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ThatMan 16-04-2024 09:20 AM

When the fine line between our world and the unseen world gets thinned I can hear things, usually happens at night, in that deep silence. For example, last night I kept hearing voices talking about why I am not sleeping and that I should go to sleep, of course, I was in a meditative state, otherwise I rarely hear audible messages while I am fully awake.

Female voice: Go to sleep
Female voice: He should go to sleep, why is he not sleeping?
Unknown voice: Sleep
Other unknown voice: He must go to sleep

Buzzing around me, like being near a group of people and hearing them talk, of course, moments later I fell asleep.

ThatMan 26-04-2024 11:04 PM

This been happening lately again and again, when I am relaxed and my mind is peaceful I start hearing a lot of chatter from time to time. It's like I am hearing people's thoughts or real life conversations, literally. Talking about all sorts of things, men and women, young or old, it does not matter. I can hear entire sentences and literally hear conversations from one end to another.

I did an experiment and noticed that if I focus on a certain voice, I lose the ability to hear but if I "space out" and let it flow the clarity increases many times to the point I make no distinction between a real life conversation and hearing it in my mind.

Among the many messages I heard I remembered one, for one side effect of spacing out is that I forget easily what I hear. I remember this for it intrigued me a bit.

Voice: It is the system we have built.

ThatMan 11-05-2024 03:21 PM

The creator, God-mind, has created both worlds, the physical world and the spiritual world.

This is the message I got last night in my last session of meditation, and I was shown a vision of this, but it's a bit foggy. I found myself hovering in the sky but still in the physical body, the voice that said those words spoke at the level of my physical body, as if close to my ear while at the same time I was having that vision thing about what it meant, the message.

"God-mind", this is truly interesting, the feeling I got was that it was referring to our true nature, take away everything from who you are and leave yourself in all nakedness ( mentally ), that is the "God-mind", pure awareness.

Ewwerrin 12-05-2024 04:28 AM

Yeah, everything is non-physical in essence. We create reality by what we give our attention/awareness. And if it feels bad emotionally, it helps one realise what one wants/prefers, and thus giving that desire your attention will cause positive good feeling emotion, indicating that the manifestation of what one gives their awareness, will be pleasing.

This is how on all levels, all creating, exists for the furthermore allowed enjoyment of what is evermore realised to be enjoyable and thus evermore enjoyable and thus evermore easy to give it ones own attention and awareness. Which means it becomes evermore easy and enjoyable to create ones own reality. And on and on it goes forever. :biggrin: :hug3:

ThatMan 14-05-2024 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
Yeah, everything is non-physical in essence. We create reality by what we give our attention/awareness. And if it feels bad emotionally, it helps one realise what one wants/prefers, and thus giving that desire your attention will cause positive good feeling emotion, indicating that the manifestation of what one gives their awareness, will be pleasing.

Awareness is truly a fascinating thing and in my opinion the key to unlock the infinite potential that lies dormant within us.

I got so good at manifestation that it suddenly became too good for my own good and now I am learning how to deal with it better. :D :hug3:

Native spirit 14-05-2024 08:47 AM

Everything is Vibration to hear from spirit and to speak back. the vibration has to be right ,
the vibration in the spirit realm is so much higher than our is here,
so it has to come together they lower theirs and we have to higher ours,

I have been asked before why is it that young children can speak to spirit
my answer is and always will be because their minds are clear it is only when they go to school . that most loose the connection because their minds are taken up by learning.

others like myself never loose it I always used to say I walk side by side with spirit.


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