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Truth_Seeker 13-12-2010 11:19 AM

Sparrow I hope all is well with you, I have suprise suprise some questions for you.

Ive experienced a few strange unexplainable things that I hope you would take the time to shed some light on as you may be able to tell from reading Ive been in a few unsavoury situations but these experiences are still very odd to me.

About 5 years ago I was friends with someone who was quite normal most of the time with a heart capable of love, however he had a very violent side to his personality that I rarely saw but came out often and he enjoyed the reputation it gave him. I do believe on some level he was being affected by another entity, one night I was walking outside with him and I saw this orb of light that I first thought was a torch but it grew very bright and flashed near us it was orange he told me he didnt remember and seemed to "switch off" when it happened and he stopped being his normal self, I just dont know what could have caused it.

At another time when I was living with someone who again had a good heart but was corrupted by a serious drug problem smoking pot, his girlfriend was very torn up by it and couldnt handle being around him when he was high because her father died from drugs. So one time she was crying I was sitting in another room and all of a sudden there was this buzzing sound like a power tool being used coming from the kitchen, there was nothing in there that could have caused it, strange thing is 6 months or so later that sound was exactly the same and in the same place as a coffee grinder he used to chop up his pot almost like time lines were interweaving or something I still think this is very odd.

And lastly when I was meditating unsuccessfully I became aware of a very strong sensation on my third eye of something pressing on it, it literally felt as though someone had there finger pressed onto my forehead I then saw in meditation a ufo with an entity underneath it and a drill going into my third eye stealing energy out of it, sometimes I still get the sensation on my forehead even when not meditating and worry this same thing is happening again from what im told these being are "gray aliens" I dont like feeling victim to unseen forces I can understand how vulnerable us humans could be to more advanced beings.

I know your being asked many questions of different types of importance but these things to me are important to understand im not just asking for the sake of it I do have respect for you and the fact that you never fail to respond to peoples posts I think is admirable Sparrow, I would not however take advantage of that, just wanted to establish that :smile:

ROM 18-12-2010 05:46 AM

Hi Sparrow, I know this might seem out of context, but I have recently become curious about the whole crop circle phenomena. Could you shed some light on the subject on how they are made, if by forces of nature, or by man?

Thanks in advance!

glenos 18-12-2010 07:56 AM

Yes, I'd love to know that too!

Truth_Seeker 18-12-2010 08:27 AM

same here I was thinking about asking that as well! They seem to be trying to communicate Im sure they government would know what the symbols mean but would never let the masses know!

Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-12-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Truth_Seeker
Sparrow I hope all is well with you, I have suprise suprise some questions for you.

Ive experienced a few strange unexplainable things that I hope you would take the time to shed some light on as you may be able to tell from reading Ive been in a few unsavoury situations but these experiences are still very odd to me.

About 5 years ago I was friends with someone who was quite normal most of the time with a heart capable of love, however he had a very violent side to his personality that I rarely saw but came out often and he enjoyed the reputation it gave him. I do believe on some level he was being affected by another entity, one night I was walking outside with him and I saw this orb of light that I first thought was a torch but it grew very bright and flashed near us it was orange he told me he didnt remember and seemed to "switch off" when it happened and he stopped being his normal self, I just dont know what could have caused it.

At another time when I was living with someone who again had a good heart but was corrupted by a serious drug problem smoking pot, his girlfriend was very torn up by it and couldnt handle being around him when he was high because her father died from drugs. So one time she was crying I was sitting in another room and all of a sudden there was this buzzing sound like a power tool being used coming from the kitchen, there was nothing in there that could have caused it, strange thing is 6 months or so later that sound was exactly the same and in the same place as a coffee grinder he used to chop up his pot almost like time lines were interweaving or something I still think this is very odd.

And lastly when I was meditating unsuccessfully I became aware of a very strong sensation on my third eye of something pressing on it, it literally felt as though someone had there finger pressed onto my forehead I then saw in meditation a ufo with an entity underneath it and a drill going into my third eye stealing energy out of it, sometimes I still get the sensation on my forehead even when not meditating and worry this same thing is happening again from what im told these being are "gray aliens" I dont like feeling victim to unseen forces I can understand how vulnerable us humans could be to more advanced beings.

I know your being asked many questions of different types of importance but these things to me are important to understand im not just asking for the sake of it I do have respect for you and the fact that you never fail to respond to peoples posts I think is admirable Sparrow, I would not however take advantage of that, just wanted to establish that :smile:

Blessings upon your journey, Truth Seeker.

As such questions are directed towards me I shall endeavour to add my thoughts to them.

Well first of all, the fact that you are able to observe energy plasma (orbs) with your physical retina and receive various sound wave frequencies indicates you are somewhat fortunate in this respect. The orbs that you see are either energy plasma created by the actual environment in which it took place (for many places exist upon high frequency energy grids which discharge such phenomenon) or are the presence of interdimensional plasmic intelligence. The first is really a physical/visual reaction to molecules/gases and electrostatic emanations being charged in the atmosphere from colliding energy forces.
The latter tends to be the result from a type of energy projection from an entity occupying a different frequency state. Because it is much easier for some types of beings to manifest themselves in this atmosphere, and this frequency, in an interactive way through a plasmic state, it does not have to create tremendous energy required to form physical structured form, like a biological body. Which is actually very difficult. Such entity emanations tend to interact with physical state, and human beings, on a different level using a different language than humans are used to. This is because they do not see and interpret you as physical objects of reference but as emanations of sound, light and electrochemical signals. They see what your cells are producing and your energy waves, not the outside physical appearance you see in the mirror. This is why they may not recognise or understand your moral application and what is considered right and wrong, in your perspective. Human beings seem to assume every other living entity shares the exact duplicate moral development as them, and so interpret life in such ignorance, or label such things as inherently ‘evil’ because they are different.
Those in the spirit world also manifest in this way, if they aspire to be seen. It may be that some being from the spirit world is trying to communicate with an individual, and in doing so subsequently causes some degree of mischief or emotional/energy/character imbalance. In which case it is beneficial that they are not left alone and surrounded by as many balanced individuals as possible as to shield them from vulnerability.

Occasionally there are overlays of dimensions which cross one another. Dimensional boundaries, as it were, do not simply stay static, they are constantly fluctuating. From time to time you may experience some phenomenon when two realities merge, if but for a few seconds, and echoes of one manifest into another. This is because reality is not a solid static foundation, it is very much like a living evolving organism which sometimes behaves irregularly. Though it would only be seen as irregular to a human because they have not encountered such things before within their short life span and perceptual awareness.

I would not feed the thought that some ‘grey’ or other alien is stealing energy from this eye or that eye. Such mindset will come to work to your disadvantage. If it gives you peace meditate upon this idea and visualize yourself a permanent defence against it and imagine communicating to this being that you are aware of what it is doing, and that you no longer permit it to continue. After this do not give it a second thought and walk within a mindset which does not place you within any state of victimhood.
In future activities be cautious of what energies you are reaching out to an inviting into your energy space. For if you fully open yourself to anything which simply vibrates higher than you, you are simply placing yourself in harms way. Be cautious who is listening to those intentions and heartfelt invitations you send out into the universe. Your invitations should be sent within you, through your protective silver cord, to your loving spirit state, not randomly out to whosoever is within your energy proximity. Your etheric cord is your direct connection with your spirit, go there for all that you need and aspire to attain.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-12-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by rom2014
Hi Sparrow, I know this might seem out of context, but I have recently become curious about the whole crop circle phenomena. Could you shed some light on the subject on how they are made, if by forces of nature, or by man?

Thanks in advance!

Yes friend.

Crop circles, that is, the majority which are not man-made, are primarily created by plasma energy. The plasma energy, or orbs, are creations of those from the spirit world who wish to communicate in a specific way. Plasma energy is more or less a way for those in the spirit world to manipulate physical forces of energy in an efficient way in order to create indentations and other manifestations which are by far more easier to do than others. They utilize energy already present in the atmosphere of the Earth to their advantage and implement it to create forms of communication you see as crop circles.
There are also other foundations of intelligence at work, who are more a part of a completely different structure of life, in a sense that, as human beings see their little galaxy as a huge place of exploration, these beings view the whole universe as one of their current projects. What you are seeing is a means of communication which is being taught to you to align you with new ways of thinking and connecting information together. You will find many of these crop circles illuminate information about the movement, alignment and cycles of planetary, galactic and universal truths. They will also reveal information about energy application, DNA structure and molecular code.

ROM 20-12-2010 01:20 AM

Wow, that's very interesting, thank you so much! So I guess we should start trying to see the meaning behind crop circles and not see them purely as hoaxes made by man.

Truth_Seeker 20-12-2010 08:04 AM

This link goes into many interesting subjects including crop circles and as you say sparrow David shows some crop circles that clearly show DNA evolving. Another interesting subject of this video is the earths energy being a life force in itself, apparently a experiment was done with sand that had been heated up until white hot then cooled down put in a sterilised test tube in a sealed container and under a microscope it showed that bacteria had grown on it...Amazing this video goes into 2012 as well I recommend it to everybody curious about what 2012 is really all about.

Truth_Seeker 20-12-2010 08:05 AM

Heres the link I had to get to 15 posts before i could put it up


Truth_Seeker 20-12-2010 08:11 AM

Thanks for your reply as well Sparrow Ive never encountered anyone like you before I am curious about you and where your from it cant be easy knowing so much and being on earth surrounded by us humans! Seriously it would frustrate the hell out me but hey we appreciate it.

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