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guthrio 15-10-2017 03:45 PM

"We have always been Who we truly are, awaiting our own remembrance on Earth that I Am That I Am as in Heaven."

guthrio 22-10-2017 08:53 PM

The Gift of Genius - YOURS!
Today I recognized that I have been given the gift of genius!! How did that happen?

I was thinking about how society assigns the term 'genius'. The noun "genius" is related to the Latin verb gigno, genui, genitus, "to bring into being, create, produce." (See Wikipedia for "genius")

That's when I realized that one does not have to be named Albert Einstein, Salvatore Dali, Pablo Picasso, Francis Crick, Thomas Edison, Carlos Jobim, George Washington Carver, Auguste Renoir, Ansel Adams or Hypatia of Alexandria to be considered a genius. Why ?

Because anyone, repeat, ANYONE, can help contemporaries experience what has always been in "plain sight"...when viewed through the perspective of an idea that shifts the attention in an unexpected direction....to finally see it.

Whether as designers, inventors, students, scientists, actors, painters, artists, or the audiences who are inspired by their work, we may "look" at the world WITH our eyes, but we “see” the world, each other, and ourselves THROUGH our ideas ("eye"-deas !).

Great thinkers (and doers) seek extraordinary ideas through which to show the audience how to see themselves, and the world....through the lens OF those ideas.

Whether one is called an "artist" or "scientist" or "philosopher" or "Mom", genius is essentially the exercise of presenting reality in such a way that others can THEN "bring into being, create, produce" and appreciate it for themselves, as well.

In other words....

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi

.....to help others see the change in the world that you demonstrate.

Take art, for instance.

Art does not necessarily have to be something "outside" of you that you create out of "something else".

All art IS essentially you....expressing yourself through your ideas in a manner that touches your audience....inside.

Consider that your very Life can even be the art of living.....the changed idea of WHO YOU ARE....literally !

Usually we think about being "interested in seeing everyone else's ideas".

Fine art is the superlative, courageous, purposeful expression of who YOU are, just as Ned Johnson said as part of his "My Life Story" webinar series....
(see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXBaZAvQLkQ&t=623)

"...a poem's....just a poet....in a word."

Imagine. You AS a living work of art...."performed" by you AS any idea you choose to express....through the genius awaiting in YOU!

....just as others have accomplished (see sources below), as seen through the lenses of their genius.

Hope this helps...ignite the unique perspectives ("eye"-deas) just awaiting expression through your own genius....

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
-- Albert Einstein

Do you see ?

Of course you do!

You are a GENIUS (just like me) !!

Don't believe me? Look up the reference for genius in the mirror...

Now THAT'S a confirmation AND an affirmation! :smile:

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_Carver

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B4nio_Carlos_Jobim

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia

Reference: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._K._Rowling (She is a MOM!)

guthrio 26-10-2017 02:06 AM

“Acquire your faith through understanding, and not through the opposite, fear. If it rises from fear then you have no faith, you are caught up in the opposites of fear and faith.."
M. MacDonald-Bayne, M,C,, PH.D., D.D. author of Beyond the Himalayas (pg 97)

guthrio 12-11-2017 08:38 PM

Strange that I didn't remember saving this gift from M. MacDonald-Bayne, PH.D., D.D. until today, (see the first reference, entitled The Masters Course).
The second reference is a PDF copy of his book, entitled, "Beyond the Himalayas".

May the gift of both help you grow into the Master Gardner in Whose Divine Image we were each created to be....

"The Truth comes from within. Do not seek it without."
M. MacDonald-Bayne

Reference: http://www.murdomacdonald-bayne.com/masterscourse.html

Reference: http://soilandhealth.org/wp-content/....himalayas.pdf

guthrio 18-11-2017 07:37 PM

Continuation of The Masters Course correspondence

Originally Posted by guthrio
Strange that I didn't remember saving this gift from M. MacDonald-Bayne, PH.D., D.D. until today, (see the first reference, entitled The Masters Course).
The second reference is a PDF copy of his book, entitled, "Beyond the Himalayas".

May the gift of both help you grow into the Master Gardner in Whose Divine Image we were each created to be....

"The Truth comes from within. Do not seek it without."
M. MacDonald-Bayne

Reference: http://www.murdomacdonald-bayne.com/masterscourse.html

Reference: http://soilandhealth.org/wp-content/....himalayas.pdf

After I had read through the information in the 1st reference above (the 1st of the 10 lessons), I answered the invitation to provide questions about what I'd read, thusly:

"To Ahimsa,

As I was reading the words of the Masters Course 1, my mind was full of questions.

Who is it that “keeps the mind free” to know the Truth?

If the “Real Is”, why is it not really apparent as such?

What does “within” mean and how does one search “there”?

Why “search” for that which is beyond the means TO search, or even beyond “finding”?

If I AM is All That Is, why is the I AM THAT I AM unable to know itself as this "I" who is asking the question?

It seem all so pointless and confusing. I am not even sure the remaining Master Course Lessons can answer these questions definitively. However, I have learned that “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”, which is a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer. Sometimes, this helps me “see” aspects I would not have considered before (or would not have known could even BE considered before). I would like to see if the Master Course 2 can help me see, or understand, what if have not considered before. Please send Master Course #2 to me. I am looking forward to receiving it. Thank you."

The answer I received from "Ahimsa" is in the treasure trove of information I'm sharing with you (see the next post in this thread)...as the next step along a "path"....in the Garden of You...

....which I humbly invite you to enjoy your own journey thereupon, if you so choose...

guthrio 18-11-2017 08:04 PM

Invitation from Ahimsa

Originally Posted by guthrio

This is the answer I received from "Ahimsa" :hug3:

"Greetings my friend
Thank you for your email.
I have attached for you three books which I suggest are read in order for you to understand the message of Dr Mac.
3) THE HIGHER POWER that is the rest of the lesson you have started.

The books are designed to be read many times over the years and as one matures Spiritually more is understood each time. Make no mistake that a quick read through will give you instant enlightenment. If you understand in full the messages in the first two books then you will understand the ten lessons in the HIGHER POWER. The message is not complicated it is in fact SIMPLE ......So SIMPLE that you do not realize THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE IT!
If one puts aside the intellectualizing Put aside everything you have ever read before in others books TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO. Put aside what you have heard in workshop or lecture and understand that others truths are no good at all for you. The divergence between Dr Macs books and those of others, is that Dr Mac makes no pretense of saying he can teach you the truth....he, my friend, can only show you the way to see THE FALSE and once the false is rejected ONLY THE TRUTH IS LEFT. YOUR TRUTH!!! UNIQUELY YOURS!!! And it can be found by traveling INWARD (WITHIN). Looking OUTWARD for the truth can only give you the truth of others.
....Now these might satisfy you short term but soon you move on and seek elsewhere. Always hungry. Travel INWARD and you have no need to place your journey in the hands of others. Then you can begin to discover YOUR TRUTHS!

Read on the website PUT OFF THY SHOES

Derek Neville - Murdo MacDonald-Bayne
Derek Neville Poet, author and man of God.


The Path - Murdo MacDonald-Bayne
THE discovery of Eternal truth is like the ascent of a mountain which has many paths leading to its summit. The respective views from opposite paths will be entirely..."

Again thank you for your email. I wish you well along the path

A friend on The Path

Ahimsa closes by saying:
"As a wise man once said: I can not teach anyone the truth.

Think.....and enjoy! :hug3:

Reference: http://soilandhealth.org/wp-content/....himalayas.pdf BEYOND THE HIMALAYAS

Reference: https://soilandhealth.org/wp-content...oga.christ.pdf THE YOGA OF THE CHRIST

Reference: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui...line&safe=1&zw THE HIGHER POWER YOU CAN USE

guthrio 18-11-2017 10:35 PM

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Originally Posted by guthrio

Found this poem, (see above) today by Robert Frost, famously describing one's person's journey to a fork in the road that we have all encountered more than once, in the metaphorical "Garden of You" that we call our lives.

However, today, my perspective of Frost's words ....now diverges from my previous understanding of the poem's final two lines:

"I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

What is my perspective now?

I now understand that Frost is travelling all the paths, at once (including the path where he chose instead, to remain in his favorite reading chair, while thinking about walking to that fork in the road, but then, after an inspired moment, rose from his reading chair, walked over to his study, and sat down to write about what that "divergent" experience would be like, instead)........this time.

How did I come to this "fork in the road" in my journey?

As mentioned in the reference below:

"All possible "versions" of your reality already exist. In fact, they are all here - right under your nose - right Here, right Now. However, most of these "versions" are invisible to us, and they become "visible" only when we "tune" ourselves (via our beliefs), to be compatible and resonant with the frequencies of any one particular "version". Furthermore, since Time is only a local "illusion" that does not really exist, everything you ever hope to "become" or "attain", you have already become and attained. If it's "invisible" to you, that's only because your beliefs do not yet have you vibrating in a manner that is synchronous with those versions. You contain it ALL - all possible "versions". And all these here/now versions are in various states of visible/invisible for you, depending on your beliefs relative to any particular version. You "see" and "objectively experience" the versions that are synchronized with how you are vibrating, and it's your beliefs at any given moment that determine how you are vibrating."

If, as mentioned above, we "contain it ALL - all possible "versions" of these journeys in all the woods and paths there could ever be...

.... then knowing that "makes all the difference", doesn't it?

So "next time"....instead of just writing an imaginary poem about "The Road Not Taken", Robert Frost may choose to remember that he can just ask an "alternate self" what he "discovered" on his own walk in the yellow woods.

....just as each of us can come to understand is within our grasp of present knowledge now!

I can just imagine that all the versions of Robert Frost are indeed, somewhere comparing notes with one another, on their respective, eternal journeys. Can't you?

If not, just remember that our Higher Selves are already planning more "outings" (lives) to travel....as each of us...now!

Got your notepads handy? :smile:

Reference: http://iasos.com/metaphys/bashar/

codylight 19-11-2017 06:45 AM

great quotes, very inspirational . great share:hug3:

guthrio 19-11-2017 11:56 AM


Welcome to The Forum.

Thank you for your kind comments.

May you continue to enjoy sharing your experiences here with your "other" selves, whose paths have diverged from your decision to take this one.... In the Garden(s) of You.

Hope you enjoy the reference, as well...

Reference: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...9&postcount=19

guthrio 25-11-2017 05:38 PM



"To see things in the seed, that is genius".
Lao Tzu

This saying has always confused me.

Who can see anything IN a seed, unless you have a microscope? And what "thing" are you going to see even then? Something that makes sense? Are you going to find "genius" in the seed with your eyes, or with a microscope? Even if you could look atssthe individual quanta comprising every single atom comprising the seed....still the question remains: Where is the genius in the seed?

Fortunately, the genius in me (like the genius in you I mentioned in an earlier post!) helped me find some answers that made sense...in the next post!

The Genius of Yourself is the seed....


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