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LadyMay 17-08-2014 11:42 AM

Yes, there are souls out there who could enjoy such a low vibration. I was probably one of them this time last year, before my awakening. And in fact I'm pretty sure I've been one of them before, at some point in my existence. It's not really 'insanity', it's just experiencing the opposite side of the coin. I think we assume here that morality is the norm.. but there are psychopaths who have no morality at all. I don't really know spiritually what makes psychopaths different from us, maybe other than the fact that they wanted to experience having no morality? If you have no morality then what is insane about a low vibrational realm? It's probably like the perfect playground.

Then of course there are those who are depressed and negative all the time and go to the lower realms to be purged.. because the Light would be too intense for them.. they would be in extreme agony, more so than in lower vibrational dense light (aka darkness) which they experience to be 'cleansed'.

I don't think anyone for sure really knows how it works.. but it doesn't matter too much anyway.. we're the ones creating our own reality :)

7-Days-Luck 17-08-2014 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
Yes, there are souls out there who could enjoy such a low vibration. I was probably one of them this time last year, before my awakening. And in fact I'm pretty sure I've been one of them before, at some point in my existence. It's not really 'insanity', it's just experiencing the opposite side of the coin. I think we assume here that morality is the norm.. but there are psychopaths who have no morality at all. I don't really know spiritually what makes psychopaths different from us, maybe other than the fact that they wanted to experience having no morality? If you have no morality then what is insane about a low vibrational realm? It's probably like the perfect playground.

Then of course there are those who are depressed and negative all the time and go to the lower realms to be purged.. because the Light would be too intense for them.. they would be in extreme agony, more so than in lower vibrational dense light (aka darkness) which they experience to be 'cleansed'.

I don't think anyone for sure really knows how it works.. but it doesn't matter too much anyway.. we're the ones creating our own reality :)

Exactly XD "we're the ones creating our own reality" love that phrase XP

It depends on what the 'mind' wants. In this case, what do we think we want.

As for insane and weird people. It's like a person who is happy with horror stuff, so imagine having that thing they want. Imagine you accidentally pop out in that particular random house and u think it's hellhole cos of its decorations and atmosphere (magic~)
And you also met people who just says "BLEH, I HATE THE LIGHT. I am the daaark~~" it's them, that's their personality. Sometimes, gloomy people are just gloomy, and they somehow are still okay with it. Remember, not everyone is the same, and many people are especially weird.
Same goes with animals, like bats and owls. Like their eyes are sensitive to light, so if too much light they get blinded. It's all almost the same in a way.

As for the 'purging', yes, a number of people here say the bad/sad souls are healed slowly. Then again, it's up to that person if they wanna be healed completely, or if they wanna change their thinking and join the Light. No one forces them to do this or that.
I understand that there is no 'Hell', a place where they torture bad souls for eternity. Cos the 'bad' still plays a part in life. Something like the movies, no bad guys, the good guy doesn't shine out and no story. Having a prison just to discipline some people for a temporary time, yes I can understand, but a prison to lock someone for all eternity and continuously torturing them, no thank you.

For me, I am ok with that way of thinking. As for people who can't understand how does the 'bad' can be let go and not punished. Then think this. If there is not a single bad in life, it would be dull, nothing happening much. So the bad comes in and help balance things out and make lots of stuff happens. In other words, the bad also plays a part, which is helping. If the bad is helping in contributing to the balance, why should they be punished for all eternity?

And then another thought comes in. Like what if people ask "What if there is too much bad?" the same goes with this question "What if there is too much good?" The bad or good will come in to help balance things up.

I am gonna stop now before I branch out to a topic that is totally not related with this thread I made LOL XD

Raphah 17-08-2014 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
Yes, there are souls out there who could enjoy such a low vibration. I was probably one of them this time last year, before my awakening. And in fact I'm pretty sure I've been one of them before, at some point in my existence. It's not really 'insanity', it's just experiencing the opposite side of the coin. I think we assume here that morality is the norm.. but there are psychopaths who have no morality at all. I don't really know spiritually what makes psychopaths different from us, maybe other than the fact that they wanted to experience having no morality? If you have no morality then what is insane about a low vibrational realm? It's probably like the perfect playground.

Then of course there are those who are depressed and negative all the time and go to the lower realms to be purged.. because the Light would be too intense for them.. they would be in extreme agony, more so than in lower vibrational dense light (aka darkness) which they experience to be 'cleansed'.

I don't think anyone for sure really knows how it works.. but it doesn't matter too much anyway.. we're the ones creating our own reality :)

Yeah, i suppose it would be heaven for a psychopath.

The problem is that words like fear, depression, sadness and misery take real form in that place down there. It literally crushes a persons body into the ground.

i suppose wraiths can survive in that negative plane as they don't have physical bodies.

An angel once said that there are negative entities down there that actually enjoy being on a tight leash given orders by their commanding officer to inflict suffering upon others.

7-Days-Luck 17-08-2014 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Raphah
Yeah, i suppose it would be heaven for a psychopath.

The problem is that words like fear, depression, sadness and misery take real form in that place down there. It literally crushes a persons body into the ground.

i suppose wraiths can survive in that negative plane as they don't have physical bodies.

An angel once said that there are negative entities down there that actually enjoy being on a tight leash given orders by their commanding officer to inflict suffering upon others.

To Raphah ,

LOL exactly XD

(and that's where masochists and sadists come in, ya can't blame em LOL)

I somehow have to laugh as I imagine the angel's face when they explain that to ya about the negative entities enjoying being on tight leash (neutral face or not) LOL

SemperVI 17-08-2014 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by 7-Days-Luck
So what ya are saying is, it depends where everyone wants to go?

Like, I can understand some people might not like to be in heaven (a plane filled lots of looove) because it might be too comfortable and nice for them. Like me, I might not like a place that is too comfortable. I prefer places where there is balance of good and bad, and the balance of luck and chance XD

Wow, I am loving the universe more and more now XD

I'm not sure it is about where everyone wants to go per se - it is more about what everyone - more specifically the individual soul wants to experience. From what I understand, just as in this world, you manifest and attract other souls who have similar/compatible spiritual understanding. To be honest, I am not sure what "Heaven" is. I guess for me it is sort of synonymous for the after life. Unfortunately, this term implies a reward for living a good [fill in the belief system] life. Accordingly, another concept was manifested in our material world called Hell to explain what happens to others who do not see things your way. Unfortunately, there are a lot of souls who decide to put themselves in this place because they believe they deserve it and then will it.

I used to practice Christianity and I have lots of friends and family who are very faithful Christians. For them, Heaven is a place that is the purpose, epitome and pinnacle of their faith. Accordingly, for many of them - this is precisely what they will manifest and attract. I have nothing but respect for Christians, but my idea of Heaven is not ALL about praise and worship for eternity. My idea of "Heaven" is about unconditional love and understanding for all of existence. For this reason I will not attract the typical Christian soul. I will certainly visit and experience this realm. I can't wait to meet Jesus! But this realm will probably not be my home.

Sorry - sort of went on a rant. My point is, the spiritual realm is not all that much different than the material world we live in. You have free will, you create what you want, you associate with those who you are comfortable with and you gain understanding through experience. I'll shut up now :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

7-Days-Luck 18-08-2014 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by SemperVI
I'm not sure it is about where everyone wants to go per se - it is more about what everyone - more specifically the individual soul wants to experience. From what I understand, just as in this world, you manifest and attract other souls who have similar/compatible spiritual understanding. To be honest, I am not sure what "Heaven" is. I guess for me it is sort of synonymous for the after life. Unfortunately, this term implies a reward for living a good [fill in the belief system] life. Accordingly, another concept was manifested in our material world called Hell to explain what happens to others who do not see things your way. Unfortunately, there are a lot of souls who decide to put themselves in this place because they believe they deserve it and then will it.

I used to practice Christianity and I have lots of friends and family who are very faithful Christians. For them, Heaven is a place that is the purpose, epitome and pinnacle of their faith. Accordingly, for many of them - this is precisely what they will manifest and attract. I have nothing but respect for Christians, but my idea of Heaven is not ALL about praise and worship for eternity. My idea of "Heaven" is about unconditional love and understanding for all of existence. For this reason I will not attract the typical Christian soul. I will certainly visit and experience this realm. I can't wait to meet Jesus! But this realm will probably not be my home.

Sorry - sort of went on a rant. My point is, the spiritual realm is not all that much different than the material world we live in. You have free will, you create what you want, you associate with those who you are comfortable with and you gain understanding through experience. I'll shut up now :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Originally Posted by SemperVI
Accordingly, another concept was manifested in our material world called Hell to explain what happens to others who do not see things your way. Unfortunately, there are a lot of souls who decide to put themselves in this place because they believe they deserve it and then will it.

So it's like 8O since there are many people who believes in hell, until all that beliefs pile up and materialize a scary zone (like hell) in the astral realm? I can totally understand that. And yeah, souls who think they should be punished for all eternity ends up there. So once they open up and 'get out there', they'll be able to explore all other places.

dreambreax 19-08-2014 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
Apparently the soul can get more experiences faster on the lower vibrational planes.. so a lot choose to come here and to lower levels to get more soul growth.


very nice explanation.

samsara4 26-08-2014 11:27 PM

I agree there can be more spiritual growth on lower planes

Originally Posted by ScarlettHayden
Apparently the soul can get more experiences faster on the lower vibrational planes.. so a lot choose to come here and to lower levels to get more soul growth.

I agree also. Very well put.

Fairyana 28-08-2014 08:24 PM

What about heaven? Some beliefs say that it's not just a place to be idle and happy. Idleness being something very unproductive and not the stuff loving souls like to do. Instead, I picture it as a very blissful astral plane, where souls actually do work, but are extremely happy in what they do. They could also stop to admire the beauties of life and the astral world. Souls could work at gaining knowledge and implement some of that when they reincarnate - their life would collaborate for their talent to blossom - and of course there are those who guide the spirits in the lower levels who accept and need their guidance. There are the healers, those that keep spiritual order, spiritual police perhaps... I think there are many astral cities and as the vibration gets higher all physical illusion disappear into one great multitude of blissful consciousness. :)

anthony c 29-08-2014 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Fairyana
What about heaven? Some beliefs say that it's not just a place to be idle and happy. Idleness being something very unproductive and not the stuff loving souls like to do. Instead, I picture it as a very blissful astral plane, where souls actually do work, but are extremely happy in what they do. They could also stop to admire the beauties of life and the astral world. Souls could work at gaining knowledge and implement some of that when they reincarnate - their life would collaborate for their talent to blossom - and of course there are those who guide the spirits in the lower levels who accept and need their guidance. There are the healers, those that keep spiritual order, spiritual police perhaps... I think there are many astral cities and as the vibration gets higher all physical illusion disappear into one great multitude of blissful consciousness. :)

What about GOD were is HE if that is heaven?GOD talked to Moses so i believe that.
I believe like you guy's say about the 2 plane but i think there is heaven maybe not hell i don't know.I believe that we live on earth and in those planes and get reincarnated till dome's day which like the Bible says Jesus will come down and GOD will judge who go's to heaven or hell.
I guess we get till then to master life and afterlife to be what God wants us to be that i think is to know him and have a relationship with him like GOD and son.
Some mediums have said they have came in contact with the devil and demons that did not live on earth as a human and the devil is on earth.
The Bible talks about Satan and they say the greatest trick the devil pulled was to make the world believe he does not exist!!!They also say he tried to trick Jesus so he exists.Sounds like you guy's don't believe in him so his trick is working.
If there is a devil there could be hell just saying.
Please let me know what you guy's think.

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