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-   -   Are you looking forward to death? yes or no? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=110338)

Baile 09-02-2017 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Starman
It is not the physical body which needs to be discarded rather it is a limited perspective which needs to be discarded in my opinion. Life is not what I do, or don't do, rather life is what I am and will always be

So many unhappy people. Folks, read Starman's comment here and take note. And I mean put aside your limiting belief-constructs that chain you to your angry, or jaded, or tired, or worn-out life-view. Put that all aside for just a moment, and read it, and learn. Learn about the miracle and gift that is physical existence.

tommylama 09-02-2017 01:04 PM

Death, where is thy sting?
Death brings us to the World of Effects, which is created by the things we do while we are alive. *I'm thinking there will be a temporary Hellish experience, but most of the Hell we cause will be manifested into our next life on Earth. *The Heaven we create is also temporary, but I'm thinking, depending on our point in evolution, the time may seem to be much longer -- like how time passes in Narnia. *I'm hoping that time is always going forward, i.e. that there is an Arrow of Time which is always advancing. *In other words, I'm hoping that we can't incarnate backwards into the Middle Ages, for example. *

We die every night when we go to sleep. *Our consciousness leaves our physical body and wakes up in our astral body. *There are differences between sleeping and dying, but the main difference is that you can't wake up anymore. *Death is a dream. *All is illusion, in the last analysis, and death is just another form of illusion. *It's a way better illusion, however, because in death we can be aware of the living and the dead at the same time. *There is no loss of loved ones to the deceased. *It will all be illusion, but a very nice illusion indeed!

Des39 27-02-2017 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Burntfruit
Do you get fed up of life, and yearn to be in the after realms, where there are no misunderstandings, you have the company of your eternal soul group, and can explore a beautiful environment.

Yes! Very much fed up of life. I would go immediately, even if there is no afterlife.

Originally Posted by Burntfruit
Or do you love life, and want to live forever?

Living forever this life in this society is absolutely dreadful idea.

Parma 28-02-2017 04:03 AM

I'm curious to see what awaits me, and I'm looking forward to seeing my late husband, but I can't say I'm in a hurry to leave. Though I'm glad I'm closer to the end of my life rather than the beginning.

admissioninfo123 28-02-2017 07:29 AM

It depends ............but i can say most of the times ..................not

lifeisgolden 28-02-2017 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Burntfruit
Death is just going home.

Often we hear incarnation on earth to be like boarding schools.

This statement has various ramifications, such as we are here to learn, we have to follow the rules, we can be child like.

Do you get fed up of life, and yearn to be in the after realms, where there are no misunderstandings, you have the company of your eternal soul group, and can explore a beautiful environment.

Or do you love life, and want to live forever?

I'm looking forward to the day I go back home, but for now many things to do! and experience!

Wandering_Star 01-03-2017 04:15 AM

I admit it; get a little twinge of envy whenever someone close to me dies. They get to go home! But I don't have any strong desire to follow them. In fact, looking at the long lifespans of so many relatives, I suspect I'm going to be here for a long time to come, so I might as well enjoy it.

I've long since made peace with being here, and enjoy this place, so I'm fine with playing out this round of the game. Sure, unpleasant stuff happens, but I just see it as a chance to raise my "power level" by choosing to respond to it from the perspective of an immortal soul that understands it's all a game, rather than from my temporary ego-self avatar. I have work of various kinds that I feel called to do, and I'm doing it, and I'm happier than I've ever been.

I got off to a difficult start in this life, and until I hit about 40 I had some pretty extreme ups and downs. But once I learned to stop being so afraid all the time, caught up in meatsuit-ego issues, and start following my soul's desires instead, living here became immensely easier.

I'm not afraid of dying, and do see it as an option should I ever calmly decide I've had enough, my work is done, and it's time to go. But short of a terminal illness, or debility in extreme old age, I can't think of anything that would lead me to exercise that option.

Silver 01-03-2017 07:25 AM

I admit I have mixed feelings right now. Mostly, I want to live forever - but, I have heart problems that scare me. Had a triple bypass in June of 2014, and have been in and out of the hospital a lot. When the mornings come, I always feel grateful that I woke up. I'm tired of jerks though - noisy neighbors, for example. They wear me down sometimes, but I still wanna out-live them.

Crystal canuck 01-03-2017 10:35 AM

I'm not so much afraid of being dead, but dying scares the hell out of me. Being in hideous pain for years on a death bed with cancer or something:icon_frown:

Seems strange that we put our pets out of misery but humans have to suffer as long as possible.

Also, I am extremely scared of losing the people I love, specifically my wife who is older than I. :icon_frown:

Sometimes I wonder what the point of it all is. It seems we have 2 options in life:

1: To die


2: watch everyone you love die and then later die yourself.

I find myself constantly thinking about death, and it scares the hell out me.

Colorado 10-03-2017 05:39 PM

I'm leaning towards no. I've already had a few NDEs...and though my life here hasn't been easy, I understand why I'm here. As I get older, my life seems to get a little better. It seems I died young in my last past lives, and I want to live long enough to be there for my kids, and be able to not be afraid of life like I was for so long. I'm not afraid of death. Living has always been a challenge for me. There's a lot of us who need to learn to live...without depression, anxiety, fear and to see things differently than we have in the past.

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