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BuzzCap7 20-09-2015 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Godwin
Well I don't actually 'work out' but I do try to 'move around' a lot during the
day and not just sit and watch TV or play on the computer. I'll also try to do a
few isometrics to help tone muscles. Probably not the best way to exercise but
at least I'm doing something.

I shoot for 6 days a week.

1) Sundays off.

2) On the treadmill. 1 day walk 30 minutes, next day run 2 minutes, then walk 2 minutes, and keep alternating.

3) Bowflex. I try for 3 times a week but only usually do it 2 times. Toning. Not for muscles.

I am trying to run for longer than 2 minutes at a time but I have certain issues preventing it....but I am trying.


VinceField 20-09-2015 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by TheGlow
Not sure why everything needs to have a point...
My observation when typing my reply was that excersize is suppose to release endorphins that help depression.
I went through one heck of a depression over the last two years.
(just out of it now)... Kinda wonder why those endorphins didn't kick in.

It could be good for motivation of some as in "if they can do it so can I."

If there is no point to something then it is a waste of time. It's true, exercising is a crucial aspect of a healthy lifestyle and combats depression. And you are right, some people may see these posts and become inspired to step up their own game. I am referring more to the intentions of the individual posters here. I doubt everyone is posting here because they want to motivate others. It is more likely that they simply want to talk about themselves, perhaps some with a bit of pride, perhaps to give others a certain impression about themselves. Deep down we will likely find the ego at play.

Tobi 06-10-2015 12:53 AM

I exercise every day by walking most places, and collecting logs for my fire. Very often I have to push a trailer uphill, load it with logs and push it back down again one mile. I prefer to do that, than work in an office to earn the money to buy logs in. Some people prefer the office work....but then I am pretty old and can do what I like.
One day I will probably pass away from a heart attack while hauling logs. But what a way to go....much better than passing from a heart attack in a boring office.....:D
The only places I don't walk are journeys in my car to get to places where I do walk.
We are designed to walk. Our ancestors walked miles each day.

dianeflores 26-03-2018 06:16 AM

5 days in a week.

kellyshane 11-05-2018 06:28 AM

I work out 5 times a week. It helps me to stay energetic.

ocean breeze 11-05-2018 03:42 PM

Five times a week as well.

blindpilot824 13-05-2018 03:50 AM

Exercise is a broad term which has several designations. Exercising your right to the freedom of speech is one of those designations. People have to be subjected to getting an attachment with instructions intended to keep somebody quiet, simply because they disagree with something wanton or immoral. More people should be allowed to speak their minds about what bothers them . the instantaneous response of the disruptive wizard assoscation of behind closed doors corporate policies and old autonomy taking persons of little interest , make people feel like it would cause people to voice negative opinions with social consequences, not only is this erroneous, it conflicts with progressive ideologies that have been the bedrock of philosophies which have bridged the gap of intollerance.

Burntfruit 12-06-2018 12:50 AM

5 a week.............

johnsonraider 26-07-2018 05:47 PM

I am doing daily 1-1:30 hrs yoga and exercise.

Before the trying first time yoga and exercise, search from some websites and YouTube videos. Get final answer and following some activity.

JOHNTY 30-01-2019 10:26 PM


I never work up a sweat, but what I do is whole body stretching exercises I/2 hr Monday - Friday mornings starting at 06.30. I've been doing them since I retired. I still feel quite supple for my 75 years. I use the same routine every time. It not only includes my body but also my mind and soul.

Spirit Bear 01-02-2019 03:26 AM

About an hour a day during the work week, weights and stairs, half an hour on the weekends of sweat inducing stationary bike.

Shinsoo 03-02-2019 03:22 PM

If you count my full time job as a janitor...roughly 7hrs a day cleaning. Still fat, but I know it is due to overeating. Stress related lol

Ricardo 03-02-2019 04:23 PM

Sometimes running, sometimes indoor bike Yoga as often as I can. Exercise for me has been a bit of an addiction for many years, and that has brought its problems. But for the last few years being able to just go out for a few miles run has been hugely beneficial. So almost 30mins to an hour nearly everyday.

spirittraining 06-03-2019 12:47 PM

I work out 3 days a week with intensity (running, biking) and the rest of days I meditate or do some stretchings. I try to bike or walk as much as possible in my routines.

Altair 06-03-2019 05:23 PM

3x,4x a week strength training at the gym..
100 push ups every day..
Yoga asanas twice a day. When you're in an asana for 10 minutes it can certainly feel like a heavy exercise!

AdilBaig1990 08-03-2019 04:31 PM

Everyday. Bodyweight exercises, jogging 3 miles a day then some kickboxing.

jdenina 21-05-2019 10:23 AM

IMO if you are breaking a sweat at least 3-4 times a week you're doing well. But it all depends on where you are in life. Trying to lose a lot of KGs, you would need to put a lot more effort in

JRL09 20-10-2019 06:41 PM

Every mourning, I don't really enjoy working but I enjoy the feeling and mood it gets me in. It gets me in a accomplishing mood.

Found Goat 24-11-2019 06:10 PM

Being an innate introvert, a mind-dweller, for too many years I’d neglected my physical container. I’ve never been overweight but I have been out of shape in the energetic sense, what with my interests and hobbies tending to be sedentary activities. I’m now middle-aged, and for about the past ten years I’ve made it an effort to be more physically active, on a daily or at the very least a weekly basis.

The secular stereotype of the spiritual soul is often one of bodily inertia – of a motionless yogin, meditator, or navel-gazer. These pastimes have their place, but for me only in accord with a moderate and balanced lifestyle.

If spirituality is about self-improvement, then one of the greatest teachings I’ve ever learned was from my studies of the works of a psychologist: the late Alexander Lowen. This highly insightful and eloquent author taught that a part of being self-aware or fully conscious is in the realization that the spiritual and psychologically healthy person is one who is grounded, first and foremost, to the earth, and fully connected to his body (i.e. self).

Some seek to transcend the body via mental practices alone and think this wisdom, while others lead repressed, inhibited lives on account of their, over time, having consciously or unwittingly suppressed all feeling within themselves.

Excerise makes a person feel ... good.

I speak from experience. After I’ve returned from one of my brisk walks (of about five miles), I feel renewed and invigorated and would not trade this simple pleasure and feeling for an OBE or any other mystical experience.

In this sense, many people are spiritual perhaps even without their realizing it, if they are at the very least into eating well and moderate regimens. They need not be into chakras or the lotus position to be counted in my book as spiritual individuals.

It helps that I am self-motivated and require no trainer or coach to perform calisthenics or to take up the hand weights.

I’ve sometimes wondered whether my workouts – these intended not so that I may look good to others but with the motive of psychological and physical health in mind – are not the greatest of prayers that one can possibly offer up to God in the human form.

Many of the most loveliest people I’ve ever met were not into chanting mantras and hadn’t experienced any paranormal happenings but were nevertheless in good shape and emanated an inner glow or joyous spirit. These were able-bodied folk who radiated an inner beauty that I have never encountered in paranormalists, mystics, or occultists.

Ironic, that the Apostle Paul had (wrongly, in my opinion) taught the need for the devout to suppress the body and yet also acknowledged (and rightly so) the spiritual importance of physical training and athleticism.

Within Lowen’s psychoanalytic therapy, bodywork was incorporated, toward the seeing to a patient’s progress and eventual recovery. I’ve studied his entire published body of work, with his book Joy being most profound. Granted, Lowen’s key teachings have also served as a constant reminder, as I often lapse into stationary states demanding of my giving heed to my truest self, my human vessel, and its needs for fresh air and bodily exertion.

So I golf, play tennis, walk, do some stretching to limber up, lift a few weights in the act of toning, and feel the energetic current surging through my legs amidst Lowen’s grounding exercise. When I start to slack off on these, I begin to feel sluggish and a little depressed. Then those natural endorphins are released once more and I’m whole again – back on cloud nine, if not in seventh heaven. Here's an amen to fitness!

Found Goat 24-11-2019 07:02 PM

To think that there was a time not too long ago within contemporary society when exercise was actually discouraged within the medical community! It was thought by medical professionals to cause too much stress upon the heart. But doctors require patients and a possible ulterior motive may have been at work, here.

Nowadays, it’s pretty much common knowledge that, just as quality of sleep is important in the maintaining of a hale and hearty individual, so is regular exercise. Physicians note that it is good for the cardiovascular, can aid in warding off some types of illness, and may if not does help in the prolonging of one’s life.

What almost everyone realizes is that anyone with the physical means of doing so has the ability to be an exerciser. It needn’t come with any financial cost. One needn’t belong to a health club or gym. It’s absolutely free.

During the yuppie era, and soon after the dawn of the fitness revolution, exercise was viewed by members of the middle class as a status symbol, as if there was some unwritten social rule restricting it from blue-collarites and the indigent. If you worked in a profession, lived in the suburbs, and were living a well-off, easeful existence, that probably meant that in your spare time you jogged or were enrolled in an aerobics class, too.

Why, even the non-health-conscious and vainglorious have gotten into the act. Is there anything more oxymoronic than a twenty-something, self-perceived stud who works out and yet smokes? That’s about as logical as a dieter who continues to stuff herself with sweets and sinkers. The former are narcissists who want to project an image of being cool, with a cig between their lips to go with their brawny pecs and abs. Go figure.

Not everyone exercises for show, though. The armchair athlete, as she is called, is one who exercises while seated, and oftentimes without those around her even aware of it. She may desire a firm gluteus, or want to shed her steatopygia or muffin-top bulge. And so she takes up what has been termed chair-obics. As her officemates sit working away, fully engrossed in their assignments and tasks, here her mind is half-focused on her backside, and although she sits for eight hours or so a day will at least come away from it with a toned bottom thanks to those daily, inconspicuous buttock-clenches.

ocean breeze 25-11-2019 04:11 AM

6 days a week. 4 days a week intensely training for hours. Twice a week taking it lighter.

Hawaiian Dreams 01-12-2019 10:58 PM

I do at least 100 push-ups a day and usually do team sports on the weekend. I'd like to go to the gym a lot more than I do now.

spiritsoul 18-12-2019 12:19 PM

I used to do body-weight exercises and cardio (pushups, squats, running, skipping) almost daily since 2014 but as of this year I've stopped cause of busyness with work. Now I only jog like 2-3 times a week (or swim during the summer).

hazada guess 23-12-2019 02:33 PM

Apart from the usual day to day walking etc,I never exercise:redface: .

BeastMatt 11-01-2020 07:32 PM

Jog 2 to 3 times a week. Or just do exercise whenever I want to, I think this is a good scheme for doing exercise..

janielee 26-01-2020 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Found Goat
Being an innate introvert, a mind-dweller, for too many years I’d neglected my physical container. I’ve never been overweight but I have been out of shape in the energetic sense, what with my interests and hobbies tending to be sedentary activities. I’m now middle-aged, and for about the past ten years I’ve made it an effort to be more physically active, on a daily or at the very least a weekly basis.

The secular stereotype of the spiritual soul is often one of bodily inertia – of a motionless yogin, meditator, or navel-gazer. These pastimes have their place, but for me only in accord with a moderate and balanced lifestyle.

If spirituality is about self-improvement, then one of the greatest teachings I’ve ever learned was from my studies of the works of a psychologist: the late Alexander Lowen. This highly insightful and eloquent author taught that a part of being self-aware or fully conscious is in the realization that the spiritual and psychologically healthy person is one who is grounded, first and foremost, to the earth, and fully connected to his body (i.e. self).

Some seek to transcend the body via mental practices alone and think this wisdom, while others lead repressed, inhibited lives on account of their, over time, having consciously or unwittingly suppressed all feeling within themselves.

Excerise makes a person feel ... good.

I speak from experience. After I’ve returned from one of my brisk walks (of about five miles), I feel renewed and invigorated and would not trade this simple pleasure and feeling for an OBE or any other mystical experience.

In this sense, many people are spiritual perhaps even without their realizing it, if they are at the very least into eating well and moderate regimens. They need not be into chakras or the lotus position to be counted in my book as spiritual individuals.

It helps that I am self-motivated and require no trainer or coach to perform calisthenics or to take up the hand weights.

I’ve sometimes wondered whether my workouts – these intended not so that I may look good to others but with the motive of psychological and physical health in mind – are not the greatest of prayers that one can possibly offer up to God in the human form.

Many of the most loveliest people I’ve ever met were not into chanting mantras and hadn’t experienced any paranormal happenings but were nevertheless in good shape and emanated an inner glow or joyous spirit. These were able-bodied folk who radiated an inner beauty that I have never encountered in paranormalists, mystics, or occultists.

Ironic, that the Apostle Paul had (wrongly, in my opinion) taught the need for the devout to suppress the body and yet also acknowledged (and rightly so) the spiritual importance of physical training and athleticism.

Within Lowen’s psychoanalytic therapy, bodywork was incorporated, toward the seeing to a patient’s progress and eventual recovery. I’ve studied his entire published body of work, with his book Joy being most profound. Granted, Lowen’s key teachings have also served as a constant reminder, as I often lapse into stationary states demanding of my giving heed to my truest self, my human vessel, and its needs for fresh air and bodily exertion.

So I golf, play tennis, walk, do some stretching to limber up, lift a few weights in the act of toning, and feel the energetic current surging through my legs amidst Lowen’s grounding exercise. When I start to slack off on these, I begin to feel sluggish and a little depressed. Then those natural endorphins are released once more and I’m whole again – back on cloud nine, if not in seventh heaven. Here's an amen to fitness!

Some very good points.

I personally think that many people on this forum are overly consumed with attaining some mystical high as if that will change our earthly experiences; give me a grounded, kind person any day over the world infatuations like OBE, astral projection and the like some harken to here. IMO.


VinceField 05-03-2020 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Hawaiian Dreams
I do at least 100 push-ups a day and usually do team sports on the weekend. I'd like to go to the gym a lot more than I do now.

The body needs time to recover and grow. Doing the same exercise every day isn't the wisest approach.

LucidPowerMind 26-04-2020 10:42 AM

Five times a week. 40 minutes cardio and 30 minutes weight training!

Feathers777 11-09-2020 02:21 PM

I train at home 3 times / week. You can do lots of exercises with hand weights and imagination! :icon_thumright:

BigJohn 12-09-2020 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by janielee
Some very good points.

I personally think that many people on this forum are overly consumed with attaining some mystical high as if that will change our earthly experiences; give me a grounded, kind person any day over the world infatuations like OBE, astral projection and the like some harken to here. IMO.


I guess I am the type of person you are looking for!

In my peak, I was able to do
6 push ups,
balance for 8 seconds
and walk without falling over somewhere between 100 - 200 steps.

NOTE: This was about the best it got for me!

What is the best you ever did?

Just Tim 12-09-2020 11:09 PM

In July I turned 30. Since then, I have been doing 30 push-ups and 30 abs every day.

When you're not used to it anymore, it hurts at first. But after a while, it feels very good.

Hologram8 13-09-2020 01:30 AM


SpiritualFreedom 13-09-2020 06:36 PM

Mondays, Wednesday and Friday's at the morning for 1 hour

BigJohn 22-09-2020 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
I guess I am the type of person you are looking for!

In my peak, I was able to do
6 push ups,
balance for 8 seconds
and walk without falling over somewhere between 100 - 200 steps.

NOTE: This was about the best it got for me!

What is the best you ever did?

I did this, while on only one or two hands, upside down.

~Lioness~ 23-09-2020 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Just Tim
In July I turned 30. Since then, I have been doing 30 push-ups and 30 abs every day.

When you're not used to it anymore, it hurts at first. But after a while, it feels very good.

Happy birthday! I turned 31 last month. I'm going to steal your idea, and do 31 push ups and ab :)

ocean breeze 23-09-2020 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by BlueSkiez
Happy birthday! I turned 31 last month. I'm going to steal your idea, and do 31 push ups and ab :)

31 clap push ups. :wink:

Just Tim 25-09-2020 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by BlueSkiez
Happy birthday! I turned 31 last month. I'm going to steal your idea, and do 31 push ups and ab :)

Blueskiez, I'm happy to find you alive and well ! :smile:

Hahah yes, it's a silly idea but it goes a long way :D

~Lioness~ 25-09-2020 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Just Tim
Blueskiez, I'm happy to find you alive and well ! :smile:

Hahah yes, it's a silly idea but it goes a long way :D

Its only been two days according to my calendar since I started this, But I swear I have done the 31 reps of each exercise at least 4 times, once a day. Seriously. What is up with that? 🧐

Thank you so much for being happy that I'm alive and well. I'm slowly starting to come back to life, lol.

RuberPeach 27-09-2020 10:27 PM

That you can upset the federals with runing from them .
That atletism is garbage. There were cars invented and animals like to run as well. As for people . It is a sad story of illusory.

Heightend-Awareness 28-09-2020 08:25 PM

I used to be freakishly fit during my youth in the life I lived in the military. With only 1 1/2 legs and a bung shoulder, I tend to use my mind to work out my body, what's left of it.

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