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Dan_SF 26-07-2018 06:27 PM

From Self Clearing Course, Spiritual Orientation:


If God made man in his own image, then that image would be
bodiless for how could God be locked within a body. And that
image would be capable of creating because the matter and energy
within the universes does not create itself.

Furthermore, if we are part of God, then we have decayed from a
godlike state, for God would not begin in a trapped condition.

This tells us that the problem must be due to blockage added on
rather than an inherent lack of ability.

In other words, the aberrations (distortions) and inabilities are due to additives
rather than things which are missing.

Miss Hepburn 26-07-2018 10:54 PM

Hi Dan...I couldn't find that ...Self clearing course ...where was that from?

Still_Waters 27-07-2018 11:29 AM

Workbook Lesson 281:

"I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts."

Workbook Lesson 284:

"I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt."

Workbook Lesson 338:

"I am affected only by my thoughts."

Still_Waters 27-07-2018 11:35 AM

Workbook Lessons 361-365:

"This holy instant would I give to You.
Be You in charge. For I would follow You,
Certain that Your direction gives me peace."

Miss Hepburn 27-07-2018 12:50 PM

For those that know nothing of the terms used in ACIM, the holy instant, Atonement and even a
different take on what forgiveness is is explained in The Text.
Forgiveness being a major message of ACIM...hmm, or is it THE message?:smile:

Also, a side note, the 365 Lessons are meant to be pondered
from first to last...and The Text read regularly along with the Workbook,
when practicing The Course we don't jump ahead..just to explain a little.
It is a method, step by step of changing the perception of the mind...
so we follow the steps in order.

Miss Hepburn 27-07-2018 07:09 PM

Maybe it is a good time to say a little about ACIM....to help understand it better.

For those people here that understand this place , this world you see, is not real...not really...ACIM will be easier.
I mean, it appears very real! If it didn't, it wouldn't deserve the name an Illusion. :tongue:
Maybe: 'a bad attempt at an illusion'! LOL...but, no, it fools us all!

One of the premises of ACIM regarding forgiveness is: This IS a dream...so whatever someone did to you....they
really didn't do...you dreamed it up...it's your dream, for Pete's sake...see?
There's nothing to forgive when you made them up and made what they did up.

See how this is diff from the Christian idea that, 'there is somebody that did something ".
And by realizing all this and forgiving...we get off the wheel of birth and death...
this is at the core of The Course.

Plus, to remind ... this was all dictated by Jesus on the Other Side...in the late 1960s to
someone in NYC...a professor, Helen...a Jew. hahahaha

This is good stuff !

Dan_SF 28-07-2018 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Hi Dan...I couldn't find that ...Self clearing course ...where was that from?

It is from the http://freezoneearth.org/downloads/files.html#Self2004

self clearing 2004 either as .pdf or .doc

And another part from the above textbook.

5. Love
Love is the highest form of acceptance. Here is the way to
embrace and permeate the universe and it can be used to dissolve
as well as to encourage. For with love, an evil thing can be
brought to fulfillment and changed so that it need no longer
struggle to maintain its evil. Turning again to the wisdom of
Jesus, we find "Love thy neighbor as thyself", "Love thine
enemies", and "God is Love".

Still_Waters 28-07-2018 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Maybe it is a good time to say a little about ACIM....to help understand it better.
For those people here that understand this place , this world you see, is not real...not really...ACIM will be easier.
I mean, it appears very real! If it didn't, it wouldn't deserve the name an Illusion. :tongue:
Maybe: 'a bad attempt at an illusion'! LOL...but, no, it fools us all!

As Miss Hepburn indicated, the entire ACIM was dictated to Helen Schucman, a psychologist in NYC who "heard" a voice dictating the material to her. Miss Schucman was Jewish, which makes the book even more remarkable since the material was not part of her cultural/religious heritage. Moreover, she didn't even read the materials initially but, since she couldn't go to sleep until she had transcribed the dictation, she merely wrote it down and put it away so that she could go to sleep.

At one point, she showed it to one of her psychology colleagues who called it brilliant, which it is. On another occasion, she met with a friend, Judith Skutch, who asked her if she had been hearing a "voice". Helen was stunned by the question and then revealed that she had indeed been hearing a voice but that she hadn't really read the channeled materials. When Judith asked for a copy, Helen complied after which the ACIM spread through California and the rest is history.

There is an excellent book, "Journey Without Distance" (Author is Robert Skutch, ISBN: 0-89087-431-X Publisher is Celestial Arts), which is the story behind "A Course In Miracles". It is well worth reading.

Dan_SF 29-07-2018 09:38 AM

Here is the first exercise from the self clearing course. The Acim'ler here will recognize the similarities from one of the lessons.
And one or another will find it helpful into doing the lesson from the Acim better.


1.1 The Attention Process

This is almost childishly simple. And yet it is an effective
technique for pushing through mental fog and blockage by
directing your attention outward in a controlled manner. It also
raises perception at the same time. Many variations are
In its simplest form, the command is:


Of course people often do this when they go into a new or
interesting place. But most of the time they leave their
perceptions on automatic and they tend to introvert and their
perceptions become dull as a result.
If you practice this when it is easy, then you will have it at
your fingertips in times when you have been heavily introverted
and in those cases it can be of tremendous aid in helping you
pull yourself together.
Among other things, this one gives you a safety net when you are
self processing. If you do get in trouble, it can cool down the
mental charge that you have stirred up.
It is extremely useful in pushing through the mental effects of
drugs. If, for example, you were to drink too much, it will help
sober you up. But in this case, you will find that you have to
keep repeating the process while the chemicals remain in your
An important part of it is the spotting of precise points rather
than just vaguely looking around. If you are indoors, make a
special point of spotting the corners (usually 8) of the room.

Even when you are awake and alert and doing well, this drill
should bring about a bit of improvement in your perceptions. The
room gets a bit brighter, you feel a bit better oriented, and a
bit more clearheaded. When you get this improvement, you should
acknowledge that the drill has been completed.
If you do it when you are tired or foggy, the effects can be
dramatic. There you are, for example, half asleep and you need
to force yourself awake. So you begin noticing precise spots in
the room and suddenly you come fully awake. Or you are feeling
bad and you start looking around and noticing things precisely,
and suddenly you sort of pull yourself together and feel renewed
This is important because it demonstrates that you can gain
control over your mental state.
You should use this one a lot, to the point where it becomes
second nature to do it whenever you are in a fog. This ensures
that you will use it if you are half unconscious or even asleep
and don't remember the process or any of your usual stuff and yet
you just do this anyway because it is so much a part of your
operating basis.

On rare occasions, I have had dreams where my perceptions were
very foggy. Eventually this technique was so much a part of me
that I would use it in such cases even though I was not aware
that I was dreaming. Sometimes it had a very startling effect,
causing the dream to burst like a bubble and I would find myself
staring at the bedroom wall, much to my surprise.
To learn this one effectively, you have to actually do it rather
than just reading about it. So your first act is to simply do it
right now even though it may seem like a very trivial thing.
Simply look around the room, noticing precise points until your
perceptions brighten up a bit. It is not a big deal if you are
already feeling good and alert.
To get really good at it, use it many times over the course of a
few days, running it in idle moments at home and at work or while
shopping or while walking around or traveling.
When you are doing well, it is deceptively fast and simple. But
You will be surprised at how much willpower it takes to do this
if you are groggy. Learn to do it now before you need it in some
dangerous or critical situation

Miss Hepburn 31-07-2018 03:13 PM

Dan, save me time looking this up ...This is channeled? From Jesus?
thanks :)

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