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Brucely 18-02-2017 03:10 AM

Is fear not that same feeling of love? That dopeamine rush when a bear stands infront of u? Im pretty sure its the same release of chemicals in your body.


Originally Posted by dianamadalina
Something happened that made me very fearful.
I had a day full of reading articles on smartphone.
I was asking myself why was so focused on staying almost all day on it.
And before falling asleep had halucinations of a woman staring at me. Or feeling constantly watched by someone.
Maybe it seems delusional or schizophrenia symptom. But I guess karma is letting me know how smartphone felt when I was using it

How your smartphone feels???

Jmartinez 18-02-2017 03:26 AM

I feel like fear is a core feeling. When I feel overwhelmed with stress or relationships or anything for that matter I find I am usually fearful in some form or fashion for me it is usually something to do with not trusting something of a much higher than me. As stated before I think there are good and bad fears.

jimrich 03-03-2017 05:53 PM


What do you think of fear?

IT SCARES ME! :icon_frown:

Visitor 26-04-2017 07:11 AM

About to be hit be a car is a real fear.
Adrenaline is a physical response for survival reasons...survival of the body.
Calm fearless mind, which knows the truth, can see if they actually have time to move in a way to avoid being hit be a car, or at least minimize the damage for possible survival. The body reacts to a truthful decision via an adrenaline boost.

Knowing the truth in each moment assists a person to react the most truthful way.
Part of that truth is that we have a body but we are not the body.
Body parts may get disconnected from the main yet we are still whole.
A truthful person feels the physical fear, discerns what is true, and only reacts to that truth.

Physical fear benefits the body for survival.
Mental fear benefits nobody...except those that feed of other peoples fear, which is what evil does. IMHO

dream jo 23-10-2017 07:56 PM

we all hav it fear

Ariaecheflame 24-10-2017 01:26 AM

I think it is always there in the background... but every now and then the fear of NOT truly living far outweighs the fear of anything else.

I feel like the more I challenge myself the more fearless and courageous I feel.

Ahriman 15-01-2018 12:15 AM

Love/Fear is the same thing. It's the same feeling.

madalina_diana 07-07-2021 10:09 AM

That the world looks back at you.

Dan_SF 08-07-2021 08:17 PM

This thread popped up today. Usually, if a thread has a blue check mark, on the new posts page, i do visit it.

Today - I've just noticed that someone has responded, and i'll try to write an answer. (even if it is a bit old)


Dan isn't it true we are living in a dualistic reality? So fear and love reign equally. You speak of darkness. Without darkness you can't appreciate the light. Yes, we all have our own fears.

God creates perfection. In Perfection there is no fear.
If God is everything that is, then everything is perfect.

With perfect ( especially in combination) with God, you must know that it is perfect without exception.

The trouble is, that living in this world, you/we do have something that is not perfect.

And yet, that what is not perfect, is not created by God. And yet, almost everyone knows that God is in everything.

It is a bit of paradox, but only because we are in duality and time.

We must somehow came into here.

We must somehow have denied the perfection, and are now seeing whatever alternative there was.

I can give you an Theoretical overview, if you will to accept it.

But you have to think about it (to meditate upon it).

There is a Perfection on the one Side, and on the other side are Good and Bad.

If God is on the Perfection side, then we are on the Good and Bad side.

God = Onenes, Humans = Duality.

With this i'm guiding your thinking process.

By the nature of God, everything that he/IT creates, he/IT creates eternally and is unchangeable.

There was an error made by something. (Bible calls it adam)

This error does not exists, in eternity. It was corrected as soon as it was made.

In time, well that is another (lets call it) Case.

If you would imagine it, then for your human-mind-understanding : there was an beginning and an ending of the Error.

Adam entered time, and in time that error has not been corrected - as of YET.

And there is something that still holds onto that error.

(Sidenote: I'm using here the word/description "you", but it should be read "we"/"us". For me it is easier to write/explain in this way)

Because of the changeless nature of God, you would be forever here.
But God gave you the ability of Judgement.

The ability to distinguish between Good and Bad.

And yet, if you look on Good and Bad only, you will never pass it.

The teachings of God take a lot of time. (sometime several decades until something is learned)
It is not that they really need that time, but it is up to the nature of Us and our worldly minds.

To tell you that your Mind creates your reality, you may not accept now.
(But it can be done, if you are willing to see that it does.)

For the next explanation it would be nice if you would associate Light with Good, and darkness with Bad.

You know of Light and you know of the darkness.

There is no point in wanting to understand and know of all the ways of how a body can die.
To know that, when something disappears - it is Gone, is enough.
And when it is gone it is not there anymore, therefore there appear to be Darkness.

What this world does not tell you is that in God there can not be darkness at all.
God fills the darkness with light even before it appears.

What this world does not tell you, is that God knows only Light.
And God creates only of that what he knows. By Creating it, he has it.

In Duality where Light and Dark seems to coexist: you look and see sometime on light, and sometime on the Dark. But you were never in the total Darkness. Ever !

You have make the mental connection that: if you came here from Light into darkness, and if by looking and knowing of the darkness, you perpetuate it, then you will know why Light and Darkness seem to 'coexist' here.

In God there is no Judgement, because there is Equality only.

Time is a 'Delay'. A slowdown.

A ray of light is moving very fast. There is no darkness in it's path !
Or is it ?

Let's use our inventive mind to see if we can find darkness in the path.

There are cameras, which can take movies at a very high speed. When you replay it (on youtube/tv etc etc) you have a Slow-Motion-Video.

A Ray of light appear to be a line.
When you slow it down (i guess this can't be done with today's cameras, but you can do it with your mind) you would see that a ray consist of many, many, many very small balls of light.

Slowing this even more: You would see that each ball (particle) of light is pushing the one ahead.

If you slow down and magnify it even more, then you can understand that there is a touching point between these two light particles.

Slowing it even more down, and magnifying it even more, at some point, you may get to a point where there is a tiny little gap between these particles.

And there it is, the darkness.

The time in which this darkness exist can not be measured.

For each light particle radiates light (Just like the sun) in all directions.
That is why you are able to perceive a ray of light in a darkened room.

When the error of seeking that darkness was made, and was found (for what you seek, you find) adam could not do anything else but to perpetuate it.

(ouch, i've just noticed how much text i have written ...)

Well the above can be basically explained, in condensed form:

At some point God started expanding.
In the expansion some newly created particle of God made an error and has entered time and darkness.
God in his mercy gave it the ability to distinguish between Good and Bad, until the final distinction can be made.
In time the darkness lasted millions of years.
In eternity it has not happened at all.
The secret: You can leave the darkness, just like you can stop watching a (youtube) video. For the time for your eternal self is just like a movie/dream.

(P.s. i'm mentioning youtube, but if i would write this 30~40 years ago, i would mention a video cassette instead. I'ts just that now-a-days these are rare, and youtube is widely known.)

Thanks for reading !

GlitterRose 10-07-2021 05:38 PM

It keeps us safe from some things, and holds us back from others.

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