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Spiritlite 18-11-2010 03:49 AM

haha you guys are funny :)

Miss Hepburn 18-11-2010 11:08 AM

It is said if you don't love money you haven't had enough of it!
I can relate to that.
And seriously, Spiritlite, you made my day, thank you very much.

Gem 18-11-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
It is said if you don't love money you haven't had enough of it!
I can relate to that.
And seriously, Spiritlite, you made my day, thank you very much.

I think that saying, "the more the merrier," is about money.

002 Cents 18-11-2010 04:24 PM

I respectfully disagree. I can respect a self made man but have found time and time again the children who grew up nursing on golden pacifiers have a sever empathetical handicap. Circumstantially severed from most of humanity they have a tendency to value possessions and physical appearance over morality and purity of heart.

A persons value is not a monetary measurement or that of possessions or position. All of these things are temporary.

Chrysaetos 18-11-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by 002 Cents
Circumstantially severed from most of humanity they have a tendency to value possessions and physical appearance over morality and purity of heart.

It's okay if you are happy with little possession, but not everyone feels the same about it. You got a PC, poor peeps don't. Think about it, they could say the same...

Originally Posted by 002 Cents
All of these things are temporary.

So is morality.

002 Cents 18-11-2010 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chrysaetos
It's okay if you are happy with little possession, but not everyone feels the same about it. You got a PC, poor peeps don't. Think about it, they could say the same... So is morality.

Fair enough. My philosophy is not for everyone.

ces 18-11-2010 05:31 PM

I'd give it to someone who needed it more than me. Unless of course I dropped it and picked it back up.

Solace733 18-02-2011 05:30 AM

this has happened to me a few times, and when i was broke.. if others are around, i ask if it is theirs.. if no one is around and it is a random 5 dollar bill i feel i was meant to find it... if i feel someone needs it more than me, i will give it away.. and when i have found wallets i turned them in without question, or acknowledgement as that is just the right thing to do in my opinion.. i have a hard time accepting money though.. more of a giver than a taker.. a random stranger said he felt i was an angel once (ha, funny) and tried to give me money , but i refused it.. to this day i feel bad for depriving him the experience of giving, but i just couldn't accept it..i could tell he was diappointed as he could tell i was a student trying to make ends meet.. and he was just this old man sitting on a park bench.. it was an unusal experience..anyway, now i am rambling again.. i have a tendancy to get lost in thought with words....:redface:

Silver 18-02-2011 06:53 AM

If it's truly difficult to figure out who the money belonged to, and no one's around to give a clue, I would keep it and accept it as a gift.

psychoslice 18-02-2011 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Silvergirl
If it's truly difficult to figure out who the money belonged to, and no one's around to give a clue, I would keep it and accept it as a gift.

and I'll be there to help you spend it lol.

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