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Dargor 13-07-2017 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Titortastic
It is quite simply natural to knee jerk reaction to anything that challenges your belief. I too made the arguments for a sphere earth and the more I looked into it the more I couldn't prove it was spherical any more than I could prove the earth is flat....but all of my research seems to imply that the earth is a flat plane and not a giant globe rotating at so many miles per hour that the sun is also moving at its own speed rotating in the galaxy at approximately 515,000 mph through space.

lol, a spherical earth is not a belief system. Everyone with common sense does not ''believe'' the Earth is a round sphere. Rather, we KNOW the Earth is spherical because that is an undeniable fact. Real pictures of Earth have been taken from ISS, and they are certainly not CGI as much as you and your kind like to believe that.

Avadar 13-07-2017 04:01 PM

Flat Earth Confirmed By The U.S. Military

Originally Posted by Lucky 1
All i'm going to say is that i've been around the world...several times....it is demonstrably round.

Flat Earth - Circumnavigation & Time Zones

U.S. Submarine Chief, U.S. Air Force Retired Navigator, & U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instructor All Confirm Flat Earth

US Navy Missile Instructor Confirms Flat Earth

To quote "Stargods" in the above YouTube thread:

"If the military has no training programs for the curvature of the earth, this is all the proof needed for a flat earth. Check mate. You do not win wars with false and inaccurate telemetry."

Your argument is totally refuted by experts in the field who are paid to be objective and accurate.

Another obvious proof is the United Nations logo, which consists not of a globe but a flat earth map!

EDIT: Is the Earth really flat? Footage from over 80,000ft (no fish-eye lens)

Avadar 13-07-2017 04:59 PM

All NASA Images Of The Earth/Terra Are Fake!

Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
lol, a spherical earth is not a belief system. Everyone with common sense does not ''believe'' the Earth is a round sphere. Rather, we KNOW the Earth is spherical because that is an undeniable fact. Real pictures of Earth have been taken from ISS, and they are certainly not CGI as much as you and your kind like to believe that.

Flat Earth - NASA Graphic Designer Admits All Images about Space Are Fake Photoshopped CGIs

NASA Insider Exposes Flat Earth

To quote the description in the above YouTube video:

Matthew Boylan, former NASA operational graphics manager, worked for years creating photo-realistic computer graphics for NASA. Now a vocal Flat-Earther, Boylan claims that NASA’s sole reason for existence is to propagandize the public and promote this false ball-Earth heliocentric worldview. Originally recruited because of his skills and reputation as a hyper-realist multi-media artist, he started doing projects like photoshopping various lighting and atmospheric effects onto images of Earth, the Moon, Jupiter, Europa, etc. Having proved himself, and wanting to promote him to do more classified work, a room of NASA higher-ups during a party, as a type of initiatory-rite, explained to him and a few others in detail the reality of the Geocentric Flat-Earth model and how they have fooled the entire world!

Refusing to be a part of their deception, Boylan cut his ties to NASA, began researching the Flat-Earth for himself, and has recently become a powerful voice on the lecture circuit and the internet exposing NASA and their heliocentric hoax. In his comedic lectures he speaks candidly and eloquently about how simple it is using nothing more than Adobe Photoshop and a video editor to create any and every type of image NASA purports to be “receiving from the Hubble telescope.” He points out how in most ball-Earth videos lazy NASA graphics workers don’t even bother changing cloud structures in ordinary or time-lapse footage; the same shape, color and condition cloud cover often stays completely unchanged for 24 hour periods and longer! Boylan states unequivocally that every picture and video of the ball-Earth, all the Moon/Mars landings, the existence of orbiting satellites, space stations, and all Hubble images are hoaxed. He even quips anecdotes about how NASA officials and astro-nots privy to the Flat-Earth truth would laugh hysterically at the brain-washed zombie public who unquestioningly believe their televisions.

In Hebrew, the word "NASA" means "to deceive."

Avadar 13-07-2017 05:06 PM

Google Knows The Earth Is Flat
Google Knows The Earth Is Flat - Just Ask Google Yourself!

For those who have access to Siri, the same question should be asked. :smile:

Dargor 13-07-2017 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Avadar
He even quips anecdotes about how NASA officials and astro-nots privy to the Flat-Earth truth would laugh hysterically at the brain-washed zombie public who unquestioningly believe their televisions.

In Hebrew, the word "NASA" means "to deceive."

^ That's what happens when you do drugs, kids.

Titortastic 13-07-2017 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by monar

If you decided to subscribe to this spiritual forum, you most likely started awakening as many others. Those who initiated the Flat Earth psyop wanted to distract you from using your thoughts and energy to help yourself and others return back to 5D-realm where you will know the real truth.

The flat earth discussion has been around for centuries since the time of Pythagoras. However you are correct. There is no single way for me to prove to another that the earth is flat. Although I have a question, do you subscribe to the ball earth model?

The reason I ask is for a series of follow up questions. There are certain rules that seem to apply to our physical existence. Rules like Density (or gravity if you prefer), The boiling point of items, Night and day work on these same rules. If we are truly spiritual beings experiencing a physical existence then i'm simply requesting a discussion on our current physical realm.


Originally Posted by Brucely
Railways arnt created as a solid mile-long block of metal. Metal bends, wood bends.
Please explain time differences, why is one side of the world dark when the other is lit.
Why is there a horizon? We can only see a certain amount miles into the distance on a crystal clear day.
Why cant we see across an ocean with a telescope?
A plane flying overhead goes into the horizon. Is every plane crashing into the ground?
Why doesnt the eifel tower cast a shadow across the globe when the sun is low?
Shall i continue? Teach us if all current info is wrong. Or will u admit why you believe this?

I will do my best do describe the flat earth theory as I understand it
why is one side of the world dark when the other is lit? If the earth is flat then the expanse of one side to the other is quite large. It comes down to simple perspective. Your vision is set upon the rules of perspective. If you've taken art class before you know that your eyes visually come to a point and that every line from that perspective point extends outwardly.

Now imagine the sun and moon being the same size (yin-yang symbol). Rotating and hovering above us approximately 3,000 miles up over a flat plane. The sun at dawn and dusk is simply leaving our perspective in a circular path (reference the flat earth map). That is why places like Alaska have extended sun and moon hours based on the rotation of the sun and moon on their cycles (tropic of cancer and Capricorn). If we were on a ball earth the Alaska day and night cycles doesn’t really make sense. If the so called ‘wobble’ was so precise then the darkness wouldn’t last for thirty days, since the supposed sun is so far away the change would be minimal.
Why is there a horizon? We can only see a certain amount miles into the distance on a crystal clear day.

Horizon is just that, a horizontal line of vanishing perspective. I would argue why you can see for miles on a clear day if there is a supposed curvature, then seeing so far would gradually decline yet the horizon line continues to move at your eye level and appears straight all the way across.
Why cant we see across an ocean with a telescope?

Have you tried to see through a telescope across an ocean? Even telescopes have their limits of vision, but with that said you can easily see this vanishing act with a boat leaving your line of sight, then taking a camera with a powerful zoom and bringing that boat back into focus. If there was indeed a curvature then you should not be able to see the boat at all no matter how far you zoom due to the line of the curvature preventing you from looking under the drop in the curve itself.

A plane flying overhead goes into the horizon. Is every plane crashing into the ground?

Again this is just a matter of perspective; all things moving away from you will appear to disappear at the point of vanishing perspective

Why doesnt the eifel tower cast a shadow across the globe when the sun is low?

The light source of the sun is going further and further away so it is the same as a bright flashlight moving away from an object eventually there will be no light cast on the original object.

I do enjoy researching both the flat earth and ball earth however there are certain implications if indeed the earth we physically reside on is flat. That is much more interesting to talk about.

Titortastic 13-07-2017 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
^ That's what happens when you do drugs, kids.

I find it funny that most people believing in the ball earth usually resort to same methods that the accused flat earth people in regards to arguments.

The art of debate has failed miserably to date. People aren't open to discussion they are more concerned about pointing fingers and slapping people in the face with their beliefs which coincidently isn't really their own beliefs to begin with. We are all indoctrinated to believe everything we come to know through schooling and authority. Very rarely do people actually experiment and teach themselves. We all (myself included) get information from those in authority, scientists, journalists, physicists, etc. We rarely ever look for answers with our own senses and experiment with our own tools. We just take the word and stories of everyone else at face value without doing our own research or practice.

The difference is i'm still open to the idea that we live on a ball earth I just don't see that as the truth. The more digging I do I find quite the opposite is true.

I hope that this discussion will open some eyes and maybe even open my eyes even wider

Avadar 13-07-2017 05:46 PM

Hi Titortastic!


Originally Posted by Titortastic

The art of debate has failed miserably to date. People aren't open to discussion they are more concerned about pointing fingers and slapping people in the face with their beliefs which coincidently isn't really their own beliefs to begin with. We are all indoctrinated to believe everything we come to know through schooling and authority. Very rarely do people actually experiment and teach themselves. We all (myself included) get information from those in authority, scientists, journalists, physicists, etc. We rarely ever look for answers with our own senses and experiment with our own tools. We just take the word and stories of everyone else at face value without doing our own research or practice.

The difference is i'm still open to the idea that we live on a ball earth I just don't see that as the truth. The more digging I do I find quite the opposite is true.

I hope that this discussion will open some eyes and maybe even open my eyes even wider



Azmond 13-07-2017 05:58 PM

What I always found interesting is, that the creaters of modern Flat Earth theory went to great lengts in order to make flat earth actually function. For everything that we allready know how it functions they had to explain it in a totaly diferent way. This went so far that the actual model of Flat Earth is infinetly more unbeliveable then round Earth, so why would anyone really even believe in it? Is it just the fact that they think someone is lying to them and that Earth might not be round? Well if you are having touble believing this, why then believe in something that is even more farfetched? Or does it all come down to religion? They developed a flat earth model filled with so manny ideas and concepts in order to account for everything we observe and experience, for the theroy to hold together. This fact alone tells me personaly, that there higher chance of earth catually being round rarther then Flat. When you have to make up so manny things in orther to make something work and fit together, that really raises the alarms. I also remember one person writing that, peraps it is time for us to open our mind and take into consideration that the Earth is perhaps flat. I agree with opening our minds, but the thing is, that is what allreaddy hapaned long ago. Back when all the people on Earth believed the Earth is flat, some people came and said, hey you know what, I have oberved this thing called earth and the universe ouround it, and I conclude that this is actually a round object. You know what happened, they burnded and killed or ridiculed such thinkers for thinking something so extraordinary. Whoever thinks that flat earth is something new, or that it means opening someones mind to a new idea, is just plainly wrong. That allready took place.

Titortastic 13-07-2017 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Azmond
You have every right to decide to not participate in this conversation, but please refrain from using abusive or assaulting language.

I have a respect for you for having courage to talk about your beliefs even when usually it seames you encounter only ridicule. It is no different when talking about extraterrestrials or perhaps hollow Earth. I also command you on your dedication to have a constructive debate....

Ahh thankyou for taking the time to discuss this :)

In reference to your balloon analogy I guess I would refer back to the current math that we use today. It just makes more sense to me that instead of accounting for the 260 odd feet of curvature for a 20 mile stretch of railway that there is no curvature and they simply just laid down 20 miles worth of railway. It would make sense also though that if you broke it up it would appear to be only slight differences.

My thing is though I would put a wager on if we lifted up a 20 mile stretch of railway there would not be 260 feet of curvature.

As far as the planes are concerned i'm not a pilot so i'm not really going to have much credibility when comes to arguing the point of planes. However I will say that the overall compounded science layering that seems to be associated with flying it seems downright ridiculous to be able to automate on a globe.

If the earth is spinning around and the pilot is also flying in any direction would the time to return to a destination not be skewed to account for the spinning of the earth. Also the water lines don't make sense on a ball earth. water always levels itself out. I have never seen curved water before it just makes my head hurt to think about it lol.

On the other hand if everything is on a flat plane. Flying becomes much simpler, Water lines make more sense and railways are much easier to construct.

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