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stillwater29 05-04-2021 08:13 PM

I will hold you in my prayers and thoughts, on my journey what I found helped, is bringing in the new each day, focusing on clearing your psyche and mind chatter, I know this is hard, this work is often not pleasant and you may have to deal with deep trauma.
Yet each time your fall get back up, its only when your in a deep sunken place they can take over, and this is why they bring you thoughts of aniexty and fear.

Self work is the way to go, I found writing and even recording my inner thoughts on voicenotes help, but note the journey to self liberation is often , circular, but you must work at having compassion for yourself always.

Reminding yourself you have ultimate power to control your life, a holistic approach is needed, this is why it can take some time, ensuring you eat food that nourishes you, sleep well, keep your interaction with anything or anyone which disturbs your peace to a minimum.
Doing all you can to soothe yourself, the work of Tara brach, may help you can find here on YouTube, her work on compassion and hungry ghost, is awesome also some books by Eileen caddy , some of her work is on YouTube also.

Certain entites feed of the negative, so its not necessary to eradicate all negative thoughts, just build up your postive ones , and postive habits.

Turning to the creator energy, divine love, due to your particular attacks, its important that you work the organ grinder, pardon my pun and not the monkies.
So if you want to call the force God, the universe etc ...doesnt matter. What's important is you rely on the ultimate, for that is the only strength that can conquer all underlings.

Also listening to this may help you , get a better understanding of the realms and your part , your souls journey.


bobjob 05-04-2021 09:05 PM

Do you know how to close down totally?

Johnathanrs 06-04-2021 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by LoveWater

So how does one close their channel, once it's been opened? I have to be on anti-psychotic medications to simmer the voices I hear.

Don't worry, myself or someone like me, will gladly take over for you. I will provide you all the comforts that you seek in this false reality. Just keep praying to god. Do what the others are advising.

Send all your demons to me, I will take them off your hands. I will trade you all of your hate, for lots of happy and loving vibrations. Lucky you, it sounds like it is exactly what you want!

LoveWater 06-04-2021 11:36 AM

@stillwater29, thank you so much.... I will try. Right now, I feel pretty traumatized by what I've heard and experienced. It has shaken me to my core.

@bobjob, I don't know how to close it down completely. I can close my channel a bit though.

@Johnathanrs, I wouldn't want to send what I have to anyone! No way. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Johnathanrs 06-04-2021 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by LoveWater

@Johnathanrs, I wouldn't want to send what I have to anyone! No way. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Oh but I do. I wish the greatest hell upon myself, the greatest suffering, I will die for you and carry all of that sin for you. It is through me, or someone like me, that you will find what you seek. Let me take your place. It is my destiny after all. I am the breaker of destiny. I will do what you cannot do, for you. Lucky you. Enjoy heaven. I'll be in hell and beyond even that. So remember, the next time you hear those dark voices, send them my way. Tell them I volunteer to take your place and be their sacrifice. You can take my place in heaven. I'll shield you from that world. This offer is for anyone reading this as well.

Just a word of advice as well. I notice people like, Dwyane Johnson or the rock, tend to find pleasure within pain when they work out at the gym. Others who go to the gym can only handle a set amount of negative energy, or what you may label as being demonic based around your own belief sets, due to a certain mindset that they have. Yet you have people like this defy this rationality and seem to exist within both spectra's. It is due to this tolerance that they have built, sometimes over generations, that they are able to overcome hurdles that seem impossible. As for this mindset that I speak of, I notice that some people can go to horror movies and find it extremely fun and enjoyable, while others will cringe and hate the entire experience. How interesting huh?

Originally Posted by LoveWater
@bobjob, I don't know how to close it down completely. I can close my channel a bit though.

Finally, if you wish to close it down, all you have to do is pass that torch over to me. Just give up. Surrender your demons. Make a post here and announce that you choose to only be positive for now on and agree to my terms. Collective consciousness will take it from there. I or someone like me, will become your savior, and give you what you want. Because after all, when someone offers another person who is dying from some aliment a chance to live, if they were truly traumatized, if they truly wanted life, they would have no problem signing any consent form in order to receive the donation from the other person. Here is your chance to prove to yourself that you really do want this to stop. You have found someone who will take it all off of your hands. All you have to do is say yes to my terms. If you choose to ignore me or pass on this, then you finally now know the truth about yourself.

PS - This should be easy based around your initial post, but if you find that you are doubting yourself now, well then, the next step I recommend is discovery.

PureEvil760 07-04-2021 10:14 AM

Demons must submit to the will of the living. So all you really have to do is command them to leave.

All normal people are just like demons to me. Godless, lost, insignificant and weak. We're all in darkness but even if you step out of it for a moment it all vanishes instantly.

The light is invincible because darkness isn't even aware of it's existence and vice versa. The difference between them is light exists forever, darkness is only temporary.

LoveWater 07-04-2021 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by PureEvil760
Demons must submit to the will of the living. So all you really have to do is command them to leave.

All normal people are just like demons to me. Godless, lost, insignificant and weak. We're all in darkness but even if you step out of it for a moment it all vanishes instantly.

The light is invincible because darkness isn't even aware of it's existence and vice versa. The difference between them is light exists forever, darkness is only temporary.

That has not worked, commanding them to leave. Even with holy water and holy oil, prayers, etc, they have come back.

bobjob 07-04-2021 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by LoveWater
That has not worked, commanding them to leave. Even with holy water and holy oil, prayers, etc, they have come back.

All those items are so much gubbins.

These unwelcome and unwanted low-level spirit individuals are unlikely to be put off unless they themselves believe all those things will prevent their activity.

Unfortunately the very act of trying to get rid in such ways provides the energy and attention craved. It's why I asked about closing down in an earlier posting. The less attention you pay the less they'll be encouraged and vice versa. BUT you have to find a way to show - both to yourself and to them - that you're switching off and are not available to their needs. That frame of mind and the determination to stop what you've been doing is a first step.

I acknowledge it's not easy and the help of a supportive friend would be valuable. Some members here may be able to suggest ways for you to do what I've suggested.

LoveWater 07-04-2021 12:37 PM

Thank you.... I do hear you. Very much.

I hear their dark voices coming from WITHIN ME. Like, deep inside of me.

So this is a unique situation or twist to things. Somehow, they got INSIDE so it's SO very hard to not pay attention to their words.

bobjob 07-04-2021 01:23 PM

They are not inside of you but they are so very closely associated with you, so close by you, that it feels like they are inside. A similar situation happened to a friend and terrified her but I'm really sorry it's so long ago I don't remember how her situation got resolved.

An experienced medium - not a psychic - might be able to help and a circle teacher would be able to teach you how to close down effectively but that's one-to-one support and might be needed for a time.

I don't know where you live anyway but even if I did I'm not sure I'd be able to go any further but I could make enquiries.

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