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WestonG 24-07-2019 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by John32241
That kid can see you are different by looking at your merkaba's personal energy field. We all have one and for sure you are different.

True, you can not help these people. We are all a lot more powerful than our physical form, you can sense that, most can not.

When we become human we are locked into our human intellect which has no memory of our true spiritual eternal ways of being. It is the veil between our 4D reality and the truest greater reality we constantly reside in.

You have not yet awakened to this grander existance in human form. I encourage you to not give up searching. When you set your intent to find that door to your divine self, and open it, then your search will bring you results.

I sense you are what some call a Star Seed. That is a being with previous life times on evolved planets not like the barbaric primitive earth. You chose to come here to influence human evolution I suspect. You are frustrated because it looks hopeless to you. No problem. You just being here makes things better.


Can the door be perceived as a physical door? I began to see a simple, unassuming door presented in my mind. After the profound experience I described in my new post (bottom of page 2 please read to anyone who seeing this and as yet to read it). I would at first inspect the door. It was in a mass-less vacuum of space, similar to the space I found myself within during my spiritual experience. It was a simple brown door with frame. I inspected it. Looked all around it, under and above it. I knocked first. No reply. So I opened it. It swung open with no resistance, but nothing was on the other side. I stepped through, closed it. Nothing happened in that moment. I was just on the other side of the door.

WestonG 24-07-2019 05:43 AM

I need to eat, sleep and rest soon.

Please stay and help. Offer me your insight and your knowledge on spiritual matters. Read what I have shared with you on page 2. My experience. Think on my words whilst meditating. It should chime as truth and light within those of you sensitive enough.

Lies cannot penetrate me. Truth chimes on my chakra as light. Falsity falls upon my chakra with a thud. It cannot penetrate me.

Thank you all for being here. It means so much.

John32241 24-07-2019 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by WestonG
Can the door be perceived as a physical door? I began to see a simple, unassuming door presented in my mind. After the profound experience I described in my new post (bottom of page 2 please read to anyone who seeing this and as yet to read it). I would at first inspect the door. It was in a mass-less vacuum of space, similar to the space I found myself within during my spiritual experience. It was a simple brown door with frame. I inspected it. Looked all around it, under and above it. I knocked first. No reply. So I opened it. It swung open with no resistance, but nothing was on the other side. I stepped through, closed it. Nothing happened in that moment. I was just on the other side of the door.


That is a good first step. Nothing will happen until you start a conversation. Have you done any forms of Self Talk?

Ask simple questions to get some kind of response is what I would suggest.


ThatMan 24-07-2019 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by WestonG

I've just stumbled across this concept and feel I'm tumbling down the rabbit hole. From birth I've felt different. Like I didn't belong. Like nobody thinks the way I do. I have memories of being so aware, observational and able to judge people and situations. From an age most people don't retain memory off. My father was always baffled by the wisdom and knowledge I possessed from a very young age. My mother used to say I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. She used to say I was an angel. I was disinterested in conventional life. I shunned education. I have many views of and see clearly where humanity is going wrong. I have a strong affinity with animals and nature. I could calm stray dogs and befriend wild animals from a toddler. They always seemed to trust me. I sense that animals are pure beings. I have always felt a strong sense of interconnection in the world. It's hard to explain but I feel like I see everything around me as almost the same matter. I place very little value on material possessions.

I have had strong empathy from a young age. To this day I cannot stand people arguing or animosity of any kind. I have to remove myself as it almost physically pains me. I can feel an atmosphere in a room and feel I can almost see a person's soul when I look into their eyes. Like I know someone intrinsically before they say a word. People seem initially frosty and unsure of me and I of them. But quickly seem to act like they've known me for years when I feel estranged to them. Unable to connect. It makes me uncomfortable. I have few friends but those I have seem to value me and my presence in some way I cannot explain. I find the corruption and cruelty of humanity abhorrent. I have a strong sense of things not being right in the world.. I've always felt old and world weary. I feel ancient now. I'm 27. I stare deep into the sky at night and feel at home. It almost energises me. I have a strong interest in science and science fiction. Science was always my strongest subject and something I seemed to intrinsically understand. Children have always seemed fascinated by me. To the point that people I was with would always ask me puzzled "Why is that kid starring at you like that".

I have never slept well. I used to see apparitions and feel a presence regularly. Now I experience insomnia, vivid dreams that often come true and sleep paralysis. I used to lie awake for hours each and every night thinking of ways I could fix or save humanity. I have recurring dreams of the end of the world and a strong sense of doom. This next bit sounds crazy and I'm reluctant to share... but I feel like I am far more powerful than my physical form. Like I can leave my body and fly. And I want to. I feel trapped and imprisoned in this body. I also feel like some force is with me. And sometimes is trying to communicate. I used to tell it to come take me. "Now. I want to leave". "I don't want to be here any more" "I can't help these people". I felt like this force or presence had the ability to lift me above the earth and take me home.

I'm not in a good place now. I have been heavily depressed for a number of years and suffer with generalised and social anxiety. I can't cope with being in public or locked into a conversation. It overwhelms and exhausts me. I have become bitter and resentful of humanity. My dreams of saving the world have somewhat turned to thoughts of ending it. The presence I always felt with me has faded. Maybe gone. I feel naked. Alone. Powerless. Empty without it. All I can think is " I want to go" I want to leave" "I don't want to be here". One thing I have never experienced is a clear memory of a past life. Or where I come from. I just have a sense of it. If there is any efficacy to all this... I theorise I have not yet been awoken. May not have yet remembered. I used to spend hours in bed each night searching my soul voraciously for an answer I could feel so strongly but never find. I feel I may have given up searching.

I don't know what to do.

Please ask for any more information,

Thank you

Basically you described myself, if this helps, know that you are not alone feeling this way.I have always felt that I do not belong here and believe me, I tried and I try hard to become a part of this world but I just can't... I felt the "call" all my life, this is the call that calls me home, but not a home in this world, but in another realm.Depression, anxiety, I have them all, it was worse in past but now I am getting better, it's seems that getting closer and closer to the spiritual things is healing me, meditation is amazing! I also feel trapped and imprisoned in this body, I also felt that force with me, I called that force "God" or the "Creator", it was with me all my life.I was just like you when I was just a child, I could not understand how people can think that freedom means doing whatever you want when even in such a situation we are still the slave of our own bodies, we don't eat, we die, we do not drink water, we die, we do not sleep, we die.I used to think about these things like when I was less than 5 years old :)) and I had many amazing talks with my inner self because I was never able to find someone like me.When I first saw myself in the mirror I was shocked, I thought that I don't have a physical body like the rest of the people, of course I could see my hands and the rest of my body but it never crossed my mind that it's a real body, even to this day I remember how shocked I was... Man, I always had the same desire to save the world and to save people, even to this day, I just can't stop thinking about saving and healing people... I am almost 24, I feel like an old man in a young body and at the same time I feel like a child in the body of an adult, it's not easy.When I was just a child I thought that once I am going to grow up, I am going to become like the rest and I ( the child ) am going to die so I told myself that I will never become an adult ( in my view, the adults were cold and in an emotional carousel and I had no desire to be like them ) and here I am, living with the same emotional carousel but still not giving up of my true nature, for this very reason I keep seeking and seeking more than what this world has to offer.

You are not alone!

FairyCrystal 24-07-2019 02:51 PM

Sounds like you were born to be a very sensitive person with many potential gifts.
Then it went wrong as you had no one to guide you with these, had no resonance and didn't deal with it the right way. (this happens an awful lot btw)
Most everyone who's born has a sense that there's something wrong with this world although few can put into words what it is. That's why so many youngsters / teenagers get lost and get into gaming and blowing --> escapism.

In any case, you can work on these things yourself. First you can find yourself a good teacher, or organisation that offers courses on matters that pique your interest so you can further develop your gifts. Then you begin to reap the benefits of them, which is the idea.
You must bear in mind you came here by your own free choice, you wanted to be here during this extremely rare and beautiful time of transitioning from 3D to 5D. That's why the last decades hundreds of thousands, likely millions, of souls came in from all over the Universe to get the chance to experience this! It's incredibly unique, Earth is a unique learning school in the Universe, and this transition we're going through is what the entire Universe has been waiting for for eons! Ever since Atlantis fell!
Meaning it's not a nightmare to be here, it's a big privilege!

You speak of abhorring mankind. No wonder you are depressed. You are here for your own soul growth, enormous growth, but also to serve and help mankind. By not seeing how beautiful and unique the entire ascension process is, and thus ending up saying you abhor people, you go right against the grain of your own Soul and what your Soul chose to learn and do and experience!! And you wonder why you don't feel good? You've gotten out of alignment with yourself.
Now that's something you can work on. You can learn about the ascension process so that this understanding will aid a shift in perspective.
I too am very sensitive, I too often don't feel home, I too never felt really understood, I too find it difficult to find people who get me, people I can relate to and who can relate to me. Even as a child. I got bullied for years on end.
Yet I never lost my connection and always bounce back. Because I DO see the beauty of all, but that did take dedication, interest, and time. Lots of reading, doing workshops, courses, with the right people, who if you connect with your intuition appear on your path as if by magic.
I know so much, hold so much wisdom, hardly anyone can understand what I am all about. Most haven't the interest. But that's okay. I know there are more like me so on a higher level I'm not alone.
Even online I cannot find resonance as most people are still at beginning phases of everything. I dare say without being self-absorbed that I am lightyears ahead of most that you find online. Wise people are seldom to be found online. They teach others.

In any case, start searching for your teachers. Open up to your intuition so they will come your way. If you don't even know how to tap into your intuition then do an intuitive development course. This would be good anyway as that will help clear your energy system and dump negative and dense stuff from it so that after that you are far more stable, know a helluva lot more. Then your growth will speed up too.

WestonG 25-07-2019 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Sounds like you were born to be a very sensitive person with many potential gifts.
Then it went wrong as you had no one to guide you with these, had no resonance and didn't deal with it the right way. (this happens an awful lot btw)
Most everyone who's born has a sense that there's something wrong with this world although few can put into words what it is. That's why so many youngsters / teenagers get lost and get into gaming and blowing --> escapism.

In any case, you can work on these things yourself. First you can find yourself a good teacher, or organisation that offers courses on matters that pique your interest so you can further develop your gifts. Then you begin to reap the benefits of them, which is the idea.
You must bear in mind you came here by your own free choice, you wanted to be here during this extremely rare and beautiful time of transitioning from 3D to 5D. That's why the last decades hundreds of thousands, likely millions, of souls came in from all over the Universe to get the chance to experience this! It's incredibly unique, Earth is a unique learning school in the Universe, and this transition we're going through is what the entire Universe has been waiting for for eons! Ever since Atlantis fell!
Meaning it's not a nightmare to be here, it's a big privilege!

You speak of abhorring mankind. No wonder you are depressed. You are here for your own soul growth, enormous growth, but also to serve and help mankind. By not seeing how beautiful and unique the entire ascension process is, and thus ending up saying you abhor people, you go right against the grain of your own Soul and what your Soul chose to learn and do and experience!! And you wonder why you don't feel good? You've gotten out of alignment with yourself.
Now that's something you can work on. You can learn about the ascension process so that this understanding will aid a shift in perspective.
I too am very sensitive, I too often don't feel home, I too never felt really understood, I too find it difficult to find people who get me, people I can relate to and who can relate to me. Even as a child. I got bullied for years on end.
Yet I never lost my connection and always bounce back. Because I DO see the beauty of all, but that did take dedication, interest, and time. Lots of reading, doing workshops, courses, with the right people, who if you connect with your intuition appear on your path as if by magic.
I know so much, hold so much wisdom, hardly anyone can understand what I am all about. Most haven't the interest. But that's okay. I know there are more like me so on a higher level I'm not alone.
Even online I cannot find resonance as most people are still at beginning phases of everything. I dare say without being self-absorbed that I am lightyears ahead of most that you find online. Wise people are seldom to be found online. They teach others.

In any case, start searching for your teachers. Open up to your intuition so they will come your way. If you don't even know how to tap into your intuition then do an intuitive development course. This would be good anyway as that will help clear your energy system and dump negative and dense stuff from it so that after that you are far more stable, know a helluva lot more. Then your growth will speed up too.

It did not go wrong. All is as it needed to be. Only in darkness can we learn to truly appreciate the light. My early life and the events leading to now removed my sense of self. Caused Ego death. It allowed me to enter my own soul each and every night and I learned much searching for the source and the answer within me.

I did not abhor humanity. But the evil they allow to fester and proliferate in their hearts and minds. Such that it grows strong enough to influence and corrupt this world. I am now more indifferent. I do not waste my energy on defeating it from without but from within.

I have relied on spiritual guidance from beings of higher vibration thus far. The spirit being I found within myself that I believe healed me recently. And also a golden being, that emanates from the sun as I meditate upon it. Golden symbols will come to me from the sun. And then a brilliantly golden being manifests, meditating within a golden circle. Connecting with and learning from an individual here on earth may be difficult for me.

Though recently I have been focusing on a need to leave and find a place where I can devote my time and attention to spiritual matters, learning and growth. Free from distraction and negativity. I have little desire in life beyond this, so can devote myself fully to it.

Phaelyn 29-07-2019 07:08 PM

It's amazing how different our lives can be.

WestonG 29-07-2019 08:46 PM

I feel I have a grasp at least on what is happening now. Kundalini awakening. Shakti came to me first to heal and awaken. Then Buddah to teach me wisdom and how to protect myself. Wish they came to me as a child so I could of defended myself then. I'm very overwhelmed humbled and thankful for their intervention. They are wise and powerful spirit guides 😊

I know the journey has just began and that the road will be long. I pray I can maintain the strength and conviction needed to push on. And that I am wise enough to be worthy of the journey. Is such an amazing feeling. To realize all that I felt but could not see was true all along. I know I can face life and beyond with a renewed sprirt. Free from much fear and ignorance.

There is much in my life I must address. Then I hope to travel, experience true nature and learn from wise masters.

Light, love and wisdom to you all. May you forever maintain an open mind, loving heart and pure intent.

WestonG 29-07-2019 08:46 PM

I feel I have a grasp at least on what is happening now. Kundalini awakening. Shakti came to me first to heal and awaken. Then Buddah to teach me wisdom and how to protect myself. Wish they came to me as a child so I could of defended myself then. I'm very overwhelmed humbled and thankful for their intervention. They are wise and powerful spirit guides 😊

I know the journey has just began and that the road will be long. I pray I can maintain the strength and conviction needed to push on. And that I am wise enough to be worthy of the journey. Is such an amazing feeling. To realize all that I felt but could not see was true all along. I know I can face life and beyond with a renewed sprirt. Free from much fear and ignorance.

There is much in my life I must address. Then I hope to travel, experience true nature and learn from wise masters.

Light, love and wisdom to you all. May you forever maintain an open mind, loving heart and pure intent.

WestonG 29-07-2019 08:53 PM

I now have a clear understanding of what I have experienced. It is a kundalini awakening. First Shakti came to me to heal and awaken. Then Buddah to teach me wisdom and how to defend myself. I am truly greatful for their divine intervention and wise guidance. I am blessed with wise and powerful spirit guides.

I know the journey has just began and that the road will be long. I feel I can tackle this life and beyong with renewed vigor. There is much in my life I must address. Then I wish to travel and seek wisdom from wise masters.

Light, love and wisdom to you all. May you always maintain an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. It will set you free.

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