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Kine Lea 20-11-2017 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mi Rakel
Hi guys can I ask how your pictures can be so big? When I try and upload images the site keeps telling me to reduce the size, and so mine are just tiny thumbnails, what am I doing wrong? Thx

I see you're using an online resize program?
I use postimage.org, which has an image upload size drop-down box. Message boards are 800x600 for 15" monitors or 640x480 optimal.

There are lots of free photo editing programs out there. I have Photoscape at the present, where I can resize and shape my photos to whatever size I like.
I usually just drop the photo image into win.paint if I wish to quickly crop the edges, then save as a jpeg for uploading.

Hope this helps

Realm Ki 21-11-2017 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Kine Lea
I see you're using an online resize program?
I use postimage.org, which has an image upload size drop-down box. Message boards are 800x600 for 15" monitors or 640x480 optimal.

There are lots of free photo editing programs out there. I have Photoscape at the present, where I can resize and shape my photos to whatever size I like.
I usually just drop the photo image into win.paint if I wish to quickly crop the edges, then save as a jpeg for uploading.

Hope this helps

Thank you I'll try that!

Clover 17-12-2017 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Inika

This could be fun to play with so putting it here for anyone to give it a go.


Using The Psychic Tarot

What I need to think about?: Authority ( The Emperor)
What you need to do?: Spiritual Union ( 2 of cups)
The challenge: Material and Spiritual Prosperity ( 6 cups)

This week is all about pulling up my big girl panties LOL I have to delegate, plan and manage Christmas and Birthday's with kid's father coming down to see us. Family vacation type deals. Lots of fun things to do in this tourist state, so I am going to have to plan smart and make sure dad and I don't kill each other in the process :D

Will I have fun? Rest and Rejuvenate Reversed Cripe it's gonna get hectic :laugh:

Edit: Kids dad won't be able to make it. So that sucks, they are going to be super heart broken. I'll have to think more about this reading and what is signifies. *sigh*

rainbow.sprinkles 18-12-2017 01:57 AM

what I need to think about: Page of Cups
what I need to do: 7 of Cups
the challenge: Queen of Pentacles

something tells me this is speaking to the fact that my ex recently told me he's still in love with me, and the cards want me to think about this, but to be careful and not fall into any traps of disillusionment. it may be challenging for me to balance our current friendship and the supportive dynamic we've developed with this new information. wanting to continue to help and support him and maintain that friendship without making any foolish mistakes, or maybe sending the wrong message.

55Degrees 21-01-2018 03:51 PM

What I need to think about - 7 of Cups.
I need to be mindful of the options that seem to be presenting themselves, however, careful consideration needs to be given as to whether they're real opportunities or if they are poisoned chalices.

What I need to do - Hierophant.
Stop. Think. Ask for advice and do the 'right' thing no matter how tempting it may be to think outside the box. This is about conforming to set standards, not artistic licence

Challenge - 6 of Wands.
This week's challenge suggests that I may be tempted to rest on my laurels (haha, see what I did there) however past success is no guarantee of future ones.

Ugh, looks like I need to toe the line and work my butt off this week.

FairyCrystal 21-01-2018 04:48 PM

What do I need to think about? The Star
Stay connected with my heart and higher purpose and intuition. Don't share if not connected to those.

What do I need to do? Swords 9
I have to be authentic and not try to be someone I'm not. At the same time not dwell on pain from the past and surround myself with things/people that make me feel good and beautiful.

Challenge: Swords 6
Not losing track of my desires and goals in life. Possibly feeling a bit lost.

I wonder if this ends up being correct because I am about to enter a 5 day training on self-love. I feel sadness come up with all three cards (Tarot of Sexual Magic).

55Degrees 28-01-2018 09:10 PM

Ugh! This proved to be accurate :icon_frown:


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon

What I need to think about - 7 of Cups.
I need to be mindful of the options that seem to be presenting themselves, however, careful consideration needs to be given as to whether they're real opportunities or if they are poisoned chalices.

What I need to do - Hierophant.
Stop. Think. Ask for advice and do the 'right' thing no matter how tempting it may be to think outside the box. This is about conforming to set standards, not artistic licence

Challenge - 6 of Wands.
This week's challenge suggests that I may be tempted to rest on my laurels (haha, see what I did there) however past success is no guarantee of future ones.

Ugh, looks like I need to toe the line and work my butt off this week.

Anyhow a new week awaits....

What I need to think about - 3 of Swords.
Where am I hurting myself by not letting go?

What I need to do - Page of Wands.
Do something that scares me.

Challenge - Hierophant.
Looking at the other two cards, this suggests that my challenge will be my conditioning, what I have been told to believe about my self and the world.

Ooh looks like an interesting week lies ahead.

Inika 28-01-2018 10:27 PM

What I need to think about - Justice

What I need to do - Temperance

What my challenge is - Wheel of Fortune

All majors. nothing light here!

I need to think about justice through means of knowledge, balance, fairness, higher order, higher mind. kindness. Am I being just and fair? I need to think about this.

What to do? Temper it. dont be too severe, dont be too kind. Don't be a damn fool. Bring in harmony through obtaining mental equilibrium. finding that middle path.

The challenge - Wheel of fortune turns from up to down, from down to up. Finding a balance and justice in energies that are forever moving will be a challenge. some are up, some are down. There is constant change. dancing energies at all times. somehow i got to find my balance to regain true harmony and peace in that middle path among it all. totally full moon energies to blame, everyones gonna be dancing.

SeekerOfKnowledge 28-01-2018 10:29 PM

What I need to think about - Wheel of Fortune
Do not worry or think too much about things I cannot change, just let it flow... maybe it even will be something wonderful

What I need to do - The Moon
Embrace my Shadow and trust my intuition

The Challenge - The Star
Have faith, have trust in myself and know that I deserve all the good things in my life (makes sense, I sometimes find it very hard to trust myself and worry too much when there is nothing to worry about)

All in one, seems to suggest that when I have faith and trust in myself and make decisions with my heart instead of my brain, happiness and joy are waiting for me next week.

Clover 17-12-2018 03:47 AM

*Bumps* Cause this is such a cool spread/thread

Using the Fountain Tarot

1. Three of swords ( 4 of swords clarification)
2. Page of Swords
3. Four of Coins

Good freakin' gawd.

Had to really think about this one, but I feel it's over hurt family members from not hearing from me and the kids. No hard feelings, I am such a natural hermit but Err, does this mean I have to come out and socialize :sad1:

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