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acitak 29-03-2015 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by MIND POWER
The (intergalactic federation of light) look like the same characters who took over Christianity.....

I believe there is allot of disinformation, out there. I know with the new age spirituality, this idea that you are from another planet is appealing to allot of people. Listen we are living on earth right now, and my commonsense tells me not to truly embrace any of these intergalactic beings or anybody pushing their concepts.

(But yes technically everyone here could be a star-seed like Scarlett Hayden stated).. But that's not really how its being promoted is it, so sit down and think about that. And then understand that all pleiadian stuff in my opinion is abit shady......i would not really look into that sort of information to learn about star-seeds.

New Age ,Pleiadian,Federation of Light,disinformations,your commonsense,your opinion....these are all in your head only.
Core beliefs are personal and societal and cultural and all these beliefs are very much playing within the subconscious, and it is these core beliefs, concepts and perceptions that must be changed and reprogrammed, and those that are negative need to be deleted and replaced with new beliefs if you want to see what I am talking about here.
Of course,you can enjoy in your personal truth or lie,whatever that is.

MIND POWER 29-03-2015 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by acitak
New Age ,Pleiadian,Federation of Light,disinformations,your commonsense....it is all in your head only.
Core beliefs are personal and societal and cultural and all these beliefs are very much playing within the subconscious, and it is these core beliefs, concepts and perceptions that must be changed and reprogrammed, and those that are negative need to be deleted and replaced with new beliefs if you want to see what I am talking about here.
Of course,you can enjoy in your personal truth or lie,whatever that is.

Are you in contact with the (Intergalactic Federation of light)..? are you subservient to these people..?

I am just pointing out disinformation and nonsense where i see it.

What i am saying is that these Pleiadian's, are not what they are cracked up to be.

I agree with the other things you have stated.

acitak 31-03-2015 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by MIND POWER
Are you in contact with the (Intergalactic Federation of light)..? are you subservient to these people..?

I am just pointing out disinformation and nonsense where i see it.

What i am saying is that these Pleiadian's, are not what they are cracked up to be.

I agree with the other things you have stated.

No, I am not subservient to these people,

some of these people are my extraterrestrial Soul Family,

my spiritual Soul Family.

MIND POWER 01-04-2015 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by acitak
No, I am not subservient to these people,

some of these people are my extraterrestrial Soul Family,

my spiritual Soul Family.

Ok man.

Fair play.

CrystalSong 01-04-2015 05:17 AM

When Spirit was showing me my "Photo Album of past lives" they went back very far - to the Central Sun. There have been many migrations and many lives to get here to this earth. Uncountable numbers. And here on this planet I have chosen to be in body in every rising of civilization and all the experiments of evolution, some like Lemuria I had many many lives in, continuing a particular line of work for many lifetimes.

It's vaguely interesting. I'm old - I get it. lol
What's important is this life - this NOW.
Apparently no vast number of past lives makes me any wiser than the next person on the street. I still shoot myself in the foot regularly and stare at the smoking gun in my hand and ask "Why did I just do that?!"

Learning about past lives and ancient origins is just one stop on the Path. Novel, entertaining, helps explain a few things and occasionally is useful.
But over all... Here You Are. :D
Do something interesting enough with this lifetime to at least get a snapshot or two in your own Past Life Photo album. LOL

John32241 01-04-2015 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by CrystalSong

It's vaguely interesting. I'm old - I get it. lol
What's important is this life - this NOW.
Apparently no vast number of past lives makes me any wiser than the next person on the street. I still shoot myself in the foot regularly and stare at the smoking gun in my hand and ask "Why did I just do that?!"


I so agree that it is this Now that matters. You do have a wiser outlook on life than the next person on the street, as I see these things. For most of humanity life is all about chance occurrences. You know that we create our realities and that you hold and point the smoking gun in your hand. What you would like to discover is "Why did I just do that".

There are at least two philosophies about how we create or alter physical reality potentials. One is that the free choice human can choose anything appropriate and alter it. Another is that we are guided to various things which matter, like a destiny of sorts, and that we have little or no control to influence that eventual outcome.

My philosophy is a combination of the two I mentioned. I work with the divine within to co-create my life. I sense that this is more of what you would like to be doing. If it is then your own inner guidance will provide the necessary insights, not me or any one else.


CrystalSong 01-04-2015 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by John32241

I work with the divine within to co-create my life. I sense that this is more of what you would like to be doing. If it is then your own inner guidance will provide the necessary insights, not me or any one else.


I got that memo from the High Band John . lol And Yes I do too and yes, I get LOTS of Guidance and Suggestion and the subject matter it covers is nothing less than Startling!

Spirit says "Have you thought about this? Well do so now then and then play with it, explore it - you'll LIKE it!"

So I do and some stuff opens and then walls are hit and I say "Why is this so hard? Am I particularly dense or is there something else I need to understand first in order to understand the basic principles involved in this?"

Spirit says something like "Okay, you're supposed to be having fun and enjoying this, you're taking it all far too seriously Silly One. So try this instead, build this (insert vision)"

So I do and go "WOW!!! Who could have known that would be the result?! That's amazing, and Yeah I get how that's a segway piece of knowledge to this other thing. But the other thing still isn't working yet, are you sure it can?"

Spirit says "Alright Sweet One, here, go play with this a while (insert visions of tessellating platonic solids or something) and see what else pops into place for you... and HAVE FUN. Laugh!"

And on we go.... yeah.... co-creating. I Get It. :D

John32241 01-04-2015 08:10 PM

Exactly. That sense of adventure and having fun with all of this is essential.

acitak 20-04-2015 10:37 PM

Who are the Star Beings or Wanderers, this was a valid experience,for example, but it was not a physical experience.
Rather it was an experience on a higher plane of vibrational existence.

Her journey inwards allowed her to connect on that interdimensional level where she contacted her colleagues, her space family.
She is of a SIRIAN background from the Sirius B planetoid system.
She was viewing her own LIGHT BODY as it showed itself in her original Sirian form.
Light Body is a 5th dimensional body of light.
She is able to travel to this Mother Ship whenever it is in the right dimensional position, for it too travels around, thus she is not always able to go to it,but when it comes back she can go to it if she desires, and she will do so and does so, mostly in her DREAMS.

Unfortunately, this does not means she will always remember these visits back to the Mother Ship and the reconnection with her spiritual SOUL FAMILY, her extraterrestrial soul family.
Many who are Star Beings or Wanderers, connect on that interdimensional level through the DREAM STATE when they are free of their physical form like this young woman who has had this experience, and this validates what we have spoken of recently, that MANY of the Star Beings or Wanderers are extraterrestrial in nature and are having experiences such as this that connect them back to their own Mother Ship, be it Sirian, Arcturian, Venusian, Pleiadian,Vegan,Solarian,Andromedan or any of the other Star Nations.

Kulstor 21-04-2015 09:52 PM

Sounds sorta like some of my experiences. I've only really seen 2 of them. A Sirius woman, who I've seen the most often, and a few times, what looked like an anthro orca, who was my guide at the time.

These were never abductions. I guess they happen at an etheric, astral, or whatever dimension. No idea which one and I'm always either what looks like a dolphin or an orca. usually a dolphin. I've never been scared. It's like I sorta know the place, though I can't remember her or anything about the place. No idea if it is a place on some other world or a ship.

The Sirius woman seems to be some sort of medical technician, doctor or something. All she's done to me is some sort of examination and refill a device inside me that I've been told is a timed release device to release light at a timed interval into me, those around me and into the earth grid to help with the earth's shift. Also some adjustments needed now and then to the energy thing I think I'm bringing into the earth grid to help with the shift. Or perhaps the device does that. Never has been a scary thing. I'd guess some of my incidents may happen while I'm asleep and I may not remember them. The last one i recall as a week or so ago, maybe a month ago, not sure. I was in 3 places, while listening to a guided meditation. my physical body was here, I was also where the guided meditation was taking place but also where ever that Sirius woman was since she said the device was depleted of light and needed to be refilled.

I've done a few past life guided meditations, guided hypnosis and such and some spontaneous memories and none of them were on earth.

at one point I did ask her what our relationship was and she said we're colleagues. She also said, when I first said she's of Sirius type. No idea why I said that when I first saw her, I just knew and blurted it out, maybe soul knowledge. She said she was relived I am at least half aware and you don't know what it's like working with folks who are needlessly scared, asking what sort of monster is she, and stuff like that.


I also was doing a guided meditation, I think an opening to channel one, and I was in some sort of city, an arcturian city I guess since I met a being who is shorter then I was, larger head then a human of that size would have, a bit larger eyes I think. not a grey. His skin was maybe blue, green or a mix of the. The builing had a lot of clear crystal on one side so you could see outside. it was shaped like a square, with a hollow center with some sort of park or garden inside. The outside looked pretty natural but there was a buiding identical to this one not to far off and I could seee various beings walking around, like a unicorn, some that looked like anthro dolphins and orcas, a few that looked like some sort of insect, maybe a praying mantis or something. some that looked like this being, whatever he was. There were not elevators since you could just decide gravity no longer effected you and fly up to the next floor.

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