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ForgedInFire 27-10-2017 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Geezz you have a short fuse. I never said the masculine is dependent on the feminine, that's what you make of it.
And the other comment... English is my second language. Still, it is correct, they are behind, not because they're stupid, but because they're following in the process. Maybe read the rest where I explain. Or simply don't read anything if you take things personal all the time

Dont take it personally it wasnt any kind of attack on you. i dont think you would get it fully unless it were the DF who were the ones under attack all the time and have to listen an read about it day after day with no end in sight. This isnt towards you it is a prolific problem everywhere and im just tired of it. But i will say this.. the DF are spreading too many lies and believing crazy and outrageous beliefs on tf's that have no truth in them whatsoever.

psychegrl 27-10-2017 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by ForgedInFire
Well i am not someone who ascribes to this part of theory. I am a DM and for me to even think or assume that i could be a DF but in a DM body is rather ridiculous to me. Actually i see it as some tactic that the DF use to "one up" their "side". Its actually quite demeaning in my opinion..

*oh your a "DM" but awake first.. no your just a DF in a DM body* But the DF sure do flock to any of the fairly few awakened DM on youtube and pester them like little children with a million questions. But wait.. if they are just a DF in a DM body why the need for any questions at all? They should already know and there shoudnt be any difference at all as this is supposed to be the same energy..if this DF in a DM body thing were actually true.

That doesnt seem to be the actual case and im not sure that these actions support the notion of a DF in DM body very much after all.

Yes i do experience the negative stuff from the connection.. her self hatred seems to be the highest on the list. At this point i pretty much block out as much of the connection as possible. Even while im typing this up i seen a "sign" specific to her.. and several number ones.. all brushed off and not caring about them.. they dont mean anything. I would love to not see 111 and 1111 ever again i have grown a dislike for it.

Thank you for answering, I never really understoodthe concept so I was curious.

As for feeling all the heavy energies, I'm sorry. I know that means nothing and I can't imagine that kind of pain. I do have my own (a full breakdown 6 years ago that left me catatonic for a short time. It left me with a low tolerance for pain.) but I can't imagine feeling that out of my own control.

I'll stop asking such probing questions. I can be really nosey, especially when I don't understand things.

Thanks for all your input. I does help us DF's out. ♡

Ariaecheflame 27-10-2017 09:36 AM

Personally I don't think either party is behind or in front... of anyone.

From a place of acceptance and compassion we are all exactly where we need to be and if one ain't ready - both ain't ready.

I think both and all (peeps around) are in various degrees of waking... to different things at different times.

I am now just waking up to some of the struggles the DM has experienced... it is just that they process it and express it differently...

Anyway - love hugs and peace...

psychegrl 27-10-2017 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by emeraldheart
I know - i was feeling p!ssed last week as I came further into acceptance.
I felt like I had been thd donkey constantly chasing the carrott on the stick lol... what was it all for?!

It's all part.of the process though... divine feminine energy can finally chill out and live honouring all of our own self nurturing needs. This is all about choosing things which nurture our own inner flame of love with things our soul needs and sings out for - it's on every level too - basically we parent ourselves... on all levels.

This is actually where the energy needs to go IMO. the empress energy- divine feminine is ultra chilled in acceptance of this present reality... also relishing what she is planning and creating from love.

Lol... yeah, we can chill out until the super moon on the 5th. Sigh

I did have an interesting feeling this morning when I was considering what free well was and what choices I got to make. It went down to my inner child and how she felt really unsafe and uncertain. I had to hold her clothes for a while.

After that I was doing pretty good... still p!ssy that all this stuff is coming up though

psychegrl 27-10-2017 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by ForgedInFire
Dont take it personally it wasnt any kind of attack on you. i dont think you would get it fully unless it were the DF who were the ones under attack all the time and have to listen an read about it day after day with no end in sight. This isnt towards you it is a prolific problem everywhere and im just tired of it. But i will say this.. the DF are spreading too many lies and believing crazy and outrageous beliefs on tf's that have no truth in them whatsoever.

I don't want to point fingers at anyone for not being on a schedule but I feel this is correct. There is a lot of blaming going on...

@ All- But I have a theory about this! What if we are, as TF/SMs, breaking a template of blame? One of the things I've understood my purpose to be is clearing other people's wounds.(Helping them energetically clear old pain by experiencing it myself and breaking their cycle)

Being that we carry so much capacity to love, we would be the perfect to break such a deep and long standing emotional deflector.

I've actually been very confused on why there is so much blaming on the DF side of things. It feels almost like it is magnified by the connection. But if we are actually one Soul, why would we have such a traumatic reaction systematically?

Just more random thoughts...

FairyCrystal 27-10-2017 10:32 AM

I've also thought on several occasions that I transmute things for / of the feminine collective, but I'm not sure. If so, I'm not happy about it. It's no small task to transmute things for a collective.

In any case, the feminine collective needs a lot of healing. There's been so much abuse, suppression and so on that needs to be healed. Centuries of suffering takes a lot of Lightworkers to transmute this.
I think this is also where the blaming is coming from. I think women who do this are still stuck in a lot of ego (fears and doubts, feelings of not being good enough, worthy etc.) Now I got those feelings too, but I never participate in gender bashing. I seriously dislike it. Unfortunately the other gender -males- are pretty good at gender bashing too, and thus a vicious circle is created that is really hard to break. It takes a rise in consciousness for this to stop, and that takes time, and a great many Lightworkers who are more 'advanced' in this process to lead the way and to bring that consciousness in.

I'm quite certain the TF phenomenon has to do with this, and the fact that now is the time for TFs to come together must mean that mankind is ready to get to the next level concerning love and relationships. But many are still so embedded in bitterness and resistance towards the other gender that I think that it's going to be quite the bumpy ride, haha.
It would be good that the ones who are as good as ready actually get ready and join the party so there is a larger group of TFs / ppl who are ready to carry this load.

I think an important step in this entire process is to teach women how to be feminine again. And I'm not talking about clothes and hair-do. I'm talking about feminine energy and becoming empowered as a woman.
We've been suppressed for so long in a patriarchal society that hardly anybody knows anymore what it means to be an empowered woman.
I've been busy with this for nigh 10 years, and plan to give workshops on the subject. I feel a very strong soul calling to do so, to help the feminine.
The feminine as a whole has been on the move for quite some time now to get our so needed freedom. Now we (almost) got that freedom, it's time we get moving in the right direction, which is out of fighting mode. Back to a balanced inner state of being, which I think you could call Divine Feminine state of being.
In the western world our fighting days are over, we can now return to love and being feminine.
As we do this, the masculine will change and grow with us. Like we're in a boat together and the feminine moves from starboard to port, the boat will shift. The masculine will feel this change too.

A human Being 27-10-2017 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by psychegrl
I don't want to point fingers at anyone for not being on a schedule but I feel this is correct. There is a lot of blaming going on...

@ All- But I have a theory about this! What if we are, as TF/SMs, breaking a template of blame? One of the things I've understood my purpose to be is clearing other people's wounds.(Helping them energetically clear old pain by experiencing it myself and breaking their cycle)

Being that we carry so much capacity to love, we would be the perfect to break such a deep and long standing emotional deflector.

I've actually been very confused on why there is so much blaming on the DF side of things. It feels almost like it is magnified by the connection. But if we are actually one Soul, why would we have such a traumatic reaction systematically?

Just more random thoughts...

Interesting thoughts, thanks for sharing! On blame - I think there always has been a lot of blaming going on, tbh, if I had to design a logo for humanity it'd be a silhouetted figure, arms folded, demanding to know, 'Who is responsible here!' (answer: we all bloody are!). I think you're right that we really have to end that cycle, because whilst I understand the impulse to blame and I think it's healthy up to a point to air grievances, I don't see the value in getting bogged down in that sort of mindset for too long. All forms of negativity become a barrier to love and understanding after a while, imo.

On clearing other people's pain, I've also wondered if maybe that's my purpose because I do seem to have an unfortunate habit of taking on other people's stuff; I'd taken to assuming that it's just a lesson for me to learn to have firmer boundaries, but now I wonder if I was supposed to take this stuff on in order to transmute it (I've been told that I was a leader of some sort in at least one past life, and a bit of a douchey one at that, so maybe it's a karmic thing). Don't know, really, though I've little desire to take on anything more because it's right draining and uncomfortable :eek:

On DF blaming, maybe it's at least in part just numerous generations' worth of resentment coming to the surface? And in fairness you'd have to be a pretty hard-headed bloke to not understand why women would feel that way, because they've been subjected to some truly appalling treatment by men.

psychegrl 27-10-2017 01:20 PM

Yes! There HAS to be something to this. One of the TF people I watch has spoken about this. We are apart of a group and each group has a set of clearing tasks we all take on for the collective. I'm not sure I believed her since I didn't experience what she was talking about. But later I felt like I was experiencing such sorrow and despair that didn't originate from anywhere. It was as if it was passing through me or drawn into me for about a week. This was 6 months (?) ago. I was super depressed and then it passed? I was so confused. Plus it sucked...

This intense blaming from the DF feels about the same. I've also been told I'm working to heal the feminine energy for the collective so this all makes sense. Especially with all the stuff about sexual harassment coming up. I guess we are just trying to figure out what a woman in her power looks like.

ForgedInFire 27-10-2017 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by psychegrl
Thank you for answering, I never really understoodthe concept so I was curious.

As for feeling all the heavy energies, I'm sorry. I know that means nothing and I can't imagine that kind of pain. I do have my own (a full breakdown 6 years ago that left me catatonic for a short time. It left me with a low tolerance for pain.) but I can't imagine feeling that out of my own control.

I'll stop asking such probing questions. I can be really nosey, especially when I don't understand things.

Thanks for all your input. I does help us DF's out. ♡

It doesnt bother me one bit so ask away. I am not the one who actually lives that reality in physical form.. she does.

psychegrl 28-10-2017 12:48 AM

@ Forgedinfire- Thank you. Your insights are more helpful than you know. Even when we are pulled to the anger side of things the truth speaks volumes. ♡

@All- it had some interesting insight to the blame game that the DF seems to be playing right now.

I absolutely believe that we are clearing this for the collective and what's more it's not just about the feminine. The masculine is also a victim of these energies that have plagued humankind for thousands of years. There is guilt and anger to be processed on the masculine side that will affect how men see themselves and their roles in the future.

I believe it's important to understand that we have this opportunity to help and when seeing others in their blame not to be pulled down into the energies but hold space for them so they can see themselves clearly. Whatever that may look like.

When we can identify it we help them clear it as empaths and Healers. I also think that it's going to get worse before it gets better but at least now we know what's going on versus being battered by the storm.

Any Thoughts?

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