which you would never again experience challenges in your physical reality. This is a pipe dream that many human entities have. Even the entities Jesus and the Buddha experienced a challenge of remaining physically incarnated after fully surrendering to Divine Consciousness. Likewise, you will each manifest challenges on the "other side" when you discard your Earthly body. Your learning will not come to an end with physical death.

Heaven is not like the Garden of Eden. It is not a destination. It is not a "pure land." It is not an astral realm. Heaven is actually God Itself, Pure Bliss Consciousness beyond description.

We suggest that you each practice perceiving all things, all your experiences, as equally valid parts of the song of your life. There is no other way than this in order to live joyously. Appreciate your Self in all its guises and in all its experiences. You are all touched by Heaven. :smile:

We thank you, our gentle friend, for sharing your kind spirit, and for posing such an excellent question. We are complete.

bees 22-09-2016 04:57 AM

Dear awareness, I am honored and touched by your immeasurable kindness here and wherever you are. :) Thank you so very much.

Ohhh I must admit I was hoping for a really good (really out of this world, exceptional, fun, great, relaxing, joyous :biggrin:) "holiday" or state after I die. That state earlier is fine too :hug2:

God itself...I like that description, and equate to my mind God as ...All...All...

I do not know if every Heart is the same but I personally sense innocence, kindness, compassion, delight, joy...sometimes I smile and it comes from out of this world.

awareness, one time I felt something emanating from my own being, it was compassion and love of such ...such eminence, innocence, depth...the words cannot capture this..It is just a memory now but that was not of this world to my experience.

In my opinion, true Spirituality is evolution of Consciousness, of God being, manifestation and realization in this life. Not through intellect or belief or searching for fairies or Archangels, but self-Knowledge, persistence, inquiry and above all, Love.

Thank you so much for this dialogue, Beloved Ones.


awareness 24-09-2016 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay
Dear awareness, I am honored and touched by your immeasurable kindness here and wherever you are. :) Thank you so very much.

Ohhh I must admit I was hoping for a really good (really out of this world, exceptional, fun, great, relaxing, joyous :biggrin:) "holiday" or state after I die. That state earlier is fine too :hug2:

God itself...I like that description, and equate to my mind God as ...All...All...

I do not know if every Heart is the same but I personally sense innocence, kindness, compassion, delight, joy...sometimes I smile and it comes from out of this world.

awareness, one time I felt something emanating from my own being, it was compassion and love of such ...such eminence, innocence, depth...the words cannot capture this..It is just a memory now but that was not of this world to my experience.

In my opinion, true Spirituality is evolution of Consciousness, of God being, manifestation and realization in this life. Not through intellect or belief or searching for fairies or Archangels, but self-Knowledge, persistence, inquiry and above all, Love.

Thank you so much for this dialogue, Beloved Ones.


Hello beesliketoplay.

You are eternally welcome.

You will indeed manifest a joyous experience in the spirit vibrations after you discard your Earthly body, due to your beliefs and self-perception.

God is indeed All, as in All Love, All Light, All Joy. Not as "all things," for the Godhead knows no things, for there is no actual separation whatsoever in any dimension, nor are there really different dimensions in actuality. Individuality is totally an illusion, although it is no doubt a necessary illusion in order for the multiverse (creation) to appear to exist, for without it "we" would not seem to exist.

God, being All-There-Is, has no opposite and no real opposition. Movement/change is an illusion, for God is unmoved. Resisting God only reaffirms Its eternal existence. The concept of Omnipresence wasn't concocted by the human mind, but ultimately originates from within the Godhead Itself.

Divine Love (for God is Love) is immutable and formless, although It can appear to be expressed through innumerable forms. Formlessness is not illusory, but all form is illusory, never really being what it appears to be. Many say that appearances can be deceptive, but this is shortchanging oneself. ALL appearances are deceptive in the general sense that no thing is fundamentally as it appears to be.

The Cosmic Heart is the same in all. Any "heart" that is "less" than Perfect Love is illusory, being subject to some degree of self-deception. The True Heart cannot be harmed, being perfectly immune to fear. The concept that one can metaphorically wear the heart upon one's sleeve is a distortion of the spiritual understanding that love itself is fully open and available at all times.

Entities must be willing to surrender victim-thinking before they can make themselves a pure vessel of Divine Consciousness.

True spirituality is indeed evolution or ascension of consciousness, with self-appreciation and willingness being key to this development. Spirituality may be seen as following a path of most allowance of well-being.

You indeed, beesliketoplay, have a very high soul attunement to high spiritual vibrations. As you simply recall the memory and feeling of such vibrations, and marinate in these loving energies, saturating your consciousness with these vibrations, you may indeed recreate similar experiences.

We thank you, and are complete.

Pagandell 24-09-2016 04:34 PM

All you need is love.
Dear Awareness.

I have been reading your words and have gained much comfort from them. :hug3:

Like ' your only two real choices in any given moment are either love or fear ' so simple but so cosmicly true.

I have suffered from fear for far far to long being made to feel worthless but now from your wonderful vibes here on sf I have seen the light and i'm sending love and apresiation to my self.

Much love



awareness 24-09-2016 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Pagandell
Dear Awareness.

I have been reading your words and have gained much comfort from them. :hug3:

Like ' your only two real choices in any given moment are either love or fear ' so simple but so cosmicly true.

I have suffered from fear for far far to long being made to feel worthless but now from your wonderful vibes here on sf I have seen the light and i'm sending love and apresiation to my self.

Much love



Hello dear Pagandell.

We are very pleased. :hug3:

You have indeed glimpsed and you have perceived the Light of your True Self many, many, many times throughout the years, both in your current form and in others. Your remembrance of who-you-really-are is so profound that you will never again fall asleep to become deeply entrapped in the nightmare of lack and limitation that your soul has experienced many times before.

In other words, you will not experience the same degree of fear-based density that you have before, for your soul's vibration is lighter and more expansive. [You are essentially perceiving your Light Body.]

You have ascended to a new plateau of self-love, blessed Pagandell.

We are celebrating your expanding self-realization along with you, our friend!

We love you. We are complete.

bees 24-09-2016 06:02 PM

:smile: :love1:

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