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Summerlander 18-03-2011 12:22 PM

I'd like to say that I have been projecting since 2008 and I can say with absolute certainty that demons do not exist but in your mind. I never experience them because I simply don't believe in them.

OOBEs are absolutely harmless. All you need to know is that there are no monsters out there to get you.

Also, Robert Bruce is a charlatan. He is feeding people's fears about so-called astral projection in order to make money. Self-defence...pft. The only self-defence you need is knowing that nothing can harm you. The people who read his books start to form a biased belief-system in their minds which will then manifest when they project. Bruce is blinding you. The best way to approach OOBEs is with a fresh perspective.

There's a lot of tosh being published out there!

iolite 18-03-2011 12:34 PM

I don't believe Robert Bruce is a charlatan only out to make money. If he were, then WHY did he post NEW Energy Ways on his website for free download for years? It is still there too. Just because you've never encountered negative entities, does not mean that they aren't there. BTW, Robert Bruce has been astral traveling for decades.

Simon Karlos 18-03-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Summerlander
I'd like to say that I have been projecting since 2008 and I can say with absolute certainty that demons do not exist but in your mind. I never experience them because I simply don't believe in them.

OOBEs are absolutely harmless. All you need to know is that there are no monsters out there to get you.

Also, Robert Bruce is a charlatan. He is feeding people's fears about so-called astral projection in order to make money. Self-defence...pft. The only self-defence you need is knowing that nothing can harm you. The people who read his books start to form a biased belief-system in their minds which will then manifest when they project. Bruce is blinding you. The best way to approach OOBEs is with a fresh perspective.

There's a lot of tosh being published out there!

You tell 'em, Summerlander! :D Great advice, though.

Peace all.

Lynn 18-03-2011 02:40 PM


RESPECT it is not nice to be called a " Charlatan" . One might not agree with another's point of view but one can temper how that be said.

Too not all experiece things in the same way. Some one's are more easily attracted to the negative energies than other's . Some of us have that ablility to be self protected where those forces do not give us the time of day, while other's are open to them.

Like in walking Earth Plane Life there are people we come in contact with that our energies do not match to, where we might even feel ILL around them and not know why, same goes with the Astral Plane not only do other humans travel it other beings travel it.

We all have our levels of what we can and can not take on. We all have our fears . We too all have the ablitly to respect......


Summerlander 18-03-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by iolite
I don't believe Robert Bruce is a charlatan only out to make money. If he were, then WHY did he post NEW Energy Ways on his website for free download for years? It is still there too. Just because you've never encountered negative entities, does not mean that they aren't there. BTW, Robert Bruce has been astral traveling for decades.

The free stuff he puts on his website is to promote himself and his supposed knowledge. He may project, sure. But you don't need to learn about any of his energy or buy any of his books on how to do it. He is making it look harder than it seems. It's all a ploy. I can testify to this because all it took me to learn to project was a brief summary of the Robert Monroe method I found in a book called Mind Games that my sister bought me a few years about. The instructions were only a page long...proof that you don't have to read loads of books in order to do it.

Robert Bruce forgets that there are many honest projectors out there such as myself who can see right through his hooey. There is a story that illustrates what I'm trying to say here about the concept of demons. Do you know how prince Siddhartha Gautama defeated the demon Mara? By realising that Mara was merely an aspect of himself. Once he knew this, the demon ceased to be. It was only an aspect of his personality.

iolite 18-03-2011 03:37 PM

It is really not necessary to attack a man you don't know. If you feel that his tutorials make AP harder than it needs to be, so be it. You obviously have a natural affinity for APing.. Good for you. BTW, NEW Energy Ways is MORE than just a tutorial for APing. It also instructs you on bring in energy to heal yourself and others. But to call him a charlatan unless you have been specifically injured by him personally is unhelpful.

This is not a political debate forum. This is a forum to inform and support spiritual development. There are people, like myself, who enjoy reading, researching and learning. Why are you attacking my suggestion on reading Robert Bruce's book. Just because you don't feel his books have any worth for you, doesn't mean that someone else might benefit from reading them.

Summerlander 18-03-2011 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by iolite
It is really not necessary to attack a man you don't know. If you feel that his tutorials make AP harder than it needs to be, so be it. You obviously have a natural affinity for APing.. Good for you. BTW, NEW Energy Ways is MORE than just a tutorial for APing. It also instructs you on bring in energy to heal yourself and others. But to call him a charlatan unless you have been specifically injured by him personally is unhelpful.

This is not a political debate forum. This is a forum to inform and support spiritual development. There are people, like myself, who enjoy reading, researching and learning. Why are you attacking my suggestion on reading Robert Bruce's book. Just because you don't feel his books have any worth for you, doesn't mean that someone else might benefit from reading them.

I'm not attacking him directly and I am certainly not attacking your suggestion of reading Bruce's books. I just stated what I think of him and to be honest I feel sorry for those who follow him as some sort of AP guru that he clearly isn't. Someone once posted in a different forum a treatise on Astral Projection by Robert Bruce. Although I found his description of the "astral dimension" to be sensible, the rest of his spiritual dimensions model was what I scoffed at the most. His "mental", "Buddhic", "Atmic" categories aren't even his!

As far as I can tell, from personal experience and a fresh perspective, if it's not all in the brain, then we are tuning into a frequency beyond the ultrasonic where thoughts are concerned. The metaphysical realm is yet to be discovered by science and when we finally detect it (apart from experiencing it subjectively), we will know a lot more about the OOBE phenomenon. One subtle realm where "astral projections" and dreams are made possible! In fact we are tuning into it all the time even in our waking state. When we daydream, for example, our focus there increases.

I've also noticed that there appears to be another type of OOBE where we seemingly explore the here-now physical reality and usually experienced from a floating point of consciousness rather than a dream body that resembles the physical one (like in astral projection). But I still cannot claim with absolute certainty that it is not my subconscious creating a fairly accurate description of the world I know. I have also encountered many confirmations with both types of OOBEs (seeing what people are doing in the physical or even what's on their minds - seemingly!), but the sceptic will dismiss it as coincidences so there's no real proof that such experiences are genuine in that they allow us to perceive more than we naturally can in the waking state.

I have to be pragmatic and, despite having made many interesting observations with my experiences, I never claim to know anything for sure and I don't see how Robert Bruce can. I believe that science will one day be able to explain this phenomenon, and, when that day comes, all the magic that so-called AP gurus like to sprinkle their books with will be dismissed for the nonsense that they are. Unless, of course, angels come down and say that the info Bruce sold is the absolute truth. Until then I'm not listening to Bruce's quasi-religious dogma.

Xanth 18-03-2011 07:47 PM

I feel it's important to point out these two videos. They are interviews... no, not really interviews, more like discussions that Robert Bruce and Thomas Campbell had and recorded over what looks like skype.

I highly suggest them. They provide great insight into the minds of both men. :) Enjoy


And I just wanna say that I respect both men highly. I may not agree with the ideas and theories of one of them... but I DO respect them.

Summerlander 18-03-2011 09:00 PM

Haha! I just watched it! I have to say that that Tom Cambell is great! He speaks a lot of sense and he is down to earth. It seems like Bruce is struggling to let go of his metaphors as he swims in his fantasy and speaks excitedly about it.

The comments for both videos amused me too! LOL! Thanks for that, Xanth, it made my day! Nice one, buddy!

Xanth 18-03-2011 10:56 PM

But that's really the grand thing about all this. He really doesn't have to let go of his metaphors. Sure, he will when the time is right for him to... but until then, he can converse quite well even with someone who is supposedly on the opposite spectrum such as Campbell. :)

You're welcome.

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