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Solarian 08-05-2017 05:09 PM

Not sure if I am speaking to someone on this thread specifically who is starting to overcome the worse, or maybe multiple of you, but I feel strongly about this message as mercury in retrograde recently ended.

5 of Pentacles (R)

I feel this has to do with family commitments, may or may not be relating to finance, but you may have feel like you were done wrong in the past (dishonesty, unfairness). However you are moving into a much safer place now, and while you're not "completely out of the woods' so to say, it's progress. You will regain your confidence, inspiration and motivation. Regain harmony and joy from those you felt abandoned you (still feel it's financial wise).
Don't forget, material things are not the most important. Tend to your spiritual needs now so you can really get out of the woods.

faithy 12-05-2017 03:11 PM

Divine Guidance 05-12-17
Mystical Cat Tarot


When the planet turns its face towards the dark, our nocturnal nature draws us out into the enchanted realms we know simply as the moon. This is a dominion of dreams that we explore with our senses fully awake. The subconscious spills into consciousness, allowing us to see what is not revealed by sight alone. All is not immediately known under the moon as it waxes and wanes from light to dark again. Allow time for more to be revealed, and dont trust what you see as being the complete truth. Be aware of secrecy, mystery and the things that are not obvious and must be discerned with the inner eye as well as the outer. Trust your intuition. :icon_cyclops_ani:

faithy 17-05-2017 04:51 PM

Divine Guidance 05-17-17
Mystical Cat Tarot Cards

Two of Sky

The presence of other cats detected in the wind. Are they friend or foe? The sky cat lifts his head and focuses all his senses to discern more carefully. This is a time for you to stay still and get your bearings before you take any action. This may require patience, but it will be worth it. Dashing off to pursue vague inclinations will not lead to anything. Gather as much information as you can, try to pay attention to any detail, and trust your instincts to tell you the best, safest and most successful course of action to take. Until you know more, stay right where you are :angel7:

angelic star 18-05-2017 03:34 AM

The World
Making the wheels turn for you and working with it to make it work for you. Hitting a personal block because of lack of finding the core self. There are different intentions and people around that you are aware of, but lack of addressing the vulnerable side of self. Who are you at the center of it all ? There might be some facing the truth about yourself there. Not just the surface reflection of others, that is not where your answer lies.

angelic star 18-05-2017 03:54 AM

The Tower

Overcoming authority, male influences from the past/ present. Finding positive reflection with the ying/ yang within self and others. Letting go of past relationships to allow more spiritual healing.

Clover 18-05-2017 11:30 AM

Wow, I love the cards, AG! They are very animated. Good message too

angelic star 18-05-2017 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fox Spirit
Wow, I love the cards, AG! They are very animated. Good message too

Thank you cloves :hug3: I felt like updating these messages today. The first one is steampunk tarot and the other is tarot apokalypsis. The tower card esp felt very strong to me, I have taken a liking for the card, and maybe some one on here could relate to this or needs it right now.

angelic star 19-05-2017 01:59 PM

She feels, She knows

Heal inner child, emotional injuries, emotional hurts by feeling them, honoring them. Recognizing the emotional bruises in order for them to heal. Listening to your feelings, and coming to terms with it.

faithy 20-05-2017 05:42 PM


She feels, She knows

Heal inner child, emotional injuries, emotional hurts by feeling them, honoring them. Recognizing the emotional bruises in order for them to heal. Listening to your feelings, and coming to terms with it.

Hello angelic star, thank you for putting up this message, I am resonating with it :smile:

angelic star 21-05-2017 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by faithy
Hello angelic star, thank you for putting up this message, I am resonating with it :smile:

You are very welcome faithy :smile:

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