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faithy 14-10-2017 04:00 PM

Divine Guidance
Mystical Cat Tarot

Earth Kitten

Nose to nose with a new friend, this Earth Kitten feels no fear, only a bit of youthful shyness. She has a trusting spirit, for she has been raised with love. Her senses are becoming attuned to world around her. Slowly but surely, you are learning practical skills and refining your knowledge of the way the world works. The realm of the senses can give you great pleasure now, such as trying new foods and seeking beauty in unexplored places. Study and other quiet past times will be beneficial to you as well. :icon_thumleft:

cosmicsacredheart 19-10-2017 03:47 AM

9 of pentacles

For all, we are guided to sit and tune in the Spirit about guidance in moving forwards, and also to celebrate your acheivements, be it Big ones or Small ones. I am picking up to some of us have a number of Small achievements that we are celebrating on, and just a few of us have big ones.
Another stream of guidance is Spirit's urging for many of us to continue to push on, you are close to nailing your goals and dreams, but not yet! There is still an air of energy of celebration and satisfaction in this card calling out to me, and a strong message from Spirit to celebrate and focus on Gratitude and Appreciation is Key to drawing more of the energy to you.

Clover thank you Clover for the tip!

angelic star 19-10-2017 11:56 AM

To find truth and let of judgments. There is still an illusion of separation. Spirit urges to question one's own thoughts, own perceptions truly, without judgments or false projections, and there will be much truth to be found.

cosmicsacredheart 22-10-2017 02:27 AM

The Sun.

Guidance from Spirit calls forth to lighten your loads and cares, to allow and embrace the energies of renewal, rejuvenation and revitalise yourself. A message comes through is to 'look on the bright side of things'.

faithy 23-10-2017 06:02 PM

Divine Guidance
Mystical Cat Tarot

Six of Sea

We play throughout our lives but the playful activities of kittenhood have a particular intensity that is free from any constraint of adult self-consciousness. These Sea Kittens leap into their pool like the great tigers they imagine themselves to be. Dignity and maturity are valuable qualities but we must always keep the ability to play. Youthfulness of spirit keeps life joyful. Think back to your childhood. What gave you the greatest pleasures? How can you feel that innocent happiness again. :tongue:

faithy 01-11-2017 02:54 PM

Divine Guidance
Mystical Cat Tarot

Earth Tom

Patrolling his clan's territory, this Earth Tom comes upon a kitten who has strayed from her litter. Without hesitation, the tom gathers up the little one and carries her safely over all obstacles to her home. With no mate or kittens of his own yet, the Earth Tom devotes himself to the protective care of his clan. Through steady work and a cheerful willingness to help others, you are laying a solid foundation for all your future endeavors. Patient attention to increasing your skills will assure prosperity and self reliance. You find great satisfaction in helping others and you are much loved for it. :hug:

Kine Lea 02-11-2017 10:47 AM

What is desired is more truthful than what is in the mind. Love cannot be coerced.
The power of feelings may block out rational responses now so it's difficult
to see where one stands. Consider where one's love is invested?

With the clash of Nov 5th and the full moon looming this card is elegant.

faithy 06-11-2017 05:10 PM

Divine Guidance
Mystical Cat Tarot

The Wheel

At the center of the universe is a great cosmic Wheel, from this Wheel flows the essential energy of all creation. Call it fortune, fate, luck or what you will, it is always changing, as are we. Things are in motion that are beyond your control. The task now is to put yourself into alignment with what the universe intents for you. Watch for signs that will guide your next action. Trust that all will be well, and remember that wherever you are on the wheel of fate, you will be somewhere else soon, just wait for the wheel to turn. :wink:

Kine Lea 15-11-2017 11:00 AM

The Knave of Mistletoe (Wands) & The Dagda (Emperor)

The Knave is impetuous, craving adventure.
The Dagda needs the fruit of the mistletoe bush to work his magic spell -
bringing balance to the seasons.

faithy 18-11-2017 07:52 PM

Divine Guidance
Mystical Cat Tarot

Nine of Fire

The council of Fire Cats gathers in their great chamber to raise magical energy and send it outwards to empower their clan. They are in command of the mystical elemental entity that is Fire and they contain it safely by the strength of their will. Focusing on the golden flames, each cat feels an answering spark kindling its soul. You have all the skills, energy and willpower to achieve your goal. You have mastered your passions and are able to channel them into creative manifestation. Your actions now can benefit all who are within your circle of influence. :angel7:

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