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LoveWater 16-09-2022 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by asearcher
You're welcome. That's wonderful, keeping my fingers crossed :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

briam 25-11-2022 05:37 PM

Not sure
I am not sure sure about channeling i have sudden lost track of time were i did not know what happened in a day or part of it, according to my ex wife i have suddenly sat up in bed looking confused and started talking in a foreign language to which i had no memory of, i just remember laying my head on the pillow and waking up next day no dreams or nothing from then on i made a rule to forbid any spirit to use my body with out my permissions it seems our own essence spirit is pushed to one side or put in some kind of limbo, i could iterate more but unless you expressed this or what i call as the before you would not under stand all i can say is that control know what i am talking about an there not always on patrol they all have there business or agendas to attend toop

evasun 03-12-2022 07:08 PM

Can anybody please help me understand my experience with our house spirit:

I have been searching for an answer to my strange experience: I live in an 1860s haunted flat. We have a "man" or spirit of a Victorian man "living" with us. I could sense him ever since we moved in. He became very strong over the years; I could hear and feel him, and he was constantly watching, making noises during the night etc.. One morning I entered our lounge room, as I was standing there, I noticed a shadow on my left side slowly moving towards me. In seconds, this might sound very strange, but please, I have experienced this; his spirit entered my body. I could not move; I was trapped with him inside me. It was strange; I could see him through my inner eye, how he was dressed, some of his life events, and how the flat was furnished when he was alive. I saw through his eyes; I heard his thoughts!.. It was something I never knew could happen. It lasted only a second in real life, but I thought it was happening for a long time before he finally left my body. Ever since then, I have kept looking for people who might have a similar experience. I want to talk about it but do not know where to start.
Please let me know what I have experienced and where to look for more information about this subject.
Thank you so much. Eva

thecatsmeow 03-12-2022 09:59 PM

@Nameless Thankyou so much for the info on Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. You're a life-saver! :smile:

dream jo 11-12-2022 09:55 PM

I am sorry to hear that and I got my class when I go to my class for some reason which channel into each other and we pick up it was energy and Vibes and some other stuff I've picked up as give myself wow how did I know that my friends are my class wow how to drain more that it is best to Channel in in a group of people I think it's more fun and we learn more about each other but some other stuff iPhone 5 charging in sometimes I do and my church without realising of changing but a x I shown in the wrong x which most of us mediums do mediums to I did it again tonight and it was a divine service but I left the personal about but I saw don't take it home let it off no matter what no matter else silly it sounds tell somebody but I don't know

BirbWhisperer 09-01-2023 04:53 PM

You sound like you're an uncontrolled channel. Put simply, you are an open door through which anything can come. You need to learn to control the flow and the nature of the beings who come through you as a matter of urgency because as you've learned, being an uncontrolled channel often leads to demonic possession.

I've had demonic attachments, been under psychic attack, and been partially possessed too. With me it happens when I stray away from love, when I go willingly into the dark to slake baser urges or when I go in anger or for hate or revenge. Then demons come and vex me, and they have caused a great deal of pain to me and my family. They are the reason I'm on antipsychotics too!

If I were you, I'd spend some time closer to your God(s?.) The church is a powerful tool, and you don't have to be religious to capitalise on its power. Demons don't like that energy and will be less likely to come back if it's on you and in your home. They don't like the energy of love, no matter where it comes from. Align yourself with love through daily practise - prayer, meditation and communion with the One - and finally, enlist the help of an archangel to mediate your channel, and to protect against evil.

I suggest asking Archangel Michael.

We all have portals through which demons can come. Weaknesses, things we've done or thought or wanted to do, which make us vulnerable. Humans are imperfect. I think you are one of those people, who, like me, has to make special effort to stay close to the light.

The more you practise channelling on the light side, the less the dark will be drawn to you. The higher you can raise your own vibration, the harder it is for demons to get a foothold.

Hope this helps. If you've already tried all this, then I suggest you stay in touch with the priest who performed your exorcism, and in touch with the church because it's possible you have a much darker entity around you. It may take more force (such as further exorcisms) to shift.

Native spirit 09-01-2023 08:53 PM

Everybody who deals with Spirit.
Needs to have clear boundaries which they do not cross.
You need to know how to open up and close down to spirit.
Get to know your guide feel his her Vibration that way you will always be protected


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