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lovetruth 04-04-2012 03:39 PM

The Babaji that appeared in the 70s and the Babaji that lives in the Himalayas are one and the same. He is not limited to one body. Look beyond limitation, Babaji can appear in any form necessary. I practice Kriya Yoga and it was in doing this, that I began to channel Babaji, this is the Kriya through Paramahansa Yogananda passed down from Babaji who now stays in the Himalayas. Kriya yoga started with Krishna, who passed it down. So I suppose you could say I am channeling Babaji that resides in the Himalayas at this time. Hope this helps.

Xan 04-04-2012 08:28 PM

Hope this helps.

Not much, but to me it doesn't matter. It's the message that touches the mind and heart.


Present 04-04-2012 11:36 PM

Channeling Babaji

Yes, thanks for trying to clarify the question about which Babaji. It wasn't much help, however, the messages you are posting ARE MEANINGFUL. Suggestion... how about entitling your messages "Channeling Love and Truth."


lovetruth 05-04-2012 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Present

Yes, thanks for trying to clarify the question about which Babaji. It wasn't much help, however, the messages you are posting ARE MEANINGFUL. Suggestion... how about entitling your messages "Channeling Love and Truth."


Hello Present, I just put down what I receive, that is why there is no title, but thanks for your suggestion. lovetruth

The victory of love over fear has been the plan as innumerable lifetimes play out in the cosmic dream. Though you have all participated in both sides, so that you could

learn what each emotion creates, you all came here for the purpose of overcoming the false self through struggle and joy. A close examination of all your past

interactions, if looked at with attention, will reveal how much you have learned in each encounter, even if the lesson was not learned right away. All the memories you

carry with you are but a fraction, and could you see clearly, you would note that each memory is connected to a specific emotion, that you lived in that memory. Each

life moves in cycles, just as the cosmos moves in cycles, because there is great wisdom in the plans laid out for all of life. These cycles are what connect you to earth

and to the cosmic current that shifts your every awareness as it steps up the meaning and conclusion of each lesson. You can only hold so much understanding at a

time because you have lived as in linear time, and you yet, do not see how the past present and futures of yourselves interact in a very personal way, so that the

lessons are multifaceted and filled with meaning. This will make more sense as you move more deeply into the multidimensional realms inherent in each of you, and its

intertwining connection with the all. You have lived unconsciously for such a long time and yet your spirits always interact in the other levels, unseen by the finite

senses. So, you see dear ones, you were blind in only one facet of existence, which you only believed was your all. As you begin to live consciously, and with

awareness, all these lessons will be revealed to you in a new way, because you will then have the tools to see all sides, and how each being was affected by your

actions and how you were affected by theirs. This, of course, will bring profound healing, because you are no longer seeing as an individual, but as connected in

meaningful interaction with the one being, who is doing the experiencing. In other words, dear ones, you will no longer experience as separate, you will know each

other as connected selves. What beautiful realizations this will bring to the old, painful, limited view you once held. There will no longer be fragmentation, all the parts

finally connect and make sense as the pure vision of truth unfolds. So be careful in your judgements and actions, it is like judging a part of your own being and blaming

will only complicate the coming revelation. You truly are divine brothers and sisters, playing the game of separation, so that when you re-unite in the grand awakening

you can fully love and appreciate all creation. Babaji

lovetruth 07-04-2012 05:46 PM

Dear ones, as the old patterns begin to dissolve, you may find that unwelcome emotions may make an appearance in your lives. There is much being cleaned within

each of you and your dreams may reveal an element of this. You are releasing and this will bring into the forefront those emotions that you may have judged as

unpleasant. If and when this happens, be willing to feel the emotion and do your best to analyze why it is opening again to your awareness. Many times, healing will

take this opening because you have stored emotions that have not been dealt with in the cells of your bodies and now as you accelerate, these emotions will again

come up for cleansing. You may feel lethargic, worn out or agitated etc., without actually being able to pin it on a visible cause. It is most important to look, learn to

heal then release. If you need to be by yourself and cry, it is important to honor those feelings. It will not serve to repress what you are feeling. If you need to let

go by forgiving or talking to the person involved in spirit, then do this. You are healing yourselves so it is not necessary to physically involve yourselves with whomever

you created the emotion with, unless they are willing to work with you. You are working on a spiritual level which is just as valid as the physical. Watch yourselves, and

if you are able to feel how your moods shift, then pinpoint the thought that instigated that feeling and here you will have a starting point to dig deeper. Release can

take many forms, dreams will often help to release old patterns, so pay attention to these and your every mood. What are you feeling as a mood appears? Often you

are shifting back into the past or moving into the future which throws you off balance. Stay present, observe and release the emotion, by choosing to reach a higher

level of awareness. This will bring peace if actively done. You are not to ignore the emotion,you are looking at what brought it up, decide to heal that pattern by

seeing the emotional picture immersed in love and understanding, hold that feeling until you begin to feel whole again. You may need to do this once a day or 20 times

a day depending on how quickly you are shifting. Always realize, dear ones, that there will be some turmoil in the world around you and in your own sphere of life, but

see these as pictures, appearances for the sake of the many and do not take them too seriously. Keep balanced and centered by sending love to each situation and to

your own being. I cannot repeat this enough dear ones you are challenged to be in the world but not of it. If possible see the humor in the vast projections that now

do their best to capture your attention. Bless them, and go your way. This is how we walk the narrow path, consciously, without fear or judgement and ever willing to

send love in every direction. Babaji

larty35 08-04-2012 08:13 PM

Thank you Lovetruth for a wonderfully timed message

lovetruth 09-04-2012 05:05 PM

You are most welcome larty35, I am just the one who takes dictation.

lovetruth 09-04-2012 05:41 PM

Dear ones, as each of you move through time as instruments of the divine, it is well to remember that each of you are living by a standard set by you, before your

birth. As you weave through life, sometimes remembering the standard you set, sometimes not, it is in this vacillation that brings you eventually back to your purpose.

Duality as a teacher, is ever urging you to reflect on your choices and then learn from your victories and mistakes. It does no good to judge any part of the process,

yet it takes many many lives before this becomes apparent to most souls. It is once one realizes that cause and effect are the rules of the game that one finally can

make the right choices in order to escape the innumerable rounds of rebirth. Those who oppose light and act as the vanguard of evil, also have their purpose in this

game. Theirs is a task of making darkness visible, which then acts as a catalyst which moves one forward by making choice apparent. These, of course, must pay in

karmic debt, but all of the parts make the whole for a specific purpose. Creation is not haphazard, there is a plan, and most fulfill that plan, although it may not be

obvious in the flesh. When you are all reunited in spirit, the many cosmic appearances that are played out throughout the universe will make sense and as brothers and

sisters you will fully understand your part in the play. If you can just grasp this concept, that your lives are important and all aspects of your lives and every player is

your friend although they may play the part of an enemy, all are truly friends and united in the greater plan of continual movement toward perfection. You are

allowed only so much drama dear ones, then you must buckle down and accomplish what you all came to accomplish. If you doubt that you are on your path, examine

how you feel most of the time. If you are mostly motivated to move toward positive outcomes, that lend respect for yourself and others, then you are surely on your

path. Those who choose dark, have chosen from an ancient past, to play out that part, and these are of a different nature than most, yet are still part of the whole

and in the their parts, are dedicated to perform their part well, just as each of you are. I share this because some become paralyzed and cannot move forward,

essentially stuck because the appearances have become quite real in this world of illusion. It does no good to stand still in fear, this only holds one back in a state of

panic which accomplishes nothing. See the game in all its projections. Remember, dear ones,you cannot die. Your spirit ever lives and the flesh in this dream, is but a

prop in this grand play called life. When you are able to see in this way, it will bring a smile to your face and you will understand more easily what the ancient texts

teach, which steer one toward calm in all situations, knowing that illusion, though compelling while being experienced, is but a dream of the creator. Indeed this

chapter is coming to a close in order to open a new chapter with greater possibility toward renewed purpose in light and love. Babaji

Present 10-04-2012 12:18 AM

The above messages are wonderful! My sincere gratitude!


lovetruth 11-04-2012 04:24 PM

Thank you all for your comments. lovetruth

Dear ones you are able to reconcile the opposites and bring them back into balance within yourselves. It is as if you have found your center in the midst of the storm.

Gradually as this state becomes your normal awareness, all around you, also come into balance, as your purified field moves outward. When each of you are projecting

thoughts of love, unity and peace, born of this balance, the shift will take place quickly and easily. Your loving thoughts are contagious and help others gravitate

toward the positive pole when enough beings are projecting from a space of acceptance and love. The limited idea will no longer find a place to roost in your expanded

awareness and these feelings that are of a higher frequency, help to move the mass mind toward change. How important it is then, to bring oneself back into balance

through self examination and much love for yourselves during the process. Allow yourselves joy in this process of awakening. Do you not think the butterfly feels sheer

joy in being transformed from mediocrity to magnificence? Here is your chance to shine and let your glowing inner nature light the world. Freedom need not be fought

for, it only need be recognized as your birthright, and claimed as your own, this alone will project a positive outcome for your lives which will be magnified throughout

the cosmos. The idea of imperfection is the illusion and continues only as long as you believe in its falsity as humanity agreed to so long ago. In shedding the old form

and taking on your true nature, you are transforming from linear to circular thought, which is what sets you free from limitation. As all time connects as an expanded

vision of yourselves and your world, including past, and future along with the present, you will again be acquainted with your ancient and future selves in the

, which will dissolve the perception of time as forward and backward, or linear. The shift from perception, to knowing, keeps you ever aligned in divine mind, it is

here, dear ones, where you meet the fullness of yourselves. Babaji

lovetruth 13-04-2012 06:17 PM

Dear ones, how often do you take the time to bless and thank the earth for her every offering? Just like your physical mothers, she gives without any thought of

receiving back. She does this because she loves you and wants the best for you. Offer the same gratitude to your earth mother. Many still do not acknowledge her

as a living being and regard her as a resource to be conquered. She has willingly taken on this role as your mother, not to be abused, but so you could all learn of her

devotion and love toward your continued spiritual growth in physical structure. Just as you give kind words to your mothers in the flesh and thank her, your earth

mother is grateful to hear your thanks also. Now that the energies are shifting toward greater understanding, please take this a bit further. Be conscious dear ones as

you eat the food the earth has provided you. Do you take the time to bless and thank the life that is your food for its contribution to your bodily health? When your

food is blessed and thanked, it takes on a different vibration within. It takes on the vibration of love and assists the body in creating renewed life with this love. When

you eat unconsciously, you are not respecting the life that has agreed to shift its own form to incorporate into your human form. Do you bless and thank the water

that you drink. It is so easy to not take a thought of these basic requirements, and take them for granted. You are adding love and respect to the whole each time

you are consciously aware when taking nourishment and sweet waters from the earth. Hold her dear, for she is ever ready to give and even in the worst acts of

disregard, she is only thinking of the fullness that you each are moving toward. There is such necessity that the masses awaken to these basic truths and it is learned

by each of you that are already consciously taking these steps in your own lives. Let nothing dissuade you from living in a conscious manner that always respects all

life, in all ways. You are sustained and held in the highest respect by the earth, she is ever willing to give, but she will not allow herself to be destroyed. Each of you

that holds this deeper consciousness is adding to the whole of consciousness and your actions are reflected in your vibration. Please be sincere in your thanks, this

must be done consciously by connecting with your food and water. A haphazard prayer is better that nothing, but realize dear ones every living thing has

consciousness and understands exactly what you are feeling. Every living thing you ingest is transformed by integrating in your own body, this is why it is important to

do so with intent and understanding. It is just a progression, dear ones to the full understanding of your every action and purpose. The ancients understood well the

importance of respect and honoring their food. It is indeed true that when life is respected and loved, it is uplifted by your own consciousness as everything is related.

How often do you thank the rains and snows that give the trees and plants abundant life? If you do so dear ones, you will find that your rains and snows appear as

needed. You are consciously connecting with nature and giving back by being grateful and respectful. This, of course, applies to all things animate and inanimate. Just

because you have judged something as unconscious does not mean that it does not interact with its surroundings, indeed it does and even the rocks hold a

consciousness as a part of the earthly structure. It is wise to be rid of judgement and take the attitude of curiosity, in this way the earth and her secrets are

revealed, one will never learn in arrogance because one is cutting off the connection that is so vital to understanding. Walk consciously, dear ones in everything you

do. Hold the earth dear, and she will willingly grant you her innermost secrets. Babaji

LevitatedOne 14-04-2012 11:20 AM

Amazing angel, Babaji. I've wrote a thread post on my channelled information from my angel, which I haven't known the name yet but he says he's a high angel, that's working with my soul. He has some important information to say.. and I'm now trying to network with souls on similar or higher wavelengths as my soul.. hence this forum is perfect choice. It's a great avenue to expand the knowledges and learn from other souls. Look forward to chatting with you guys.

lovetruth 14-04-2012 05:30 PM

Welcome to the forum Levitated One, Babaji is a enlightened master who lives in the Himalayas, but yes he is certainly an angel too. You can read about him in "Autobiography of a Yogi", by Paramahansa Yogananda. Hoping to hear from your angel. lovetruth

lovetruth 15-04-2012 04:29 PM

Dear ones as your frequencies raise in love, there will come a point when that love becomes unconditional. It is a major shift from the way you have perceived love

during your many lives. The understanding of oneness with the full being, finally unites the little egoic mind with the cosmic mind. Visualize yourselves without any

preconceived prejudice for any peoples, countries, nations etc. If you are holding back your acceptance and love for all conditions/appearances, then you are still held

in conditional love. It will take a major shift in frequency to hold every being as the one. Your vision will no longer be purely human vision it will transcend your every

preconceived idea of what you thought love was. Consider, dear ones, your own lives,and how your world puts labels on love. Can you see now, how dramatic this

shift will be? You are all heading in this very direction, and if you are willing you will transcend the conditional love of the human mind to the transformational love of

the divine. What is transpiring on the earth is of such significance , a ripple that will change the very structure of creation. Now do you understand what a beautiful

gift is your life and every life you have experienced so you would have this opportunity to accelerate into Godhood? I cannot emphasize enough what a gift you have

earned in choosing transition unto multidimensional love. Lest you forget who you are dear ones, let me remind you of your vast and ancient beauty, beyond time and

space, beyond every sorrow-you were created in magnificence and as you choose you shall live in magnificence again. Let go of the petty ideas that separate you

from each other. If you learn nothing else, learn to love one another and lend harmony to every situation with your will. We are moving steadily toward a cosmic

evolution that will carry you as far as you are able to imagine, and you are carrying each other to that destination as the unity of one. Choose to see the divine in

each others eyes and simply look past the human faults. You are judging the shell when if fact you are glimpsing the divine in every encounter. That basic respect will

carry you through the wave of change that is upon the earth. Choose love dear ones, choose to love in the highest form you can, and this alone will help to lead you

to the greater love of the divine. How you master yourselves now, will determine how you will again master the worlds without form. Babaji

lovetruth 17-04-2012 03:56 PM

Dear ones when you ask for something, do you expect to receive or do you put forth doubt and question whether you are deserving? Your lives are one test after

another, a checking and rechecking your beliefs about yourselves and each other. Notice how the same lesson returns again and again until it is healed in your being.

Then, it is wise to examine what you are asking for. If you are asking for the purely material gains, then you are neglecting to understand that all is already provided

from source, there is an element of trust, that all is already yours. The knowing that all is supplied from source within then can make its appearance in the physical.

There is no judgement in what you desire, as your beliefs change, you will realize that the material world is but a temporary set up, and the true gifts are the spiritual

gifts. Should you ask for assistance in holding the higher vibration of love or help in releasing those heavier emotions of distress and fear, you will surely attract the

means to overcome when asked in deepest sincerity. All belief is being tested and revisited to make that all important realization of what is important and what only

serves the finite world that is quickly slipping away, as you know it. Are you still enamored of the material world? Do you keep yourselves planted in the material by

desire of the purely material nature? these are questions you need ask yourselves dear ones. You each have the opportunity to transcend the purely material nature

and move into the vibration of love which will catapult you into forth dimensional thought which is beyond the material constructs of your 3D existence- and yet you are

not limited to the fourth dimensional vibration, as all dimensions are opening and if your heart is purified in love and peace, these too are your to experience. As always,

choice is yours, there is no judgement if you are still immersed in the material, this will continue in another form until all desire before love are experienced and the soul

progresses to a place of longing for the higher ideal. Either way, dear ones, there will be a cleansing on all levels of existence so you can freely expand without such

constraints on your beings. Not all are ready to make the leap in consciousness, yet these have gained greatly by being in the energies of transformation and this will

accelerate their souls progression toward the ultimate choice of divine love. For many, planetary life is yet a new experience and the road toward perfection yet lays

before these souls. For others, this is the last passage in the purely material realms and these yearn for a spiritual world that is undivided and purified in the vibration of

love for all. Here each will make a choice to reach beyond the old and yet they have not entirely learned to love their fellow beings. Those who hold the vibration of

love help to uplift these so the evolution of the soul will progress more quickly. As many of you have chosen to be here to heal, others are here to hold the highest

vibration to create a pathway for the many. This, dear ones, is a job that goes beyond your daily duties, it is your purpose for being incarnate at this time. shake

yourselves free of limitation, see the larger picture, dear ones, it calls you, and when you heed the calling, your lives will unfold in those beautiful ways that the spirit

alone knows. Babaji

Solace733 17-04-2012 05:50 PM

I really appreciate your posts lovetruth, thank you for sharing them.:smile:

lovetruth 18-04-2012 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Solace733
I really appreciate your posts lovetruth, thank you for sharing them.:smile:

You are so welcome Solace, God bless, lovetruth :hug2:

lovetruth 19-04-2012 04:05 PM

Dear ones, it is the spiritual light that is within that will walk you through the many stories that are being presented to each of you. You are learning to trust the inner

voice as you are reunited with the whole of your spirits. Because life in its progressions offers many different possibilities for expansion and the appearances are but a

fraction of the whole of you, there have been attempts to hide you from your greater self. This was done to keep you from fully expanding into your fullness. In the

larger picture it was to teach humanity to move within the inner realms and touch the spirit as source within. What has transpired is a general mistrust of the masses

to touch deeply the inner realms, as these have been manipulated by some to confuse you and you have looked outside yourselves for answers that can only be found

within. Now is the time to reconnect with your inner realms and learn fully the truth of your creation, not the version that has been forced on you. Awareness is

gained by trusting in your divine presence, and when one chooses to ignore the inner, the outer world will continue to look chaotic and confusing. Is it any wonder that

you are all tired of the vast games foisted upon you, to keep you confined to outer awareness and therefore blind to your true brilliance. All is given in guise, to push

you beyond your comfort zones and beliefs so you can surrender to the light that will lead you beyond the appearances of the outside world. Surrender to light and

love takes away your vulnerability to those who lead by deception and your power is regained in truth. Dear ones, the old karmas are now revealing the old order and

hanging them out to be observed for what they are. Your inner cleansing helps to draw the pus from the wound, so to speak, you can no longer deny the ancient

wounds, these now need to be opened within yourselves and examined for what they are, so the rift can heal. When this is done in greater numbers, and this is already

occurring, the old order will fall away having served its purpose as a catalyst for change. Control is the old order and it has strangled the human psyche with its many

tentacles that were far reaching-yet in truth, dear ones, you were always free, you merely chose the false as your reality for a short time in cosmic reckoning, as a

fulfillment toward your divine growth. When one is healed, the struggle is forgotten and as the old wound closes, one puts its attention toward what is to come and

lets go of the pain of the past. This is where you stand at this time, on the great threshold of change, ready to forgive, then move into your true states of divine

grace, the pure place of which you belong. In the final cleansing you shall shine with such inner beauty, as the false is cast into the fires or transformation. The

beautiful symbols of the butterfly and phoenix are symbols of your rebirth into spirit from a physical illusion that has long played out but now dissolves as you gently

awaken. Hold onto your expanded awareness, dear ones, affirm that you are beings of love in every moment and let your inner light shine forth for all to see. It is the

light that negates the old dream and rouses you to full awakening. Babaji

ladylight 20-04-2012 02:08 AM

thank you for sharing. ~peace.

lovetruth 21-04-2012 04:41 PM

Dear ones, recognizing that your existence has been planned since the very beginning of physical creation, it has been ordained from the beginning that the human

would overcome the greatest obstacle and that is in recognizing a heritage that includes all the various races that inhabit the cosmos. Yours is a nature that learns

through varied emotions, which is the depth of your uniqueness. Intelligence of the divine, manifested in the flesh, has been a long experiment that began many ages

ago. Always, when put to the test, the human finds a way to overcome, and in victory remakes itself. There is more to each of you than you can possibly realize and

though you exhibit faults, you also exhibit brilliance, part of the dualistic dynamo you have expressed for such a long endurance. In choosing this expression, you have

each moved through the gamut of identities and personalities, testing all phases of existence in the mortal body, but truly, as spirit gaining a vision that is recognized by

the entities that are indeed your cosmic brothers and sisters. All achieve this passage through physicality, but the earth was deeply influenced to the very depth of

this dualistic drama. Yours has been a world with little middle ground, the opposites being extreme. Yet, dear ones, you are making this passage and even though much

of your experience has been manipulated, so that you could live and learn by such obvious contrasts, you will be victorious. The innate spirit is again recognizing itself

through all these processes, and it wills to overcome the false images in exchange for the truth. The contrasts, like a roller coaster ride, have been scary and

exhilarating at the same time, and these experiences ever push you forward. Such is the beauty of your lives, as you stand up to the manipulation, your inner gifts

reveal the many solutions that you will pass on, as you begin to rise above the purely physical world. Those who choose to stay in physicality for a bit longer, will be

enabled of these tools and will again exert their free wills to create a more loving existence. The lesson of love will penetrate all levels of existence to bring peace and

equality once again to those who have chosen love over fear. Ever keep your hearts purified in love to help those who yet wander in confusion, for these dear ones will

be the leaders in love next time, just as you are in this present timing. Babaji

Illumine 21-04-2012 05:22 PM

I really enjoyed the last message in particular, thank you very much for sharing, lovetruth!

lovetruth 22-04-2012 04:02 PM

Ladylight and Illumine, you are most welcome. I will keep posting as long as I receive messages from Babaji. Blessings, lovetruth

lovetruth 23-04-2012 03:43 PM

Dear ones, recognize your part in discovering the most relevant means of choosing your truths. Many say they hold the only truth, but you are encouraged to test your

truths day by day. It is a time to trust your inner wisdom and intuition. If you do not question those who have upheld the religious, political systems and structures of

your world, you will have a difficult time in testing beliefs about yourself. As these institutions are exposed, so too is your inner theater for you to examine. It is the

ultimate goal of every being on earth, to look deep within and question what you hold true. If it is truth only, because you have been taught that it is true, be

prepared to see it fall as shifting awareness exposes all supposition. For some time there will be a great shock to the system, more so for those who have never

questioned or tested belief. Exposure is necessary, as always, one cannot hide blindly from the self or the world forever. At some point one must face what is before

and within them. I mention this dear ones, because so many have not prepared the way for their spiritual evolution by lack of interest or sheer laziness. These is speak

of, came here to make the shift, but have become lost in the maze of life and forgotten their purpose. As the old is exposed, some of these will awaken and forge

ahead. There are many levels of understanding amongst humanity and this is of a purpose.

What appears physical, holds a clue as to what has served as true and what has served as false. Remember dear ones, the casing or body, has no real power without

the innate spirit and therefore it has no reality. What you are dealing with is an illusion within an illusion. The body serves to put you in time and space, thus you

believe that the dream is real because of the senses that direct your input. In truth the body is but light. the deeper illusion is the belief that you occupy physicality

as separate and carry the illusion to the world around you. There has been a great disservice done to humanity in limiting your awareness to the physical construct

without a line directly to spirit. It is imperative you remember that this is based in belief, in truth your spirits are always connected, yet at one time, you all realized

this and lived it in every moment. The body has become the "reality" and this must be unraveled by examining every belief based in falsity. Once you have touched the

spirit and know it as the only reality, the dream begins to fade and the limited belief dissolves. What a great discovery, dear ones, to remember that you have only

been dreaming a dream of fear, and now you can raise up as spirit and face the dream, knowing that it has held your attention and distracted you from your inner

truth. Those who have attempted to keep you in a state of delusion, will fast fail, as they have lost their (only imagined) source of power, which is purely finite and

has no endurance once discovered. I stress this again, dear ones, the key to your release is love and this must be foremost in your awareness and constantly stoked

with the fires of devotion for all. Those who control the dream cannot be sustained by love, only fear. It is the duty which each of you came here to uphold in the

name of change. Babaji

barrynu 23-04-2012 06:38 PM

Thank you lovetruth for all of the messages from Babaji.They are giving me clarity on my journey.

lovetruth 24-04-2012 03:36 PM

:hug3: God bless, barrynu

lovetruth 25-04-2012 04:49 PM

Dear ones, the finite restricts its experience to the perceptions, whereas the infinite has no limit in experience, nor does the infinite restrict any form of experience. In

the physical worlds, certain rules apply only while one is agreeing to the physical construct. The infinite mind already knows the outcome of every life experience as all

is created in the now, and therefore has no beginning or end. Could you retain the knowledge and experience in a place of silent acceptance, you would be touching

the source of all that is. The infinite holds every thought, every experience, yet it is unmoved by it. It is the silent wisdom that accepts but is removed. This dear

ones, is how your spirit perceives. It observes with grace and wisdom, never moved or swayed, accepting, loving and whole, fully aware that there is but the action

love experiencing full circle every aspect of creation. It does not judge, nor does it expect a certain outcome, it being fully realized, simply enjoys the cosmic show. As

awareness meets the infinite, this will be your experience, because the finite having awaken to the truth, lets the constructs fall away as infinite awareness dawns.

The finite is but a program to awaken the soul to its full potential as the divine spark. There are layers of creation, expanding and contracting continually in the mind of

the infinite. It has no boundaries, as it exists here and now. Love is the one constant of the divine, it is love manifest and love at rest. It is

stillness and movement, void and light. Spirit moves continually back to source yet it has never left. Can you see source is ever the mystery that is fathomless.

Through all the infinite interactions with itself it is extended, yet within itself. I ask you dear ones, what can be greater than this? Babaji

Hello everyone, I will be gone for about five days so there will not be messages for a bit. Love to all, lovetruth

Xan 27-04-2012 02:55 AM

Thank you, Babaji.

~ ~

EricDraven 29-04-2012 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Hello everyone, I will be gone for about five days so there will not be messages for a bit. Love to all, lovetruth

NOOOOOOOOO!! I'm already suffering withdrawal symptoms. :icon_eek:

Much LOVE to Babaji and lovetruth! :hug:

lovetruth 01-05-2012 04:54 PM

Dear ones, structure, patterns and movement are all part of the mind constructs of physical reality, but these are not solid. It is mind that holds it all together as

form. Creative thought is what makes up the formless into the idea of form. Idea is what makes tangible that which is light. Just as your dreams at night, are formed

around an idea and then play out as a reality, so too is your life based on idea and played out. Each dimension has its own structure according to the belief attached

to that structure and the idea behind it. So reality is movement or expression of the form "idea", yet all is born of stillness, the infinite void that holds the energy of

creation. Your spirit creates the circumstances that are needed for your growth and expansion. The spirit "source" is infinite knowledge and it provides the mirror that

reflects back to you what you most need to learn. Can you see life is pure intelligence, and there is no room for mistakes, it all has a specific purpose that unfolds in

each fragment as a reflection of the whole? Your science, has yet to open the door to infinite knowledge, because awareness is still centered in the finite mind without

the acceptance of spirit as the source of all knowledge. The finite mind tries to compartmentalize what cannot be held in a limited idea. When humanity learns the

truth of the spirit or source, and acknowledges it is powerless without source, then the ageless secrets of nature and energy will be revealed and a whole new idea

based on unity will reveal the unlimited expansion of love as the source of all and will unlock finite awareness to infinite awareness, beyond space and time. One can

only perform in its beliefs and will not move forward until that belief is expanded beyond limitation. It is at this point that the structure of belief can be fully released

and then just experience as an expression of source. This of course, is a progression and is realized in steps. One will experience on a whole different level once belief

is cast away as limited perception. Here dear ones, are where miracles are born, because one who holds the awareness of the all is creating as fully conscious, and

these creations are instantaneous, there is no need of form, as consciousness is idea. Here one has graduated from creating in by idea, then using the energy in form

to create, to idea, beyond the construct of form. Consciousness arises from the stillness which is who you are, the infinite void that is the source of all expression.


lovetruth 04-05-2012 04:06 PM

Dear ones, let kindness be your motive as you walk through life. Every being deserves respect and recognition, love and peace. One finds their center in this way and

receives from the universal peace, in kind. All beings are climbing the cosmic ladder and all have a reason for existence even the most minute, are the fullness of spirit

and fill their role toward perfection. If you limit your awareness of any part of creation, then you limit your own unfolding, because every being holds a connection to

the whole. It is this walking in beauty, that brings one to enlightenment, knowing full well that source is your every interaction. Do not be afraid to live with a

clear vision, that acknowledges all, this is your gift in living, for in sharing acknowledgement, you share your essence with all of creation. You are learning to walk in

wisdom dear ones, and you are learning to be authentic, there is nothing to hide. If one hides their beauty from each other then this one hides also from self. Do you

see dear ones, life does not limit you, it is simply a limited idea that locks the door to your fullness, and once this is understood, you will no longer build barriers to your

unfolding. The infinite is sweetness, it is ever sharing itself and the infinite only asks that the favor is returned. Not from a place of control but from a place of

willingness by understanding who you are, living that true expression of the divine. How simple, when one takes the time to see the whole picture instead of the

fragment, or the idea of belief in separation. There is a saying, if you want to be more, then give more. Use your talents and wisdom for the unfolding of all, and you

live in true service. It is being aware of who you are, in all circumstances, this alone helps your fellow beings, because when you are consistent in love, all benefit.

The idea ever unfolds and as you reach within and pull forth your best to share with the world, the world will share its best with you. Give and take, are but the circle

that always returns to you what you offer without expectation. As your hearts expand, you will understand this and you will want to share your love and beauty with

each other as the flowing of your spirit naturally shares its sweet scent with the all. The idea of self benefit becomes the benefit of the all, because life is finally

understood as the reflection of yourself. You all have the ability, dear ones, to share your essence with nature and listen for the message she gives willingly to you.

The entire universe waits to hear from you, your own wisdom and joys. All is a living extension of the divine, all is wise and beautiful, it is your challenge to touch the

very essence of all and see within the divine idea. Babaji

lovetruth 06-05-2012 03:54 PM

Reach deep into your beings, dear ones, and heal with intention all of your old dreams, habits, density and fears. As your soul is cleansed of the old order, a new light

will descend and fill the void. It is your chance to create consciously, but to create consciously requires that it is done in full integrity. Use your voice to heal

yourselves, sound carries vibration and with your own voice, you can open your energy centers fully. This is accomplished by using your intuition. When a tone is

made, notice where you feel it in your spine. With practice, this will only take five or ten minutes to open all seven of the bodily energy centers. When you tone up

the scale with your voice and you feel the spinning energy has touched all seven energy centers in the body, move to the next highest octave and cleanse your

spiritual centers that are outside and above the physical body. Adjust your voice to help break up any blockages that are still being held. There is no right or wrong

way of doing this, the point is to use your own intuition and trust what comes. You may find that your voice becomes very strong and rich with vibration as you

practice this. This is best done in nature, where you will not be disturbed but it can be used anywhere. Take a few minutes to relax before you start, then begin at

your lowest energy center and move upward. this will serve you best if it is done in a joyful manner, in other words do not make it a chore. It will have a profound

effect if done daily or at least weekly. All forms of energy work will help your emotional and physical body to release, and this is the time to attempt such release. Your

every effort will bring greater results than what would have been possible even a year ago. When you work with intent and purpose, and are clear of what you wish to

accomplish, you are rewarded with a push from the cosmos. This does not take great effort dear ones, and the results are most beneficial. If there is a lack of privacy,

sound the tones in your head, it is intent that is most important. If it is helpful, record your voice, but you will likely find that you tones will change daily as you break

through years of resistance. It is also helpful to listen always to the sounds of nature, the wind, rain, bird song etc. It is well to stay connected with the earth so you

can attune to her rhythms as the ancients did. Sit upon the earth and place your hands upon her, or better, remove your shoes. All these exercises will help you to

stay in balance and free up your energy. Use your imagination to let go of the old fears, beliefs and habits, then feel the difference in your bodies after you do these

exercises. Hold that balance and remember that you need not give into an unbalanced state, that is choice. When blockages are removed, you will feel the movement

of energy again and it will flow from your feet to your crown. If the flow stops, this will help you to feel when you are in resistance, so you can change your state of

mind and re-balance. This flowing energy is a very pleasant sensation and once accomplished, it will be remembered and become second nature to re-establish your

connection with the earth and her energy. This, then, can be channeled for healing of self, each other, or it can be given back to the earth for healing, or just

acknowledging her for what she freely gives each of her children. Be creative, dear ones, let your intuition guide you and learn to trust that inner guidance. Babaji

barrynu 06-05-2012 07:57 PM

Thank you.

lovetruth 08-05-2012 04:20 PM

You are all most welcome

Dear ones, your lives are met with challenges at this time but also with beauty and it is up to each of you to choose what you will experience. How many times have

you been in a beautiful place, but your mind is elsewhere, therefore you miss the opportunity to respond to the magnificence around you. It is most common, dear

ones, for the mind to be removed from what is occurring in the now. This disconnect happens, because one is projecting or creating in a place other than the now.

One must unlearn these habits which were instilled from a young age and hold you trapped in a lie. All one has is the now, and now is present, it is the only reality as

all happens in the now, it cannot be otherwise. Were you to carry a small notebook and write down your observations of your thought processes, then reflect on them,

you would find that much awareness is wasted in not being present. This is a trap that holds you to an inferior consciousness, because it separates you from what is

occurring and puts you again in the dreamworld. Therefore, be conscious in each moment and this takes some willingness-you may find that you are easily distracted

from what is your experience by placing filters of your past on it. Here one finds the greater freedom if the mind has been disciplined and trained to focus on the

present surroundings. A thorough cleansing of the emotional body will help to keep the mind from wandering to the thoughts of past encounters. Life is a reminder of

what has occurred but one can easily be distracted from the now by these reminders if not consciously watching self. If this is your experience, use the opportunity to

heal that thought that keeps returning to your consciousness so it can be understood for what it is and let go of. After much practice it will become easier to stay

present. This also takes a willingness to face everything head on, instead of avoiding the emotions of what is before you. These are conscious acts, with awareness

and these keep you in remembrance of who you are. You will never learn by avoiding your situations, it is necessary to find acceptance in all your experiences, in the

now. Every being judges experience by the past, but this too can be healed by letting go of the emotional attachment to the past, by facing and healing those

emotions. Accept what you have learned by each situation with appreciation for the lesson, even if it was perceived as painful. Really, dear ones, it is simple and

enjoyable to heal the old dreams. Make a game of it and life will again flow for you. Always plant new seeds in the garden of your heart, even as you harvest the

bounty of your learning. Let these sprout and grow stronger and more beautiful than the lessons before. Your hearts are so filled with beauty and love and when given

a chance they overflow with abundant love that heals the wounds that are really only your most needed lessons. Guidance is assured, dear ones when you approach

life with such innocence and curiosity. Babaji

lovetruth 10-05-2012 03:53 PM

Every time you hold a judgement, dear ones, you cast a shadow upon yourself that holds you in bondage. This shadow can be thought of as karma, it is a false

reflection and it is necessary to heal. Therefore stay conscious and let those judgements rise to the surface so that you are not fooled by them. No matter what you

experience in the now, look at it and determine if you are being led by the old false images that put you in a place of superiority. Examine all these states of mind, all

these feelings and actions. You will be put to the test if you have chosen the path of love beyond all inferior demands of the false self, or ego. It is when you are lying

to yourself that takes the greatest courage and honesty to look again at your motive. Is it based in love, or it is based in fear? Choosing love will diminish the

situations because you will be accepting that truth and living that truth. Dear ones, you do create your own circumstances and you also create your tests. Your spirit

is ever moving you toward perfection when you have made the decision to expand spiritually. As the soul learns to accept the lessons with grace, its circumstances

come into balance also. It is not enough to love, you must also cleanse your inner world where there is still conflict because this, acting as a mirror, creates those

negative circumstances that you are hiding from yourself. I assure you dear ones, as you do this work and loosen up the old concepts that hide your beauty, you will

prosper in every avenue of life. Limited and selfish ideas are to be rooted out and brought to the light of day, then examined and released. This is the work that too

many avoid, because it is a task that reveals the false self that has too often become your identity in your finite minds. Dear ones, it must all be looked at, these, your

creations, are not something to be ashamed of, these, you created for a reason to bring you to your present awareness, so do not be too hard on yourselves, but make

the commitment to examine, then reexamine your every shadow so it can at last be revealed and healed. One does not become fully unlimited unless this important

work is accomplished. Recognize those mirrors that keep coming up in your life and face them. You will find that fear is only a beast until understood and tamed. All

these false images will fall away as you heal and it will feel as if a great burden has fallen from your shoulders. The burden is the lie, it is the belief in a false self that

has no real power because it is illusion. You all have need to wake yourselves by sheer willingness to change. No one can do this for you, but dear ones your new

vibration of overcoming the false will reach out to all. I ask you to take this work seriously and fulfill your contracts made long ago, as you are all very capable of doing

so. The effect of this process is powerful and it will only bring you greater joy and peace as you fulfill with integrity your greatest role. Babaji

Queen Of Light 12-05-2012 12:26 AM

I cannot thank you enough for posting these Lovetruth!! I didn't even notice this thread until today and I am just soaking all of this knowledge in. I am learning SO much from all of these messages from Babaji and am determined to apply all of this wisdom to my own life.

Please keep posting! :hug3:

lovetruth 12-05-2012 02:26 PM

Dear Queen of Light and all those who post comments. I love being able to transmit Babajis messages. They also help me so much.
Blessings to all of you, lovetruth

Dear ones, your power has always been with you, what you have not always realized is that it is within you. When you look to the outside for healing, acquiring and

learning, you are sidestepping your inner reserve- that is where all springs from. Test all through your inner being first. When your vision begins from within and

acknowledges the force of creation that you are, you will begin to create and heal in a way that unifies and recognizes your special connection with the all. This is the

power that you have sought, and yet it slipped through you fingers, because you still held the force of belief that it was given or learned or passed down, when in truth

the wisdom has always been within you. Go within , dear ones, to this still point and feel the source of all, then plant your dream of your soul emerging from the ether

and growing into that perfect vision. It is here that you create unconditional love, beauty and wisdom. It is here, that all true creation germinates and takes hold in

he constructs of matter. When you fully understand this, fear will never again haunt you. Do you understand, dear ones, that when you have reached this point of

wisdom, you will no longer create anything unbalanced. All your creations are for the benefit of the whole and these creations will build you into the masters that have

been hidden from your earlier creations, only because you have lacked belief in your perfection and beauty. This is where the cosmos is leading you dear ones, to this

perfect vision that walks fully illuminated and with divine intent. It is here that you meet your divinity and embrace in yourself the creators vision of you. This

realization, once felt, is great, yet ponderous for it carries much responsibility and challenges, because power can be misused, yet you are all coming to the realization

that power misused is always destructive. Never again will you create from the limited viewpoint of separation, rather your creations, based in unity, will uplift all and

none will be left out of your vision. Each of you will harness this power as another step in your expanding evolution. Babaji

lovetruth 15-05-2012 03:25 PM

Dear ones, how you choose to handle your lives, directly reflects on your immediate future. Every nuance has been accelerated in the process of learning because as a

cycle closes, the illusion of time is compacted and layered. The difference dear ones, is that the lessons are from all of your lives and they manifest so that you can

heal and release your ancient patterns, as all is unraveling. Those who have held you trapped in a limited frequency or continuous loop, can no longer hold you. If you

choose to heal, you are breaking open the circle so that you can finally find awareness in your deepest consciousness, and be released. Always, at the end of one

cycle, the old patterns emerge to be released and therefore it can feel as if the information is too much to handle, yet the patterns can also be released more easily. It

is similar to looking through old files that no longer apply to your current life. Some of them need to be burned in the fires of transformation to release the trauma

attached, others looked at carefully once more before being discarded. Your experiences, really have been your gems, these that force growth and accountability, they

are not to be thought of as unwelcome but as friends that have helped you to look where it was uncomfortable of fearful. All these records of your lives are of great

importance because they are the reflections of your lives and you can go back and really understand how they influenced you to change. So you are healing the trauma

and seeing these lessons in a different light. You are now very close to releasing the pain after learning all the untold lessons that they held. Does one not carefully

clean the sick room after a healing is manifested? You open the windows and let in the sunshine. This is what you are doing in your lives right now, sorting, cleaning

and rearranging the many files of your existence, keeping in your hearts the lessons, but discarding the pain and the memory of pain. Your new awareness is based in

the healing and renewal of your being, so let in the air and sunshine, shake out the debris that seemed to stick to you and wash it away, as it is no longer a part of the

awakened you. You are healing the dream dear ones. Reality takes on a new flavor, and can show you what is possible, therefore the limitation of the old era, must

also go with the old patterns so a new vision can be revealed. In each chapter of life, you outgrow the old and move toward what is life giving, those painful lessons

are no more, these have served their purpose and it is only choice to hang on to these. Inner trust will lead you because you now carry trust within, knowing that it

has always guided you, yet you did not always listen to its voice. You are all reaching the spiritual maturity that brings grace and wisdom, which shines from the inner

source and brings new confidence based in truth. You are ever creating new crossroads to further you growth and the crossroad you approach has been awaited and

looked to as a major road to awakening and healing. All beings benefit from this renewal, the energy of shifting consciousness, and all will eagerly carry this energy and

wisdom onward to the next beautiful task at hand. Babaji

lovetruth 17-05-2012 04:40 PM

Dear ones, I look on and I see your diversity, your beauty and your magnificence. Could you see from my perspective how you have stretched and grown by combining

compassion and love in your lives when it is least expected. Yes, dear ones, your compassion is deep when it is touched upon and your soul is stirred, and yet you

display foolishness at times contrary to your wisdom. In all of this comes the final gift of wisdom, when you can juggle the mysteries with your own life and manage to

create something different. Your DNA vibrates with this energy and moves you toward change just as you stand at the brink of desperation. Our task has always been

one that combines courage and stamina, as 3D living has its own unique challenges. Consider, dear ones, all the knowledge you have accumulated through all the plays

and dramas you have lived, each is etched into your soul as a memory, a recording of your every emotion, your every discovery and downfall and in all of it, one but

plays a part in living that feels so real that you lose your true identity amongst the varied scenes. Be assured, dear ones, as you awaken and remember the full purpose

and continuity of your living, you will cherish every moment of your experience, fully knowing that it was all of necessity and a part of the grand design that you are.

Every fault, every nagging habit has a purpose in fulfilling the story that you have each lived seemingly separate, yet in fact sharing your stories with one another as

knowledge and wisdom. All those creations are beautiful, they are your scrapbook of time laid out for you to look back on and touch, so that it can ultimately be

shared. Your experience is valid, it is of greater importance than you can fathom at this time, because you are so involved with the details, you often cannot see the

vision that has put it all into motion. It is where you will look back and see that every moment was a moment of choice, not good nor bad, nothing to be ashamed of or

regret, all of it a necessity to lift you from a seedling to a star. Dear ones, view your lives from this lofty perspective, it is the truth of you, the beauty and wisdom of

you. I have mentioned that you are being observed and the observers are mystified and intrigued with your chaos and with your strength in the face of adversity, and

in the face of love. This has been your unfolding, the great distance between dualities that push you from one extreme to another, until you ultimately find your

balance. Many of your souls are old and wise, tired, yet exhilarated by what has been seen, lived and shared through the ages and you now seek rest from the ever

constant movement of life, and indeed there will be rest, but remember dear ones, the path continues onward and upward toward even loftier goals and understandings

and you will, after taking rest, decide once more what multi-layered path you will design for yourselves as creators toward you next experience. Life in all aspects,

holds a key to your next move in the cosmic drama and thus the next step in your unfolding. Babaji

Gr4ssh0pp3r 17-05-2012 07:49 PM

It certainly is a good time to be alive! Thanks for playing the messenger, lovetruth.


lovetruth 19-05-2012 03:12 PM

You are most welcome Gr4ssh0pp3r

Dear ones, your lives by design, are influenced by the blueprint that you have taken on, each being, has a duty to perform always with the intention to move you

forward spiritually. Thus you are experiencing a specific program as a part of the whole. All of these blueprints are specific to a purpose or plan that has been

implemented for the planet and all who participate as a part of the planet. Some have come here to raise the energetic vibration from a state of stagnation to greater

movement. You are part of a certain harmonic that has a healing effect on the whole planet by breaking up and redistributing energy in a more balanced manner. You

can think of each century as a different movement in a symphony that has been playing since the act of creation and that symphony becomes more beautiful as the

dissonance changes to harmony, and flows in perfect melody. All of life is based in geometries as a manifested rhythm throughout the cosmos. This is why music and

art have such a influence on the soul, because its beauty resonates with cosmic order and moves the soul. The wind, rain and natures sounds have the same influence

upon the body. These forces being powerful, can also be destructive , but the purpose is always to bring back into balance that which is out of harmony. All cycles of

the universe are tied to the earth and to each of you as a part of the whole and therefore you are influenced by the balance or imbalance that plays out around you.

When you find your still-point within, you are helping to reset the earths balance in this simple act. She responds to you and you respond to her as living aspects of

creation. Anger is like a jagged line of energy that disrupts the balance, also fear. Love is a flowing movement that harmonizes with all around it and helps to even out

any disharmonious energies. In this, dear ones, you can see how your every mood affects the world around you, and you are learning to stay balanced because this is

something that can be felt. It just takes understanding to begin walking in the order of the divine, instead of creating chaotic emotions that diffuse energy and

dis-join. Let your heart be your guidance in this and always watch your choices, are they harmonious or disruptive? Once one is aware, these become easy to detect

and one can observe these choices with a discerning eye. Is is not that you should avoid emotion, dear ones, but watch yourselves and decide if you are creating

drama out of a need for attention or if you are playing the role of a victim. It is wise to be aware of why you make your choices and then work on balance in all

situations. It is a habit of honesty and a wish to overcome that which is false. the false self is accustomed to deceiving and holding power over others. It is you job,

dear ones to know whom you are allowing to rule, through the process. Babaji

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