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-   -   Constant Thoughts of Death for 18 Years. (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=101838)

passnthru2 21-06-2016 11:46 PM

learn to meditate...

Originally Posted by gotspirits
Hi, I am brand new to this forum and when I read others responses; I feel very calm and at peace. Thank you, kind people. I want to please share with you, my story. What I write is a true personal experience that has affected my entire mental outlook thus far and has lingered with me for 18 years.

In the fall of 1998, 4 months after finishing my first college degree, I was helping my parents run a business they inherited from my grandfather. My dad was split from my mom because of the business, so I agreed to come help the business so my dad could go home to mom.

During Thanksgiving week of 1998, I flew home with my dad to my family in California. I got a bad cold on the airplane. I went to store and bought Robitussin Gel Caps for the cold. I took two of them during the day and while sitting at the table with family, my heart started to beat out of control. My pulse was in the 160's-170's and my blood pressure went up to over 200+ / 110.

I felt as if the adrenaline in my body was broken and flowing 10x what it should. I was literally scared out of my mind. I could not sit still. I yelled to my parents to take me to the hospital right away. Once in the hospital, I could not sit still. I was pacing as my heart raced. It was the most miserable scary feeling I had ever had.

The doctor recognized that I had a reaction to the pseudoephedrine in the cold medicine. From that point on, my life was never, ever the same.

All I could think about was death. Prior to this, I was a healthy, fun, wonderful young man. I had so many dreams. I was accomplishing so much. But, after this experience, my life turned upside down.

I could not get the thought of death from my mind. I was so scared and I started to have massive panic attacks. I was having panic attacks during my sleep! I went to numerous doctors and they all said I was healthy and fine.

I even went to the doctor at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and he did a full work-up. He told me to go out and run a marathon.

However, even though physically I was strong, mentally, my mind constantly, 24/7 thought about my own death. This evil cycle continued up to this point in my life.

I am now 40. I am medicated and doing better, but, I yearn for non-death thoughts. I can't get the thought of death out of my mind. Yes, I have done much therapy as well to try to combat these thoughts.

Am I cursed? I often ask myself... Am I crazy, I ask myself? Or, am I just scared like PTSD from that experience?

In any case, I have gone on to earn two Master Degrees. I am embarrassed to talk to people I know face to face about the experiences I have. I have also developed a pretty debilitating social phobia of people because of this.

I am kindly asking for anyone that has knowledge of death and or maybe has the ability to Astro project or whatever it is that you do; to please try to help me. Maybe I have a negative parasite that has attached itself to me during my time of vulnerability?

I have no idea. I just want to have my confidence back and to be able to go through life not worrying and thinking about my own demise. Any helpful advice, thoughts, etc are much welcomed. Please, no mean or judgemental comments. Thanks kind people!

you will learn to stay in the present moment and to not entertain negative thoughts. start with Vipassana meditation. look for a 'mindfulness meditation group in your area, or a meetup.com group.

Nixf1 24-06-2016 02:35 PM

Hi. I would like to talk to talk to you more about this.. i think i can help...

razzer 15-02-2017 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by gotspirits
Hi, I am brand new to this forum and when I read others responses; I feel very calm and at peace. Thank you, kind people. I want to please share with you, my story. What I write is a true personal experience that has affected my entire mental outlook thus far and has lingered with me for 18 years.

In the fall of 1998, 4 months after finishing my first college degree, I was helping my parents run a business they inherited from my grandfather. My dad was split from my mom because of the business, so I agreed to come help the business so my dad could go home to mom.

During Thanksgiving week of 1998, I flew home with my dad to my family in California. I got a bad cold on the airplane. I went to store and bought Robitussin Gel Caps for the cold. I took two of them during the day and while sitting at the table with family, my heart started to beat out of control. My pulse was in the 160's-170's and my blood pressure went up to over 200+ / 110.

I felt as if the adrenaline in my body was broken and flowing 10x what it should. I was literally scared out of my mind. I could not sit still. I yelled to my parents to take me to the hospital right away. Once in the hospital, I could not sit still. I was pacing as my heart raced. It was the most miserable scary feeling I had ever had.

The doctor recognized that I had a reaction to the pseudoephedrine in the cold medicine. From that point on, my life was never, ever the same.

All I could think about was death. Prior to this, I was a healthy, fun, wonderful young man. I had so many dreams. I was accomplishing so much. But, after this experience, my life turned upside down.

I could not get the thought of death from my mind. I was so scared and I started to have massive panic attacks. I was having panic attacks during my sleep! I went to numerous doctors and they all said I was healthy and fine.

I even went to the doctor at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and he did a full work-up. He told me to go out and run a marathon.

However, even though physically I was strong, mentally, my mind constantly, 24/7 thought about my own death. This evil cycle continued up to this point in my life.

I am now 40. I am medicated and doing better, but, I yearn for non-death thoughts. I can't get the thought of death out of my mind. Yes, I have done much therapy as well to try to combat these thoughts.

Am I cursed? I often ask myself... Am I crazy, I ask myself? Or, am I just scared like PTSD from that experience?

In any case, I have gone on to earn two Master Degrees. I am embarrassed to talk to people I know face to face about the experiences I have. I have also developed a pretty debilitating social phobia of people because of this.

I am kindly asking for anyone that has knowledge of death and or maybe has the ability to Astro project or whatever it is that you do; to please try to help me. Maybe I have a negative parasite that has attached itself to me during my time of vulnerability?

I have no idea. I just want to have my confidence back and to be able to go through life not worrying and thinking about my own demise. Any helpful advice, thoughts, etc are much welcomed. Please, no mean or judgemental comments. Thanks kind people!

wow I recently had a similar experience , I took some Dayquill and something in it caused a reaction with nervousness and I almost passed out at work. this was just a couple weeks ago , and since I have had much anxiety. also the fear of death has been in the back of my mind for a long time. I am now on Lexapro (SSRI) inhibitor and clonazepam(klonopin). it is helping much and I have been meditating. the way I figure it now is at worst there is nothing after death , so you will not miss anything , nor fear anything . I think roger ebert or someone said before they died , "if there is nothing else , I was just fine before I was born and had no issues , so I should be just fine after death and have no isssues" or something like that. if there is afterlife , then it is an entirely different thing. obviously. but in meditation there is a part of you that is an entirely a peaceful state but takes practice to reach. the more you can focus on your love and light and quiet your mind it helps. it is as though inside you somewhere it already knows what you need and you have to let it happen , if you try to direct it , you often can get in the way. you just have to trust. some say that you should accept death as a part of life. once you accept it you can then release it and let it go , and begin healing.

razzer 15-02-2017 01:11 AM

just think of the billions and billions of people that have already been there and done it over the milleniums. everyone and anyone that has ever existed here , all of them . think of people who died young , as children and never had a chance to grow up.

neil 15-02-2017 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by razzer
think of people who died young , as children and never had a chance to grow up.

Hopefully I am understanding your above statement.

The above would only matter, if you believed that the infant child soul being, wasn't the same conscious being after the death of the physical flesh, and effectively that being would have to be reborn once more, into another life and different family.
And then missing out on the life that, that child would have had with it's current parents and family.

But, in my understanding, the infant child soul being, that just left the physical fleshly form, would not ever reincarnate, and would now continue on, growing up in the presence of other family members and friends, who are already residing in the spiritual realms.

And the infant child soul being would now have the good fortune, to be growing up in the most beautiful splenderous and fully abundant spiritual realms of constant warmth and light. Without the need to rely on anyone or the need for our current financial way of life, in order to live comfortably.

And the child would still be the same soul being with the exact same genetic appearances with the exact same memories, and without the need to worry about the harshness of the earth physical life....cancers, and any other earthly ddiseases...ext ext ext.

Also that child can visit the earth realms, and check in on family and friends who are still on earth, and learn all about anything possible of the earth realms, without any earthy restrictions and without any earthly neediness. .... Sweet as I would say.


razzer 15-02-2017 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by neil
Hopefully I am understanding your above statement.

The above would only matter, if you believed that the infant child soul being, wasn't the same conscious being after the death of the physical flesh, and effectively that being would have to be reborn once more, into another life and different family.
And then missing out on the life that, that child would have had with it's current parents and family.

But, in my understanding, the infant child soul being, that just left the physical fleshly form, would not ever reincarnate, and would now continue on, growing up in the presence of other family members and friends, who are already residing in the spiritual realms.

And the infant child soul being would now have the good fortune, to be growing up in the most beautiful splenderous and fully abundant spiritual realms of constant warmth and light. Without the need to rely on anyone or the need for our current financial way of life, in order to live comfortably.

And the child would still be the same soul being with the exact same genetic appearances with the exact same memories, and without the need to worry about the harshness of the earth physical life....cancers, and any other earthly ddiseases...ext ext ext.

Also that child can visit the earth realms, and check in on family and friends who are still on earth, and learn all about anything possible of the earth realms, without any earthy restrictions and without any earthly neediness. .... Sweet as I would say.


I was just speaking very generally there.

neil 15-02-2017 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by razzer
I was just speaking very generally there.

Ahah.....ok I understand, but, what a way to live our lives eh.

In the spiritual realms, there is absolutely every possible scenario available to us, that can aid us in learning all about unconditional loving morality and right from wrong, we can live amongst loving people in the first sphere of the perpetual summer lands which is a spiritual location of varying people of different nationalities, who are all newbies to the summer lands and who have varying beliefs of their previous world and life and of the spiritual lands and laws and life ahead of them.

We can also travel away fom the more loving persons in the first sphere, and away from a direction towards god creator, and on into locations of the more unloving people's who inhabit these locations of the twilight zones. The twilight zones have little light and less warmth in the atmosphere because the location reflects the condition of the soul beings that inhabit these areas. And as a person moves further and further away from the more loving locations in the many spheres of the summer lands, the atmosphere and people grow darker and darker and more and more uglier in personality and appearances.

Or we can love and grow and become more and more beautiful in morality and appearances and be able to comfortably traverse further and further on and through the first sphere then moving through subsequent spheres...the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and on into the spiritual realms of creators kingdom of love of the most purest kinds.

Continuously growing more and more beautiful in appearance and loving morality.

So! There is Absolutely no need for reincarnation, or any life on earth, other than receiving our identity given to us by our parents, at conception.

When i was 19 yrs young, My teenage girl friend had no knowledge that she had fallen pregnant, and our unborne creation was accidentally aborted when my then girl friend was administered birth control for the first time in her life..."SO" I have a huuuuge desire to start my journey as a permanent spiritual soul being, in the spiritual realms sooner rather than later.

So much to see and experience within the many varying spiritual realms within the spiritual summer lands, and or god creators spiritual kingdom of pure love.

I have probably gotten of topic, so unless I am asked to write some more, I will stop here.


Baile 15-02-2017 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by neil
In the spiritual realms, there is absolutely every possible scenario available to us, that can aid us in learning all about unconditional loving morality and right from wrong

So much to see and experience within the many varying spiritual realms within the spiritual summer lands, and or god creators spiritual kingdom of pure love.

neil I appreciate this joyful healing spiritual message. So uplifting when compared to the many ugly, demonic fear-based beliefs and lies that spiritual/religious cults would have us choose to embrace. Fear of death is primarily because we have been taught for generations to believe these lies. The soul is eternal and the universe entirely benevolent... this is the Aquarian Age understanding that will lead us all to a healed and enlightened spiritual understanding of both death and life.

neil 15-02-2017 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Baile
neil I appreciate this joyful healing spiritual message. So uplifting when compared to the many ugly, demonic fear-based beliefs and lies that spiritual/religious cults would have us choose to embrace. Fear of death is primarily because we have been taught for generations to believe these lies. The soul is eternal and the universe entirely benevolent... this is the Aquarian Age understanding that will lead us all to a healed and enlightened spiritual understanding of both death and life.

Hi ya Baile. ...'yes' the universe it's self, which is an intelligent energy, is entirely benevolent...BUT have you ever, whilst in your fleshly earth form, come face to face with beings, that are totally malevolent, that also reside within this benevolent universe.

And if you haven't come face to face with the types of beings, that I have had, very unpleasant 24/7 problems with, for the entirety of my life
The types of beings that have the upper hand on us, the beings that are responsible for the lies and deceptions that we have been asked to believe.

Baile I wouldn't know where to start, to fully explain what I have become aware of.

I read every word of yours and others....AND I am still waiting earnestly for someone to come, just kind of close, to speaking of what has been made absolutely crystal clear to me, through my experiences.

Even the people on this forum, who have regular out of body experiences haven't come close.

I have tried to communicate with some members about some of it, but I do always hit a brick wall...and the reason for the brick wall, is also known to me.

But here I am again, sounding as if I am, tooting my own horn.
But I have come to realize that know one chooses to consider the info.

Totally sincerely....neil.....SMILES.

Baile 15-02-2017 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by neil
Baile I wouldn't know where to start, to fully explain what I have become aware of.

neil... I studied esoteric Christianity for many years. I am aware of the "dark and evil" beliefs most spiritual/religious philosophies teach. But something happened to me in a metaphysical experience. I was wakened from a life-engagement slumber of my own creation. I went from fearing life, to loving life. I once chose the former; that was in my slumber. And now I choose the latter because I am wide awake.

Let's stick with Christianity. What did Jesus teach? What was his purpose?

To fill us with fear of demons?
Or to open our hearts to love and the benevolence of Creation?

That's the one and only question for me. A fundamental meaning of life question. In every moment, I have the CHOICE to engage with life from a fear perspective, or from a love perspective. And I always choose love. I don't have to think about or examine those demonic aspects, because they serve no purpose whatsoever when engaging in life. We are here to love. We are here to ascend as Jesus did. He ascended because he loved and lived in the light. And not because he feared and carried darkness around with him.

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