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Shivani Devi 02-11-2016 12:38 PM

Because I am surfing high on the waves of Shiva-bliss now...

I have taken to worshipping Lord Shiva in the form of Neelkantha lately, ever since I have been ill (and chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra).

Churn the ocean of my emotion, dear Lord,
Let opposing forces fade beneath the weight of the Universe,
As my pain rises to the surface,
As all my toxins rise up,
Drink my pain as your Soma, my Lord,
My tears of pure love for you shall neutralise it,
Sweeten it to your taste.

Churn that ocean of my subconscious mind,
In all its turbulent moods and wordly fancies,
Drink of my poison, take it from me and make me whole,
In body, mind and that hidden part of my soul,
Drink it up...
Refill it with Soma for me please, my love;
My endless object of affection.

Aum Namah Shivaya

acorn 03-11-2016 12:31 PM

Aum Namah Shivaya....
I grew up Irish catholic ...without going into my journey...it amazes me that my search would land me at the feet of these ancient and holy scriptures ...even as I scratched the surface of Hinduism ...when I first read the words. Aum Namah Shivaya ...I could feel their power....and I wondered why...why do I feel it in terms of power ? I could not explain it....so foreign.. and yet familiar.
As I explored more and more...it was the darling little butter thief that would steal my heart...but even to this day...those words stir up something..that leads to silence and contemplation


Shivani Devi 03-11-2016 01:22 PM

It happened to me in a reverse way.

I was always attracted to the esoteric and ancient form of Hinduism from a very early age - early teens onward.

There wasn't much in the way of Hindu temples around in Australia when I was younger, so I joined ISKCON at 17 - miraculous how I lasted for 2 years there.

I tried to love Krishna, but there seemed to be nothing 'mysterious' or even 'deep and meaningful' about Him and he was just too perfect...too beautiful.

I tried to connect to Krishna during Sankirtan, but I just liked the chanting and the music basically...I just couldn't associate with Krishna, no matter how much I wanted to...it just 'wasn't there' and I tried to make it 'be there' but every time I passed Lord Shiva's picture in the temple corridor, I just froze and tried not to make that look at all 'conspicuous'. lol

Shiva wasn't perfect...covered in ash...wearing skulls...fierce....dominating...but to me, it was His imperfections which made Him the perfect deity in every way....I tried hiding the fact I was a reluctant Shiva Bhakta....I tried...lol

In the end, I decided to purge myself and I embraced Shiva with both arms.

acorn 03-11-2016 02:45 PM

That gave me a big smile...I am attracted to all the deities that attract seekers.
I take pleasure in others views and stories, in regards to their path to the divine.

For the most part I have to come here to "talk and "listen"" ....because I have very little opportunity to fill this cup (satsanga) in my every day existence ..
I do not force the topic of Spirit.....in fact ...the Spirit is not moved to reveal itself...until it does... I never know when that might happen
.it does not wear the personality of me....it says what it will

funny how things happen...in a very short order I felt that this study of these texts gave me a truer picture of the Jesus that I feel most Christians do not have
...at least they were not able to convey it to me .....I think...because they don't really understand it....words...not realization ...they tried to teach me what they themselves had not realized.
It seemed to me that these holy texts...had realization as the goal !!!...not empty words...realization is the goal of all religions...but for me, in these christian teachings ...this was not a point of emphasis

I feel a great connection between Lord Krishna and Lord Jesus
and I see great similarity in some of the text also
anyway....it's fun to explore all these things...I Love it


hope you don't find it rude to write this in a thread about Lord Shiva

acorn 03-11-2016 02:54 PM

HAHA ...the lasted 2 years line made me laugh out loud :)

acorn 03-11-2016 11:38 PM

that may have been rude...AND rambling....sorry about that


Shivani Devi 04-11-2016 12:23 AM


No, not at all and you aren't rambling whatsoever. If anything, I am a rambler. lol

I didn't reply to you because I felt that nothing more needed to be said about it and posting about Krishna in a Shiva thread isn't rude...I mean, if it were I would have given that Bhagavan Kalki thread a wide berth. hehe

I don't take offense at anything really...there seems to be nothing left that can offend me anyway because I seem to be in that enviable position where I have heard it all before.

Even though I have worshipped Krishna, it was Shiva who 'did it' for me and it also seemed to be fated that way.

Shiva bhaktas seem to be a 'dying breed' anyway....or else we've gone underground like sewer rats.

I would hazard a guess that anybody claiming to be a 'Hindu' would probably be a Vaisnava Hindu at about 90%, whilst Shaivas and Shaktas comprise the remaining 10%.

Trying to find a 'like-minded/souled' individual who loves Lord Shiva is almost an impossibility online or off....and lord, how I have tried to combine us, but there's not much left to combine.

I wonder where we all went to?

Maybe Shiva isn't as popular as Lord Krishna or Lord Rama or any of that is.

I did have a bit of time for Narasimha Deva though....about the only time Lord Vishnu really did anything pro-active when it came to upholding dharma.

Suffice to say, a pretty face and beautiful stories just don't cut it for me.

I love Lord Shiva with all my heart and soul.

I enjoy your posts, acorn. Don't think you are being rude because you are not....not as far as I am concerned anyway. Keep up with the stories! :hug:

Aum Namah Shivaya

Shivani Devi 10-11-2016 07:47 AM

So, I'm just hanging around doing nothing until November 21 - Kala Bhairava Jayanti.

On that day, I shall take pasupati initiation into Bambu Kuning - Yellow Bamboo.

I don't know what Lord Shiva wants me to do though...I read 'your vibe attracts your tribe' on here a while ago and that fits.

Bambu Kuning is as close as it gets to what I believe in and I feel like being pierced with trishula just to make me feel something again because I am spiritually numb apart from this love that flows, which is a total dichotomy.

I stated before that I felt it was time to take sanyas...just to put a 'label' on it and cement the whole relationship.

Meanwhile, I can talk about esoteric Hindu things I have learned or experienced.

As it is, the worship of Shiva leads to esoteric stuff like tantra and kundalini....the worship of Krishna does not...I don't even know if Gaudiya Vaishnavas believe in chakras and all of that...

Still, I remember sitting at the feet of the shamans in awe and reverence....making my way back home where I had a special penchant for vintage calendar pictures of Lord Shiva from the 1920's and 1930's....gee how the whole image has changed and evolved over time....but my heart feels that the old renditions seem to be closer to the mark...

So, to indulge my bhakti once more:

Where they got that horrible blue colour from, I have no idea....but Shiva isn't blue...

Aum Namah Shivaya

kralaro 16-11-2016 04:45 AM

>but Shiva isn't blue

Then Necro how about this picture :)

Shivani Devi 16-11-2016 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by kralaro
>but Shiva isn't blue

Then Necro how about this picture :)


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