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innerlight 22-06-2011 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by BoyWhoDisappeared
I know it's a really strange question, but I'm a really strange guy and I've always been so curious. I mean, it's obvious that we wouldn't need to eat anything, but what if we wanted to just for the heck of it? If so, I'd probably spend eternity eating chocolate :D

I have read that souls can eat, but it's more of a social thing or something that is familiar to them. Eating foods has no benefit, or need on the other side.

From my experiences of eating food while dreaming, and lucid dreaming, I have found food to have no taste whatsoever. So in those experiences there is no reason to eat food other than for the fun of it.

mattie 23-06-2011 12:42 AM

Dynamics Change
Being curious & asking questions is very useful.
It isn’t strange at all.

It may be difficult to eat a physical food when one is nonphysical.

When we are nonphysical things will be different, but just as real to us as our existance is right now.

Artaxerxes 23-06-2011 01:14 AM

I think this life is a preparation for the next. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Now the question is "why bother?" Why is it essential that we experience what it is like to be inside or inhabit a body, experience time and space, and live in a 3 dimensional + 1 time Universe? Near death experiencers routinely say that the felt an overwhelming feeling of oneness and connectedness on the other side. Some say they "literally felt like they were everywhere in the Universe at once." So, we know that the physics of the other side is different from the physics of this side. How is it different? It's different the same way that the physics of a holographic piece of film is different from a holographic projection. In a holographic piece of film all the information is spread throughout the entire film. Each piece is connected to every other piece. Each piece contains the whole. Everything, past, present, and future would exist on that film so time and space wouldn't exist. But, everything that is "here" would also be there, only before it can be experienced it has to first be thought of - and that is the secret to "why we are here." We are learning what it is like to be limited by a physical body, what it is like to be separate, what it is like separate, unique, individuals.

I believe that this life is simply a preparation for the next life. We are "gods in training". We will use what we have learned in this life to "create" whatever kind of life we might wish to experience on the other side simply by focusing our attention on it. We are "little gods."

So to answer your question the answer is "YES" you will be able to eat on the other side, and make love, go body surfing, fly like an eagle, or swim like a dolphin.

Lovely 23-06-2011 02:01 AM

I wonder this too! I've wondered this since I was 9 lol.
I hope we can. If there's no brownies on the other side can
we really call it heaven?

It would be soooo awesome to eat and eat with out getting sick and/or

Felynx 23-06-2011 07:34 PM

Lol. Of course you can eat still. The only difference is you arent using it to sustain yourself. Theres no astral law against sticking something in your mouth. There isnt so much flavor out of it but its a habitual thing like sleeping or breathing. One of my not-so-alive friends goes through about 20 tubs of ice cream a week.

Azlore 27-06-2011 12:09 PM

I believe existence is in energy form and our bodies are like a shell that encapsulates it.

LightFilledHeart 27-06-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Azlore
I believe existence is in energy form and our bodies are like a shell that encapsulates it.

True, but that energy can create a body that experiences senses if it so chooses. You clearly don't have a physical need to eat in that spirit realms, but you CAN if you wish to :) Everything we experience there is created by the mind, but it is no less read because of that.

Jeff4freedom 01-07-2011 01:33 AM

There are different stages,
different areas we pass through in the afterlife.
In the Heaven and Hell realms we eat, just like here...
The fact is in those realms it's pretty much no different from here...
at least the one's I've been in....
There are Realms in the afterlife that .....
aren't there for us,
so to speak....
that are not within the area of our resonance,
where "eating" as we know it does not exist....
But generally speaking we don't find ourselves in those realms because where we spend time there is totally determined by our frequency.
I've pulled into some Realms out there, accidentally ...
(I used to spend a lot of time going through the death process)
but that had more to do with what I'd call habit...than resonance...
Where eating as we know it....was not part of the scene.
I pulled into one,
where eating was actually a big part of the scenario.
As was getting laid actually..... pretty sure that was a Hell realm and was damn glad when my teachers pulled me out....
Because here is the freaky thing about the Heaven and Hell realms....
they have this thing, it's like Time in our "Reality"
But I call it "Momentum"
It pulls you in.....
(after your resonance has pulled it to you, or you to it (however you want to look at it)
And once you are in..... you become defined by the place while you are there.
It's scary because you ...hmmm, lose yourself for a time.
You totally become defined by the place.

There is a stage where what Xan said is true,
the last part of the journey,
where light and love feed us so to speak....
but for most folks that is a small part of the Journey.
I call that stage,"the White Hall".
It's also where, when we come down from that feeding,
we meet our Group and kind of lay out the general plan for the next life.

autumnlady 07-07-2011 09:31 AM

It is indeed possible to eat and drink in the Summerlands, certainly when we first cross over be cause we are used to eating and drinking. However for most this desire passes quickly because they will not experience hunger or thirst. As we no longer have a physical body which needs these things they become unimportant. It is more likely that we will eat because we have had some attachment to a certain food or drink, we do not need them as such instead we desire them. It is my understanding that this desire dimminishes as we progress.

Felynx 07-07-2011 08:55 PM

The desire doesnt diminish so much unless its more of a passing fancy like a craving for a hamburger. We move on or stick to things in death the same as we do in life.

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