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-   -   The usage of dolls in Witchcrafting or voodoo or black magic. (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=132530)

Sunshine111 24-11-2019 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny Crow
Sunshine, Quote - your words - "person who had been the victim of THESE SICK IN THE HEADS, as far as I am concerned, EVIL PERSONS....".

So yes, you did say that.

I'm saying the following without judgement against you.......You seem to be under the misunderstanding that witchcraft, Voodoo (or Vodoun) and black magic all fall under the same umbrella, when in fact, they don't. Vodoun is a religion that one has to be initiated into by a Houngan or Mambo. Witchcraft is a craft that can basically be learned by anyone, if they put their mind to it. Black magic is simply a label tacked on to execration magic. Magic has no colour - it operates on the practitioner's intent.

As you said, you are not a practitioner of magic/spells etc. so I'm not totally sure what your reason is for coming on this section of the forum, unless it is to ask that first question you asked

Jenny Crow,

Yes, I did say that and explain by giving examples this time in order to make things clearer for who exactly as I was referring to and consider/ed to be evil and sick in the head.

That is my opinion and in the case of any doubt, I am referring you back to the examples provided.

Yes, I did come to the Wicca group to ask the questions in the original post for, I considered most appropriate to post my questions at this is the subforum, based on the context of them, overall subject that the Wicca group would have most possibly , known the answers.

This however, does not mean that other members cannot participate via commenting as it is an open forum and all sections of it for all members.

Now instead of having my questions answered obviously, by the Wicca group, I feel that I am under attack my own person(being stood at a wall and pointed by guns) for various matters that are completely misunderstood, taken the wrong way,read differently than stated or meant, misinterpreted and lastly completely out of context.

First and foremost, in regards to the dolls or "poppets" for which it is clear from the title that regards specific usage of them, this is to deliberately and intentionally cause harm to another NOT HEALING(the subject is not the usage of dolls for healing).

An intention and purpose going beyond and crossing the line of normality as human beings , healthy behaviour as expressed in an out of proportion and without excuse reason, an upset that a normal, healthy person when experienced would not have resulted in the deliberate hurt and harm of another. A behaviour that was further demonstrated in the examples that was labelled as "evil" and "sick in the head" and were given in order for these terms to be clarified and of what exactly was meant by me.

Obviously, the examples have absolutely nothing to do with the target being a paedophile, rapist or whoever else is included in the category of your post.

As far as magic is concerned, to the best of my knowledge, I think that there is black and white magic, depending on "the practitioner's intent".

I think this is overall and universally accepted, is it not?.

Sunshine111 24-11-2019 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny Crow
Sorry, I had to break my post up because this very frustrating forum will not post your reply if you take too long to formulate it and you have to log in again and lose everything you just typed.

Anyway. as I was saying,

....unless it was to say you are shocked that people are still using dolls/poppets/baby dolls in their craft. Poppets have been around in folkloric witchcraft for eons in basically country of the world and this form of magic is not going away any time soon - simply because it works. Sticking pins into them is definitely the only way to use dolls/poppets. As someone else said they can be used to heal.

I don't know if your questions have been asked satisfactorily but if not - please ask away.

Hello again,

If you log in through the window that appears in the middle of your screen then you will not lose what you had already written. If you log in from the window at the right to, 99.9% you will lose what you had already written, at least that's what had taken place in my case, 100%.

To be on the safe side, in most cases I also copy what I have already written that results in automatically being saved on the clipboard ready to be pasted in the case that something happens and all disappears.

I had to paste from the clipboard on several occasions up to now.

Of course, I was shocked to hear that another to be deliberately and intentionally intending and aiming, planning and trying to cause harm in this way(once again, I refer you to the examples already provided to avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations) "was prevalent" and "happened more often than another would imagine".

But, my first and initial shock was when I saw this person going exactly this against my person, taking a poppet and sticking pins on it to deliberately and intentionally cause harm specifically to my person.

First this sticking pins on a poppet that obviously represented my person was manifested on my body. Then, I saw a dark figure and what might be considered an aura which was dark and greyish in the setting that they were then as well as the table they were using to have the poppet on it.

As I laid on my bed sick , powerless and helpless in the exact and same way the poppet was laying on the table used for this evil and while this sick and sick in the head action of the specific person was done.

So, I want to ask if the table I saw to be used was also part of this Voodoo and aimed of the specific person and whether is relevant or irrelevant to the above?.

Why not hold the "poppet" in just their hands and just stick the needles to it , and placing this on the table instead?.

Just to clarify that the above comment in regards to evil and sick in the head goes for the specific dark person/figure mentioned. For this, I am referring you once again to the examples provided that all who comes under these are also included.

It had been clarified at this thread that "the poppets" are not under attack and this thread is not about the usage of dolls for healing.

This for surely, was NOT HEALING, was it?.

I think that it had been clarified more than enough and also brought forward on this thread that "poppets" can also be used for protection and healing of another after the defense of the"poppets" and part of their defense.

However, the subject is when "poppets" can be used for deliberate and intentional harm , for Voodoo or black magic as in the examples mentioned, contradictory and quite opposite to healing.

Jenny Crow 24-11-2019 08:12 PM

Sunshine, thanks for that info re logging in. As you have probably surmised I'm not much good with tech stuff - am much better at witchcraft and some Hoodoo.

Maybe I can understand your shock learning that these techniques are still used today because you're a practitioner.

My question would be - why would somebody arbitrarily choose you as their target to direct a negative working at you? Nobody does this sort of thing just for fun.
So - let me get this straight - you actually saw someone sticking pins into a poppet that represented you. Is that correct? And the poppet was on a table - right?

First off - you do not know if a person was working Voodoo or witchcraft or some sort of Hoodoo working. All those traditions use poppets - so how would you know it was Voodoo?

Jenny Crow 24-11-2019 08:23 PM

As for the table you saw - many practitioners work on an altar (or a table). If I was doing a working of that sort I would do it at my altar, so I would say that it would not be out of the ordinary to see the poppet laying on the table. My question is - did you see all this in the physical world - you actually a saw a real person in front of you sticking pins in what you presumed was a poppet representing you? Or was this a psychic thing that you envisioned in your mind?

A question I would have is - why someone would choose to do this type of working against you? Do you believe it was just because they felt like it? I'm sorry, but I find that a little difficult to believe. Out of all the people in the world why would they choose you to inflict harm on?

Jenny Crow 24-11-2019 08:25 PM

I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what really happened because without knowing that it's rather difficult to advise you how to deal with it. Do you still experience some of the effects of what happened? Do you have any idea at all who was doing the working against you?

Sunshine111 24-11-2019 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny Crow
Sunshine, thanks for that info re logging in. As you have probably surmised I'm not much good with tech stuff - am much better at witchcraft and some Hoodoo.

Maybe I can understand your shock learning that these techniques are still used today because you're a practitioner.

My question would be - why would somebody arbitrarily choose you as their target to direct a negative working at you? Nobody does this sort of thing just for fun.
So - let me get this straight - you actually saw someone sticking pins into a poppet that represented you. Is that correct? And the poppet was on a table - right?

First off - you do not know if a person was working Voodoo or witchcraft or some sort of Hoodoo working. All those traditions use poppets - so how would you know it was Voodoo?

No problem about the info. I love sharing/giving and helping out in whatever healthy, productive way such as to make your future communications and online interactions easier.

In your second paragraph what you meant to say is "because I am not a practitioner" not "because I am a practitioner", right?.

No, this thing was definitely not for fun, that's for sure.

Well, my suspects are obviously persons who happen to know me either directly or indirectly through another person.

Not many suspects , just two in particular but I'm leaning towards the first case(may be wrong as what I've seen was just a dark figure and aura of this person or what it seemed like it in addition to the actions of this person).

I met, let us say, a very dark person whose future was predestined to be really and very dark by the family who due to this meeting with me , had decided to leave the darkness behind that was not what the family members wanted and who also did not like the complete change of character, new thoughts , ideas , beliefs.

Therefore, I was an obstacle to this darkness continuing and therefore, had to get out of the way to the family members' plans.

The way the specific person spoke about me to certain family members has also caused jealousy.

So, the first suspect comes from here.

I have absolutely no idea whether it was Voodoo or Hoodoo , whatever it was, it was Voodoo or Hoodoo was nothing but, evil.

What exactly is Hoodoo?.

Sunshine111 24-11-2019 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny Crow
As for the table you saw - many practitioners work on an altar (or a table). If I was doing a working of that sort I would do it at my altar, so I would say that it would not be out of the ordinary to see the poppet laying on the table. My question is - did you see all this in the physical world - you actually a saw a real person in front of you sticking pins in what you presumed was a poppet representing you? Or was this a psychic thing that you envisioned in your mind?

A question I would have is - why someone would choose to do this type of working against you? Do you believe it was just because they felt like it? I'm sorry, but I find that a little difficult to believe. Out of all the people in the world why would they choose you to inflict harm on?

Yes, that's exactly what I saw, an altar with a black cloth on it.

The reason why is very simple and way obvious for me, they couldn't get rid off me otherwise or could not do me physical harm in any other than this way as they wished.

Why do you find it hard to believe when you admitted black magic(or Voodoo or Hoodoo) done by you as far as I understood based on your posts, on a specific category of people and also mentioned the reasons why?.

Just to clarify that I am just asking, not judging and I'm curious "why you find it hard to believe" given all of the above?.

Yes, I have seen everything but, the facial characteristics and face of the specific person. Nothing but darkness all over, even on the face, it was nothing but a dark figure, energy and force with dark/greyish aura around this figure.

What I have seen then or right there was not in my room at all but, their own.

And no, it was not just in my head either.

Sunshine111 24-11-2019 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny Crow
I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what really happened because without knowing that it's rather difficult to advise you how to deal with it. Do you still experience some of the effects of what happened? Do you have any idea at all who was doing the working against you?

But, you have already advised me to get this "hexer" into the box of mirrors and shut it.

No, I really do not experience any of the effects of what happened. Most possibly , "the victimiser" has experienced all they wished and wanted for "their target".

The first suspect had already been mentioned, the second suspect is a person who had been stealing from me and taking without my permission my belonging and using these as their own, swearing at me, chasing after and persecuting me to swear at me, provoking me for violence and to physically assault me when I told them that "I have no problem them using what I have but, I want them to ask me first" and who in the end, I had no choice due to this absolutely aggressive, antisocial behaviour to call the police to pack this person up and remove from the premises.

Jenny Crow 25-11-2019 05:22 AM

Hi Sunshine
Yes, you're right - I meant to say "because you are not a practitioner", sorry. I was typing too fast.
Hoodoo is a magical tradition that stems from the slaves brought over to the United States from Africa. It is very powerful and has become popular with practitioners from other traditions and other parts of the world.
Perhaps I don't find it hard to believe so much as I'm surprised. But I suppose I shouldn't be - there are all kinds of people out there.
That dark figure could have been a "thought form" sent by the people doing the work against you. Also known as an egregore.

Jenny Crow 25-11-2019 05:30 AM

Yes, I advised you to get the person into the mirror box - but I was under the impression at the time that you also were a practitioner and would be able to perform the working. Also, on top of that, I now realize you could be dealing with two people and so you'd have to do two mirror boxes. It might be easier to make a poppet of yourself and put your poppet in a mirror box for protection.

As I said before, before doing any work on a target, you need to find out how much and what kind of protection they have around them because if you start sending things back and what you send back hits their protection you could find yourself being on the receiving end again when it is thrown back at you.

There are people - conjure workers, root workers, witches etc. who will perform work for you if you are not knowledgeable to do your own work. And if, as you say, you don't practice, then that could be one way to deal with this.

You could try to do certain things yourself if you feel confident enough to handle it. We can try to help you, but you should know that what you're dealing with is pretty serious stuff.

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