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FallingLeaves 14-01-2017 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by H:O:R:A:C:E
i'm not following your line of thought here.
the "lower body" has perceptive ability.
the senses provide information in the form observations.
whatever "meaning" is determined from those observations
is a product of the mind.
contrasts may indeed be important for the mind to recognize
that our senses are actually functioning (if the entirety of
our visual information was "gray", it might be discounted as
meaningless and non-functional).

'the problem' you've described seems to be something created
by the mind. it doesn't have basis in fact. the mind which
busies itself with doubts and questions isn't prepared to
accept assurance and answers. there is a time for doubting
and questioning, but the purpose for that isn't to perpetuate
itself... it is to arrive (once again) at a place of knowing.

Unfortunately my main lesson this time around was to find out I personally am not going to be allowed to arrive at a place of knowing, in the sense that people mean it. It just isn't going to happen. So I wonder about other things these days...

Baile 14-01-2017 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
Unfortunately my main lesson this time around was to find out I personally am not going to be allowed to arrive at a place of knowing, in the sense that people mean it. It just isn't going to happen. So I wonder about other things these days...

Lorelyen posted something wise in another thread that seems appropriate here: I reckon you need to start thinking more positively. There must be good things about your life. You're alive... There are always good things about most days. Go look for them; take note. Your first positive thought must now be that you can think and be positive. Forget about spirituality as a pursuit for a moment and just consider your situation here on the ground. We're all spirit anyway and things will be revealed to you in time.

William 辰 14-01-2017 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ground
Inappropriate question.

It is a question based in logic. If you can not answer it I'm afraid this conversation isn't going anywhere.

H:O:R:A:C:E 14-01-2017 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
Unfortunately my main lesson this time around was to find out I personally am not going to be allowed to arrive at a place of knowing, in the sense that people mean it. It just isn't going to happen. So I wonder about other things these days...

you cannot know that.

there is the possibility that a 'place of knowing' could be delivered
to you as well. the very landscape which you inhabit might lift out
of the darkness and deliver you into light. ground yourself into the
energy of the earth and enjoy the ride; it is promised to/of Gaia.

FallingLeaves 15-01-2017 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by H:O:R:A:C:E
you cannot know that.

there is the possibility that a 'place of knowing' could be delivered
to you as well. the very landscape which you inhabit might lift out
of the darkness and deliver you into light. ground yourself into the
energy of the earth and enjoy the ride; it is promised to/of Gaia.

well i guess you are right I may come to 'a' place of knowing... but I know my own limitations well enough to know that I won't come to 'the' place of knowing.

H:O:R:A:C:E 15-01-2017 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
well i guess you are right I may come to 'a' place of knowing... but I know my own limitations well enough to know that I won't come to 'the' place of knowing.

you know your limitations, but do you know of your non-limitations too?
i submit:
don't you recognize that it's impossible to separate you from your core(?),
and that your core is in a state of knowing at all times?
call it a limitation if you like, but you can only remove yourself from truth
through imagining it possible (though it's not truly possible).
to become separate from truth would mean to become false, and such a
thing would have no foundation any longer (and cease to exist).
knowledge and truth are nearly synonymous in the way i'm using them here.
the gap between the two may amount to mere remembrance.

FallingLeaves 15-01-2017 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by H:O:R:A:C:E
you know your limitations, but do you know of your non-limitations too?
i submit:
don't you recognize that it's impossible to separate you from your core(?),
and that your core is in a state of knowing at all times?
call it a limitation if you like, but you can only remove yourself from truth
through imagining it possible (though it's not truly possible).
to become separate from truth would mean to become false, and such a
thing would have no foundation any longer (and cease to exist).
knowledge and truth are nearly synonymous in the way i'm using them here.
the gap between the two may amount to mere remembrance.

hehehe... it may sound funny but the truth I know of is totally unlike the truth anyone else seems to know of... I see what I see and what I see is everyone fighting with what is to their last breath. And because of it, most everything I'm told, seems like a lie.

But in the end I agree, facts are facts no matter what each of us wants to believe.

Baile 15-01-2017 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by William 辰
Can you name some (or one) of those streams of philosophy? It sounds interesting.

Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Anthroposophy.

Baile 15-01-2017 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by William 辰

Originally Posted by Ground
There is only one reality. What some seem to confuse is the meaning of 'reality' and the meaning of 'truth'.

Ok, here we go again.. :tongue: It seems we first need to define the word 'reality'. Because I like to think there are as many realities as there are people on Earth. Hence the difficulty to know the truth.

This is where reading the Hermetic understanding might help. Esoteric philosophies do in fact seek to explore and understand the "one reality" of human soul-spirit existence. Ground is correct in that regard. We are beings of spirit. We incarnate in physical form, here on this material plane. These are examples of the one reality that binds us together as a collective race.

Hermetic wisdom investigates the truth question, by identifying the difference between absolute truth versus relative truth. Esoteric philosophy seeks to explore and identify absolute truth as it relates to our soul-spirit nature and our incarnating as human beings. Whereas the idea there are "many realities" is, generally speaking, more a product of relative truth understanding. One comes across this idea a lot in New Age forums. Everyone wants to believe their truth is real and valid. And it is. But more often than not it's relative truth they're identifying, not absolute truth.

Ground 15-01-2017 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Baile
This is where reading the Hermetic understanding might help. Esoteric philosophies do in fact seek to explore and understand the "one reality" of human soul-spirit existence. Ground is correct in that regard. We are beings of spirit. We incarnate in physical form, here on this material plane. These are examples of the one reality that binds us together as a collective race.

Hermetic wisdom investigates the truth question, by identifying the difference between absolute truth versus relative truth. Esoteric philosophy seeks to explore and identify absolute truth as it relates to our soul-spirit nature and our incarnating as human beings. Whereas the idea there are "many realities" is, generally speaking, more a product of relative truth understanding. One comes across this idea a lot in New Age forums. Everyone wants to believe their truth is real and valid. And it is. But more often than not it's relative truth they're identifying, not absolute truth.

Just to avoid misunderstanding: I am not saying that there is only one truth because I am saying that actually there isn't any truth. However I am saying that there is only one reality. Now the expression 'There is only one reality' is just an appropriate verbal expression but there is no truth in it.

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