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autumn 24-10-2010 04:35 PM

I know this sounds stupid, but I'm not sure how to live it, instead of think it. I do spend too much time in my head. I get what you are saying about watching vs. doing, but I just don't know how to relate that to an emotional level.

Are you saying I should feel sad and just feel the emotions, without trying to figure out what it means or what the future holds?

Spiritlite 24-10-2010 04:36 PM

Yep that's what I would do if you were to get a message about what it means the stone will reveal that to you just dont' try too hard to get a message.

Sungirl 26-10-2010 10:07 PM

imho if the stone is calling you it is for a reason. Trust your own intuition. If your child is hearing that you need it near you then that too is a sign that your intuition is right.

If you feel you want to meditate and listen with it then do that, if you feel you want to wear it go with that, if you feel you want to carry it in your pocket go with that... you get the gist here.

Your higher self knows what is right for you much better than anyone else and if you learn to hear it and trust it you will always have guidance.

As for your thought about going with the flow.. can't think of anything better to do. When I don't know what to do I do nothing and wait until it becomes clear what I should be doing. Sometimes that's a matter of days.. one thing I have been waiting on for a number of years.. but when the time is right I will know what I am supposed to do... it could be the same for you.

You know all the answers.. you just have to learn to hear them.

autumn 28-10-2010 04:39 AM

You're right about waiting and hearing the answers. And, I know one lesson I'm learning is to trust and listen to myself.

Sungirl 28-10-2010 12:16 PM

That is so good to hear :)

Topaz 28-11-2010 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by autumn
I'm completely baffled with my moldavite and wonder if anyone has insight to what is going on.

I've had moldavite for years. I learned to hard way to listen to it as to when I was supposed to wear it and when I wasn't - after having a few pieces disappear.

I've worn it previously through two breakups and it's helped me move on and see that it wasn't the right relationship for me.

So, now I recently went through a breakup, again. It was a hard decision for me to make as it was someone I love, but he just wasn't in the same place as me.

I've been wearing moldavite on and off. I keep getting the strong urge that I'm supposed to wear it and when I take it off, it calls to me. However, the thing that I'm totally confused about it that when I wear it, I'm sad, my heart hurts and I miss him. When I take it off, I'm okay and I feel like I can move forward and find someone who is on the same page as me. I don't get this, at all! Moldavite has always helped me move forward, not held me back, longing for someone. It makes me not want to wear it, but it calls me when I don't.

I've repeatedly cleaned it and reprogrammed it, just in case...

Any ideas?

Wow I'm loving this thread I'm in the same predicament after 3 months of splitting up with my guy x:hug2:

It's amazing Moldavite keeps calling out to me as well . Like you said I live in my head too . Unfortunately I think wearing moldavite increased my psychic ability . Suddenly I was with him , seeing what he was doing, feeling his emotions ,:wink: the connection was too much .

Everybodies advice is fantastic . xx

LightFilledHeart 28-11-2010 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Topaz
Wow I'm loving this thread I'm in the same predicament after 3 months of splitting up with my guy x:hug2:

It's amazing Moldavite keeps calling out to me as well . Like you said I live in my head too . Unfortunately I think wearing moldavite increased my psychic ability . Suddenly I was with him , seeing what he was doing, feeling his emotions ,:wink: the connection was too much .

Everybodies advice is fantastic . xx

We are drawn to or "called" by the stones that will serve us. It's not always comfortable (as you found out!), but there is always a purpose and a reason why we feel drawn to a particular stone. I listen to my inner guidance in terms of what to do with it... i.e., wear it (and where on the body... near what chakra, etc), sleep with it under my pillow, place in a particular place in my home, etc. I trust the wisdom that's urging me towards a specific stone and know something in its qualities will benefit my process.

Another aside... stones will change as you use them! I had a godo size moldavite pendant I was instructed by spirit to wear on a chain between my throat and heart chakra, which I did. After about a month or two, white fissures appeared in the dark moss green of the moldavite. I worried that something might be harming the stone (perhaps working overtime for me??) and removed it and put it up. When I went back to check on it several months later, all the white fissures had disappeared adn the stone returned to the beautiful green it had been originally.

autumn 30-11-2010 05:56 PM

LightFilledHeart, that's amazing that the moldavite changed. Wow, did you figure out why you were supposed to wear it?

Topaz, :hug: it's hard to be in this place, isn't it? What did you end up doing? ARe you still in the same place? Did you ever put the moldavite back on?

I'm having such a hard time right now. I don't know what to do. I stopped wearing the moldavite for awhile because my emotions were too intense. However, I feel I need to wear it, again, so I am. I feel like my ex and I are supposed to be together, but when I'm with him he gives me no indication that we will be. I tell him I'm sad and he doesn't really say anything. He wants to hang out with me, but it's making me more and more sad all the time. I miss him, I want to touch him. I don't know what to do. Everyone IRL says I should just move on. Part of me thinks I'm stupid hanging on and the other part feel like I should. The moldavite still makes me miss him more. My sister keeps telling me to take it off, but I feel like I need to wear it.

I hate feeling this stuck and this sad. I'm very close to just not talking to him and walking away, because I hate this place of being stuck and not knowing. Usually, I know things which makes it easy for me to wait, or to walk away - you know what I mean?

Spiritlite 30-11-2010 06:05 PM

Autumn it's so painful huh and my thoughts and prayers are sent out to you.

autumn 30-11-2010 06:27 PM

Thanks Spiritlite.

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