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Berry 13-04-2017 11:04 AM

I don't think extreme pain, heavy flow, and clots are normal. Please get seen and have those issues checked out prior to natural remedies, especially a complete blood work. The flaxseed and raspberry leave tea eventually did nothing for me. I had severe endometriosis and anemia that required drastic measures that most likely saved my life.

Shaolan 13-04-2017 02:26 PM

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I have already seen doctors in the past for my menstrual symptoms and it seems I'm 'normal'. Mmh :rolleyes:

I know many people who have the same inconveniences as me, but they do take prescribed medication for the pain, while I don't want to.
Doctors also suggest to take the pill to ease the symptoms and make the cycle more regular, but I don't want that either.

I know some of these symptoms can be due to some serious condition like endometriosis, but in my case I think it's mainly a hormonal imbalance.
I will have a bloodwork done soon and it might give me valuable information. Then I will go see a naturopath if I need to. :smile:

Green.Heals 05-11-2017 05:39 AM

Primrose oil, cramp bark, there are other tea's/herbs you can try as well. Krill Oil. I forget how it is taken, I used it for some time, I thought it was helpful.

You might look into endometriosis. Hormonal health. Acupuncture.

Increase daily water intake.

I also use raspberry leaf tea, sometimes it is helpful, but not always.

Shivani Devi 16-11-2017 10:58 AM

When I was younger, my grandma would give me a teaspoon of powdered ginger mixed in warm water and a hot water bottle...did the trick.

I've also tried dong quai, which helped and an old Chinese doctor recommended hawthorn berry tea...which was excellent!

So, those things I have found helpful:

Hawthorn berry extract
Dong Quai
Wild Asparagus
Sesame seeds
Vitamin B6

...and a hot water bottle. =)

Tobi 18-11-2017 01:27 AM

There may be acupressure points to help with menstrual pain. You maybe should check that out.

The other night I had a nerve pain in my arm (old pain which is mostly gone but occasionally comes back for a few hours) I used the acupressure point in the hand for it, giving gentle firm pressure for 30 seconds, in 2 stages. Then I fell asleep, and in the morning there was no more pain.

dream jo 19-11-2017 12:19 AM

dnt no iv tryd a few thns all i no pms can trn me in 2 a syco frm hell it can

travelingwithin 02-01-2018 10:18 AM

Hot water bottle, ginger and magnesium do the trick for my wife's menstrual cramps. But not always...it depends on the level of stress as well.

trixiewilbury 02-01-2018 06:46 PM

Helpful thread - good info here, lots to try! Thanks everyone.

trixiewilbury 02-01-2018 06:48 PM

Oh, and when it's been extremely bad, I have tried mind over matter since anything over the counter messes with my cycle and I would rather not use it anyway. Me, clenched in pain: "I acknowledge that the body is an illusion, I thank these pains for everything they have taught me, now I say goodbye! You are illusory and I am well, healed and whole." Nothing is an immediate fix, lol. I'll make note of some of these teas and oils.

Spearmint Leaf 02-01-2018 11:05 PM

Don't wait until you have the debilitating cramps.
STOP them before they start.
About one week prior to your cycle start drinking a mixture of
organic calcium/magnesium rich Tisane.
( or for serious Cramp-Relief-Annihilator-Women : drink every single day)

A simple mixture of Organic Red Raspberry Leaves steeped overnight in
distilled water in a Mason Jar and then squeezed thoroughly is usually strong enough to annihilate the cramps.
Drink every day of the month not just during the cycle.

If that's not strong enough then drink Organic Red Raspberry Leaves, Shavegrass, Nettles & Oatstraw mixture everyday or starting at least one week prior to cycle. ( all herbs must be 100% organic )

IF you only steep the herbs for 5 or 10 minutes or whatever the recommended steeping time states, then it is still too weak .
It needs to be a strong Medicinal Concoction to do anything to help you.

For people that don't understand menstrual cramps I usually compare it
to the same pain as Charlie Horses and that same concoction above relieves Charlie Horses, too.

If you use store bought Tea Bags out of a box then you'll probably need to use four TeaBags compared to one serving made by you .

If you drank this everyday for a month ( but even a week is better than nothing ) your menstrual cycle pain will be reduced to zero and the flow reduced to a minimal and you'll have to learn how to live with no cramps and minimal / normal flow. Then you'll save money on feminine products and also feel healthier and happier and nourished as well.

HUG :)

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