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Uhmar 21-01-2011 01:37 PM

This is part of an article I had saved about doing tarot with playing cards.
it is really good for quarant card choosing if you can figure out how to convert it to tarot decks as well.
Choosing the Significator;


BIRTH SIGN; Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn

PERSONALITY; Imaginative/Outgoing/Materialistic.

COLOURINGS; Red or Fair Hair
Green Eyes
Freckles/Fair Complextion;

BIRTH SIGN; Gemini/Libra/Aquarius;

PERSONALITY; Introverted/Intelligent/Objective.

COLOURINGS; Dark Brown or Black Hair;
Brown eyes;
Dark Complexion;


BIRTH SIGN; Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces;

PERSONALITY; Creative/Outgoing/Affectinate;

COLOURING; White or Blond Hair;
Blue or Green Eyes;
fair Complexion;


BIRTH SIGN; Aries/Leo/Sagittarius;

PERSONALITY; Patient/Loyal/Introverted;

Colouring; Brown Hair/brown or Hazel Eyes;
Ruddy Complexion;

norseman 21-01-2011 04:56 PM

There was a website, which unfortunately has gone down now, that had instructions for the card game that used the tarot - very old game. The site was called tarothermit.com There is another site which I haven't fully explored yet so it may be in there

Uhmar 21-01-2011 06:03 PM

I have all the playing card meanings if that is what you are talking about....

actually I have about four versions I think...

this post was about how to decide what card to use for the quarant .....

.only reference I have seen for that has been in using playing cards is why I mentioned playing cards /tarot.

norseman 21-01-2011 06:31 PM

Apparently this was a game played several centuries ago before the tarot was used for divination.

LadyTerra 22-01-2011 06:03 PM

Greetings Everyone:
I just joined-in and have a response concerning Spreads.

I use the Celtic Cross for an over-view of any given situation--sort of away to see where a certain path might be leading should circumstances remain the same.

The Solar Cross is excellent for yes/no questions and to obtain the mindset, action, emotion, foundation, and spirit--of the situation.

I prefer the 7 Card spread for simple yes/no answers--because it gives me a view of what lead the Person to this point--the over-riding influence of the situation--and the future results--unless they decide to make some definite changes.

I am almost out of time--but will enjoy catching-up on this particular Thread next week!

Peace and Love on our path to Teaching and Learning.

Blessed be...

Uhmar 22-01-2011 07:03 PM

I found this interesting to note of clients behavior..
Interpretations from Shuffling and Cutting the Cards

Who would have thought that a reading can begin from the cards even before that first card is laid out. Look carefully and note how the cards are shuffled and cut. Every person is different and has their own style, but this can even differ between readings. Many thanks to Andreia "Shana" Gaita for sharing insights on shuffling and cutting which appear below.

When a person shuffles only the bare minimum number of times, this of course shows how eager they are to get straight to the point.
When cards one or a few cards fall out during shuffling, take note of what they are because they are important to the reading.
When a lot of cards fall out, the querent is either not used shuffling the larger size tarot cards, or they are reluctant or ambivalent about the reading.
When a person cuts only the top few cards from the deck, or leaves a tiny little pile, then they are reluctant to do the reading. This shows they do not really want to reveal too much or find out the true answer.
When cards fall from the deck as a person cuts the cards, this also shows a certain ambivalence or reluctance about the reading.
Shy and impressionable people cut the deck with their face virtually inches from the cards. They also tend to take any interpretations extremely literally despite their avowed scepticism.
Troubled querents also cut the deck with their faces inches from the deck and may take some time to do it. I also find these people tend to cut the deck dead centre if they can manage it and are most concerned to be doing it "right". These people tend to demand exact predictions and interpretations but this is because they are so troubled by their question.
Complex people tend to cut into multiple piles. These people cannot decide if they want to take the cards seriously or not.
Querents who are confident of the answer they think they will receive cut with their arm fully extended, often with a smile on their face.
There are people who barely glance at the cards when cutting them and expect you to shuffle and replace the cards in one pile. These people do not expect anything from the cards and are majorly sceptical or simply do not really want a reading.
When querents sit right back in their chairs and cross their arms you know they are feeling defensive. When the cards get right to the heart of the issue, you notice them lean forward and the arms are uncrossed. This simple body language reveals so much, and can be useful when the querent is determined to say only the bare minimum.

The next time you do a reading for yourself, notice how you cut the cards. Often you can pick up from the cut if you are secretly reluctant to know the answer (usually because your intuition/subconscious already knows the answer won't be what you want to hear).


Uhmar 25-01-2011 08:25 PM

When you do tarot readings do you also or do any of you also look a the colors of the cards and the color connection to the card meanings? I notice I tend to do that when looking at the cards plus being very visual I notice the card colors more.

like the magician card is basically yellow and red

Yellow The sun, vitality, good energy, healing, enthusiasm, joy, intelligence, study, persuasion, charm, creativity, communication, *cooperation

Red Passion for life, fire, passion, lust, will-power, courage, energy, strength, anger, aggression, danger, power, desire, sexual love

describbes a lot of the card doesn't it ..
Also do you look a the number and numerology connection to the cards as well???
the magician si the number one card
one means....Individuation, Independence, Attainment

Traits: Unity, Beginning, Focused concentration, Goal-striving, Action, Independence, Originality, Courage, Invention, Leader, Self-reliant, Ambition, Pioneer , Will, Conscious Mind, Positive. Often referred to as the SEED.

The number 1 symbolizes the principle of BEGINNING or initiation. It signifies that a person must learn to stand alone, be assertive, and achieve recognition for his or her talents. Therefore, the 1 is ambitious, an achiever, and fares best when it is allowed to demonstrate its own ideas. It is self-sufficient, inventive, willful, and dominant. Its energy is masculine, focused, and rational.

Gifts: Self-sufficiency, invention, mastery

Challenges: Stubbornness, egotism, bluntness, overambitious, dominance, willfulness, impulsiveness

Personal Goal: Establishing individuality; making a name

Fears: Being overlooked; not using talents

Succeeds as: Writer, director, inventor, president, public figure, business owner, designer

Is any of this actually important in reading and making sense of the cards????

I dont tend to do the numbers things but is it actually important?

Yeiacatl 29-01-2011 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by norseman
I have a silk scarf that was blessed by the Dalai Lama. My cards are wrapped in that scarf in a box with a small Buddha for luck. Howzzat for a pagan :D

That is so awesome! :D :D

arive nan 17-02-2011 06:05 PM

On a whim, I did a search on public domain tarot. I found some sites where there are free texts and some downloadable pdfs of free books on tarot and related subjects. Some of them are ancient and confusing, but I think they can all be useful to some extent. There's even some simple decks you could print out to practice with if you don't have a deck yet.


Medium_Laura 17-02-2011 06:17 PM

I read reversed as blocked or obstacles. Not yet ready to be flipped upright.

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