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Deepsoul 23-02-2017 05:50 AM

Your'e very welcome mystic Mark ,sounds like a wahoo of a job,,but i love all the positives in it ,,your out with nature,,one gets to move lol and hopefully some sunshine,,life sounds busy and diverse for you ,,what does your sister trade in ? ,, With the cfs, chronic fatigue syndrome ,,it started in march 15 ,, I woke up after a devil virus and basically couldnt move ,much to my shock and horror ,,spent all of 2015 and half of 16 bedridden and in a wheel chair ,, before this i was normal,, i loved long walks ,, and just living life ,,volunteering ,,cleaning my house ,,intimacy with my husband and yoga etc,, and i could do none of these things anymore, so total loss of self,,, i also have severe and rare food intolerances ,,leaving me with little to eat,,ThankGod ,, i prayed and kundalini came into me ,, im slowly recovering,,emphasis on slowly and truly believe in full recovery,,it all sounds a bit pollyannna ,,but my relationship was also quite challenging for 20yrs ,,so i think stress was a factor too. But i am a survivor and that I Will in the name of Love Amen! yes hopefully the restorative yoga class will get me out,,meeting people and ill find a new tribe ,,ill let you know!

Mystic Mark 24-02-2017 07:42 AM

Wow. I didn't know. I can see what you mean by ... baby steps. I agree. Had I known that you had gone through all of that, I wouldn't have reccomended all of that stuff that I did, understanding that you might relapse. Yeah, whatever you decide to do, you need to take it slow ... baby steps.

It sounds like it could be some type of immune disorder, being that your allergic to different types of foods. But you've come this far, so here's to hoping that whatever answer that you find on this forum is the right one. Sometimes, it's kind of like "Neti Netii" ... Not this, Not that. lol.

My sister works in the scrapbook profession. We had to work late tonight because she's loosing a day of work with me tommorow. Then, tommorow morning, it's back to my dad's house. More fresh air!!! lol

Deepsoul 24-02-2017 11:04 AM

Thanks Mark,,yes neti netii, all trial and well you know ,,but less of that i hope,,starting a program called Dynamic Neural Retraining System ,all about reseting and helping the limbic system regain its health,,i reckon i must have kow about every knew age and old way of mixing thing up but then you have to remember to use them from accupressure to the good ol fire breath,,do you practice that? Recently been having hot and cold showers to shock and stmulate the nervous system,,so that is fun lol,, sounds like fun with your sis ,,colours and craft! and more fresh air a tDads that made me laugh,Thanks ,,get some magnesium oil onto those legs stat! What was the topic on this thread again? Oh yeah well guess we better wind it up,,Happiness!

Mystic Mark 25-02-2017 07:29 AM

I'm so deeply into this whole spirituality thing, like yourself, that I've pretty much practiced everything. I've even studied the Meridian system, and the possible ways for working with it. Things like Kapabolati or Bellows Breath I tend to avoid because they stir up my body. Virtually everything about The Path is information overload, so for me, it all goes back to the whole Neti Neti thing. I tend to take a very cautious approach when it comes to the understanding of The Path, so it's easy for me to come across to others as being no fun.

For example, I find that the energy in the palms of our hands has more of a divine nature, whereas the energy in the fingers you have to be a little more careful with. It's the same way with breath. I'm cautious about everything. If your really into the whole mantra experience, the best way to do it is to join the palms of the hands at the sides, on the side of the pinky finger, so that the palms are wide open, and facing upwards, and the elbows are also joined at the sides. The Heart Meridian is located on the side of the pinky fingers.

Don't chant the mantra with the palms folded in prayer (Namaskar).That's for Silence. Likewise, don't chant the mantra while your bowing down or lying on your belly, like the serpent. That's for silence too, and the reverberation effect will be too powerful. Just chant the mantra silently while sitting on your knees, eyes closed, and may the Force/Source be with you. Nice talking with you, Deepsoul.

Mystic Mark 05-03-2017 04:55 PM

The method that I described in the last post for chanting a mantra is an error, so I'm asking for others to ignore it. The "Word of God" which is mentioned in The Bible is a reference to what The Bible refers to as "Speaking in Tongues" (Khechari).

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