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Silver 11-10-2011 11:24 PM

I'm totally cracking up over your falling in love with the ocean. I've only been on a vacation once in my adult life ~ to England. My bucket dream vacation is Hawaii. I think I'd go bonkers too knowing that I'm totally surrounded by ocean and there's miles and miles of it! I grew up in nc Pennsylvania and so when I moved to southern Calif., (my brother stationed in the Marines, got married, etc.), my first taste of the Pacific Ocean and I still haunt the same beach every week. I remember being in the water and the waves lifting me up and putting me back down as I (tried) to stand there, and when I went home that night and went to bed and shut my eyes, I could feel that sensation, of Course I was hooked! The beach has other wonderful memories for me too because luckily, my b/f loved going there (but his real love was the desert) ~ hey if it's out doors, it's OK~*

iolite 14-10-2011 05:54 PM

Hey Zagacat..

Have you experimented with adding animal hair too? What about incasing the shells in resin rather than covering them up with glue? I just ordered some supplies to make a small one and if the shells arrive in good condition (ie none broken) then I'll have enough to make more than one. I'm gonna experiment. Now if I can only think of a mold for the resin. Maybe a paper mache box from the craft store. Has anyone worked with resin? Do I need to line the box with plastic wrap first? I've experimented with making small orgone pendants using candy molds. Even though I sprayed them really good with PAM, the darn things would not come out of the mold. I had to cut the pendant and mold out of the sheet!

Zagacat 14-10-2011 07:45 PM

Hi Iolite! I was told not to use animal hair or accidentally mix any in with the human hair. I wish that I could have a more intellegent answer for the reason why. When I spoke to the original developer whe rambled off something about connecting with the universal intellegence and animal hair would change that somehow. I am sure resin is fine. I asked at one point why hot glue of all things. I thought it had something to do with silcone conductivity or soemthing, lol, but I was told that it is just for the stabiltiy of the materials. Mine have fallen off of my bed plenty of times. My original was made out of copper flashing. There where how to videos but he removed them and said he had just temporarily put out the info for humanity. Later he said to only use the sea shell device. So I have. I notice a difference in the feel of the energy, I don't know if one is better than the other. (I am fumbling to type this on my phone so pardon the errors.) I am so excited to see how this works for you. It would be awesome to have otheres to share experiences with. The claims r seem fantastic, but they work. My son plays virtual games on it. I know that sounds strange but he does and they are amazing. Good luck and keep me posted!

iolite 14-10-2011 07:57 PM

As soon as the shells get here. I'm starting to save my hair from my hair brush now. Since I have 4 cats and a chocolate lab-- my house has no end of pet hair. If I don't vacuum every week, I get furry floors, lol. I don't have dust bunnies, I have dust antelopes -- they're huge!! I can't wait to experiment. I actually think animals are quite intelligent and are part of the universal intelligence.

Maybe I'll get my shells by Monday *fingers crossed*!!

Silver 15-10-2011 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by iolite
As soon as the shells get here. I'm starting to save my hair from my hair brush now. Since I have 4 cats and a chocolate lab-- my house has no end of pet hair. If I don't vacuum every week, I get furry floors, lol. I don't have dust bunnies, I have dust antelopes -- they're huge!! I can't wait to experiment. I actually think animals are quite intelligent and are part of the universal intelligence.

Maybe I'll get my shells by Monday *fingers crossed*!!

That is so funny!

I've yet to find a place where I can pick up the pointy shells! I looked on amazon but only saw bags with big varieties of types of shells. I'm glad someone else is going to try this.

Zagacat 15-10-2011 03:29 AM

Silvergirl, I found some little 1/2 inch pointy shells on ebay a couple months ago. They probably still have some. Good luck!

Silver 15-10-2011 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Zagacat
Silvergirl, I found some little 1/2 inch pointy shells on ebay a couple months ago. They probably still have some. Good luck!

Thx, that sounds so small, but I'm picturing the youtube vid. They had to be like 3"?? I'll check it out.

Zagacat 15-10-2011 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Silvergirl
Thx, that sounds so small, but I'm picturing the youtube vid. They had to be like 3"?? I'll check it out.

Yeah they do seem small. It can't feel a difference in the power of the torsion field though. Shockingly. I have put in some major time making the big ones. It was kinda ironically sad when I assumed that the torsion field would in no way be similar due to variation in size, and I ended up feeling similar physical results in both. I spoke to the original developer afterwards (I posted questions on youtube videos and he insisted we talk) he said their was not a difference in power due to size. I was like, "thanks, wish I would have known that 1o devices ago." He had videos on of him making a ridiculously giant one, and to his disbelief it was the same as the rest only awkward and heavy and not as mobile. Either way, it will work if done correctly, somehow.

Silver 15-10-2011 08:03 AM

And that's the only way he would've known, was to build different sizes, though. So I'm excited to find my shells so I can do this thing. I'd like to hear a bit more descriptions about you and your fam's experiences.

Zagacat 15-10-2011 02:44 PM

Again, I'm typing this from a phone. One pc is down and my husband is using the other for a programming convention, so please pardon the errors.
Because kids can tap into it so easily, if you can not, like me :D, they make willing teachers. Where to start with experiences? My elsest son was using it for meditation and desribed a beautiful (to him) music. He said it reminded him of something tribal with drums and the likes. If you want to find out if ets exsist, the device will show you whether or not they do. You can remote view eaisly. We have asked it many different questions and the answers are amazing. You can ask it to simulate experiences and it make you feel like you are there. It is just a silly looking peice of technology. It also has healing capabilities. My son simulated and atlatean priest experience for me. :) wow. He is 11 and does not know what Atlantis is or was. He desribed a place with a crystal dome and gold ornementation. When I asked him what color the crystal was he said browny orangish? He was writing a letter, he doesn't know why and there where othere people there. When he went to lumeria he said that there there was no ipods or cell phones but that he was in a vehicle that reminded of something that was alive tree like. When he touched it and thought about a place it would just go there, he said it hovered and that it had leaves on it. He said that they were a more advanced civilation of people than we are and that there technologies reminded him of stuff in nature. He had never heard of lumeriria at all. I thought that was interesting because I had read something similar before but I didn't understand it. On one of the first times that he used it to meditate, pardon my ignorance for not knowing the name, but he saw a person sitting indian style with four arms. He asked the image why he was seeing it. It showed him and image of what he thought was a market place with some people with turbins on their heads. He asked it what planet the scene was located on and it showed him a remote veiw of the earth and he saw "earth" in whispy letters. We never stopped to find out what it all meant though. Sometimes he sees words, sometimes pictures or scenes and sometimes voice.
You do have to be in a good mood to use it. If you r annoyed, mad, etc. It won't work. I have to run. I will list more experiences in better detail when I get to use my pc. I will explain why the developer says that virtual games r possible too.

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